QGIS API Documentation  3.6.0-Noosa (5873452)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /***************************************************************************
2  qgsrasterblock.h - Class representing a block of raster data
3  --------------------------------------
4  Date : Oct 9, 2012
5  Copyright : (C) 2012 by Radim Blazek
6  email : radim dot blazek at gmail dot com
7  ***************************************************************************/
9 /***************************************************************************
10  * *
11  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
12  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
13  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
14  * (at your option) any later version. *
15  * *
16  ***************************************************************************/
21 #include "qgis_core.h"
22 #include "qgis_sip.h"
23 #include <limits>
24 #include <QImage>
25 #include "qgis.h"
26 #include "qgserror.h"
27 #include "qgslogger.h"
28 #include "qgsrasterrange.h"
30 class QgsRectangle;
36 class CORE_EXPORT QgsRasterBlock
37 {
38  public:
47  QgsRasterBlock( Qgis::DataType dataType, int width, int height );
49  virtual ~QgsRasterBlock();
58  bool reset( Qgis::DataType dataType, int width, int height );
60  // TODO: consider if use isValid() at all, isEmpty() should be sufficient
61  // and works also if block is valid but empty - difference between valid and empty?
68  bool isValid() const { return mValid; }
71  void setValid( bool valid ) { mValid = valid; }
78  bool isEmpty() const;
80  // Return data type size in bytes
81  static int typeSize( int dataType )
82  {
83  // Modified and extended copy from GDAL
84  switch ( dataType )
85  {
86  case Qgis::Byte:
87  return 1;
89  case Qgis::UInt16:
90  case Qgis::Int16:
91  return 2;
93  case Qgis::UInt32:
94  case Qgis::Int32:
95  case Qgis::Float32:
96  case Qgis::CInt16:
97  return 4;
99  case Qgis::Float64:
100  case Qgis::CInt32:
101  case Qgis::CFloat32:
102  return 8;
104  case Qgis::CFloat64:
105  return 16;
107  case Qgis::ARGB32:
109  return 4;
111  default:
112  return 0;
113  }
114  }
116  // Data type in bytes
117  int dataTypeSize() const
118  {
119  return typeSize( mDataType );
120  }
123  static bool typeIsNumeric( Qgis::DataType type );
126  static bool typeIsColor( Qgis::DataType type );
129  Qgis::DataType dataType() const { return mDataType; }
132  static Qgis::DataType typeWithNoDataValue( Qgis::DataType dataType, double *noDataValue );
139  bool hasNoDataValue() const { return mHasNoDataValue; }
146  bool hasNoData() const
147  {
148  return mHasNoDataValue || mNoDataBitmap;
149  }
156  void setNoDataValue( double noDataValue );
164  void resetNoDataValue();
172  double noDataValue() const { return mNoDataValue; }
179  static QByteArray valueBytes( Qgis::DataType dataType, double value );
189  double value( int row, int column ) const
190  {
191  return value( static_cast< qgssize >( row ) * mWidth + column );
192  }
206  double valueAndNoData( int row, int column, bool &isNoData ) const SIP_SKIP
207  {
208  return valueAndNoData( static_cast< qgssize >( row ) * mWidth + column, isNoData );
209  }
218  double value( qgssize index ) const;
232  double valueAndNoData( qgssize index, bool &isNoData ) const SIP_SKIP;
241  const quint8 *byteData() const SIP_SKIP
242  {
243  if ( mDataType != Qgis::Byte )
244  return nullptr;
245  return static_cast< const quint8 * >( mData );
246  }
253  QRgb color( int row, int column ) const
254  {
255  if ( !mImage ) return NO_DATA_COLOR;
257  return mImage->pixel( column, row );
258  }
264  QRgb color( qgssize index ) const
