33 , mCircleColor( QColor( 125, 125, 125 ) )
72void QgsPointDisplacementRenderer::drawGroup( QPointF centerPoint,
QgsRenderContext &context,
const ClusteredGroup &group )
77 QVector<double> diagonals( group.size() );
78 double currentDiagonal;
80 int groupPosition = 0;
81 for (
const GroupedFeature &feature : group )
85 currentDiagonal = M_SQRT2 * symbol->size( context );
86 diagonals[groupPosition] = currentDiagonal;
87 diagonal = std::max( diagonal, currentDiagonal );
92 diagonals[groupPosition] = 0.0;
99 QList<QPointF> symbolPositions;
100 QList<QPointF> labelPositions;
101 double circleRadius = -1.0;
102 double gridRadius = -1.0;
105 calculateSymbolAndLabelPositions( symbolContext, centerPoint, group.size(), diagonal, symbolPositions, labelPositions, circleRadius, gridRadius, gridSize, diagonals );
108 if ( mCircleColor.isValid() && mCircleColor.alpha() > 0 )
110 switch ( mPlacement )
114 drawCircle( circleRadius, symbolContext, centerPoint, group.size() );
117 drawGrid( gridSize, symbolContext, symbolPositions, group.size() );
122 if ( group.size() > 1 )
125 const QgsFeature firstFeature = group.at( 0 ).feature;
128 mCenterSymbol->renderPoint( centerPoint, &firstFeature, context, -1,
false );
133 context.
painter()->drawRect( QRectF( centerPoint.x() - rectSize, centerPoint.y() - rectSize, rectSize * 2, rectSize * 2 ) );
138 drawSymbols( group, context, symbolPositions );
142 drawLabels( centerPoint, symbolContext, labelPositions, group );
151 mCenterSymbol->startRender( context, fields );
162 mCenterSymbol->stopRender( context );
173 labelFont.fromString( symbologyElem.attribute( QStringLiteral(
"labelFont" ), QString() ) );
176 r->
static_cast< Placement >( symbologyElem.attribute( QStringLiteral(
"placement" ), QStringLiteral(
"0" ) ).toInt() ) );
177 r->
setCircleWidth( symbologyElem.attribute( QStringLiteral(
"circleWidth" ), QStringLiteral(
"0.4" ) ).toDouble() );
180 r->
setCircleRadiusAddition( symbologyElem.attribute( QStringLiteral(
"circleRadiusAddition" ), QStringLiteral(
"0.0" ) ).toDouble() );
181 r->
setLabelDistanceFactor( symbologyElem.attribute( QStringLiteral(
"labelDistanceFactor" ), QStringLiteral(
"0.5" ) ).toDouble() );
182 r->
setMinimumLabelScale( symbologyElem.attribute( QStringLiteral(
"maxLabelScaleDenominator" ), QStringLiteral(
"-1" ) ).toDouble() );
183 r->
setTolerance( symbologyElem.attribute( QStringLiteral(
"tolerance" ), QStringLiteral(
"0.00001" ) ).toDouble() );
188 QDomElement embeddedRendererElem = symbologyElem.firstChildElement( QStringLiteral(
"renderer-v2" ) );
189 if ( !embeddedRendererElem.isNull() )
195 const QDomElement centerSymbolElem = symbologyElem.firstChildElement( QStringLiteral(
"symbol" ) );
196 if ( !centerSymbolElem.isNull() )
198 r->
setCenterSymbol( QgsSymbolLayerUtils::loadSymbol<QgsMarkerSymbol>( centerSymbolElem, context ) );
205 return mCenterSymbol.get();
211 rendererElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral(
"type" ), QStringLiteral(
"pointDisplacement" ) );
212 rendererElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral(
"labelAttributeName" ),
mLabelAttributeName );
214 rendererElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral(
"circleWidth" ), QString::number( mCircleWidth ) );
217 rendererElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral(
"circleRadiusAddition" ), QString::number( mCircleRadiusAddition ) );
218 rendererElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral(
"labelDistanceFactor" ), QString::number( mLabelDistanceFactor ) );
219 rendererElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral(
"placement" ),
static_cast< int >( mPlacement ) );
