Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- a -
: QgsApplication
- abort()
: QgsHttpTransaction
- abortRequest()
: QgsNetworkAccessManager
- aboutToShowMenu()
: QgsDataDefinedButton
- AboveLine
: QgsDiagramLayerSettings
, QgsPalLayerSettings
- absolutePathToRelativePath()
: QgsApplication
- abstract()
: QgsMapLayer
- accept()
: QgsExpression::NodeCondition
, QgsAttributeDialog
, QgsExpressionBuilderDialog
, QgsNewHttpConnection
, QgsQueryBuilder
, QgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialog
, QgsExpression::Node
, QgsExpression::NodeUnaryOperator
, QgsExpression::NodeBinaryOperator
, QgsExpression::NodeInOperator
, QgsExpression::NodeFunction
, QgsExpression::NodeLiteral
, QgsExpression::NodeColumnRef
- acceptableFilePath()
: QgsFileDropEdit
- acceptDrop()
: QgsDataItem
, QgsCptCityDataItem
- acceptFeature()
: QgsFeatureRequest
- acceptLiveUpdates()
: QgsColorButton
- acceptVisitor()
: QgsExpression
- acosinus()
: QgsRasterMatrix
- action()
: QgsAction
, QgsMapTool
- actionAbout()
: QgisInterface
- actionAddAllToOverview()
: QgisInterface
- actionAddFeature()
: QgisInterface
- actionAddOgrLayer()
: QgisInterface
- actionAddPart()
: QgisInterface
- actionAddPgLayer()
: QgisInterface
- actionAddRasterLayer()
: QgisInterface
- actionAddRing()
: QgisInterface
- actionAddToOverview()
: QgisInterface
- actionAddWmsLayer()
: QgisInterface
- actionAllEdits()
: QgisInterface
- actionCancelAllEdits()
: QgisInterface
- actionCancelEdits()
: QgisInterface
- actionCheckQgisVersion()
: QgisInterface
- actionCopyFeatures()
: QgisInterface
- actionCopyLayerStyle()
: QgisInterface
- actionCustomProjection()
: QgisInterface
- actionCutFeatures()
: QgisInterface
- actionDeletePart()
: QgisInterface
- actionDeleteRing()
: QgisInterface
- actionDeleteSelected()
: QgisInterface
- actionDraw()
: QgisInterface
- actionDuplicateLayer()
: QgisInterface
- actionExit()
: QgisInterface
- actionFeatureAction()
: QgisInterface
- actionFinished()
: QgsComposerView
- actionHelpContents()
: QgisInterface
- actionHideAllLayers()
: QgisInterface
- actionIdentify()
: QgisInterface
- actionLayerProperties()
: QgisInterface
- actionLayerSaveAs()
: QgisInterface
- actionLayerSelectionSaveAs()
: QgisInterface
- actionManagePlugins()
: QgisInterface
- actionMapTips()
: QgisInterface
- actionMeasure()
: QgisInterface
- actionMeasureArea()
: QgisInterface
- actionMoveFeature()
: QgisInterface
- actionNewBookmark()
: QgisInterface
- actionNewProject()
: QgisInterface
- actionNewVectorLayer()
: QgisInterface
- actionNodeTool()
: QgisInterface
- actionOpenFieldCalculator()
: QgisInterface
- actionOpenProject()
: QgisInterface
- actionOpenTable()
: QgisInterface
- actionOptions()
: QgisInterface
- actionPan()
: QgisInterface
- actionPanToSelected()
: QgisInterface
- actionPasteFeatures()
: QgisInterface
- actionPasteLayerStyle()
: QgisInterface
- actionPluginListSeparator()
: QgisInterface
- actionPrintComposer()
: QgisInterface
- actionProjectProperties()
: QgisInterface
- actionQgisHomePage()
: QgisInterface
- actionRemoveAllFromOverview()
: QgisInterface
- actionRemoveLayer()
: QgisInterface
- actionRollbackAllEdits()
: QgisInterface
- actionRollbackEdits()
: QgisInterface
- actions()