265  {
266  int row = static_cast< int >( std::floor( static_cast< double >( index ) / mWidth ) );
267  int column = index % mWidth;
268  return color( row, column );
269  }
278  bool isNoData( int row, int column ) const
279  {
280  return isNoData( static_cast< qgssize >( row ) * mWidth + column );
281  }
290  bool isNoData( qgssize row, qgssize column ) const
291  {
292  return isNoData( row * static_cast< qgssize >( mWidth ) + column );
293  }
301  bool isNoData( qgssize index ) const
302  {
303  if ( !mHasNoDataValue && !mNoDataBitmap )
304  return false;
305  if ( index >= static_cast< qgssize >( mWidth )*mHeight )
306  {
307  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Index %1 out of range (%2 x %3)" ).arg( index ).arg( mWidth ).arg( mHeight ) );
308  return true; // we consider no data if outside
309  }
310  if ( mHasNoDataValue )
311  {
312  double value = readValue( mData, mDataType, index );
313  return isNoDataValue( value );
314  }
315  // use no data bitmap
316  if ( !mNoDataBitmap )
317  {
318  // no data are not defined
319  return false;
320  }
321  // TODO: optimize
322  int row = static_cast< int >( index ) / mWidth;
323  int column = index % mWidth;
324  qgssize byte = static_cast< qgssize >( row ) * mNoDataBitmapWidth + column / 8;
325  int bit = column % 8;
326  int mask = 0x80 >> bit;
327  //int x = mNoDataBitmap[byte] & mask;
328  //QgsDebugMsg ( QString("byte = %1 bit = %2 mask = %3 nodata = %4 is nodata = %5").arg(byte).arg(bit).arg(mask, 0, 2 ).arg( x, 0, 2 ).arg( (bool)(x) ) );
329  return mNoDataBitmap[byte] & mask;
330  }
338  bool setValue( int row, int column, double value )
339  {
340  return setValue( static_cast< qgssize >( row ) * mWidth + column, value );
341  }
348  bool setValue( qgssize index, double value )
349  {
350  if ( !mData )
351  {
352  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Data block not allocated" ) );
353  return false;
354  }
355  if ( index >= static_cast< qgssize >( mWidth ) *mHeight )
356  {
357  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Index %1 out of range (%2 x %3)" ).arg( index ).arg( mWidth ).arg( mHeight ) );
358  return false;
359  }
360  writeValue( mData, mDataType, index, value );
361  return true;
362  }
370  bool setColor( int row, int column, QRgb color )
371  {
372  return setColor( static_cast< qgssize >( row ) * mWidth + column, color );
373  }
380  bool setColor( qgssize index, QRgb color )
381  {
382  if ( !mImage )
383  {
384  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Image not allocated" ) );
385  return false;
386  }
388  if ( index >= static_cast< qgssize >( mImage->width() ) * mImage->height() )
389  {
390  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "index %1 out of range" ).arg( index ) );
391  return false;
392  }
394  // setPixel() is slow, see Qt doc -> use direct access
395  QRgb *bits = reinterpret_cast< QRgb * >( mImage->bits() );
396  bits[index] = color;
397  return true;
398  }
407  QRgb *colorData() SIP_SKIP
408  {
409  if ( !mImage )
410  return nullptr;
411  return reinterpret_cast< QRgb * >( mImage->bits() );
412  }
419  bool setIsNoData( int row, int column )
420  {
421  return setIsNoData( static_cast< qgssize >( row ) * mWidth + column );
422  }
428  bool setIsNoData( qgssize index )
429  {
430  if ( mHasNoDataValue )
431  {
432  return setValue( index, mNoDataValue );
433  }
434  else
435  {
436  if ( !mNoDataBitmap )
437  {
438  if ( !createNoDataBitmap() )
439  {
440  return false;
441  }
442  }
443  // TODO: optimize
444  int row = static_cast< int >( index ) / mWidth;
445  int column = index % mWidth;