220 rendererElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral(
"maxLabelScaleDenominator" ), QString::number(
mMinLabelScale ) );
221 rendererElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral(
"tolerance" ), QString::number(
mTolerance ) );
227 const QDomElement embeddedRendererElem =
mRenderer->save( doc, context );
228 rendererElement.appendChild( embeddedRendererElem );
233 rendererElement.appendChild( centerSymbolElem );
238 return rendererElement;
245 attr.unite( mCenterSymbol->usedAttributes( context ) );
266 mCenterSymbol.reset( symbol );
269void QgsPointDisplacementRenderer::calculateSymbolAndLabelPositions(
QgsSymbolRenderContext &symbolContext, QPointF centerPoint,
int nPosition,
270 double symbolDiagonal, QList<QPointF> &symbolPositions, QList<QPointF> &labelShifts,
double &circleRadius,
double &gridRadius,
271 int &gridSize, QVector<double> &diagonals )
273 symbolPositions.clear();
280 else if ( nPosition == 1 )
282 const double side = std::sqrt( std::pow( symbolDiagonal, 2 ) / 2.0 );
283 symbolPositions.append( centerPoint );
284 labelShifts.append( QPointF( side * mLabelDistanceFactor, -side * mLabelDistanceFactor ) );
290 switch ( mPlacement )
294 const double minDiameterToFitSymbols = nPosition * symbolDiagonal / ( 2.0 * M_PI );
295 const double radius = std::max( symbolDiagonal / 2, minDiameterToFitSymbols ) + circleAdditionPainterUnits;
297 const double angleStep = 2 * M_PI / nPosition;
298 double currentAngle = 0.0;
299 for (
int featureIndex = 0; featureIndex < nPosition; currentAngle += angleStep, featureIndex++ )
301 const double sinusCurrentAngle = std::sin( currentAngle );
302 const double cosinusCurrentAngle = std::cos( currentAngle );
303 const QPointF positionShift( radius * sinusCurrentAngle, radius * cosinusCurrentAngle );
305 const QPointF labelShift( ( radius + diagonals.at( featureIndex ) * mLabelDistanceFactor ) * sinusCurrentAngle, ( radius + diagonals.at( featureIndex ) * mLabelDistanceFactor ) * cosinusCurrentAngle );
306 symbolPositions.append( centerPoint + positionShift );
307 labelShifts.append( labelShift );
309 circleRadius = radius;
314 const double centerDiagonal = mCenterSymbol->size( symbolContext.
renderContext() ) * M_SQRT2;
316 int pointsRemaining = nPosition;
318 const double firstRingRadius = centerDiagonal / 2.0 + symbolDiagonal / 2.0;
319 int featureIndex = 0;
320 while ( pointsRemaining > 0 )
322 const double radiusCurrentRing = std::max( firstRingRadius + ( ringNumber - 1 ) * symbolDiagonal + ringNumber * circleAdditionPainterUnits, 0.0 );
323 const int maxPointsCurrentRing = std::max( std::floor( 2 * M_PI * radiusCurrentRing / symbolDiagonal ), 1.0 );
324 const int actualPointsCurrentRing = std::min( maxPointsCurrentRing, pointsRemaining );
326 const double angleStep = 2 * M_PI / actualPointsCurrentRing;
327 double currentAngle = 0.0;
328 for (
int i = 0; i < actualPointsCurrentRing; ++i )
330 const double sinusCurrentAngle = std::sin( currentAngle );
331 const double cosinusCurrentAngle = std::cos( currentAngle );
332 const QPointF positionShift( radiusCurrentRing * sinusCurrentAngle, radiusCurrentRing * cosinusCurrentAngle );
333 const QPointF labelShift( ( radiusCurrentRing + diagonals.at( featureIndex ) * mLabelDistanceFactor ) * sinusCurrentAngle, ( radiusCurrentRing + diagonals.at( featureIndex ) * mLabelDistanceFactor ) * cosinusCurrentAngle );
334 symbolPositions.append( centerPoint + positionShift );
335 labelShifts.append( labelShift );
336 currentAngle += angleStep;
340 pointsRemaining -= actualPointsCurrentRing;
342 circleRadius = radiusCurrentRing;
348 const double centerDiagonal = mCenterSymbol->size( symbolContext.