: QgsDataItem
, QgsVectorLayer
, QgsCptCityDataItem
- actionSaveActiveLayerEdits()
: QgisInterface
- actionSaveAllEdits()
: QgisInterface
- actionSaveEdits()
: QgisInterface
- actionSaveMapAsImage()
: QgisInterface
- actionSaveProject()
: QgisInterface
- actionSaveProjectAs()
: QgisInterface
- actionSelect()
: QgisInterface
- actionSelectFreehand()
: QgisInterface
- actionSelectPolygon()
: QgisInterface
- actionSelectRadius()
: QgisInterface
- actionSelectRectangle()
: QgisInterface
- actionShowAllLayers()
: QgisInterface
- actionShowBookmarks()
: QgisInterface
- actionShowComposerManager()
: QgisInterface
- actionShowPythonDialog()
: QgisInterface
- actionSimplifyFeature()
: QgisInterface
- actionSplitFeatures()
: QgisInterface
- actionSplitParts()
: QgisInterface
- actionToggleEditing()
: QgisInterface
- actionToggleFullScreen()
: QgisInterface
- actionTouch()
: QgisInterface
- ActionType
: QgsAction
- actionZoomActualSize()
: QgisInterface
- actionZoomFullExtent()
: QgisInterface
- actionZoomIn()
: QgisInterface
- actionZoomLast()
: QgisInterface
- actionZoomNext()
: QgisInterface
- actionZoomOut()
: QgisInterface
- actionZoomToLayer()
: QgisInterface
- actionZoomToSelected()
: QgisInterface
- activate()
: QgsMapTool
, QgsMapToolIdentify
, QgsMapToolTouch
- Active
: QgsComposerView
- activeComposers()
: QgisInterface
- ActiveLayer
: QgsMapToolIdentify
- activeLayer()
: QgisInterface
- activeThemePath()
: QgsApplication
- ActiveUntilMouseRelease
: QgsComposerView
- Actual
: QgsRasterRendererWidget
- adaptItemFrame()
: QgsComposerTable
- adaptItemSceneRect()
: QgsComposerArrow
- add()
: Bezier3D
, ParametricLine
, QgsRasterMatrix
- addAction()
: QgsAttributeAction
- AddArrow
: QgsComposerView
- addAttribute()
: QgsVectorLayer
, QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer
- addAttributeAlias()
: QgsVectorLayer
- addAttributeEditorWidget()
: QgsVectorLayer
- addAttributes()
: QgsVectorDataProvider
- AddAttributes
: QgsVectorDataProvider
- addCacheIndex()
: QgsVectorLayerCache
- addCancelAll()
: QgsEncodingFileDialog
- addCategory()
: QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2
- addChild()
: QgsDataCollectionItem
, QgsCptCityCollectionItem
- addChildElement()
: QgsAttributeEditorContainer
- addChildItem()
: QgsDataItem
, QgsCptCityDataItem
- addClass()
: QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2
- addClicked()
: QgsOWSSourceSelect
- addColorRamp()
: QgsStyleV2
- addComposerArrow()
: QgsComposition
- addComposerHtmlFrame()
: QgsComposition
- addComposerLabel()
: QgsComposition
- addComposerLegend()
: QgsComposition
- addComposerMap()
: QgsComposition
- addComposerPicture()
: QgsComposition
- addComposerScaleBar()
: QgsComposition
- addComposerShape()
: QgsComposition
- addComposerTable()
: QgsComposition
- addDatabaseToolBarIcon()
: QgisInterface
- addDatabaseToolBarWidget()
: QgisInterface
- addDataDefinedValue()
: QgsPalGeometry
- addDefaultServers()
: QgsOWSSourceSelect
- addDiagramLayer()
: QgsLabelingEngineInterface
, QgsPalLabeling
- addDirectionSymbol
: QgsPalLayerSettings
- addDirectory()
: QgsFavouritesItem
- addDockWidget()
: QgisInterface
- Added
: QgsAddRemoveItemCommand
, QgsAddRemoveMultiFrameCommand
- addedAttributes()
: QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer
- addedFeatures()
: QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer
- AddEllipse
: QgsComposerView
- addError()
: QgsGeometryValidator
- addEventLayerFeature()
: QgsGeometryAnalyzer
- addFavouriteDirectory()
: QgsBrowserModel
- addFeature()
: QgsFeatureStore
, QgsVectorFileWriter
, QgsVectorLayer
, QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer
, QgsVectorLayerImport
, QgsVectorLayerTools
- addFeatures()
: QgsVectorDataProvider
, QgsVectorLayer
, QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer
- AddFeatures
: QgsOfflineEditing
, QgsVectorDataProvider
- addFidLookup()
: QgsOfflineEditing
- addFieldPair()
: QgsRelation
- AddFields
: QgsOfflineEditing
- addFields()
: QgsExpressionHighlighter
- addFrame()
: QgsComposerHtml
, QgsComposerMultiFrame
- addGeometry()
: QgsRubberBand
- addGroup()
: QgsLegendModel
, QgsStyleV2
, QgsLegendInterface
- AddHtml
: QgsComposerView
- addItem()
: QgsComposerItem
, QgsComposerItemGroup
- addItemsFromXML()
: QgsComposition
- addItemToZList()
: QgsComposition
- addJoin()
: QgsVectorLayer
, QgsVectorLayerJoinBuffer
- addJoinedAttributes()
: QgsVectorLayerFeatureIterator
- addJoinedAttributesCached()
: QgsVectorLayerFeatureIterator::FetchJoinInfo
- addJoinedAttributesDirect()
: QgsVectorLayerFeatureIterator::FetchJoinInfo
- addKey()
: QgsPropertyKey
- AddLabel
: QgsComposerView
- addLayer()
: QgsProject
, QgsLegendModel
- addLayerCoordinateTransform()
: QgsMapRenderer
- addLayers()
: QgsRelationAddDlg
- AddLegend
: QgsComposerView
- addLegendLayerAction()
: QgsLegendInterface
- addLegendLayerActionForLayer()
: QgsLegendInterface
- addLine()
: DualEdgeTriangulation
, Triangulation
, TriDecorator
- AddMap
: QgsComposerView
- addMapLayer()
: QgsMapLayerRegistry
- addMapLayerAction()
: QgsMapLayerActionRegistry
- addMapLayers()
: QgsMapLayerRegistry
- addMultiFrame()
: QgsComposition
- addNoDataRow()
: QgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialog
- addNullGridShifts()
: QgsCoordinateTransform
- addPaperItem()
: QgsComposition
- addPart()
: QgsVectorLayerEditUtils
, QgsGeometry
, QgsVectorLayer
- AddPicture
: QgsComposerView
- addPluginLayerType()
: QgsPluginLayerRegistry
- addPluginMetadata()
: QgsPluginManagerInterface
- addPluginToDatabaseMenu()
: QgisInterface
- addPluginToMenu()
: QgisInterface
- addPluginToRasterMenu()
: QgisInterface
- addPluginToVectorMenu()
: QgisInterface
- addPluginToWebMenu()
: QgisInterface
- addPoint()
: QgsRubberBand
, DualEdgeTriangulation
, NormVecDecorator
, Triangulation
, TriDecorator
- addProject()
: QgisInterface
- addProxyWidget()
: QgsAttributeEditorContext
- addProxyWidgets()
: QgsAttributeEditorContext
- addRasterLayer()
: QgisInterface
, QgsOWSSourceSelect
- addRasterLayerItems()
: QgsLegendModel
- addRasterToolBarIcon()
: QgisInterface
- addRasterToolBarWidget()
: QgisInterface
- AddRectangle
: QgsComposerView
- addRelation()
: QgsRelationManager
, QgsRelationManagerDialog
- addReliefColorClass()
: QgsRelief
- addRenderer()
: QgsRendererV2Registry
- addRendererAttributes()
: QgsVectorFileWriter
- addRequiredFields()
: QgsLabel
- addRing()
: QgsGeometry
, QgsVectorLayer
, QgsVectorLayerEditUtils