446  qgssize byte = static_cast< qgssize >( row ) * mNoDataBitmapWidth + column / 8;
447  int bit = column % 8;
448  int nodata = 0x80 >> bit;
449  //QgsDebugMsg ( QString("set byte = %1 bit = %2 no data by %3").arg(byte).arg(bit).arg(nodata, 0,2 ) );
450  mNoDataBitmap[byte] = mNoDataBitmap[byte] | nodata;
451  return true;
452  }
453  }
458  bool setIsNoData();
463  bool setIsNoDataExcept( QRect exceptRect );
473  void setIsData( int row, int column )
474  {
475  setIsData( static_cast< qgssize >( row )*mWidth + column );
476  }
485  void setIsData( qgssize index )
486  {
487  if ( mHasNoDataValue )
488  {
489  //no data value set, so mNoDataBitmap is not being used
490  return;
491  }
493  if ( !mNoDataBitmap )
494  {
495  return;
496  }
498  // TODO: optimize
499  int row = static_cast< int >( index ) / mWidth;
500  int column = index % mWidth;
501  qgssize byte = static_cast< qgssize >( row ) * mNoDataBitmapWidth + column / 8;
502  int bit = column % 8;
503  int nodata = 0x80 >> bit;
504  mNoDataBitmap[byte] = mNoDataBitmap[byte] & ~nodata;
505  }
516  QByteArray data() const;
527  void setData( const QByteArray &data, int offset = 0 );
535  char *bits( int row, int column ) SIP_SKIP;
542  char *bits( qgssize index ) SIP_SKIP;
548  char *bits() SIP_SKIP;
555  static QString printValue( double value );
565  static QString printValue( float value ) SIP_SKIP;
571  bool convert( Qgis::DataType destDataType );
576  QImage image() const;
582  bool setImage( const QImage *image );
585  inline static double readValue( void *data, Qgis::DataType type, qgssize index ) SIP_SKIP;
588  inline static void writeValue( void *data, Qgis::DataType type, qgssize index, double value ) SIP_SKIP;
590  void applyNoDataValues( const QgsRasterRangeList &rangeList );
596  void applyScaleOffset( double scale, double offset );
599  QgsError error() const { return mError; }
602  void setError( const QgsError &error ) { mError = error;}
604  QString toString() const;
616  static QRect subRect( const QgsRectangle &extent, int width, int height, const QgsRectangle &subExtent );
623  int width() const { return mWidth; }
630  int height() const { return mHeight; }
632  private:
633  static QImage::Format imageFormat( Qgis::DataType dataType );
634  static Qgis::DataType dataType( QImage::Format format );
641  static bool isNoDataValue( double value, double noDataValue )
642  {
643  // TODO: optimize no data value test by memcmp()
644  // More precise would be std::isnan(value) && std::isnan(noDataValue(bandNo)), but probably
645  // not important and slower
646  return std::isnan( value ) ||
647  qgsDoubleNear( value, noDataValue );
648  }
654  bool isNoDataValue( double value ) const;
659  bool createNoDataBitmap();
669  static void *convert( void *srcData, Qgis::DataType srcDataType, Qgis::DataType destDataType, qgssize size );
671  // Valid
672  bool mValid = true;
674  // Data type
677  // Data type size in bytes, to make bits() fast
678  int mTypeSize = 0;
680  // Width
681  int mWidth = 0;
683  // Height
684  int mHeight = 0;
686  // Has no data value
687  bool mHasNoDataValue = false;
689  // No data value
690  double mNoDataValue;
692  static const QRgb NO_DATA_COLOR;
694  // Data block for numerical data types, not used with image data types
695  // QByteArray does not seem to be intended for large data blocks, does it?
696  void *mData = nullptr;
698  // Image for image data types, not used with numerical data types
699  QImage *mImage = nullptr;
701  // Bitmap of no data. One bit for each pixel. Bit is 1 if a pixels is no data.
702  // Each row is represented by whole number of bytes (last bits may be unused)
703  // to make processing rows easy.
