QGIS API Documentation 3.41.0-Master (652554233d6)
This is the complete list of members for QgsLineSymbol, including all inherited members.
_getLineString(QgsRenderContext &context, const QgsCurve &curve, bool clipToExtent=true) | QgsSymbol | protectedstatic |
_getPoint(QgsRenderContext &context, const QgsPoint &point) | QgsSymbol | inlineprotectedstatic |
_getPolygon(QPolygonF &pts, QVector< QPolygonF > &holes, QgsRenderContext &context, const QgsPolygon &polygon, bool clipToExtent=true, bool correctRingOrientation=false) | QgsSymbol | protectedstatic |
_getPolygonRing(QgsRenderContext &context, const QgsCurve &curve, bool clipToExtent, bool isExteriorRing=false, bool correctRingOrientation=false) | QgsSymbol | protectedstatic |
animationSettings() | QgsSymbol | |
animationSettings() const | QgsSymbol | |
appendSymbolLayer(QgsSymbolLayer *layer) | QgsSymbol | |
asImage(QSize size, QgsRenderContext *customContext=nullptr) | QgsSymbol | |
bigSymbolPreviewImage(QgsExpressionContext *expressionContext=nullptr, Qgis::SymbolPreviewFlags flags=Qgis::SymbolPreviewFlag::FlagIncludeCrosshairsForMarkerSymbols, const QgsScreenProperties &screen=QgsScreenProperties()) | QgsSymbol | |
bigSymbolPreviewImage(QgsExpressionContext *expressionContext=nullptr, int flags=static_cast< int >(Qgis::SymbolPreviewFlag::FlagIncludeCrosshairsForMarkerSymbols)) | QgsSymbol | |
bufferSettings() | QgsSymbol | |
bufferSettings() const | QgsSymbol | |
canCauseArtifactsBetweenAdjacentTiles() const | QgsSymbol | |
changeSymbolLayer(int index, QgsSymbolLayer *layer) | QgsSymbol | |
clipFeaturesToExtent() const | QgsSymbol | inline |
clone() const override | QgsLineSymbol | virtual |
cloneLayers() const | QgsSymbol | protected |
color() const | QgsSymbol | |
copyCommonProperties(const QgsSymbol *other) | QgsSymbol | protected |
createSimple(const QVariantMap &properties) | QgsLineSymbol | static |
dataDefinedProperties() | QgsSymbol | inline |
dataDefinedProperties() const | QgsSymbol | inline |
dataDefinedWidth() const | QgsLineSymbol | |
defaultSymbol(Qgis::GeometryType geomType) | QgsSymbol | static |
deleteSymbolLayer(int index) | QgsSymbol | |
drawPreviewIcon(QPainter *painter, QSize size, QgsRenderContext *customContext=nullptr, bool selected=false, const QgsExpressionContext *expressionContext=nullptr, const QgsLegendPatchShape *patchShape=nullptr, const QgsScreenProperties &screen=QgsScreenProperties()) | QgsSymbol | |
dump() const | QgsSymbol | |
exportImage(const QString &path, const QString &format, QSize size) | QgsSymbol | |
extentBuffer() const | QgsSymbol | |
extentBufferSizeUnit() const | QgsSymbol | inline |
flags() const | QgsSymbol | |
forceRHR() const | QgsSymbol | inline |
hasDataDefinedProperties() const | QgsSymbol | |
insertSymbolLayer(int index, QgsSymbolLayer *layer) | QgsSymbol | |
layer() const | QgsSymbol | |
mAnimationSettings | QgsSymbol | protected |
mapUnitScale() const | QgsSymbol | |
mBufferSettings | QgsSymbol | protected |
mClipFeaturesToExtent | QgsSymbol | protected |
mExtentBuffer | QgsSymbol | protected |
mExtentBufferSizeUnit | QgsSymbol | protected |
mForceRHR | QgsSymbol | protected |
mLayer | QgsSymbol | protected |
mLayers | QgsSymbol | protected |
mOpacity | QgsSymbol | protected |
mRenderHints | QgsSymbol | protected |
mSymbolFlags | QgsSymbol | protected |
mType | QgsSymbol | protected |
opacity() const | QgsSymbol | inline |
outputUnit() const | QgsSymbol | |