- addRootItems()
: QgsBrowserModel
, QgsCptCityBrowserModel
- addRow()
: QgsComposerTextTable
- addSamplePoints()
: QgsPointSample
- AddScalebar
: QgsComposerView
- addShape()
: QgsComposerView
- addSmartgroup()
: QgsStyleV2
- addSnapLine()
: QgsComposition
- addStopsToGradient()
: QgsVectorGradientColorRampV2
- addSymbol()
: QgsStyleV2
- addSymbolLayerType()
: QgsSymbolLayerV2Registry
- AddTable
: QgsComposerView
- addTag()
: QgsStyleV2
- addToolBar()
: QgisInterface
- addToolBarIcon()
: QgisInterface
- addToolBarWidget()
: QgisInterface
- addTopologicalPoints()
: QgsVectorLayer
, QgsVectorLayerEditUtils
- addToRepositoryList()
: QgsPluginManagerInterface
- addToVRT()
: QgsRasterFileWriter
- AddTriangle
: QgsComposerView
- addTriangulation()
: TriDecorator
- addVectorLayer()
: QgisInterface
- addVectorLayerItemsV2()
: QgsLegendModel
- addVectorToolBarIcon()
: QgisInterface
- addVectorToolBarWidget()
: QgisInterface
- addVerticesToCache()
: QgsInterpolator
- addWebToolBarIcon()
: QgisInterface
- addWebToolBarWidget()
: QgisInterface
- addWindow()
: QgisInterface
- addWMSListItem()
: QgsOWSSourceSelect
- addWMSListRow()
: QgsOWSSourceSelect
- adjacentVertices()
: QgsGeometry
- adjustBoxSize()
: QgsComposerScaleBar
, QgsComposerLegend
- adjustColorComponent()
: QgsBrightnessContrastFilter
- adjustExtentToItemShape()
: QgsComposerMap
- adjustExtentToSize()
: QgsMapRenderer
- adjustForLayer()
: QgsAttributeEditorContext
- adjustFrameToSize()
: QgsComposerTable
- adjustNoDataCellWidth()
: QgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialog
- adjustSizeToText()
: QgsComposerLabel
- advance()
: QgsGPSDetector
- advancedDigitizeToolBar()
: QgisInterface
- AeTypeContainer
: QgsAttributeEditorElement
- AeTypeField
: QgsAttributeEditorElement
- AeTypeInvalid
: QgsAttributeEditorElement
- AeTypeRelation
: QgsAttributeEditorElement
- afterState()
: QgsComposerItemCommand
- afterVertex
: QgsSnappingResult
- afterVertexNr
: QgsSnappingResult
- alignItem()
: QgsComposerMouseHandles
- Alignment
: QgsComposerScaleBar
- alignment()
: QgsLabelAttributes
, QgsComposerScaleBar
- Alignment
: QgsLabel
- alignmentCode()
: QgsLabelAttributes
- alignmentIsSet()
: QgsLabelAttributes
- alignmentName()
: QgsLabelAttributes
- alignmentSnap()
: QgsComposition
- alignmentSnapTolerance()
: QgsComposition
- alignPos()
: QgsComposerMouseHandles
- alignSelectedItemsBottom()
: QgsComposition
- alignSelectedItemsHCenter()
: QgsComposition
- alignSelectedItemsLeft()
: QgsComposition
- alignSelectedItemsRight()
: QgsComposition
- alignSelectedItemsTop()
: QgsComposition
- alignSelectedItemsVCenter()
: QgsComposition
- All
: QgsRasterBandStats
- allFeatureIds()
: QgsVectorLayer
- AllLayers
: QgsMapToolIdentify
- allowNone
: QgsVectorFileWriter::SetOption
- AllRamps
: QgsCptCityDataItem
- alpha()
: QgsSymbolV2RenderContext
, QgsSymbolV2
- alphaBand()
: QgsRasterRenderer
- AlphaBand
: QgsRaster
- alphaValue()
: QgsRasterTransparency
- alreadyestimated
: NormVecDecorator
- altDown()
: QgsGroupBoxCollapseButton
- AlwaysShow
: QgsPalLayerSettings
- angle()
: QgsVector
, QgsGradientFillSymbolLayerV2
, MyLine
, QgsMarkerSymbolLayerV2
, QgsVector
, QgsLabel::labelpoint
, QgsLabelAttributes
, QgsComposerItem
