24#include "moc_qgsattributeactiondialog.cpp"
34#include <QImageWriter>
35#include <QTableWidget>
39 , mLayer( actions.layer() )
42 QHeaderView *header = mAttributeActionTable->horizontalHeader();
43 header->setHighlightSections(
false );
44 header->setStretchLastSection(
true );
45 mAttributeActionTable->setColumnWidth( 0, 100 );
46 mAttributeActionTable->setColumnWidth( 1, 230 );
47 mAttributeActionTable->setCornerButtonEnabled(
false );
48 mAttributeActionTable->setEditTriggers( QAbstractItemView::AnyKeyPressed | QAbstractItemView::SelectedClicked );
50 connect( mAttributeActionTable, &QTableWidget::itemDoubleClicked,
this, &QgsAttributeActionDialog::itemDoubleClicked );
51 connect( mAttributeActionTable, &QTableWidget::itemSelectionChanged,
this, &QgsAttributeActionDialog::updateButtons );
52 connect( mMoveUpButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked,
this, &QgsAttributeActionDialog::moveUp );
53 connect( mMoveDownButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked,
this, &QgsAttributeActionDialog::moveDown );
54 connect( mRemoveButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked,
this, &QgsAttributeActionDialog::remove );
55 connect( mAddButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked,
this, &QgsAttributeActionDialog::insert );
56 connect( mDuplicateButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked,
this, &QgsAttributeActionDialog::duplicate );
57 connect( mAddDefaultActionsButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked,
this, &QgsAttributeActionDialog::addDefaultActions );
65 mAttributeActionTable->setRowCount( 0 );
69 const auto constActions =
70 for (
const QgsAction &action : constActions )
72 insertRow( i++, action );
79 visibleActionWidgetConfig.
hidden =
82 mAttributeTableWidgetType->setCurrentIndex( attributeTableConfig.
actionWidgetStyle() );
89 for (
int i = 0; i < mAttributeActionTable->rowCount(); ++i )
91 actions.append( rowToAction( i ) );
99 return mShowInAttributeTable->isChecked();
107void QgsAttributeActionDialog::insertRow(
int row,
const QgsAction &action )
109 QTableWidgetItem *item =
110 mAttributeActionTable->insertRow( row );
113 item =
new QTableWidgetItem( textForType( action.
type() ) );
114 item->setData( Role::ActionType,
static_cast< int >( action.
type() ) );
115 item->setData( Role::ActionId, action.
id() );
116 item->setFlags( item->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable );
117 mAttributeActionTable->setItem( row, Type, item );
120 mAttributeActionTable->setItem( row, Description,
new QTableWidgetItem( action.
name() ) );
123 mAttributeActionTable->setItem( row, ShortTitle,
new QTableWidgetItem( action.
shortTitle() ) );
126 item =
new QTableWidgetItem( action.
command().length() > 30 ? action.
command().left( 27 ) +
"…" : action.command() );
127 item->setData( Qt::UserRole, action.
command() );
128 mAttributeActionTable->setItem( row, ActionText, item );
131 item =
new QTableWidgetItem();
132 item->setFlags( item->flags() & ~( Qt::ItemIsEditable ) );
133 item->setCheckState( action.
capture() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked );
134 mAttributeActionTable->setItem( row, Capture, item );
137 item =
new QTableWidgetItem();
138 item->setFlags( item->flags() & ~( Qt::ItemIsEditable ) );
139 QStringList actionScopes = qgis::setToList( action.
actionScopes() );
140 std::sort( actionScopes.begin(), actionScopes.end() );
141 item->setText( actionScopes.join( QLatin1String(
", " ) ) );
142 item->setData( Qt::UserRole, QVariant::fromValue<QSet<QString>>( action.
actionScopes() ) );
143 mAttributeActionTable->setItem( row, ActionScopes, item );
146 const QIcon icon = action.