704  char *mNoDataBitmap = nullptr;
706  // number of bytes in mNoDataBitmap row
707  int mNoDataBitmapWidth = 0;
709  // total size in bytes of mNoDataBitmap
710  qgssize mNoDataBitmapSize = 0;
712  // Error
713  QgsError mError;
714 };
716 inline double QgsRasterBlock::readValue( void *data, Qgis::DataType type, qgssize index ) SIP_SKIP
717 {
718  if ( !data )
719  {
720  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
721  }
723  switch ( type )
724  {
725  case Qgis::Byte:
726  return static_cast< double >( ( static_cast< quint8 * >( data ) )[index] );
727  case Qgis::UInt16:
728  return static_cast< double >( ( static_cast< quint16 * >( data ) )[index] );
729  case Qgis::Int16:
730  return static_cast< double >( ( static_cast< qint16 * >( data ) )[index] );
731  case Qgis::UInt32:
732  return static_cast< double >( ( static_cast< quint32 * >( data ) )[index] );
733  case Qgis::Int32:
734  return static_cast< double >( ( static_cast< qint32 * >( data ) )[index] );
735  case Qgis::Float32:
736  return static_cast< double >( ( static_cast< float * >( data ) )[index] );
737  case Qgis::Float64:
738  return static_cast< double >( ( static_cast< double * >( data ) )[index] );
739  default:
740  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Data type %1 is not supported" ).arg( type ) );
741  break;
742  }
744  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
745 }
747 inline void QgsRasterBlock::writeValue( void *data, Qgis::DataType type, qgssize index, double value ) SIP_SKIP
748 {
749  if ( !data ) return;
751  switch ( type )
752  {
753  case Qgis::Byte:
754  ( static_cast< quint8 * >( data ) )[index] = static_cast< quint8 >( value );
755  break;
756  case Qgis::UInt16:
757  ( static_cast< quint16 * >( data ) )[index] = static_cast< quint16 >( value );
758  break;
759  case Qgis::Int16:
760  ( static_cast< qint16 * >( data ) )[index] = static_cast< qint16 >( value );
761  break;
762  case Qgis::UInt32:
763  ( static_cast< quint32 * >( data ) )[index] = static_cast< quint32 >( value );
764  break;
765  case Qgis::Int32:
766  ( static_cast< qint32 * >( data ) )[index] = static_cast< qint32 >( value );
767  break;
768  case Qgis::Float32:
769  ( static_cast< float * >( data ) )[index] = static_cast< float >( value );
770  break;
771  case Qgis::Float64:
772  ( static_cast< double * >( data ) )[index] = value;
773  break;
774  default:
775  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Data type %1 is not supported" ).arg( type ) );
776  break;
777  }
778 }
780 inline double QgsRasterBlock::value( qgssize index ) const SIP_SKIP
781 {
782  if ( !mData )
783  {
784  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Data block not allocated" ) );
785  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
786  }
787  return readValue( mData, mDataType, index );
788 }
790 inline double QgsRasterBlock::valueAndNoData( qgssize index, bool &isNoData ) const SIP_SKIP
791 {
792  if ( !mData )
793  {
794  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Data block not allocated" ) );
795  isNoData = true;
796  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
797  }
798  if ( index >= static_cast< qgssize >( mWidth )*mHeight )
799  {
800  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Index %1 out of range (%2 x %3)" ).arg( index ).arg( mWidth ).arg( mHeight ) );
801  isNoData = true; // we consider no data if outside
802  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
803  }
805  const double val = readValue( mData, mDataType, index );
807  if ( !mHasNoDataValue && !mNoDataBitmap )
808  {
809  isNoData = false;
810  return val;
811  }
813  if ( mHasNoDataValue )
814  {
815  isNoData = isNoDataValue( val );
816  return val;
817  }
818  // use no data bitmap
819  if ( !mNoDataBitmap )
820  {
821  // no data are not defined
822  isNoData = false;
823  return val;
824  }
826  // no data is a bitmap
827  isNoData = QgsRasterBlock::isNoData( index );
828  return val;
829 }
831 inline bool QgsRasterBlock::isNoDataValue( double value ) const SIP_SKIP
832 {
833  return std::isnan( value ) || qgsDoubleNear( value, mNoDataValue );
834 }
836 #endif
A rectangle specified with double values.
