The GUI library is build on top of the CORE library and adds reusable GUI widgets.
class | QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget::CadConstraint |
| The CadConstraint is an abstract class for all basic constraints (angle/distance/x/y). It contains all values (locked, value, relative) and pointers to corresponding widgets. More...
class | QgsMapCanvas::CanvasProperties |
class | CharacterWidget |
class | ConstraintItemDelegate |
| Special delegate for the constraint view in the metadata wizard. More...
class | FromDbTablePlugin |
class | FromFactoriesPlugin |
class | LinkItemDelegate |
| \@cond PRIVATE More...
class | QgsExpressionTreeView::MenuProvider |
class | QgisInterface |
class | Qgs25DRendererWidget |
class | QgsAbstractDataSourceWidget |
| Abstract base Data Source Widget to create connections and add layers This class provides common functionality and the interface for all source select dialogs used by data providers to configure data sources and add layers. More...
class | QgsAbstractFileContentSourceLineEdit |
class | QgsAbstractProcessingParameterWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsActionMenu |
class | QgsAddAttrDialog |
class | QgsAddTabOrGroup |
class | QgsAdvancedDigitizingCanvasItem |
| The QgsAdvancedDigitizingCanvasItem class draws the graphical elements of the CAD tools (. More...
class | QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget |
| The QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget class is a dockable widget used to handle the CAD tools on top of a selection of map tools. It handles both the UI and the constraints. Constraints are applied by implementing filters called from QgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizing. More...
class | QgsAdvancedDigitizingFloater |
| The QgsAdvancedDigitizingFloater class is widget that floats next to the mouse pointer, and allow interaction with the AdvancedDigitizing feature. It proxies display and actions to QgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget. More...
class | QgsAggregateMappingModel |
class | QgsAggregateMappingWidget |
class | QgsAggregateToolButton |
class | QgsAlignmentComboBox |
class | QgsArrowSymbolLayerWidget |
class | QgsAttributeDialog |
class | QgsAttributeEditorContext |
class | QgsAttributeForm |
class | QgsAttributeFormEditorWidget |
class | QgsAttributeFormInterface |
class | QgsAttributeFormLegacyInterface |
class | QgsAttributeFormRelationEditorWidget |
class | QgsAttributeFormWidget |
class | QgsAttributeTableAction |
class | QgsAttributeTableDelegate |
class | QgsAttributeTableFilterModel |
class | QgsAttributeTableMapLayerAction |
class | QgsAttributeTableModel |
| Is able to generate editor widgets for its QModelIndexes as well. Is mostly referred to as "master model" within this doc and the source. More...
class | QgsAttributeTableView |
| Provides a table view of features of a QgsVectorLayer. More...
class | QgsAttributeTypeLoadDialog |
class | QgsAuthAuthoritiesEditor |
class | QgsAuthCertEditors |
class | QgsAuthCertInfo |
class | QgsAuthCertInfoDialog |
class | QgsAuthCertManager |
class | QgsAuthCertTrustPolicyComboBox |
class | QgsAuthConfigEdit |
class | QgsAuthConfigEditor |
class | QgsAuthConfigIdEdit |
| Custom widget for editing an authentication configuration ID. More...
class | QgsAuthConfigSelect |
class | QgsAuthConfigUriEdit |
class | QgsAuthEditorWidgets |
class | QgsAuthGuiUtils |
| Utility functions for use by authentication GUI widgets or standalone apps. More...
