QGIS API Documentation 3.43.0-Master (3ee7834ace6)
This is the complete list of members for QgsOgrUtils, including all inherited members.
convertFieldDomain(OGRFieldDomainH domain) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
convertFieldDomain(const QgsFieldDomain *domain) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
convertRelationship(GDALRelationshipH relationship, const QString &datasetUri) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
convertRelationship(const QgsWeakRelation &relation, QString &error) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
crsToOGRSpatialReference(const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &crs) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
cStringListToQStringList(char **stringList) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
deleteStyleById(GDALDatasetH hDS, const QString &styleId, QString &errCause) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
getOgrFeatureAttribute(OGRFeatureH ogrFet, const QgsFields &fields, int attIndex, QTextCodec *encoding, bool *ok=nullptr) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
getOgrFeatureAttribute(OGRFeatureH ogrFet, const QgsField &field, int attIndex, QTextCodec *encoding, bool *ok=nullptr) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
getStyleById(GDALDatasetH hDS, const QString &styleId, QString &errCause) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
listStyles(GDALDatasetH hDS, const QString &layerName, const QString &geomColumn, QStringList &ids, QStringList &names, QStringList &descriptions, QString &errCause) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
loadStoredStyle(GDALDatasetH hDS, const QString &layerName, const QString &geomColumn, QString &styleName, QString &errCause) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
nativeFieldTypesForDriver(GDALDriverH driver) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
OGRFieldtoVariant(const OGRField *value, OGRFieldType type) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
ogrFieldTypeToQVariantType(OGRFieldType ogrType, OGRFieldSubType ogrSubType, QMetaType::Type &variantType, QMetaType::Type &variantSubType) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
ogrGeometryToQgsGeometry(OGRGeometryH geom) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
ogrGeometryTypeToQgsWkbType(OGRwkbGeometryType ogrGeomType) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
OGRSpatialReferenceToCrs(OGRSpatialReferenceH srs) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
OGRSpatialReferenceToWkt(OGRSpatialReferenceH srs) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
OGRTZFlagFromQt(const QDateTime &datetime) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
parseStyleString(const QString &string) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
readOgrFeature(OGRFeatureH ogrFet, const QgsFields &fields, QTextCodec *encoding) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
readOgrFeatureAttributes(OGRFeatureH ogrFet, const QgsFields &fields, QgsFeature &feature, QTextCodec *encoding) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
readOgrFeatureGeometry(OGRFeatureH ogrFet, QgsFeature &feature) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
readOgrFields(OGRFeatureH ogrFet, QTextCodec *encoding) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
readShapefileEncoding(const QString &path) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
readShapefileEncodingFromCpg(const QString &path) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
readShapefileEncodingFromLdid(const QString &path) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
saveStyle(GDALDatasetH hDS, const QString &layerName, const QString &geomColumn, const QString &qmlStyle, const QString &sldStyle, const QString &styleName, const QString &styleDescription, const QString &uiFileContent, bool useAsDefault, QString &errCause) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
stringToFeatureList(const QString &string, const QgsFields &fields, QTextCodec *encoding) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
stringToFields(const QString &string, QTextCodec *encoding) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
stringToVariant(OGRFieldType type, OGRFieldSubType subType, const QString &string) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
styleExists(GDALDatasetH hDS, const QString &layerName, const QString &geomColumn, const QString &styleId, QString &errorCause) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
symbolFromStyleString(const QString &string, Qgis::SymbolType type) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
variantToOGRField(const QVariant &value, OGRFieldType type) | QgsOgrUtils | static |
variantTypeToOgrFieldType(QMetaType::Type variantType, OGRFieldType &ogrType, OGRFieldSubType &ogrSubType) | QgsOgrUtils | static |