renderContext() ) * M_SQRT2;
349 int pointsRemaining = nPosition;
350 gridSize = std::ceil( std::sqrt( pointsRemaining ) );
351 if ( pointsRemaining - std::pow( gridSize - 1, 2 ) < gridSize )
353 const double originalPointRadius = ( ( centerDiagonal / 2.0 + symbolDiagonal / 2.0 ) + symbolDiagonal ) / 2;
354 const double userPointRadius = originalPointRadius + circleAdditionPainterUnits;
357 while ( pointsRemaining > 0 )
359 for (
int xIndex = 0; xIndex < gridSize && pointsRemaining > 0; ++xIndex )
361 const QPointF positionShift( userPointRadius * xIndex, userPointRadius * yIndex );
362 symbolPositions.append( centerPoint + positionShift );
368 centralizeGrid( symbolPositions, userPointRadius, gridSize );
373 for (
int symbolIndex = 0; symbolIndex < symbolPositions.size(); ++symbolIndex )
375 if ( symbolPositions.at( symbolIndex ).x() < centerPoint.x() )
384 if ( symbolPositions.at( symbolIndex ).y() < centerPoint.y() )
393 side = std::sqrt( std::pow( diagonals.at( symbolIndex ), 2 ) / 2.0 );
394 const QPointF labelShift( ( side * mLabelDistanceFactor * xFactor ), ( -side * mLabelDistanceFactor * yFactor ) );
395 labelShifts.append( symbolPositions.at( symbolIndex ) - centerPoint + labelShift );
398 gridRadius = userPointRadius;
404void QgsPointDisplacementRenderer::centralizeGrid( QList<QPointF> &pointSymbolPositions,
double radius,
int size )
406 const double shiftAmount = -radius * ( size - 1.0 ) / 2.0;
407 const QPointF centralShift( shiftAmount, shiftAmount );
408 for (
int i = 0; i < pointSymbolPositions.size(); ++i )
410 pointSymbolPositions[i] += centralShift;
415 QList<QPointF> pointSymbolPositions,
int nSymbols )
418 if ( nSymbols < 2 || !p )
423 QPen gridPen( mCircleColor );
425 p->setPen( gridPen );
427 for (
int i = 0; i < pointSymbolPositions.size(); ++i )
429 if ( i + 1 < pointSymbolPositions.size() && 0 != ( i + 1 ) % gridSizeUnits )
431 const QLineF gridLineRow( pointSymbolPositions[i], pointSymbolPositions[i + 1] );
432 p->drawLine( gridLineRow );
435 if ( i + gridSizeUnits < pointSymbolPositions.size() )
437 const QLineF gridLineColumn( pointSymbolPositions[i], pointSymbolPositions[i + gridSizeUnits] );
438 p->drawLine( gridLineColumn );
443void QgsPointDisplacementRenderer::drawCircle(
double radiusPainterUnits,
QgsSymbolRenderContext &context, QPointF centerPoint,
int nSymbols )
446 if ( nSymbols < 2 || !p )
452 QPen circlePen( mCircleColor );
454 p->setPen( circlePen );
455 p->drawArc( QRectF( centerPoint.x() - radiusPainterUnits, centerPoint.y() - radiusPainterUnits, 2 * radiusPainterUnits, 2 * radiusPainterUnits ), 0, 5760 );
458void QgsPointDisplacementRenderer::drawSymbols(
const ClusteredGroup &group,
QgsRenderContext &context,
const QList<QPointF> &symbolPositions )
460 QList<QPointF>::const_iterator symbolPosIt = symbolPositions.constBegin();
461 ClusteredGroup::const_iterator groupIt = group.constBegin();
462 for ( ; symbolPosIt != symbolPositions.constEnd() && groupIt != group.constEnd();
463 ++symbolPosIt, ++groupIt )
466 groupIt->symbol()->startRender( context );
467 groupIt->symbol()->renderPoint( *symbolPosIt, &( groupIt->feature ), context, -1, groupIt->isSelected );
474 handler->handleRenderedFeature( groupIt->feature, bounds, featureContext );
476 groupIt->symbol()->stopRender( context );
482 if ( renderer->
type() == QLatin1String(
"pointDisplacement" ) )
486 else if ( renderer->
type() == QLatin1String(
"singleSymbol" ) ||
487 renderer->
type() == QLatin1String(
"categorizedSymbol" ) ||
488 renderer->
type() == QLatin1String(
"graduatedSymbol" ) ||
489 renderer->
type() == QLatin1String(
"RuleRenderer" ) )
494 return pointRenderer;
496 else if ( renderer->
type() == QLatin1String(
"pointCluster" ) )
506 return pointRenderer;
QFlags< FeatureRendererFlag > FeatureRendererFlags
Flags controlling behavior of vector feature renderers.