class | QgsAuthIdentitiesEditor |
class | QgsAuthImportCertDialog |
class | QgsAuthImportIdentityDialog |
class | QgsAuthMethodEdit |
class | QgsAuthMethodPlugins |
class | QgsAuthServersEditor |
class | QgsAuthSettingsWidget |
class | QgsAuthSslConfigDialog |
class | QgsAuthSslConfigWidget |
class | QgsAuthSslErrorsDialog |
class | QgsAuthSslImportDialog |
class | QgsAuthTrustedCAsDialog |
class | QgsBasicNumericFormatWidget |
class | QgsBearingNumericFormatDialog |
class | QgsBearingNumericFormatWidget |
class | QgsBinaryWidgetFactory |
class | QgsBinaryWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsBlendModeComboBox |
class | QgsBlurWidget |
class | QgsBrowserDockWidget |
class | QgsBrowserGuiModel |
class | QgsBrowserTreeView |
class | QgsBrushStyleComboBox |
class | QgsBusyIndicatorDialog |
class | QgsCalloutWidget |
class | QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererWidget |
class | QgsCentroidFillSymbolLayerWidget |
class | QgsCharacterSelectorDialog |
class | QgsCheckableComboBox |
class | QgsCheckableItemModel |
class | QgsCheckBoxConfigDlg |
class | QgsCheckBoxDelegate |
class | QgsCheckboxSearchWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsCheckboxWidgetFactory |
class | QgsCheckboxWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsClassificationMethodRegistry |
class | QgsClassificationWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsClassificationWidgetWrapperFactory |
class | QgsCodeEditor |
class | QgsCodeEditorCSS |
class | QgsCodeEditorExpression |
class | QgsCodeEditorHTML |
class | QgsCodeEditorJavascript |
class | QgsCodeEditorPython |
class | QgsCodeEditorSQL |
class | QgsCollapsibleGroupBox |
class | QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasic |
class | QgsColorBox |
class | QgsColorBrewerColorRampDialog |
class | QgsColorBrewerColorRampWidget |
class | QgsColorButton |
class | QgsColorDialog |
class | QgsColorEffectWidget |
class | QgsColorPreviewWidget |
class | QgsColorRampButton |
class | QgsColorRampShaderWidget |
class | QgsColorRampWidget |
class | QgsColorSchemeList |
class | QgsColorSchemeModel |
class | QgsColorSliderWidget |
class | QgsColorSwatchDelegate |
class | QgsColorSwatchGrid |
class | QgsColorSwatchGridAction |
class | QgsColorTextWidget |
class | QgsColorWheel |
class | QgsColorWidget |
class | QgsColorWidgetAction |
class | QgsColorWidgetFactory |
class | QgsColorWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsCompoundColorWidget |
class | QgsConfigureShortcutsDialog |
class | QgsCoordinateBoundsPreviewMapWidget |
class | QgsCoordinateOperationWidget |
class | QgsCptCityColorRampDialog |
class | QgsCredentialDialog |
class | QgsCurrencyNumericFormatWidget |
class | QgsCurveEditorWidget |
class | QgsCustomDropHandler |
class | QgsCustomLayerOrderWidget |
class | QgsCustomProjectOpenHandler |
class | QgsDashSpaceDialog |
class | QgsDashSpaceWidget |
class | QgsDatabaseSchemaComboBox |
| The QgsDatabaseSchemaComboBox class is a combo box which displays the list of schemas for a specific database connection. More...
class | QgsDatabaseTableComboBox |
| The QgsDatabaseTableComboBox class is a combo box which displays the list of tables for a specific database connection. More...
class | QgsDataDefinedRotationDialog |
class | QgsDataDefinedSizeDialog |
class | QgsDataDefinedSizeLegendWidget |
class | QgsDataDefinedValueDialog |
class | QgsDataDefinedWidthDialog |
class | QgsDataItemGuiContext |
class | QgsDataItemGuiProvider |
class | QgsDataItemGuiProviderRegistry |
class | QgsDataSourceManagerDialog |
class | QgsDataSourceSelectDialog |
class | QgsDataSourceSelectWidget |
class | QgsDateEdit |
| The QgsDateEdit class is a QDateEdit widget with the capability of setting/reading null dates. More...
class | QgsDateTimeEdit |
| The QgsDateTimeEdit class is a QDateTimeEdit with the capability of setting/reading null date/times. More...
class | QgsDateTimeEditConfig |
class | QgsDateTimeEditFactory |
class | QgsDateTimeEditWrapper |
class | QgsDateTimeSearchWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsDatumTransformDialog |
class | QgsDefaultSearchWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsDetailedItemData |
class | QgsDetailedItemDelegate |
class | QgsDetailedItemWidget |
class | QgsDevToolWidget |
| A panel widget that can be shown in the developer tools panel. More...
class | QgsDevToolWidgetFactory |
class | QgsDial |
class | QgsDialog |
class | QgsDockWidget |
class | QgsDoubleSpinBox |
| The QgsSpinBox is a spin box with a clear button that will set the value to the defined clear value. The clear value can be either the minimum or the maiximum value of the spin box or a custom value. This value can then be handled by a special value text. More...
