23#include "moc_qgsgui.cpp"
34#include "qgsmacnative.h"
35#elif defined( Q_OS_WIN )
37#include "qgswinnative.h"
41#elif defined( Q_OS_LINUX )
42#include "qgslinuxnative.h"
71#include "qgsstacsourceselectprovider.h"
92 return instance()->mSettingsRegistryGui;
97 return instance()->mEditorWidgetRegistry;
102 return instance()->mRelationEditorRegistry;
107 return instance()->mShapeMapToolRegistry;
112 return instance()->mSourceSelectProviderRegistry;
117 return instance()->mSubsetStringEditorProviderRegistry;
122 return instance()->mProviderSourceWidgetProviderRegistry;
127 return instance()->mShortcutsManager;
132 return instance()->mLayerTreeEmbeddedWidgetRegistry;
137 return instance()->mMapLayerActionRegistry;
142 return instance()->mLayoutItemGuiRegistry;
147 return instance()->mAnnotationItemGuiRegistry;
152 return instance()->mAdvancedDigitizingToolsRegistry;
157 return instance()->mProcessingGuiRegistry;
162 return instance()->mNumericFormatGuiRegistry;
167 return instance()->mCodeEditorColorSchemeRegistry;
172 return instance()->mProcessingFavoriteAlgorithmManager;
177 return instance()->mProcessingRecentAlgorithmLog;
182 return instance()->mDataItemGuiProviderRegistry;
187 return instance()->mProjectStorageGuiRegistry;
192 return instance()->mProviderGuiRegistry;
197 return instance()->mSensorGuiRegistry;
202 return instance()->mHistoryProviderRegistry;
207 return instance()->mSettingsEditorRegistry;
212 if ( widget->objectName().isEmpty() )
214 QgsDebugError( QStringLiteral(
"WARNING: No object name set. Best for it to be set objectName when using QgsGui::enableAutoGeometryRestore" ) );
221 return instance()->mWindowManager.get();
226 return instance()->mInputControllerManager;
231 return instance()->mStoredQueryManager;
236 instance()->mWindowManager.reset( manager );
253 delete mProcessingGuiRegistry;
254 delete mDataItemGuiProviderRegistry;
255 delete mProcessingFavoriteAlgorithmManager;
256 delete mProcessingRecentAlgorithmLog;
257 delete mLayoutItemGuiRegistry;
258 delete mAnnotationItemGuiRegistry;
259 delete mAdvancedDigitizingToolsRegistry;
260 delete mLayerTreeEmbeddedWidgetRegistry;
261 delete mEditorWidgetRegistry;
262 delete mMapLayerActionRegistry;
263 delete mSourceSelectProviderRegistry;
264 delete mHistoryProviderRegistry;
265 delete mShortcutsManager;
267 delete mNumericFormatGuiRegistry;
268 delete mWidgetStateHelper;
269 delete mProjectStorageGuiRegistry;
270 delete mProviderGuiRegistry;
271 delete mCodeEditorColorSchemeRegistry;
272 delete mSubsetStringEditorProviderRegistry;
273 delete mProviderSourceWidgetProviderRegistry;
274 delete mShapeMapToolRegistry;
275 delete mRelationEditorRegistry;
276 delete mInputControllerManager;
277 delete mSettingsRegistryGui;
278 delete mSensorGuiRegistry;
279 delete mStoredQueryManager;
280 delete mSettingsEditorRegistry;
291 const int x = point.x() - screen->geometry().left();
292 const int y = point.y() - screen->geometry().top();
293 const QPixmap snappedPixmap = screen->grabWindow( 0, x, y, 1, 1 );
294 const QImage snappedImage = snappedPixmap.toImage();
295 return snappedImage.pixel( 0, 0 );
300 const QList<QScreen *> screens = QGuiApplication::screens();
301 for ( QScreen *screen : screens )
303 if ( screen->geometry().contains( point ) )
314 QgsMacNative *macNative =
new QgsMacNative();
317#elif defined( Q_OS_WIN )
319 mNative =
new QgsWinNative();
321 mNative =
new QgsNative();
323#elif defined( Q_OS_LINUX )
324 mNative =
new QgsLinuxNative();
326 mNative =