147 QTableWidgetItem *headerItem =
new QTableWidgetItem( icon, QString() );
148 headerItem->setData( Qt::UserRole, action.
iconPath() );
149 mAttributeActionTable->setVerticalHeaderItem( row, headerItem );
152 mAttributeActionTable->setItem( row, NotificationMessage,
new QTableWidgetItem( action.
notificationMessage() ) );
155 item =
new QTableWidgetItem();
156 item->setFlags( item->flags() & ~( Qt::ItemIsEditable ) );
158 mAttributeActionTable->setItem( row, EnabledOnlyWhenEditable, item );
163void QgsAttributeActionDialog::insertRow(
int row,
Qgis::AttributeActionType type,
const QString &name,
const QString &actionText,
const QString &iconPath,
bool capture,
const QString &shortTitle,
const QSet<QString> &actionScopes,
const QString ¬ificationMessage,
bool isEnabledOnlyWhenEditable )
165 if ( uniqueName( name ) == name )
166 insertRow( row,
QgsAction( type, name, actionText, iconPath, capture, shortTitle, actionScopes, notificationMessage, isEnabledOnlyWhenEditable ) );
169void QgsAttributeActionDialog::moveUp()
173 int row1 = -1, row2 = -1;
174 QList<QTableWidgetItem *> selection = mAttributeActionTable->selectedItems();
175 if ( !selection.isEmpty() )
177 row1 = selection.first()->row();
183 if ( row1 != -1 && row2 != -1 )
185 swapRows( row1, row2 );
187 mAttributeActionTable->selectRow( row2 );
191void QgsAttributeActionDialog::moveDown()
194 int row1 = -1, row2 = -1;
195 QList<QTableWidgetItem *> selection = mAttributeActionTable->selectedItems();
196 if ( !selection.isEmpty() )
198 row1 = selection.first()->row();
201 if ( row1 < mAttributeActionTable->rowCount() - 1 )
204 if ( row1 != -1 && row2 != -1 )
206 swapRows( row1, row2 );
208 mAttributeActionTable->selectRow( row2 );
212void QgsAttributeActionDialog::swapRows(
int row1,
int row2 )
214 const int colCount = mAttributeActionTable->columnCount();
215 for (
int col = 0; col < colCount; col++ )
217 QTableWidgetItem *item = mAttributeActionTable->takeItem( row1, col );
218 mAttributeActionTable->setItem( row1, col, mAttributeActionTable->takeItem( row2, col ) );
219 mAttributeActionTable->setItem( row2, col, item );
221 QTableWidgetItem *header = mAttributeActionTable->takeVerticalHeaderItem( row1 );
222 mAttributeActionTable->setVerticalHeaderItem( row1, mAttributeActionTable->takeVerticalHeaderItem( row2 ) );
223 mAttributeActionTable->setVerticalHeaderItem( row2, header );
226QgsAction QgsAttributeActionDialog::rowToAction(
int row )
228 const QUuid
id { mAttributeActionTable->item( row, Type )->data( Role::ActionId ).toUuid() };
231 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, Description )->text(),
232 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, ActionText )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(),
233 mAttributeActionTable->verticalHeaderItem( row )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(),
234 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, Capture )->checkState() == Qt::Checked,
235 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, ShortTitle )->text(),
236 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, ActionScopes )->data( Qt::UserRole ).value<QSet<QString>>(),
237 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, NotificationMessage )->text(),
238 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, EnabledOnlyWhenEditable )->checkState() == Qt::Checked
248 return tr(
"Generic" );
250 return tr(
"Python" );
252 return tr(
"macOS" );
254 return tr(
"Windows" );
258 return tr(
"Open URL" );
260 return tr(
"Submit URL (urlencoded or JSON)" );
262 return tr(
"Submit URL (multipart)" );
267void QgsAttributeActionDialog::remove()
269 QList<QTableWidgetItem *> selection = mAttributeActionTable->selectedItems();
270 if ( !selection.isEmpty() )
273 int row = selection.first()->row();
274 mAttributeActionTable->removeRow( row );
277 if ( row >= mAttributeActionTable->rowCount() )
278 row = mAttributeActionTable->rowCount() - 1;
279 mAttributeActionTable->selectRow( row );
285void QgsAttributeActionDialog::insert()