class | QgsDrawSourceWidget |
class | QgsDualView |
class | QgsDummyConfigDlg |
class | QgsEditConditionalFormatRuleWidget |
class | QgsEditorConfigWidget |
class | QgsEditorWidgetAutoConfPlugin |
class | QgsEditorWidgetFactory |
class | QgsEditorWidgetRegistry |
class | QgsEditorWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsEffectDrawModeComboBox |
| A combo box allowing selection of paint effect draw modes. More...
class | QgsEffectStackCompactWidget |
| A small widget consisting of a checkbox for enabling/disabling an effect stack and a button for opening an effect stack customization dialog. More...
class | QgsEffectStackPropertiesDialog |
| A dialog for modifying the properties of a QgsEffectStack, including adding and reordering effects within the stack. More...
class | QgsEffectStackPropertiesWidget |
| A widget for modifying the properties of a QgsEffectStack, including adding and reordering effects within the stack. More...
class | QgsEllipseSymbolLayerWidget |
class | QgsEncodingFileDialog |
class | QgsEncodingSelectionDialog |
class | QgsEnumerationWidgetFactory |
class | QgsEnumerationWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsErrorDialog |
class | QgsExpressionBuilderDialog |
class | QgsExpressionBuilderWidget |
class | QgsExpressionHighlighter |
class | QgsExpressionItem |
class | QgsExpressionItemSearchProxy |
class | QgsExpressionLineEdit |
| The QgsExpressionLineEdit widget includes a line edit for entering expressions together with a button to open the expression creation dialog. More...
class | QgsExpressionPreviewWidget |
class | QgsExpressionSelectionDialog |
class | QgsExpressionStoreDialog |
class | QgsExpressionTreeView |
class | QgsExtentGroupBox |
class | QgsExtentWidget |
class | QgsExternalResourceConfigDlg |
class | QgsExternalResourceWidget |
class | QgsExternalResourceWidgetFactory |
class | QgsExternalResourceWidgetWrapper |
| The QgsExternalResourceWidgetWrapper class wraps a external resource widget. More...
class | QgsFeatureListComboBox |
class | QgsFeatureListModel |
class | QgsFeatureListView |
class | QgsFeatureListViewDelegate |
class | QgsFeatureModel |
class | QgsFeaturePickerWidget |
class | QgsFeatureSelectionDlg |
class | QgsFeatureSelectionModel |
class | QgsFieldComboBox |
| The QgsFieldComboBox is a combo box which displays the list of fields of a given layer. It might be combined with a QgsMapLayerComboBox to automatically update fields according to a chosen layer. If expression must be used, QgsFieldExpressionWidget shall be used instead. More...
class | QgsFieldConditionalFormatWidget |
class | QgsFieldExpressionWidget |
| The QgsFieldExpressionWidget class reates a widget to choose fields and edit expressions It contains a combo box to display the fields and expression and a button to open the expression dialog. The combo box is editable, allowing expressions to be edited inline. The validity of the expression is checked live on key press, invalid expressions are displayed in red. The expression will be added to the model (and the fieldChanged signals emitted) only when editing in the line edit is finished (focus lost, enter key pressed). More...
class | QgsFieldMappingModel |
class | QgsFieldMappingWidget |
class | QgsFieldValidator |
class | QgsFieldValuesLineEdit |
class | QgsFileDownloaderDialog |
class | QgsFileWidget |
| The QgsFileWidget class creates a widget for selecting a file or a folder. More...
class | QgsFilledMarkerSymbolLayerWidget |
| Widget for configuring QgsFilledMarkerSymbolLayer symbol layers. More...
class | QgsFilterLineEdit |
class | QgsFindFilesByPatternDialog |
class | QgsFindFilesByPatternWidget |
class | QgsFloatingWidget |
class | QgsFocusKeeper |
class | QgsFocusWatcher |
class | QgsFontButton |
class | QgsFontMarkerSymbolLayerWidget |
class | QgsFormAnnotation |
class | QgsFractionNumericFormatWidget |
class | QgsGenericFeatureSelectionManager |
class | QgsGeometryGeneratorSymbolLayerWidget |
class | QgsGeometryRubberBand |
class | QgsGeoPdfLayerTreeModel |
class | QgsGlowWidget |
class | QgsGradientColorRampDialog |
class | QgsGradientFillSymbolLayerWidget |
class | QgsGradientStopEditor |
class | QgsGraduatedHistogramWidget |
| Graphical histogram for displaying distribution of field values and editing range breaks for a QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer renderer. More...
class | QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererWidget |
class | QgsGroupBoxCollapseButton |
class | QgsGroupWmsDataDialog |
class | QgsGui |
class | QgsHashedLineSymbolLayerWidget |
class | QgsHeatmapRendererWidget |
class | QgsHelp |
| Helper class for showing help topic URI for the given key. More...
class | QgsHiddenWidgetFactory |
class | QgsHiddenWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsHighlight |
class | QgsHighlightableComboBox |
class | QgsHighlightableLineEdit |
class | QgsHillshadeRendererWidget |
| Renderer widget for the hill shade renderer. More...
class | QgsHistogramWidget |
| Graphical histogram for displaying distributions of field values. More...
class | QgsHtmlWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsIdentifyMenu |
| The QgsIdentifyMenu class builds a menu to be used with identify results (. More...
class | QgsIFeatureSelectionManager |
class | QgsImageSourceLineEdit |
class | QgsInvertedPolygonRendererWidget |
class | QgsKeyValueWidget |
class | QgsKeyValueWidgetFactory |
class | QgsKeyValueWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsLabelEngineConfigDialog |
class | QgsLabelEngineConfigWidget |
class | QgsLabelingRulePropsWidget |
class | QgsLabelingWidget |
class | QgsLabelObstacleSettingsWidget |
class | QgsLabelSettingsWidgetBase |
class | QgsLabelSettingsWidgetDialog |
class | QgsLayerPropertiesWidget |
class | QgsLayerTreeEmbeddedConfigWidget |
class | QgsLayerTreeEmbeddedWidgetProvider |
class | QgsLayerTreeEmbeddedWidgetRegistry |
class | QgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBridge |
class | QgsLayerTreeView |
class | QgsLayerTreeViewDefaultActions |
class | QgsLayerTreeViewIndicator |
class | QgsLayerTreeViewMenuProvider |
class | QgsLayoutAddPagesDialog |
class | QgsLayoutAtlasWidget |
class | QgsLayoutAttributeSelectionDialog |
class | QgsLayoutAttributeTableColumnModel |
class | QgsLayoutAttributeTableColumnModelBase |
class | QgsLayoutAttributeTableWidget |
class | QgsLayoutColumnAlignmentDelegate |
class | QgsLayoutColumnSortOrderDelegate |
class | QgsLayoutColumnSourceDelegate |
class | QgsLayoutColumnWidthDelegate |
class | QgsLayoutComboBox |
| The QgsLayoutComboBox class is a combo box which displays available layouts from a QgsLayoutManager. More...
class | QgsLayoutConfigObject |
class | QgsLayoutCustomDropHandler |
class | QgsLayoutDesignerInterface |
class | QgsLayoutGuidePositionDelegate |
class | QgsLayoutGuideUnitDelegate |
class | QgsLayoutGuideWidget |
class | QgsLayoutGuiUtils |
class | QgsLayoutHtmlWidget |
class | QgsLayoutImageExportOptionsDialog |
class | QgsLayoutItemAbstractGuiMetadata |
| Stores GUI metadata about one layout item class. More...
class | QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget |
class | QgsLayoutItemComboBox |
| The QgsLayoutItemComboBox class is a combo box which displays items of a matching type from a layout. More...
class | QgsLayoutItemGuiGroup |
| Stores GUI metadata about a group of layout item classes. More...
class | QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata |
class | QgsLayoutItemPropertiesDialog |
| A dialog for configuring properties like the size and position of layout items. More...
class | QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget |
class | QgsLayoutItemsListView |
class | QgsLayoutItemsListViewModel |
class | QgsLayoutLabelWidget |
class | QgsLayoutLegendLayersDialog |
class | QgsLayoutManualTableWidget |
class | QgsLayoutMapGridWidget |
class | QgsLayoutMapItemBlocksLabelsModel |
class | QgsLayoutMapLabelingWidget |
class | QgsLayoutMapWidget |
class | QgsLayoutMarkerWidget |
class | QgsLayoutNorthArrowValidityCheck |
class | QgsLayoutOverviewValidityCheck |
class | QgsLayoutPagePropertiesWidget |
class | QgsLayoutPdfExportOptionsDialog |
class | QgsLayoutPictureSourceValidityCheck |
class | QgsLayoutPictureWidget |
class | QgsLayoutPolygonWidget |
class | QgsLayoutPolylineWidget |
class | QgsLayoutPropertiesWidget |
class | QgsLayoutQptDropHandler |
class | QgsLayoutRuler |
class | QgsLayoutScaleBarValidityCheck |
class | QgsLayoutScaleBarWidget |
class | QgsLayoutShapeWidget |
class | QgsLayoutTableBackgroundColorsDialog |
class | QgsLayoutTableSortModel |
class | QgsLayoutUnitsComboBox |
class | QgsLayoutView |
class | QgsLayoutViewEllipticalRubberBand |
class | QgsLayoutViewMenuProvider |
class | QgsLayoutViewMouseEvent |
class | QgsLayoutViewRectangularRubberBand |
class | QgsLayoutViewRubberBand |
class | QgsLayoutViewTool |
class | QgsLayoutViewToolAddItem |
class | QgsLayoutViewToolAddNodeItem |
class | QgsLayoutViewToolEditNodes |
class | QgsLayoutViewToolMoveItemContent |
class | QgsLayoutViewToolPan |
class | QgsLayoutViewToolSelect |
class | QgsLayoutViewToolTemporaryKeyPan |
class | QgsLayoutViewToolTemporaryKeyZoom |
class | QgsLayoutViewToolTemporaryMousePan |
class | QgsLayoutViewToolZoom |
class | QgsLayoutViewTriangleRubberBand |
class | QgsLegendFilterButton |
class | QgsLegendPatchShapeButton |
class | QgsLegendPatchShapeDialog |
| A dialog for configuring a custom legend patch shape. More...
class | QgsLegendPatchShapeWidget |
| Widget for configuring a custom legend patch shape. More...
class | QgsLimitedRandomColorRampDialog |
class | QgsLimitedRandomColorRampWidget |
class | QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayerWidget |
class | QgsListWidget |
class | QgsListWidgetFactory |
class | QgsListWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsLocatorWidget |
class | QgsLongLongValidator |
class | QgsLUDialog |
class | QgsManageConnectionsDialog |
class | QgsMapCanvas |
class | QgsMapCanvasAnnotationItem |
class | QgsMapCanvasInteractionBlocker |
class | QgsMapCanvasItem |
class | QgsMapCanvasSnappingUtils |
class | QgsMapCanvasTracer |
class | QgsMapCanvasUtils |
class | QgsMapLayerAction |
class | QgsMapLayerActionRegistry |
class | QgsMapLayerComboBox |
| The QgsMapLayerComboBox class is a combo box which displays the list of layers. More...
class | QgsMapLayerConfigWidget |
| A panel widget that can be shown in the map style dock. More...
class | QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory |
class | QgsMapLayerStyleCategoriesModel |
class | QgsMapLayerStyleGuiUtils |
class | QgsMapLayerStyleManagerWidget |
| The QgsMapLayerStyleManagerWidget class which is used to visually manage the layer styles. More...
class | QgsMapMouseEvent |
class | QgsMapOverviewCanvas |
class | QgsMapTip |
class | QgsMapTool |
class | QgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizing |
| The QgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizing class is a QgsMapTool which gives event directly in map coordinates and allows filtering its events. Events from QgsMapTool are caught and their QMouseEvent are transformed into QgsMapMouseEvent (with map coordinates). Events are then forwarded to corresponding virtual methods which can be reimplemented in subclasses. An event filter can be set on the map tool to filter and modify the events in map coordinates (. More...
class | QgsMapToolCapture |
class | QgsMapToolDigitizeFeature |
| This tool digitizes geometry of new point/line/polygon features on already existing vector layers Once the map tool is enabled, user can digitize the feature geometry. A signal will then be emitted. More...
class | QgsMapToolEdit |
class | QgsMapToolEmitPoint |
class | QgsMapToolExtent |
class | QgsMapToolIdentify |
| Map tool for identifying features in layers. More...
class | QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature |
| The QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature class is a map tool to identify a feature on a chosen layer. Once the map tool is enable, user can click on the map canvas to identify a feature. A signal will then be emitted. More...
class | QgsMapToolPan |
class | QgsMapToolZoom |
class | QgsMapUnitScaleDialog |
class | QgsMapUnitScaleWidget |
class | QgsMarkerLineSymbolLayerWidget |
class | QgsMaskingWidget |
class | QgsMaskMarkerSymbolLayerWidget |
class | QgsMaskSourceSelectionWidget |
class | QgsMasterPasswordResetDialog |
| Dialog to verify current master password and initiate reset of authentication database with a new password. More...