, QgsFillSymbolLayerV2
, QgsMarkerSymbolV2
- Angle
: QgsLabel
- angleIsAuto()
: QgsLabelAttributes
- angleIsSet()
: QgsLabelAttributes
- angleOffset
: QgsDiagramSettings
, QgsPalLayerSettings
- AngleOrientation
: QgsVectorFieldSymbolLayer
- angleOrientation()
: QgsVectorFieldSymbolLayer
- AngleUnits
: QgsVectorFieldSymbolLayer
- angleUnits()
: QgsVectorFieldSymbolLayer
- AnnotationCoordinate
: QgsComposerMap
- annotationFontColor()
: QgsComposerMap
- annotationForm()
: QgsVectorLayer
- annotationFrameDistance()
: QgsComposerMap
- antiAliasingEnabled()
: QgsMapCanvas
- AntialiasingSimplification
: QgsVectorSimplifyMethod
- anyStringDesc()
: QgsDataDefinedButton
- AnyType
: QgsDataDefinedButton
- append()
: QgsError
, QgsFields
, QgsError
, QgsExpression::NodeList
- appendChild()
: QgsRuleBasedRendererV2::Rule
- appendError()
: QgsMapLayer
, QgsDataProvider
- appendMessage()
: QgsMessageViewer
, QgsMessageOutput
, QgsMessageOutputConsole
- appendProxy()
: QgsStringRelay
- appendSymbolLayer()
: QgsSymbolV2
- apply()
: QgsApplyDialog
, QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget
, QgsRasterPyramidsOptionsWidget
- applyAttributesAdded()
: QgsOfflineEditing
- applyAttributeValueChanges()
: QgsOfflineEditing
- applyDataDefinedSettings()
: QgsSVGFillSymbolLayer
, QgsPointPatternFillSymbolLayer
, QgsImageFillSymbolLayer
, QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer
- applyDataDefinedSymbology()
: QgsGradientFillSymbolLayerV2
, QgsSimpleFillSymbolLayerV2
, QgsSimpleLineSymbolLayerV2
- applyDefaultSettings()
: QgsComposerScaleBar
- applyDefaultSize()
: QgsComposerScaleBar
- applyFeaturesAdded()
: QgsOfflineEditing
- applyFeaturesRemoved()
: QgsOfflineEditing
- applyGdalSkippedDrivers()
: QgsApplication
- applyGeometryChanges()
: QgsOfflineEditing
- applyGradient()
: QgsGradientFillSymbolLayerV2
- applyHistoMax()
: QgsRasterHistogramWidget
- applyHistoMin()
: QgsRasterHistogramWidget
- applyNamedStyle()
: QgsVectorLayer
- applyNoDataValues()
: QgsRasterBlock
- applyPattern()
: QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer
, QgsPointPatternFillSymbolLayer
, QgsSVGFillSymbolLayer
- applyProxySettings()
: QgsHttpTransaction
- applySelection()
: QgsProjectionSelector
- approximateSrcRowCol()
: QgsRasterProjector
- archiveName()
: QgsCptCityArchive
- archiveRegistry()
: QgsCptCityArchive
- area()
: QgsGeometry
- ARGB32
: QGis
- ARGB32_Premultiplied
: QGis
- args()
: QgsExpression::NodeFunction
- AroundPoint
: QgsPalLayerSettings
, QgsDiagramLayerSettings
- arrowColor()
: QgsComposerArrow
- ArrowHeadWidth
: QgsComposerMergeCommand
- arrowHeadWidth()
: QgsComposerArrow
- ArrowOutlineWidth
: QgsComposerMergeCommand
- asGeometry()
: QgsRubberBand
- asGeometryCollection()
: QgsGeometry
- asGeos()
: QgsGeometry
- asinus()
: QgsRasterMatrix
- asMultiPoint()
: QgsGeometry
- asMultiPolygon()
: QgsGeometry
- asMultiPolyline()
: QgsGeometry
- asPoint()
: QgsGeometry
- asPolygon()
: QgsRectangle
, QgsGeometry
- asPolyline()
: QgsGeometry
- assignFreeId()
: QgsComposerMap
- asWkb()
: QgsGeometry
- asWktCoordinates()
: QgsRectangle
- asWktPolygon()
: QgsRectangle
- at()
: QgsRasterPipe
, QgsAttributeAction
, QgsFields
- atangens()
: QgsRasterMatrix