Property enum name | QgsSymbol | |
propertyDefinitions() | QgsSymbol | static |
QgsLineSymbol(const QgsSymbolLayerList &layers=QgsSymbolLayerList()) | QgsLineSymbol | |
QgsSymbol(Qgis::SymbolType type, const QgsSymbolLayerList &layers) | QgsSymbol | protected |
renderFeature(const QgsFeature &feature, QgsRenderContext &context, int layer=-1, bool selected=false, bool drawVertexMarker=false, Qgis::VertexMarkerType currentVertexMarkerType=Qgis::VertexMarkerType::SemiTransparentCircle, double currentVertexMarkerSize=0.0) | QgsSymbol | |
renderHints() const | QgsSymbol | |
renderPolyline(const QPolygonF &points, const QgsFeature *f, QgsRenderContext &context, int layer=-1, bool selected=false) | QgsLineSymbol | |
renderUsingLayer(QgsSymbolLayer *layer, QgsSymbolRenderContext &context, Qgis::GeometryType geometryType=Qgis::GeometryType::Unknown, const QPolygonF *points=nullptr, const QVector< QPolygonF > *rings=nullptr) | QgsSymbol | protected |
renderVertexMarker(QPointF pt, QgsRenderContext &context, Qgis::VertexMarkerType currentVertexMarkerType, double currentVertexMarkerSize) | QgsSymbol | protected |
setAnimationSettings(const QgsSymbolAnimationSettings &settings) | QgsSymbol | |
setBufferSettings(QgsSymbolBufferSettings *settings) | QgsSymbol | |
setClipFeaturesToExtent(bool clipFeaturesToExtent) | QgsSymbol | inline |
setColor(const QColor &color) const | QgsSymbol | |
setDataDefinedProperties(const QgsPropertyCollection &collection) | QgsSymbol | inline |
setDataDefinedProperty(Property key, const QgsProperty &property) | QgsSymbol | |
setDataDefinedWidth(const QgsProperty &property) const | QgsLineSymbol | |
setExtentBuffer(double extentBuffer) | QgsSymbol | |
setExtentBufferSizeUnit(Qgis::RenderUnit unit) | QgsSymbol | inline |
setFlags(Qgis::SymbolFlags flags) | QgsSymbol | inline |
setForceRHR(bool force) | QgsSymbol | inline |
setLayer(const QgsVectorLayer *layer) | QgsSymbol | |
setMapUnitScale(const QgsMapUnitScale &scale) const | QgsSymbol | |
setOpacity(qreal opacity) | QgsSymbol | inline |
setOutputUnit(Qgis::RenderUnit unit) const | QgsSymbol | |
setRenderHints(Qgis::SymbolRenderHints hints) | QgsSymbol | inline |
setWidth(double width) const | QgsLineSymbol | |
setWidthUnit(Qgis::RenderUnit unit) const | QgsLineSymbol | |
startFeatureRender(const QgsFeature &feature, QgsRenderContext &context, int layer=-1) | QgsSymbol | |
startRender(QgsRenderContext &context, const QgsFields &fields=QgsFields()) | QgsSymbol | |
stopFeatureRender(const QgsFeature &feature, QgsRenderContext &context, int layer=-1) | QgsSymbol | |
stopRender(QgsRenderContext &context) | QgsSymbol | |
symbolLayer(int layer) | QgsSymbol | |
symbolLayer(int layer) const | QgsSymbol | |
symbolLayerCount() const | QgsSymbol | inline |
symbolLayers() const | QgsSymbol | inline |
symbolRenderContext() | QgsSymbol | |
symbolTypeForGeometryType(Qgis::GeometryType type) | QgsSymbol | static |
symbolTypeToString(Qgis::SymbolType type) | QgsSymbol | static |
takeSymbolLayer(int index) | QgsSymbol | |
toSld(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, QVariantMap props) const | QgsSymbol | |
type() const | QgsSymbol | inline |
usedAttributes(const QgsRenderContext &context) const | QgsSymbol | |
usesMapUnits() const | QgsSymbol | |
width() const | QgsLineSymbol | |
width(const QgsRenderContext &context) const | QgsLineSymbol | |
~QgsSymbol() | QgsSymbol | virtual |