@ AffectsLabeling
If present, indicates that the renderer will participate in the map labeling problem.
@ Millimeters
@ AffectsLabeling
If present, indicates that the symbol will participate in the map labeling problem.
static QColor colorFromString(const QString &string)
Decodes a string into a color value.
static QString colorToString(const QColor &color)
Encodes a color into a string value.
void setFeature(const QgsFeature &feature)
Convenience function for setting a feature for the context.
Abstract base class for all 2D vector feature renderers.
void copyRendererData(QgsFeatureRenderer *destRenderer) const
Clones generic renderer data to another renderer.
static QgsFeatureRenderer * load(QDomElement &symbologyElem, const QgsReadWriteContext &context)
create a renderer from XML element
void saveRendererData(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, const QgsReadWriteContext &context)
Saves generic renderer data into the specified element.
virtual QgsFeatureRenderer * clone() const =0
Create a deep copy of this renderer.
The feature class encapsulates a single feature including its unique ID, geometry and a list of field...
Container of fields for a vector layer.
static bool setFromXmlChildNode(QFont &font, const QDomElement &element, const QString &childNode)
Sets the properties of a font to match the properties stored in an XML child node.
static QDomElement toXmlElement(const QFont &font, QDomDocument &document, const QString &elementName)
Returns a DOM element containing the properties of the font.
A geometry is the spatial representation of a feature.
static QgsGeometry fromRect(const QgsRectangle &rect)
Creates a new geometry from a QgsRectangle.
A marker symbol type, for rendering Point and MultiPoint geometries.
A renderer that automatically clusters points with the same geographic position.
A renderer that automatically displaces points with the same geographic location.
QgsPointDisplacementRenderer(const QString &labelAttributeName=QString())
Constructor for QgsPointDisplacementRenderer.
void setPlacement(Placement placement)
Sets the placement method used for dispersing the points.
void setLabelDistanceFactor(double factor)
Sets a factor for increasing the label distances from the symbol.
QDomElement save(QDomDocument &doc, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) override
Stores renderer properties to an XML element.
QgsPointDisplacementRenderer * clone() const override
Create a deep copy of this renderer.
void setCircleColor(const QColor &color)
Sets the color used for drawing the displacement group circle.
void startRender(QgsRenderContext &context, const QgsFields &fields) override
Must be called when a new render cycle is started.
void stopRender(QgsRenderContext &context) override
Must be called when a render cycle has finished, to allow the renderer to clean up.
static QgsFeatureRenderer * create(QDomElement &symbologyElem, const QgsReadWriteContext &context)
Create a renderer from XML element.
void setCenterSymbol(QgsMarkerSymbol *symbol)
Sets the center symbol for a displacement group.
QSet< QString > usedAttributes(const QgsRenderContext &context) const override
Returns a list of attributes required by this renderer.
Placement methods for dispersing points.
@ ConcentricRings
Place points in concentric rings around group.
@ Ring
Place points in a single ring around group.
@ Grid
Place points in a grid around group.
void setCircleRadiusAddition(double distance)
Sets a factor for increasing the ring size of displacement groups.
QgsMarkerSymbol * centerSymbol()
Returns the symbol for the center of a displacement group (but not ownership of the symbol).
Qgis::FeatureRendererFlags flags() const override
Returns flags associated with the renderer.
void setCircleWidth(double width)
Sets the line width for the displacement group circle.
static QgsPointDisplacementRenderer * convertFromRenderer(const QgsFeatureRenderer *renderer)
Creates a QgsPointDisplacementRenderer from an existing renderer.
bool accept(QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface *visitor) const override
Accepts the specified symbology visitor, causing it to visit all symbols associated with the renderer...
An abstract base class for distance based point renderers (e.g., clusterer and displacement renderers...
void setLabelColor(const QColor &color)
Sets the color to use for for labeling points.
double mMinLabelScale
Maximum scale denominator for label display. A zero value indicates no scale limitation.
int mLabelIndex
Label attribute index (or -1 if none). This index is not stored, it is requested in the startRender()...