new QgsNative();
357 mSourceSelectProviderRegistry->
new QgsStacSourceSelectProvider() );
376 mProcessingFavoriteAlgorithmManager =
new QgsProcessingFavoriteAlgorithmManager();
377 mProcessingRecentAlgorithmLog =
new QgsProcessingRecentAlgorithmLog();
380 qRegisterMetaType<QgsHistoryEntry>(
"QgsHistoryEntry" );
387 switch ( pythonEmbeddedMode )
403 switch ( embeddedType )
419 QMessageBox msgBox( QMessageBox::Information, tr(
"Python Macros" ), tr(
"Python macros are currently disabled. Do you allow this macro to run?" ) );
420 QAbstractButton *stopSessionButton = msgBox.addButton( tr(
"Disable for this Session" ), QMessageBox::DestructiveRole );
421 msgBox.addButton( tr(
"No" ), QMessageBox::NoRole );
422 QAbstractButton *yesButton = msgBox.addButton( tr(
"Yes" ), QMessageBox::YesRole );
425 QAbstractButton *clicked = msgBox.clickedButton();
426 if ( clicked == stopSessionButton )
430 return clicked == yesButton;
435 Q_ASSERT( messageBar );
438 QToolButton *btnEnableMacros =
new QToolButton();
439 btnEnableMacros->setText( tr(
"Enable Macros" ) );
440 btnEnableMacros->setStyleSheet( QStringLiteral(
"background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); color: black; text-decoration: underline;" ) );
441 btnEnableMacros->setCursor( Qt::PointingHandCursor );
442 btnEnableMacros->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Preferred );
445 tr(
"Security warning" ),
446 tr(
"Python macros cannot currently be run." ),
453 connect( btnEnableMacros, &QToolButton::clicked, messageBar, [=]() {
468 Q_ASSERT( messageBar );
471 QToolButton *btnEnableExpressionsFromProject =
new QToolButton();
472 btnEnableExpressionsFromProject->setText( tr(
"Enable python expressions from project" ) );
473 btnEnableExpressionsFromProject->setStyleSheet( QStringLiteral(
"background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); color: black; text-decoration: underline;" ) );
474 btnEnableExpressionsFromProject->setCursor( Qt::PointingHandCursor );
475 btnEnableExpressionsFromProject->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Preferred );
478 tr(
"Security warning" ),
479 tr(
"Python expressions from project cannot currently be loaded." ),
480 btnEnableExpressionsFromProject,
486 connect( btnEnableExpressionsFromProject, &QToolButton::clicked, messageBar, [=]() {
488 messageBar->
popWidget( expressionFromProjectMsg );
492 messageBar->
pushItem( expressionFromProjectMsg );
503 static std::once_flag initialized;
504 std::call_once( initialized, [=]() {
509 if ( !abstractMetadata )
511 QgsDebugError( QStringLiteral(
"Failed to find callout entry in registry: %1" ).arg( name ) );
516 QgsDebugError( QStringLiteral(
"Failed to cast callout's metadata: " ).arg( name ) );
524 _initCalloutWidgetFunction( QStringLiteral(
"simple" ), QgsSimpleLineCalloutWidget::create );
525 _initCalloutWidgetFunction( QStringLiteral(
"manhattan" ), QgsManhattanLineCalloutWidget::create );
526 _initCalloutWidgetFunction( QStringLiteral(
"curved" ), QgsCurvedLineCalloutWidget::create );
527 _initCalloutWidgetFunction( QStringLiteral(
"balloon" ), QgsBalloonCalloutWidget::create );
541void QgsGui::emitOptionsChanged()
@ Warning
Warning message.
Authorisation to run Python Embedded in projects.
@ Always
Python embedded is always run.
@ NotForThisSession
Python embedded will not be run for this session.
@ Never
Python embedded never run.
@ Ask
User is prompt before running.
@ SessionOnly
Only during this session.
Type of Python Embedded in projects.