Definition: qgsrectangle.h:41
bool isNoData(qgssize row, qgssize column) const
Check if value at position is no data.
Thirty two bit signed integer (qint32)
Definition: qgis.h:86
bool isValid() const
Returns true if the block is valid (correctly filled with data).
static double readValue(void *data, Qgis::DataType type, qgssize index)
Qgis::DataType dataType() const
Returns data type.
#define QgsDebugMsg(str)
Definition: qgslogger.h:38
bool setValue(int row, int column, double value)
Set value on position.
int height() const
Returns the height (number of rows) of the raster block.
bool qgsDoubleNear(double a, double b, double epsilon=4 *std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon())
Compare two doubles (but allow some difference)
Definition: qgis.h:265
double valueAndNoData(int row, int column, bool &isNoData) const
Reads a single value from the pixel at row and column, if type of block is numeric.
Thirty two bit unsigned integer (quint32)
Definition: qgis.h:85
QRgb * colorData()
Gives direct read/write access to the raster RGB data.
Raster data types.
Definition: qgis.h:79
bool setColor(qgssize index, QRgb color)
Set color on index (indexed line by line)
Thirty two bit floating point (float)
Definition: qgis.h:87
bool isNoData(qgssize index) const
Check if value at position is no data.
Sixteen bit signed integer (qint16)
Definition: qgis.h:84
Complex Int16.
Definition: qgis.h:89
Sixty four bit floating point (double)
Definition: qgis.h:88
QgsError error() const
Returns the last error.
bool setIsNoData(int row, int column)
Set no data on pixel.
bool setColor(int row, int column, QRgb color)
Set color on position.
Color, alpha, red, green, blue, 4 bytes the same as QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied.
Definition: qgis.h:94
Raster data container.
void setIsData(qgssize index)
Remove no data flag on pixel.
const quint8 * byteData() const
Gives direct access to the raster block data.
#define SIP_SKIP
Definition: qgis_sip.h:119
void setError(const QgsError &error)
Sets the last error.
Complex Float32.
Definition: qgis.h:91
bool setIsNoData(qgssize index)
Set no data on pixel.
QRgb color(int row, int column) const
Read a single color.
void setIsData(int row, int column)
Remove no data flag on pixel.
Unknown or unspecified type.
Definition: qgis.h:81
Complex Int32.
Definition: qgis.h:90
static int typeSize(int dataType)
Sixteen bit unsigned integer (quint16)
Definition: qgis.h:83
bool isNoData(int row, int column) const
Checks if value at position is no data.
unsigned long long qgssize
Qgssize is used instead of size_t, because size_t is stdlib type, unknown by SIP, and it would be har...
Definition: qgis.h:596
int width() const
Returns the width (number of columns) of the raster block.
void setValid(bool valid)
Mark block as valid or invalid.
QRgb color(qgssize index) const
Read a single value.
static void writeValue(void *data, Qgis::DataType type, qgssize index, double value)
QList< QgsRasterRange > QgsRasterRangeList
bool setValue(qgssize index, double value)
Set value on index (indexed line by line)
QgsError is container for error messages (report).
Definition: qgserror.h:80
double value(int row, int column) const
Read a single value if type of block is numeric.
bool hasNoDataValue() const
True if the block has no data value.
int dataTypeSize() const
Complex Float64.
Definition: qgis.h:92
bool hasNoData() const
Returns true if the block may contain no data.
double noDataValue() const
Returns no data value.
Eight bit unsigned integer (quint8)
Definition: qgis.h:82
Color, alpha, red, green, blue, 4 bytes the same as QImage::Format_ARGB32.
Definition: qgis.h:93