double size,
const QString &label ): size( size ), label( label ) {}
92 void setClasses(
const QList< QgsDataDefinedSizeLegend::SizeClass > &classes ) { mSizeClasses = classes; }
94 QList< QgsDataDefinedSizeLegend::SizeClass >
const {
return mSizeClasses; }
97 void setTitle(
const QString &title ) { mTitleLabel = title; }
99 QString
const {
return mTitleLabel; }
107 void setFont(
const QFont &font ) { mFont = font; }
109 QFont
const {
return mFont; }
137 QImage collapsedLegendImage(
QgsRenderContext &context,
const QColor &backgroundColor = Qt::transparent,
double paddingMM = 1 )
148 QList< SizeClass > mSizeClasses;
149 std::unique_ptr<QgsMarkerSymbol> mSymbol;
150 std::unique_ptr<QgsSizeScaleTransformer> mSizeScaleTransformer;
153 QColor mTextColor = Qt::black;
154 Qt::AlignmentFlag mTextAlignment = Qt::AlignLeft;
157 #endif // QGSDATADEFINEDSIZELEGEND_H The class is used as a container of context for various read/write operations on other objects...
Symbols are aligned to the center.
Each class (size value) has a separate legend node.
QString label
Label to be shown with the particular symbol size.
QList< QgsLegendSymbolItem > QgsLegendSymbolList
void setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignmentFlag flag)
Sets horizontal text alignment for rendering of labels - only valid for collapsed legend...
void setFont(const QFont &font)
Sets font used for rendering of labels - only valid for collapsed legend.
Definition of one class for the legend.
VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment() const
Returns vertical alignment of symbols - only valid for collapsed legend.
void setTitle(const QString &title)
Sets title label for data-defined size legend.
void setLegendType(LegendType type)
Sets how the legend should be rendered.
A marker symbol type, for rendering Point and MultiPoint geometries.
QFont font() const
Returns font used for rendering of labels - only valid for collapsed legend.
double size
Marker size in units used by the symbol (usually millimeters). May be further scaled before rendering...
QString title() const
Returns title label for data-defined size legend.
A store for object properties.
QList< QgsDataDefinedSizeLegend::SizeClass > classes() const
Returns list of classes: each class is a pair of symbol size (in units used by the symbol) and label...
SizeClass(double size, const QString &label)
void setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment vAlign)
Sets vertical alignment of symbols - only valid for collapsed legend.
Symbols are aligned to the bottom.
Determines how to display data-defined size legend.
Contains information about the context of a rendering operation.
How to vertically align symbols when all classes go into one node.
QColor textColor() const
Returns text color for rendering of labels - only valid for collapsed legend.
void setTextColor(const QColor &color)
Sets text color for rendering of labels - only valid for collapsed legend.
LegendType legendType() const
Returns how the legend should be rendered.
Object that keeps configuration of appearance of marker symbol's data-defined size in legend...
All classes are rendered within one legend node.
void setClasses(const QList< QgsDataDefinedSizeLegend::SizeClass > &classes)
Sets list of classes: each class is a pair of symbol size (in units used by the symbol) and label...
Qt::AlignmentFlag textAlignment() const
Returns horizontal text alignment for rendering of labels - only valid for collapsed legend...