QGIS API Documentation 3.43.0-Master (3ee7834ace6)
This is the complete list of members for QgsOgcUtils, including all inherited members.
colorFromOgcFill(const QDomElement &fillElement) | QgsOgcUtils | static |
elseFilterExpression(QDomDocument &doc) | QgsOgcUtils | static |
expressionFromOgcFilter(const QDomElement &element, QgsVectorLayer *layer=nullptr) | QgsOgcUtils | static |
expressionFromOgcFilter(const QDomElement &element, FilterVersion version, QgsVectorLayer *layer=nullptr) | QgsOgcUtils | static |
expressionToOgcExpression(const QgsExpression &exp, QDomDocument &doc, QString *errorMessage=nullptr, bool requiresFilterElement=false) | QgsOgcUtils | static |
expressionToOgcExpression(const QgsExpression &exp, QDomDocument &doc, QgsOgcUtils::GMLVersion gmlVersion, FilterVersion filterVersion, const QString &geometryName, const QString &srsName, bool honourAxisOrientation, bool invertAxisOrientation, QString *errorMessage=nullptr, bool requiresFilterElement=false, const QMap< QString, QString > &fieldNameToXPathMap=QMap< QString, QString >(), const QMap< QString, QString > &namespacePrefixToUriMap=QMap< QString, QString >()) | QgsOgcUtils | static |
expressionToOgcFilter(const QgsExpression &exp, QDomDocument &doc, QString *errorMessage=nullptr) | QgsOgcUtils | static |
expressionToOgcFilter(const QgsExpression &exp, QDomDocument &doc, QgsOgcUtils::GMLVersion gmlVersion, FilterVersion filterVersion, const QString &namespacePrefix, const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &geometryName, const QString &srsName, bool honourAxisOrientation, bool invertAxisOrientation, QString *errorMessage=nullptr, const QMap< QString, QString > &fieldNameToXPathMap=QMap< QString, QString >(), const QMap< QString, QString > &namespacePrefixToUriMap=QMap< QString, QString >()) | QgsOgcUtils | static |
FILTER_FES_2_0 enum value | QgsOgcUtils | |
FILTER_OGC_1_0 enum value | QgsOgcUtils | |
FILTER_OGC_1_1 enum value | QgsOgcUtils | |
FilterVersion enum name | QgsOgcUtils | |
geometryFromGML(const QString &xmlString, const QgsOgcUtils::Context &context=QgsOgcUtils::Context()) | QgsOgcUtils | static |
geometryFromGML(const QDomNode &geometryNode, const QgsOgcUtils::Context &context=QgsOgcUtils::Context()) | QgsOgcUtils | static |
geometryToGML(const QgsGeometry &geometry, QDomDocument &doc, QgsOgcUtils::GMLVersion gmlVersion, const QString &srsName, bool invertAxisOrientation, const QString &gmlIdBase, int precision=17) | QgsOgcUtils | static |
geometryToGML(const QgsGeometry &geometry, QDomDocument &doc, const QString &format, int precision=17) | QgsOgcUtils | static |
geometryToGML(const QgsGeometry &geometry, QDomDocument &doc, int precision=17) | QgsOgcUtils | static |
GML_2_1_2 enum value | QgsOgcUtils | |
GML_3_1_0 enum value | QgsOgcUtils | |
GML_3_2_1 enum value | QgsOgcUtils | |
GMLVersion enum name | QgsOgcUtils | |
rectangleFromGMLBox(const QDomNode &boxNode) | QgsOgcUtils | static |
rectangleFromGMLEnvelope(const QDomNode &envelopeNode) | QgsOgcUtils | static |
rectangleToGMLBox(const QgsRectangle *box, QDomDocument &doc, int precision=17) | QgsOgcUtils | static |
rectangleToGMLBox(const QgsRectangle *box, QDomDocument &doc, const QString &srsName, bool invertAxisOrientation, int precision=17) | QgsOgcUtils | static |
rectangleToGMLEnvelope(const QgsRectangle *env, QDomDocument &doc, int precision=17) | QgsOgcUtils | static |
rectangleToGMLEnvelope(const QgsRectangle *env, QDomDocument &doc, const QString &srsName, bool invertAxisOrientation, int precision=17) | QgsOgcUtils | static |
SQLStatementToOgcFilter(const QgsSQLStatement &statement, QDomDocument &doc, QgsOgcUtils::GMLVersion gmlVersion, FilterVersion filterVersion, const QList< LayerProperties > &layerProperties, bool honourAxisOrientation, bool invertAxisOrientation, const QMap< QString, QString > &mapUnprefixedTypenameToPrefixedTypename, QString *errorMessage=nullptr, const QMap< QString, QString > &fieldNameToXPathMap=QMap< QString, QString >(), const QMap< QString, QString > &namespacePrefixToUriMap=QMap< QString, QString >()) | QgsOgcUtils | static |