288 const int pos = mAttributeActionTable->rowCount();
291 dlg.setWindowTitle( tr(
"Add New Action" ) );
295 const QString name = uniqueName( dlg.description() );
297 insertRow( pos, dlg.type(), name, dlg.actionText(), dlg.iconPath(), dlg.capture(), dlg.shortTitle(), dlg.actionScopes(), dlg.notificationMessage(), dlg.isEnabledOnlyWhenEditable() );
301void QgsAttributeActionDialog::duplicate()
304 const int pos = mAttributeActionTable->rowCount();
305 const int row = mAttributeActionTable->currentRow();
309 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, Description )->text(),
310 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, ShortTitle )->text(),
311 mAttributeActionTable->verticalHeaderItem( row )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(),
312 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, ActionText )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(),
313 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, Capture )->checkState() == Qt::Checked,
314 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, ActionScopes )->data( Qt::UserRole ).value<QSet<QString>>(),
315 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, NotificationMessage )->text(),
316 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, EnabledOnlyWhenEditable )->checkState() == Qt::Checked,
320 dlg.setWindowTitle( tr(
"Duplicate Action" ) );
324 const QString name = uniqueName( dlg.description() );
326 insertRow( pos, dlg.type(), name, dlg.actionText(), dlg.iconPath(), dlg.capture(), dlg.shortTitle(), dlg.actionScopes(), dlg.notificationMessage(), dlg.isEnabledOnlyWhenEditable() );
330void QgsAttributeActionDialog::updateButtons()
332 QList<QTableWidgetItem *> selection = mAttributeActionTable->selectedItems();
333 const bool hasSelection = !selection.isEmpty();
337 const int row = selection.first()->row();
338 mMoveUpButton->setEnabled( row >= 1 );
339 mMoveDownButton->setEnabled( row >= 0 && row < mAttributeActionTable->rowCount() - 1 );
343 mMoveUpButton->setEnabled(
false );
344 mMoveDownButton->setEnabled(
false );
347 mRemoveButton->setEnabled( hasSelection );
348 mDuplicateButton->setEnabled( hasSelection );
351void QgsAttributeActionDialog::addDefaultActions()
354 insertRow( pos++,
Qgis::AttributeActionType::Generic, tr(
"Echo attribute's value" ), QStringLiteral(
"echo \"[% @field_value %]\"" ), QString(),
true, tr(
"Attribute Value" ), QSet<QString>() << QStringLiteral(
"Field" ), QString() );
355 insertRow( pos++,
Qgis::AttributeActionType::Generic, tr(
"Run an application" ), QStringLiteral(
"ogr2ogr -f \"GPKG\" \"[% \"OUTPUT_PATH\" %]\" \"[% \"INPUT_FILE\" %]\"" ), QString(),
true, tr(
"Run application" ), QSet<QString>() << QStringLiteral(
"Feature" ) << QStringLiteral(
"Canvas" ), QString() );
356 insertRow( pos++,
Qgis::AttributeActionType::GenericPython, tr(
"Display the feature id in the message bar" ), QStringLiteral(
"from qgis.utils import iface\n\niface.messageBar().pushInfo(\"Feature id\", \"The feature id is [% $id %]\")" ), QString(),
false, tr(
"Feature ID" ), QSet<QString>() << QStringLiteral(
"Feature" ) << QStringLiteral(
"Canvas" ), QString() );
357 insertRow( pos++,
Qgis::AttributeActionType::GenericPython, tr(
"Selected field's value (Identify features tool)" ), QStringLiteral(
"from qgis.PyQt import QtWidgets\n\nQtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(None, \"Current field's value\", \"[% @field_name %] = [% @field_value %]\")" ), QString(),
false, tr(
"Field Value" ), QSet<QString>() << QStringLiteral(
"Field" ), QString() );
358 insertRow( pos++,
Qgis::AttributeActionType::GenericPython, tr(
"Clicked coordinates (Run feature actions tool)" ), QStringLiteral(
"from qgis.PyQt import QtWidgets\n\nQtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(None, \"Clicked coords\", \"layer: [% @layer_id %]\\ncoords: ([% @click_x %],[% @click_y %])\")" ), QString(),
false, tr(
"Clicked Coordinate" ), QSet<QString>() << QStringLiteral(
"Canvas" ), QString() );