class | QgsMenuHeader |
class | QgsMenuHeaderWidgetAction |
class | QgsMessageBar |
class | QgsMessageBarItem |
class | QgsMessageLogViewer |
class | QgsMessageViewer |
class | QgsMetadataWidget |
| A wizard to edit metadata on a map layer. More...
class | QgsModelGroupBoxDefinitionDialog |
| A widget which allow users to specify the properties of a model group box. More...
class | QgsModelSnapper |
| Manages snapping grids and preset snap lines in a layout, and handles snapping points to the nearest grid coordinate/snap line when possible. More...
class | QgsModelViewMouseEvent |
class | QgsModelViewRectangularRubberBand |
class | QgsModelViewRubberBand |
class | QgsModelViewTool |
class | QgsModelViewToolSelect |
class | QgsModelViewToolTemporaryKeyPan |
class | QgsModelViewToolTemporaryKeyZoom |
class | QgsModelViewToolTemporaryMousePan |
class | QgsModelViewToolZoom |
class | QgsMultiBandColorRendererWidget |
class | QgsMultiEditToolButton |
class | QgsNewAuxiliaryFieldDialog |
| A dialog to create a new auxiliary field. More...
class | QgsNewAuxiliaryLayerDialog |
| A dialog to create a new auxiliary layer. More...
class | QgsNewDatabaseTableNameDialog |
class | QgsNewDatabaseTableNameWidget |
class | QgsNewGeoPackageLayerDialog |
class | QgsNewHttpConnection |
| Dialog to allow the user to configure and save connection information for an HTTP Server for WMS, etc. More...
class | QgsNewMemoryLayerDialog |
class | QgsNewNameDialog |
class | QgsNewOgrConnection |
| Dialog to allow the user to define, test and save connection information for OGR databases. More...
class | QgsNewVectorLayerDialog |
class | QgsNullSymbolRendererWidget |
| Blank widget for customizing QgsNullSymbolRenderer. More...
class | QgsNumericFormatConfigurationWidgetFactory |
| Interface base class for factories for numeric format configuration widgets. More...
class | QgsNumericFormatGuiRegistry |
| The QgsNumericFormatGuiRegistry is a home for widgets for configuring QgsNumericFormat objects. More...
class | QgsNumericFormatSelectorWidget |
class | QgsNumericFormatWidget |
class | QgsOpacityWidget |
| A widget for setting an opacity value. More...
class | QgsOptionsDialogBase |
class | QgsOptionsDialogHighlightButton |
class | QgsOptionsDialogHighlightCheckBox |
class | QgsOptionsDialogHighlightGroupBox |
class | QgsOptionsDialogHighlightLabel |
class | QgsOptionsDialogHighlightTree |
class | QgsOptionsDialogHighlightWidget |
class | QgsOptionsPageWidget |
class | QgsOptionsWidgetFactory |
class | QgsOrderByDialog |
class | QgsOrganizeTableColumnsDialog |
class | QgsOWSSourceSelect |
| Dialog to create connections and add layers WCS etc. More...
class | QgsPaintEffectPropertiesWidget |
| A widget which modifies the properties of a QgsPaintEffect. More...
class | QgsPaintEffectWidget |
| Base class for effect properties widgets. More...
class | QgsPalettedRendererWidget |
class | QgsPanelWidget |
| Base class for any widget that can be shown as a inline panel. More...
class | QgsPanelWidgetStack |
class | QgsPanelWidgetWrapper |
| Wrapper widget for existing widgets which can't have the inheritance tree changed, e.g dialogs. More...
class | QgsPasswordLineEdit |
class | QgsPenCapStyleComboBox |
class | QgsPenJoinStyleComboBox |
class | QgsPenStyleComboBox |
class | QgsPercentageNumericFormatWidget |
class | QgsPixmapLabel |
| The QgsPixmapLabel class shows a pixmap and adjusts its size to the space given to the widget by the layout and keeping its aspect ratio. More...
class | QgsPluginManagerInterface |
class | QgsPointClusterRendererWidget |
class | QgsPointDisplacementRendererWidget |
class | QgsPointPatternFillSymbolLayerWidget |
class | QgsPresetColorRampDialog |
class | QgsPresetColorRampWidget |
class | QgsPreviewEffect |
class | QgsProcessingAbstractParameterDefinitionWidget |
| Abstract base class for widgets which allow users to specify the properties of a Processing parameter. More...