QColor mLabelColor
Label text color.
QgsMapUnitScale mToleranceMapUnitScale
Map unit scale for distance tolerance.
void setLabelFont(const QFont &font)
Sets the font used for labeling points.
void setToleranceUnit(Qgis::RenderUnit unit)
Sets the units for the tolerance distance.
void drawLabels(QPointF centerPoint, QgsSymbolRenderContext &context, const QList< QPointF > &labelShifts, const ClusteredGroup &group) const
Renders the labels for a group.
void setMinimumLabelScale(double scale)
Sets the minimum map scale (i.e.
void stopRender(QgsRenderContext &context) override
Must be called when a render cycle has finished, to allow the renderer to clean up.
double tolerance() const
Returns the tolerance distance for grouping points.
QFont labelFont() const
Returns the font used for labeling points.
void startRender(QgsRenderContext &context, const QgsFields &fields) override
Must be called when a new render cycle is started.
const QgsMapUnitScale & toleranceMapUnitScale() const
Returns the map unit scale object for the distance tolerance.
void setEmbeddedRenderer(QgsFeatureRenderer *r) override
Sets an embedded renderer (subrenderer) for this feature renderer.
const QgsFeatureRenderer * embeddedRenderer() const override
Returns the current embedded renderer (subrenderer) for this feature renderer.
QString mLabelAttributeName
Attribute name for labeling. An empty string indicates that no labels should be rendered.
void setLabelAttributeName(const QString &name)
Sets the attribute name for labeling points.
double mTolerance
Distance tolerance. Points that are closer together than this distance are considered clustered.
QSet< QString > usedAttributes(const QgsRenderContext &context) const override
Returns a list of attributes required by this renderer.
QFont mLabelFont
Label font.
std::unique_ptr< QgsFeatureRenderer > mRenderer
Embedded base renderer. This can be used for rendering individual, isolated points.
Qgis::RenderUnit toleranceUnit() const
Returns the units for the tolerance distance.
void setToleranceMapUnitScale(const QgsMapUnitScale &scale)
Sets the map unit scale object for the distance tolerance.
void setTolerance(double distance)
Sets the tolerance distance for grouping points.
Qgis::RenderUnit mToleranceUnit
Unit for distance tolerance.
bool accept(QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface *visitor) const override
Accepts the specified symbology visitor, causing it to visit all symbols associated with the renderer...
The class is used as a container of context for various read/write operations on other objects.
A rectangle specified with double values.
Contains information about the context of a rendering operation.
bool hasRenderedFeatureHandlers() const
Returns true if the context has any rendered feature handlers.
double convertToPainterUnits(double size, Qgis::RenderUnit unit, const QgsMapUnitScale &scale=QgsMapUnitScale(), Qgis::RenderSubcomponentProperty property=Qgis::RenderSubcomponentProperty::Generic) const
Converts a size from the specified units to painter units (pixels).
QPainter * painter()
Returns the destination QPainter for the render operation.
QgsExpressionContext & expressionContext()
Gets the expression context.
QList< QgsRenderedFeatureHandlerInterface * > renderedFeatureHandlers() const
Returns the list of rendered feature handlers to use while rendering map layers.
An interface for classes which provider custom handlers for features rendered as part of a map render...
An interface for classes which can visit style entity (e.g.
virtual bool visit(const QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface::StyleLeaf &entity)
Called when the visitor will visit a style entity.
A symbol entity for QgsStyle databases.
static QString encodeMapUnitScale(const QgsMapUnitScale &mapUnitScale)
static QgsMapUnitScale decodeMapUnitScale(const QString &str)
static QDomElement saveSymbol(const QString &symbolName, const QgsSymbol *symbol, QDomDocument &doc, const QgsReadWriteContext &context)
Writes a symbol definition to XML.
QgsRenderContext & renderContext()
Returns a reference to the context's render context.
static Q_INVOKABLE Qgis::RenderUnit decodeRenderUnit(const QString &string, bool *ok=nullptr)
Decodes a render unit from a string.
static Q_INVOKABLE QString encodeUnit(Qgis::DistanceUnit unit)
Encodes a distance unit to a string.
Contains information relating to the style entity currently being visited.