359 insertRow( pos++,
Qgis::AttributeActionType::OpenUrl, tr(
"Open file" ), QStringLiteral(
"[% \"PATH\" %]" ), QString(),
false, tr(
"Open file" ), QSet<QString>() << QStringLiteral(
"Feature" ) << QStringLiteral(
"Canvas" ), QString() );
360 insertRow( pos++,
Qgis::AttributeActionType::OpenUrl, tr(
"Search on web based on attribute's value" ), QStringLiteral(
"https://www.google.com/search?q=[% @field_value %]" ), QString(),
false, tr(
"Search Web" ), QSet<QString>() << QStringLiteral(
"Field" ), QString() );
361 insertRow( pos++,
Qgis::AttributeActionType::GenericPython, tr(
"List feature ids" ), QStringLiteral(
"from qgis.PyQt import QtWidgets\n\nlayer = QgsProject.instance().mapLayer('[% @layer_id %]')\nif layer.selectedFeatureCount():\n ids = layer.selectedFeatureIds()\nelse:\n ids = [f.id() for f in layer.getFeatures()]\n\nQtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(None, \"Feature ids\", ', '.join([str(id) for id in ids]))" ), QString(),
false, tr(
"List feature ids" ), QSet<QString>() << QStringLiteral(
"Layer" ), QString() );
362 insertRow( pos++,
Qgis::AttributeActionType::GenericPython, tr(
"Duplicate selected features" ), QStringLiteral(
"project = QgsProject.instance()\nlayer = QgsProject.instance().mapLayer('[% @layer_id %]')\nif not layer.isEditable():\n qgis.utils.iface.messageBar().pushMessage( 'Cannot duplicate feature in not editable mode on layer {layer}'.format( layer=layer.name() ) )\nelse:\n features=[]\n if len('[% $id %]')>0:\n features.append( layer.getFeature( [% $id %] ) )\n else:\n for x in layer.selectedFeatures():\n features.append( x )\n feature_count=0\n children_info=''\n featureids=[]\n for f in features:\n result=QgsVectorLayerUtils.duplicateFeature(layer, f, project, 0 )\n featureids.append( result[0].id() )\n feature_count+=1\n for ch_layer in result[1].layers():\n children_info+='{number_of_children} children on layer {children_layer}\\n'.format( number_of_children=str( len( result[1].duplicatedFeatures(ch_layer) ) ), children_layer=ch_layer.name() )\n ch_layer.selectByIds( result[1].duplicatedFeatures(ch_layer) )\n layer.selectByIds( featureids )\n qgis.utils.iface.messageBar().pushMessage( '{number_of_features} features on layer {layer} duplicated with\\n{children_info}'.format( number_of_features=str( feature_count ), layer=layer.name(), children_info=children_info ) )" ), QString(),
false, tr(
"Duplicate selected" ), QSet<QString>() << QStringLiteral(
"Layer" ), QString(),
true );
366void QgsAttributeActionDialog::itemDoubleClicked( QTableWidgetItem *item )
368 const int row = item->row();
372 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, Description )->text(),
373 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, ShortTitle )->text(),
374 mAttributeActionTable->verticalHeaderItem( row )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(),
375 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, ActionText )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(),
376 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, Capture )->checkState() == Qt::Checked,
377 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, ActionScopes )->data( Qt::UserRole ).value<QSet<QString>>(),
378 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, NotificationMessage )->text(),
379 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, EnabledOnlyWhenEditable )->checkState() == Qt::Checked,
383 actionProperties.setWindowTitle( tr(
"Edit Action" ) );
385 if ( actionProperties.exec() )
387 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, Type )->setData( Role::ActionType,
static_cast< int >( actionProperties.type() ) );
388 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, Type )->setText( textForType( actionProperties.type() ) );
389 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, Description )->setText( actionProperties.description() );
390 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, ShortTitle )->setText( actionProperties.shortTitle() );