Registry of available annotation item GUI behavior.
void addDefaultItems()
Populates the registry with default items.
static QString pluginPath()
Returns the path to the application plugin directory.
static const QgsSettingsEntryString * settingsLocaleUserLocale
Settings entry locale user locale.
static QgsCalloutRegistry * calloutRegistry()
Returns the application's callout registry, used for managing callout types.
static QString iconsPath()
Returns the path to the icons image directory.
Registry of available callout classes.
QgsCalloutAbstractMetadata * calloutMetadata(const QString &type) const
Returns the metadata for specified the specified callout type.
A registry of color schemes for use in QgsCodeEditor widgets.
This class keeps a list of data item GUI providers that may affect how QgsDataItems behave within the...
void initializeFromProviderGuiRegistry(QgsProviderGuiRegistry *providerGuiRegistry)
Initializes the registry.
QgsGui is a singleton class containing various registry and other global members related to GUI class...
static QgsMapToolShapeRegistry * mapToolShapeRegistry()
Returns the registry of shape map tools.
static QgsEditorWidgetRegistry * editorWidgetRegistry()
Returns the global editor widget registry, used for managing all known edit widget factories.
static QgsProviderSourceWidgetProviderRegistry * sourceWidgetProviderRegistry()
Returns the registry of provider source widget providers.
static QgsProcessingGuiRegistry * processingGuiRegistry()
Returns the global processing gui registry, used for registering the GUI behavior of processing algor...
static QgsShortcutsManager * shortcutsManager()
Returns the global shortcuts manager, used for managing a QAction and QShortcut sequences.
static void setWindowManager(QgsWindowManagerInterface *manager)
Sets the global window manager.
void optionsChanged()
This signal is emitted whenever the application options have been changed.
static QgsInputControllerManager * inputControllerManager()
Returns the global input controller manager.
static QgsProcessingFavoriteAlgorithmManager * processingFavoriteAlgorithmManager()
Returns the global Processing favorite algorithm manager, used for tracking favorite Processing algor...
static QgsLayerTreeEmbeddedWidgetRegistry * layerTreeEmbeddedWidgetRegistry()
Returns the global layer tree embedded widget registry, used for registering widgets that may be embe...
static QScreen * findScreenAt(QPoint point)
Returns the screen at the given global point (pixel).
static QgsAnnotationItemGuiRegistry * annotationItemGuiRegistry()
Returns the global annotation item GUI registry, used for registering the GUI behavior of annotation ...
static QgsMapLayerActionRegistry * mapLayerActionRegistry()
Returns the global map layer action registry, used for registering map layer actions.
static QgsGui * instance()
Returns a pointer to the singleton instance.
static QgsProviderGuiRegistry * providerGuiRegistry()
Returns the registry of GUI-related components of data providers.
static QgsRelationWidgetRegistry * relationWidgetRegistry()
Returns the global relation widget registry, used for managing all known relation widget factories.
static QgsSensorGuiRegistry * sensorGuiRegistry()
Returns the registry of GUI-related components for sensors.
static QgsAdvancedDigitizingToolsRegistry * advancedDigitizingToolsRegistry()
Returns the global advanced digitizing tools registry, used for registering advanced digitizing tools...
static void enableAutoGeometryRestore(QWidget *widget, const QString &key=QString())
Register the widget to allow its position to be automatically saved and restored when open and closed...
static QgsHistoryProviderRegistry * historyProviderRegistry()
Returns the global history provider registry, used for tracking history providers.
@ HigMenuTextIsTitleCase
Menu action texts should be title case.
@ HigDialogTitleIsTitleCase
Dialog titles should be title case.
static bool pythonEmbeddedInProjectAllowed(void(*lambda)()=nullptr, QgsMessageBar *messageBar=nullptr, Qgis::PythonEmbeddedType embeddedType=Qgis::PythonEmbeddedType::Macro)
Returns true if python embedded in a project is currently allowed to be loaded.
static QgsStoredQueryManager * storedQueryManager()
Returns the global stored SQL query manager.
static QgsNative * nativePlatformInterface()
Returns the global native interface, which offers abstraction to the host OS's underlying public inte...
static bool hasWebEngine()
Checks whether QWebEngineView is available to display HTML content.
static QgsWindowManagerInterface * windowManager()
Returns the global window manager, if set.
static QgsDataItemGuiProviderRegistry * dataItemGuiProviderRegistry()
Returns the global data item GUI provider registry, used for tracking providers which affect the brow...
static QgsProcessingRecentAlgorithmLog * processingRecentAlgorithmLog()
Returns the global processing recent algorithm log, used for tracking recently used processing algori...
