102 QgsGeometry orthogonalize(
double tolerance = 1.0E-8,
int maxIterations = 1000,
double angleThreshold = 15.0 )
192 const std::function<
const QgsPointXY & ) > &acceptPoint,
unsigned long seed = 0,
QgsFeedback *feedback =
int maxTriesPerPoint = 0 );
290 QgsGeometry squareWavesRandomized(
double minimumWavelength,
double maximumWavelength,
double minimumAmplitude,
double maximumAmplitude,
unsigned long seed = 0 )
325 QgsGeometry roundWavesRandomized(
double minimumWavelength,
double maximumWavelength,
double minimumAmplitude,
double maximumAmplitude,
unsigned long seed = 0 )
344 double patternOffset = 0 )
349 mutable QString mLastError;
368 , direction( direction )
399class CORE_EXPORT QgsLineSegmentDistanceComparer
407 explicit QgsLineSegmentDistanceComparer(
const QgsPointXY &origin )
435class CORE_EXPORT QgsClockwiseAngleComparer
438 explicit QgsClockwiseAngleComparer(
const QgsPointXY &origin )
Dash pattern size adjustment options.
@ ScaleBothDashAndGap
Both the dash and gap lengths are adjusted equally.
Dash pattern line ending rules.
Abstract base class for all geometries.
Base class for feedback objects to be used for cancellation of something running in a worker thread.
A geometry is the spatial representation of a feature.
This class offers geometry processing methods.
QgsGeometry triangularWavesRandomized(double minimumWavelength, double maximumWavelength, double minimumAmplitude, double maximumAmplitude, unsigned long seed=0) const
Constructs randomized triangular waves along the boundary of the geometry, with the specified wavelen...
QgsGeometry triangularWaves(double wavelength, double amplitude, bool strictWavelength=false) const
Constructs triangular waves along the boundary of the geometry, with the specified wavelength and amp...
QgsGeometry roundWaves(double wavelength, double amplitude, bool strictWavelength=false) const
Constructs rounded (sine-like) waves along the boundary of the geometry, with the specified wavelengt...
QgsGeometry poleOfInaccessibility(double precision, double *distanceFromBoundary=nullptr) const
Calculates the approximate pole of inaccessibility for a surface, which is the most distant internal ...
QgsGeometry squareWaves(double wavelength, double amplitude, bool strictWavelength=false) const
Constructs square waves along the boundary of the geometry, with the specified wavelength and amplitu...
QgsGeometry variableWidthBufferByM(int segments) const
Calculates a variable width buffer using the m-values from a (multi)line geometry.
QgsGeometry extrude(double x, double y) const
Will extrude a line or (segmentized) curve by a given offset and return a polygon representation of i...
QgsGeometry roundWavesRandomized(double minimumWavelength, double maximumWavelength, double minimumAmplitude, double maximumAmplitude, unsigned long seed=0) const
Constructs randomized rounded (sine-like) waves along the boundary of the geometry,...
QgsGeometry orthogonalize(double tolerance=1.0E-8, int maxIterations=1000, double angleThreshold=15.0) const
Attempts to orthogonalize a line or polygon geometry by shifting vertices to make the geometries angl...
QgsGeometry variableWidthBuffer(int segments, const std::function< std::unique_ptr< double[] >(const QgsLineString *line) > &widthFunction) const
Calculates a variable width buffer for a (multi)curve geometry.
QString lastError() const
Returns an error string referring to the last error encountered.
QgsGeometry orientedMinimumBoundingBox(double &area, double &angle, double &width, double &height) const
Returns the oriented minimum bounding box for the geometry, which is the smallest (by area) rotated r...
QgsGeometry densifyByDistance(double distance) const
Densifies the geometry by adding regularly placed extra nodes inside each segment so that the maximum...
QgsGeometry taperedBuffer(double startWidth, double endWidth, int segments) const
Calculates a tapered width buffer for a (multi)curve geometry.
QVector< QgsPointXY > randomPointsInPolygon(int count, const std::function< bool(const QgsPointXY &) > &acceptPoint, unsigned long seed=0, QgsFeedback *feedback=nullptr, int maxTriesPerPoint=0)
Returns a list of count random points generated inside a polygon geometry (if acceptPoint is specifie...
QgsGeometry densifyByCount(int extraNodesPerSegment) const
Densifies the geometry by adding the specified number of extra nodes within each segment of the geome...
QgsGeometry applyDashPattern(const QVector< double > &pattern, Qgis::DashPatternLineEndingRule startRule=Qgis::DashPatternLineEndingRule::NoRule, Qgis::DashPatternLineEndingRule endRule=Qgis::DashPatternLineEndingRule::NoRule, Qgis::DashPatternSizeAdjustment adjustment=Qgis::DashPatternSizeAdjustment::ScaleBothDashAndGap, double patternOffset=0) const
Applies a dash pattern to a geometry, returning a MultiLineString geometry which is the input geometr...
QgsGeometry squareWavesRandomized(double minimumWavelength, double maximumWavelength, double minimumAmplitude, double maximumAmplitude, unsigned long seed=0) const
Constructs randomized square waves along the boundary of the geometry, with the specified wavelength ...
QgsGeometry convertToCurves(double distanceTolerance, double angleTolerance) const
Attempts to convert a non-curved geometry into a curved geometry type (e.g.
bool isAxisParallelRectangle(double maximumDeviation, bool simpleRectanglesOnly=false) const
Returns true if the geometry is a polygon that is almost an axis-parallel rectangle.
Represents a single 2D line segment, consisting of a 2D start and end vertex only.
Line string geometry type, with support for z-dimension and m-values.
A class to represent a 2D point.
A 2D ray which extends from an origin point to an infinite distance in a given direction.
QgsRay2D(const QgsPointXY &origin, QgsVector direction)
Constructor for a ray starting at the given origin and extending an infinite distance in the specifie...
A class to represent a vector.
QLineF segment(int index, QRectF rect, double radius)