391 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, ActionText )->setText( actionProperties.actionText().length() > 30 ? actionProperties.actionText().left( 27 ) +
"…" : actionProperties.actionText() );
392 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, ActionText )->setData( Qt::UserRole, actionProperties.actionText() );
393 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, Capture )->setCheckState( actionProperties.capture() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked );
394 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, NotificationMessage )->setText( actionProperties.notificationMessage() );
395 mAttributeActionTable->item( row, EnabledOnlyWhenEditable )->setCheckState( actionProperties.isEnabledOnlyWhenEditable() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked );
397 QTableWidgetItem *item = mAttributeActionTable->item( row, ActionScopes );
398 QStringList actionScopes = qgis::setToList( actionProperties.actionScopes() );
399 std::sort( actionScopes.begin(), actionScopes.end() );
400 item->setText( actionScopes.join( QLatin1String(
", " ) ) );
401 item->setData( Qt::UserRole, QVariant::fromValue<QSet<QString>>( actionProperties.actionScopes() ) );
403 mAttributeActionTable->verticalHeaderItem( row )->setData( Qt::UserRole, actionProperties.iconPath() );
404 mAttributeActionTable->verticalHeaderItem( row )->setIcon( QIcon( actionProperties.iconPath() ) );
408QString QgsAttributeActionDialog::uniqueName( QString name )
413 const int pos = mAttributeActionTable->rowCount();
416 for (
int i = 0; i < pos; ++i )
418 if ( mAttributeActionTable->item( i, Description )->text() == name )
428 const QString suffix = QString::number( suffix_num );
429 new_name = name +
'_' + suffix;
431 for (
int i = 0; i < pos; ++i )
432 if ( mAttributeActionTable->item( i, 0 )->text() == new_name )
Attribute action types.
@ OpenUrl
Open URL action.
@ SubmitUrlMultipart
POST data to an URL using "multipart/form-data".
@ Windows
Windows specific.
@ SubmitUrlEncoded
POST data to an URL, using "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or "application/json" if the body is v...
Storage and management of actions associated with a layer.
Utility class that encapsulates an action based on vector attributes.
QString notificationMessage() const
Returns the notification message that triggers the action.
QString name() const
The name of the action. This may be a longer description.
QSet< QString > actionScopes() const
The action scopes define where an action will be available.
Qgis::AttributeActionType type() const
The action type.
QIcon icon() const
The icon.
QString iconPath() const
The path to the icon.
QString command() const
Returns the command that is executed by this action.
QString shortTitle() const
The short title is used to label user interface elements like buttons.
bool isEnabledOnlyWhenEditable() const
Returns whether only enabled in editable mode.
bool capture() const
Whether to capture output for display when this action is run.
QUuid id() const
Returns a unique id for this action.
void init(const QgsActionManager &action, const QgsAttributeTableConfig &attributeTableConfig)
bool showWidgetInAttributeTable() const
QgsAttributeActionDialog(const QgsActionManager &actions, QWidget *parent=nullptr)
QList< QgsAction > actions() const
QgsAttributeTableConfig::ActionWidgetStyle attributeTableWidgetStyle() const
This is a container for configuration of the attribute table.
@ Action
This column represents an action widget.
The style of the action widget in the attribute table.
bool actionWidgetVisible() const
Returns true if the action widget is visible.
ActionWidgetStyle actionWidgetStyle() const
Gets the style of the action widget.
QgsAttributeTableConfig attributeTableConfig() const
Returns the attribute table configuration object.
Defines the configuration of a column in the attribute table.
QgsAttributeTableConfig::Type type
The type of this column.
bool hidden
Flag that controls if the column is hidden.