| QgsTiledSceneDataProvider (const QgsTiledSceneDataProvider &other) |
| QgsTiledSceneDataProvider (const QString &uri, const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions &providerOptions, Qgis::DataProviderReadFlags flags=Qgis::DataProviderReadFlags()) |
| Constructor for QgsTiledSceneDataProvider.
| ~QgsTiledSceneDataProvider () override |
virtual const QgsTiledSceneBoundingVolume & | boundingVolume () const =0 |
| Returns the bounding volume for the data provider.
virtual Qgis::TiledSceneProviderCapabilities | capabilities () const |
| Returns flags containing the supported capabilities for the data provider.
virtual QgsTiledSceneDataProvider * | clone () const =0 |
| Returns a clone of the data provider.
virtual QgsTiledSceneIndex | index () const =0 |
| Returns the provider's tile index.
QgsTiledSceneDataProvider & | operator= (const QgsTiledSceneDataProvider &other)=delete |
virtual const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem | sceneCrs () const =0 |
| Returns the original coordinate reference system for the tiled scene data.
virtual QgsDoubleRange | zRange () const |
| Returns the provider's z range, or an infinite range if this is not known.
| QgsDataProvider (const QString &uri=QString(), const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions &providerOptions=QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions(), Qgis::DataProviderReadFlags flags=Qgis::DataProviderReadFlags()) |
| Create a new dataprovider with the specified in the uri.
virtual QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem | crs () const =0 |
| Returns the coordinate system for the data source.
virtual QString | dataComment () const |
| Returns a short comment for the data that this provider is providing access to (e.g.
virtual QString | dataSourceUri (bool expandAuthConfig=false) const |
| Gets the data source specification.
virtual QDateTime | dataTimestamp () const |
| Current time stamp of data source.
virtual QString | description () const =0 |
| Returns description.
virtual QgsDataProviderElevationProperties * | elevationProperties () |
| Returns the provider's elevation properties.
virtual const QgsDataProviderElevationProperties * | elevationProperties () const |
| Returns the provider's elevation properties.
virtual bool | enterUpdateMode () |
| Enter update mode.
virtual QgsError | error () const |
| Gets current status error.
virtual QgsRectangle | extent () const =0 |
| Returns the extent of the layer.
virtual QgsBox3D | extent3D () const |
| Returns the 3D extent of the layer.
virtual QString | fileRasterFilters () const |
| Returns raster file filter string.
virtual QString | fileVectorFilters () const |
| Returns vector file filter string.
virtual Qgis::DataProviderFlags | flags () const |
| Returns the generic data provider flags.
virtual QString | htmlMetadata () const |
| Obtain a formatted HTML string containing assorted metadata for this data provider.
virtual void | invalidateConnections (const QString &connection) |
| Invalidate connections corresponding to specified name.
virtual bool | isValid () const =0 |
| Returns true if this is a valid layer.
virtual QgsLayerMetadata | layerMetadata () const |
| Returns layer metadata collected from the provider's source.
virtual bool | leaveUpdateMode () |
| Leave update mode.
virtual QString | name () const =0 |
| Returns a provider name.
QVariant | providerProperty (int property, const QVariant &defaultValue) const |
| Gets the current value of a certain provider property.
QVariant | providerProperty (ProviderProperty property, const QVariant &defaultValue=QVariant()) const |
| Gets the current value of a certain provider property.
virtual void | reloadData () |
| Reloads the data from the source for providers with data caches to synchronize, changes in the data source, feature counts and other specific actions.
virtual bool | renderInPreview (const QgsDataProvider::PreviewContext &context) |
| Returns whether the layer must be rendered in preview jobs.
virtual void | setDataSourceUri (const QString &uri) |
| Set the data source specification.
virtual void | setLayerOrder (const QStringList &layers) |
| Reorder the list of layer names to be rendered by this provider (in order from bottom to top)
virtual void | setListening (bool isListening) |
| Set whether the provider will listen to datasource notifications If set, the provider will issue notify signals.
void | setProviderProperty (int property, const QVariant &value) |
| Allows setting arbitrary properties on the provider.
void | setProviderProperty (ProviderProperty property, const QVariant &value) |
| Allows setting arbitrary properties on the provider.
virtual void | setSubLayerVisibility (const QString &name, bool vis) |
| Set the visibility of the given sublayer name.
virtual bool | setSubsetString (const QString &subset, bool updateFeatureCount=true) |
| Set the subset string used to create a subset of features in the layer.
virtual void | setTransformContext (const QgsCoordinateTransformContext &transformContext) |
| Sets data coordinate transform context to transformContext.
void | setUri (const QgsDataSourceUri &uri) |
| Set the data source specification.
void | setUri (const QString &uri) |
| Set the data source specification.
virtual Qgis::ProviderStyleStorageCapabilities | styleStorageCapabilities () const |
| Returns the style storage capabilities.
virtual uint | subLayerCount () const |
| Returns the number of layers for the current data source.
virtual QStringList | subLayers () const |
| Sub-layers handled by this provider, in order from bottom to top.
virtual QStringList | subLayerStyles () const |
| Sub-layer styles for each sub-layer handled by this provider, in order from bottom to top.
virtual QString | subsetString () const |
| Returns the subset definition string currently in use by the layer and used by the provider to limit the feature set.
virtual QString | subsetStringDialect () const |
| Returns a user-friendly string describing the dialect which is supported for subset strings by the provider.
virtual QString | subsetStringHelpUrl () const |
| Returns a URL pointing to documentation describing the dialect which is supported for subset strings by the provider.
virtual bool | supportsSubsetString () const |
| Returns true if the provider supports setting of subset strings.
virtual QgsDataProviderTemporalCapabilities * | temporalCapabilities () |
| Returns the provider's temporal capabilities.
virtual const QgsDataProviderTemporalCapabilities * | temporalCapabilities () const |
| Returns the provider's temporal capabilities.
virtual QDateTime | timestamp () const |
| Time stamp of data source in the moment when data/metadata were loaded by provider.
QgsCoordinateTransformContext | transformContext () const |
| Returns data provider coordinate transform context.
virtual void | updateExtents () |
| Update the extents of the layer.
QgsDataSourceUri | uri () const |
| Gets the data source specification.
virtual bool | writeLayerMetadata (const QgsLayerMetadata &metadata) |
| Writes layer metadata to the underlying provider source.