QFlags< HigFlag > HigFlags
static QgsSubsetStringEditorProviderRegistry * subsetStringEditorProviderRegistry()
Returns the registry of subset string editors of data providers.
static QgsProjectStorageGuiRegistry * projectStorageGuiRegistry()
Returns the global GUI-related project storage registry.
static QgsGui::HigFlags higFlags()
Returns the platform's HIG flags.
static QgsLayoutItemGuiRegistry * layoutItemGuiRegistry()
Returns the global layout item GUI registry, used for registering the GUI behavior of layout items.
static void initCalloutWidgets()
Initializes callout widgets.
static QgsSettingsRegistryGui * settingsRegistryGui()
Returns the gui's settings registry, used for managing gui settings.
static QgsSourceSelectProviderRegistry * sourceSelectProviderRegistry()
Returns the global source select provider registry, used for managing all known source select widget ...
static QgsCodeEditorColorSchemeRegistry * codeEditorColorSchemeRegistry()
Returns the global code editor color scheme registry, used for registering the color schemes for QgsC...
static QgsNumericFormatGuiRegistry * numericFormatGuiRegistry()
Returns the global numeric format gui registry, used for registering the GUI widgets associated with ...
static QgsSettingsEditorWidgetRegistry * settingsEditorWidgetRegistry()
Returns the registry of settings editors.
static QColor sampleColor(QPoint point)
Samples the color on screen at the specified global point (pixel).
The QgsHistoryProviderRegistry is a registry for objects which track user history (i....
void addDefaultProviders()
Adds the default history providers to the registry.
Registry of available layout item GUI behavior.
This class tracks map layer actions.
Represents an item shown within a QgsMessageBar widget.
A bar for displaying non-blocking messages to the user.
bool popWidget(QgsMessageBarItem *item)
Remove the specified item from the bar, and display the next most recent one in the stack.
void pushMessage(const QString &text, Qgis::MessageLevel level=Qgis::MessageLevel::Info, int duration=-1)
A convenience method for pushing a message with the specified text to the bar.
void pushItem(QgsMessageBarItem *item)
Display a message item on the bar, after hiding the currently visible one and putting it in a stack.
The QgsProcessingGuiRegistry is a home for widgets for processing configuration widgets.
A registry / canonical manager of GUI parts of project storage backends.
void initializeFromProviderGuiRegistry(QgsProviderGuiRegistry *providerGuiRegistry)
Initializes the registry.
static QgsProject * instance()
Returns the QgsProject singleton instance.
bool loadFunctionsFromProject(bool force=false)
Loads python expression functions stored in the currrent project.
A registry / canonical manager of GUI parts of data providers.
Registry of available sensor GUI behavior.
bool populate()
Populates the registry with standard sensor types.
QgsSettingsRegistryGui is used for settings introspection and collects all QgsSettingsEntry instances...
This class is a composition of two QSettings instances:
void setEnumValue(const QString &key, const T &value, const Section section=NoSection)
Set the value of a setting based on an enum.
T enumValue(const QString &key, const T &defaultValue, const Section section=NoSection)
Returns the setting value for a setting based on an enum.
Shortcuts manager is a class that contains a list of QActions and QShortcuts that have been registere...
This class keeps a list of source select providers that may add items to the QgsDataSourceManagerDial...
void initializeFromProviderGuiRegistry(QgsProviderGuiRegistry *providerGuiRegistry)
Initializes the registry.
void addProvider(QgsSourceSelectProvider *provider)
Add a provider implementation. Takes ownership of the object.
A manager for stored SQL queries.
This class keeps a list of subset string editor providers.
void initializeFromProviderGuiRegistry(QgsProviderGuiRegistry *providerGuiRegistry)
Initializes the registry.
QgsCalloutWidget *(* QgsCalloutWidgetFunc)(QgsMapLayer *)
#define QgsDebugError(str)