- atlasComposition()
: QgsComposition
- atlasDriven()
: QgsComposerMap
- atlasFixedScale()
: QgsComposerMap
- atlasMargin()
: QgsComposerMap
- atlasMode()
: QgsComposition
- AtlasMode
: QgsComposition
- AtlasOff
: QgsComposition
- Atom()
: QgsComposerLegend::Atom
- attr
: QgsOfflineEditing::AttributeValueChange
- attribute
: QgsGmlSchema
, QgsGml
, QgsFeature
- attributeAdded()
: QgsVectorLayerCache
, QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer
, QgsDualView
, QgsVectorLayer
- attributeAlias()
: QgsVectorLayer
- attributeAliases()
: QgsVectorLayer
- attributeDeleted()
: QgsVectorLayer
, QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer
, QgsDualView
, QgsAttributeTableModel
, QgsVectorLayerCache
- attributeDisplayName()
: QgsComposerAttributeTable
, QgsVectorLayer
- AttributeEditor
: QgsDualView
- attributeEditorElementFromDomElement()
: QgsVectorLayer
- attributeEditorElements()
: QgsVectorLayer
- AttributeEditorType
: QgsAttributeEditorElement
- attributeIndexes()
: QgsVectorDataProvider
- attributeLookup()
: QgsOfflineEditing
- attributes()
: QgsNewVectorLayerDialog
, QgsFeature
, QgsVectorLayerFeatureIterator::FetchJoinInfo
- attributesToolBar()
: QgisInterface
- AttributeTable
: QgsDualView
- attributeValueChanged()
: QgsAttributeTableModel
, QgsVectorLayer
, QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer
, QgsVectorLayerCache
- AttributeValueChanges
: QgsOfflineEditing
- attribution()
: QgsMapLayer
- attributionUrl()
: QgsMapLayer
- attrIdxToOgrIdx()
: QgsVectorFileWriter
- authid()
: QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem
: QgsProjectionSelector
- authorities()
: QgsProjectionSelector
- Authors
: QgsCptCityBrowserModel
- authorsFilePath()
: QgsApplication
- autoUpdate()
: QgsLegendModel
- availableEncodings()
: QgsVectorDataProvider
- availablePorts()
: QgsGPSDetector
- avoidIntersections()
: QgsGeometry
- axisInverted()
: QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem
- azimuth
: QgsSatelliteInfo
, QgsPoint
- QgsAbstractCacheIndex()
: QgsAbstractCacheIndex
- QgsAbstractFeatureIterator()
: QgsAbstractFeatureIterator
- QgsAction()
: QgsAction
- QgsAddRemoveItemCommand()
: QgsAddRemoveItemCommand
- QgsAddRemoveMultiFrameCommand()
: QgsAddRemoveMultiFrameCommand
- QgsAnnotationItem()
: QgsAnnotationItem
- QgsApplication()
: QgsApplication
- QgsApplyDialog()
: QgsApplyDialog
- QgsAspectFilter()
: QgsAspectFilter
- QgsAtlasComposition()
: QgsAtlasComposition
- QgsAttributeAction()
: QgsAttributeAction
- QgsAttributeDialog()
: QgsAttributeDialog
- QgsAttributeEditor()
: QgsAttributeEditor
- QgsAttributeEditorContainer()
: QgsAttributeEditorContainer
- QgsAttributeEditorContext()
: QgsAttributeEditorContext
- QgsAttributeEditorElement()
: QgsAttributeEditorElement
- QgsAttributeEditorField()
: QgsAttributeEditorField
- QgsAttributeEditorRelation()
: QgsAttributeEditorRelation
- QgsAttributeTableAction()
: QgsAttributeTableAction
- QgsAttributeTableDelegate()
: QgsAttributeTableDelegate
- QgsAttributeTableFilterModel()
: QgsAttributeTableFilterModel
- QgsAttributeTableMapLayerAction()
: QgsAttributeTableMapLayerAction
- QgsAttributeTableModel()
: QgsAttributeTableModel
- QgsAttributeTableView()
: QgsAttributeTableView