class | QgsProcessingAlgorithmConfigurationWidget |
| A configuration widget for processing algorithms allows providing additional configuration options directly on algorithm level, in addition to parameters. More...
class | QgsProcessingAlgorithmConfigurationWidgetFactory |
| Interface base class for factories for algorithm configuration widgets. More...
class | QgsProcessingContextGenerator |
class | QgsProcessingGui |
class | QgsProcessingGuiRegistry |
| The QgsProcessingGuiRegistry is a home for widgets for processing configuration widgets. More...
class | QgsProcessingModelerParameterWidget |
class | QgsProcessingParameterDefinitionDialog |
| A dialog which allow users to specify the properties of a Processing parameter. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterDefinitionWidget |
| A widget which allow users to specify the properties of a Processing parameter. More...
class | QgsProcessingParametersGenerator |
class | QgsProcessingParameterWidgetContext |
class | QgsProcessingParameterWidgetFactoryInterface |
class | QgsProcessingToolboxModel |
| A model for providers and algorithms shown within the Processing toolbox. More...
class | QgsProcessingToolboxProxyModel |
| A sort/filter proxy model for providers and algorithms shown within the Processing toolbox, which automatically sorts the toolbox in a logical fashion and supports filtering the results. More...
class | QgsProjectionSelectionDialog |
class | QgsProjectionSelectionTreeWidget |
class | QgsProjectionSelectionWidget |
| A widget for selecting a projection. More...
class | QgsProjectStorageGuiRegistry |
class | QgsPropertyAssistantWidget |
class | QgsPropertyOverrideButton |
class | QgsProviderConnectionComboBox |
| The QgsProviderConnectionComboBox class is a combo box which displays the list of connections registered for a given provider. More...
class | QgsProviderGuiMetadata |
class | QgsProviderGuiRegistry |
class | QgsProxyStyle |
| A QProxyStyle subclass which correctly sets the base style to match the QGIS application style, and handles object lifetime by correctly parenting to a parent widget. More...
class | QgsQmlWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsQueryBuilder |
| Query Builder for layers. More...
class | QgsRandomMarkerFillSymbolLayerWidget |
class | QgsRangeConfigDlg |
class | QgsRangeWidgetFactory |
class | QgsRangeWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsRasterBandComboBox |
class | QgsRasterContourRendererWidget |
class | QgsRasterFillSymbolLayerWidget |
class | QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget |
class | QgsRasterHistogramWidget |
class | QgsRasterLayerProperties |
class | QgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialog |
class | QgsRasterLayerTemporalPropertiesWidget |
class | QgsRasterMarkerSymbolLayerWidget |
| Widget for configuring QgsRasterMarkerSymbolLayer symbol layers. More...
class | QgsRasterMinMaxWidget |
class | QgsRasterPyramidsOptionsWidget |
class | QgsRasterRendererWidget |
class | QgsRasterTransparencyWidget |
| Widget to control a layers transparency and related options. More...
class | QgsRatioLockButton |
class | QgsRelationAggregateSearchWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsRelationEditorWidget |
class | QgsRelationReferenceConfigDlg |
class | QgsRelationReferenceFactory |
class | QgsRelationReferenceSearchWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsRelationReferenceWidget |
class | QgsRelationReferenceWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsRelationWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsRendererPropertiesDialog |
class | QgsRendererRasterPropertiesWidget |
class | QgsRendererRulePropsDialog |
class | QgsRendererRulePropsWidget |
class | QgsRendererWidget |
class | QgsRubberBand |
class | QgsRuleBasedLabelingModel |
class | QgsRuleBasedLabelingWidget |
class | QgsRuleBasedRendererModel |
class | QgsRuleBasedRendererWidget |
class | QgsScaleComboBox |
class | QgsScaleRangeWidget |
class | QgsScaleVisibilityDialog |
class | QgsScaleWidget |
class | QgsScientificNumericFormatWidget |
class | QgsScrollArea |
class | QgsSearchQueryBuilder |
| Query Builder for search strings. More...
