17#include "moc_qgslayermetadatasearchwidget.cpp"
36 mSourceModel =
new QgsLayerMetadataResultsModel( searchContext,
this );
38 mProxyModel->setSourceModel( mSourceModel );
39 mMetadataTableView->setModel( mProxyModel );
40 mMetadataTableView->setSortingEnabled(
true );
41 mMetadataTableView->sortByColumn( 0, Qt::SortOrder::AscendingOrder );
42 mMetadataTableView->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode( QgsLayerMetadataResultsModel::Sections::Identifier, QHeaderView::ResizeMode::Stretch );
43 mMetadataTableView->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode( QgsLayerMetadataResultsModel::Sections::Title, QHeaderView::ResizeMode::Stretch );
44 mMetadataTableView->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode( QgsLayerMetadataResultsModel::Sections::Abstract, QHeaderView::ResizeMode::Stretch );
45 mMetadataTableView->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode( QgsLayerMetadataResultsModel::Sections::DataProviderName, QHeaderView::ResizeMode::ResizeToContents );
46 mMetadataTableView->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode( QgsLayerMetadataResultsModel::Sections::GeometryType, QHeaderView::ResizeMode::ResizeToContents );
47 mMetadataTableView->setSelectionBehavior( QAbstractItemView::SelectRows );
49 mExtentFilterComboBox->addItem( QString() );
50 mExtentFilterComboBox->addItem( QStringLiteral(
"Map Canvas Extent" ) );
51 mExtentFilterComboBox->addItem( QStringLiteral(
"Current Project Extent" ) );
52 mExtentFilterComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
53 mExtentFilterComboBox->setSizeAdjustPolicy( QComboBox::SizeAdjustPolicy::AdjustToContents );
54 mExtentFilterComboBox->adjustSize();
56 mGeometryTypeComboBox->addItem( QString(), QVariant() );
63 mGeometryTypeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
64 mGeometryTypeComboBox->setSizeAdjustPolicy( QComboBox::SizeAdjustPolicy::AdjustToContents );
65 mGeometryTypeComboBox->adjustSize();
67 auto updateLoadBtn = [=] {
70 mAbortPushButton->setText( tr(
"Abort" ) );
75 mAbortPushButton->setText( tr(
"Refresh" ) );
80 connect( mSourceModel, &QgsLayerMetadataResultsModel::progressChanged, mProgressBar, &QProgressBar::setValue );
81 connect( mSourceModel, &QgsLayerMetadataResultsModel::progressChanged,
this, [=](
int progress ) {
85 mReloadRequired =
91 connect( mAbortPushButton, &QPushButton::clicked, mSourceModel, [=](
bool ) {
95 mReloadRequired =
100 mProgressBar->hide();
101 mSourceModel->cancel();
103 mReloadRequired =
108 connect( mMetadataTableView->selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged,
this, [=](
const QItemSelection &,
const QItemSelection & ) {
109 emit enableButtons( mMetadataTableView->selectionModel()->hasSelection() );
116 connect( mGeometryTypeComboBox, qOverload<int>( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ),
this, [=](
int index ) {
124 const QVariant geomTypeFilterValue( mGeometryTypeComboBox->currentData() );
125 if ( geomTypeFilterValue.isValid() )
149 connect( mButtonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::helpRequested,
this, &QgsLayerMetadataSearchWidget::showHelp );
154 if ( newMapCanvas &&
mapCanvas() != newMapCanvas )
171 else if ( index == 2 )
187 mReloadRequired =
193 const QModelIndexList &selectedIndexes { mMetadataTableView->selectionModel()->selectedRows() };
194 if ( !selectedIndexes.isEmpty() )
196 for (
const auto &selectedIndex : std::as_const( selectedIndexes ) )
200 QString layerName = metadataResult.
201 if ( layerName.isEmpty() )
204 if ( components.contains( QStringLiteral(
"layerName" ) ) )
206 layerName = components.value( QStringLiteral(
"layerName" ) ).toString();
208 else if ( components.contains( QStringLiteral(
"table" ) ) )
210 layerName = components.value( QStringLiteral(
"table" ) ).toString();
214 layerName = metadataResult.identifier();
218 switch ( metadataResult.layerType() )
223 emit
addRasterLayer( metadataResult.uri(), layerName, metadataResult.dataProviderName() );
225 emit
addLayer( metadataResult.layerType(), metadataResult.uri(), layerName, metadataResult.dataProviderName() );
231 emit
addVectorLayer( metadataResult.uri(), layerName, metadataResult.dataProviderName() );
233 emit
addLayer( metadataResult.layerType(), metadataResult.uri(), layerName, metadataResult.dataProviderName() );
239 emit
addMeshLayer( metadataResult.uri(), layerName, metadataResult.dataProviderName() );
241 emit
addLayer( metadataResult.layerType(), metadataResult.uri(), layerName, metadataResult.dataProviderName() );
256 mSearchFilterLineEdit->clear();
257 mExtentFilterComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
262 QgsAbstractDataSourceWidget::showEvent( event );
263 mSearchFilterLineEdit->setText( mProxyModel->
filterString() );
267void QgsLayerMetadataSearchWidget::showHelp()
269 QgsHelp::openHelp( QStringLiteral(
"managing_data_source/opening_data.html#the-layer-metadata-search-panel" ) );
272void QgsLayerMetadataSearchWidget::refreshInternal()
274 if ( mReloadRequired && isVisible() )
277 mSourceModel->reloadAsync();
The geometry types are used to group Qgis::WkbType in a coarse way.
@ Mesh
Mesh layer. Added in QGIS 3.2.
static QIcon getThemeIcon(const QString &name, const QColor &fillColor=QColor(), const QColor &strokeColor=QColor())
Helper to get a theme icon.
static Q_INVOKABLE QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem fromEpsgId(long epsg)
Creates a CRS from a given EPSG ID.
void cleared()
Emitted when the widget is cleared.
static void openHelp(const QString &key)
Opens help topic for the given help key using default system web browser.
static QIcon iconForGeometryType(Qgis::GeometryType typeGroup)
Returns the icon for a vector layer whose geometry typeGroup is provided.
Map canvas is a class for displaying all GIS data types on a canvas.
void extentsChanged()
Emitted when the extents of the map change.
QgsReferencedRectangle fullExtent() const
Returns the full extent of the project, which represents the maximal limits of the project.
void layersRemoved(const QStringList &layerIds)
Emitted after one or more layers were removed from the registry.
static QgsProject * instance()
Returns the QgsProject singleton instance.
QgsCoordinateTransformContext transformContext
const QgsProjectViewSettings * viewSettings() const
Returns the project's view settings, which contains settings and properties relating to how a QgsProj...
void layersAdded(const QList< QgsMapLayer * > &layers)
Emitted when one or more layers were added to the registry.
QVariantMap decodeUri(const QString &providerKey, const QString &uri)
Breaks a provider data source URI into its component paths (e.g.
static QgsProviderRegistry * instance(const QString &pluginPath=QString())
Means of accessing canonical single instance.
Different ways a source select dialog can be used.
A rectangle specified with double values.
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs() const
Returns the associated coordinate reference system, or an invalid CRS if no reference system is set.
A QgsRectangle with associated coordinate reference system.
static QString geometryDisplayString(Qgis::GeometryType type)
Returns a display string for a geometry type.
QgsCoordinateTransformContext transformContext
Coordinate transform context.