class | QgsSearchWidgetToolButton |
class | QgsSearchWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsShadowEffectWidget |
class | QgsShapeburstFillSymbolLayerWidget |
class | QgsShortcutsManager |
class | QgsSimpleFillSymbolLayerWidget |
class | QgsSimpleLineSymbolLayerWidget |
class | QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerWidget |
class | QgsSingleBandGrayRendererWidget |
class | QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRendererWidget |
class | QgsSingleSymbolRendererWidget |
class | QgsSlider |
class | QgsSmartGroupCondition |
class | QgsSmartGroupEditorDialog |
class | QgsSnapIndicator |
class | QgsSnapToGridCanvasItem |
class | QgsSourceSelectProvider |
class | QgsSourceSelectProviderRegistry |
class | QgsSpinBox |
| The QgsSpinBox is a spin box with a clear button that will set the value to the defined clear value. The clear value can be either the minimum or the maiximum value of the spin box or a custom value. This value can then be handled by a special value text. More...
class | QgsSQLComposerDialog |
class | QgsStatusBar |
class | QgsStyleExportImportDialog |
class | QgsStyleGroupSelectionDialog |
class | QgsStyleItemsListWidget |
class | QgsStyleManagerDialog |
class | QgsStyleSaveDialog |
| a dialog for setting properties of a newly saved style. More...
class | QgsSublayersDialog |
class | QgsSubstitutionListDialog |
class | QgsSubstitutionListWidget |
class | QgsSVGFillSymbolLayerWidget |
class | QgsSvgMarkerSymbolLayerWidget |
class | QgsSvgSelectorDialog |
class | QgsSvgSelectorGroupsModel |
class | QgsSvgSelectorListModel |
class | QgsSvgSelectorWidget |
class | QgsSvgSourceLineEdit |
class | QgsSymbolButton |
class | QgsSymbolLayerSelectionWidget |
class | QgsSymbolLayerWidget |
class | QgsSymbolLevelsDialog |
class | QgsSymbolLevelsWidget |
class | QgsSymbolSelectorDialog |
class | QgsSymbolSelectorWidget |
class | QgsSymbolsListWidget |
class | QgsSymbolWidgetContext |
class | QgsTableWidgetBase |
class | QgsTableWidgetItem |
class | QgsTabWidget |
class | QgsTaskManagerWidget |
class | QgsTemporalControllerWidget |
class | QgsTemporaryCursorOverride |
| Temporarily sets a cursor override for the QApplication for the lifetime of the object. More...
class | QgsTemporaryCursorRestoreOverride |
| Temporarily removes all cursor overrides for the QApplication for the lifetime of the object. More...
class | QgsTextEditConfigDlg |
class | QgsTextEditSearchWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsTextEditWidgetFactory |
class | QgsTextEditWrapper |
class | QgsTextFormatDialog |
class | QgsTextFormatPanelWidget |
class | QgsTextFormatWidget |
class | QgsTextPreview |
class | QgsTimeEdit |
| The QgsTimeEdit class is a QTimeEdit widget with the capability of setting/reading null date/times. More...
class | QgsTransformWidget |
class | QgsTreeWidgetItem |
class | QgsTreeWidgetItemObject |
class | QgsUniqueValuesConfigDlg |
class | QgsUniqueValuesWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsUniqueValueWidgetFactory |
class | QgsUnitSelectionWidget |
class | QgsUserInputWidget |
| The QgsUserInputWidget class is a floating widget that shall be used to display widgets for user inputs. It can be used by map tools, plugins, etc. Several widgets can be displayed at once, they will be separated by a separator. Widgets will be either layout horizontally or vertically. The widget is automatically hidden if it contains no widget. More...
class | QgsUuidWidgetFactory |
class | QgsUuidWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsValidityCheckRegistry |
class | QgsValidityCheckResultsModel |
class | QgsValidityCheckResultsWidget |
class | QgsValueMapConfigDlg |
class | QgsValueMapSearchWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsValueMapWidgetFactory |
class | QgsValueMapWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsValueRelationConfigDlg |
class | QgsValueRelationSearchWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsValueRelationWidgetFactory |
class | QgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsVariableEditorWidget |
class | QgsVectorFieldSymbolLayerWidget |
class | QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog |
class | QgsVectorLayerSelectionManager |
class | QgsVectorLayerTemporalPropertiesWidget |
class | QgsVertexMarker |
class | QgsVScrollArea |
class | QgsWidgetStateHelper |
class | QgsWidgetWrapper |
class | QgsSQLComposerDialog::SQLValidatorCallback |
class | SymbolLayerVisitor |
class | QgsSQLComposerDialog::TableSelectedCallback |
The GUI library is build on top of the CORE library and adds reusable GUI widgets.