QGIS API Documentation 3.30.0-'s-Hertogenbosch (f186b8efe0)
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QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection Class Referenceabstract

The QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection class provides common functionality for DB based connections. More...

#include <qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.h>

Inheritance diagram for QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection:
Inheritance graph


struct  QueryResult
 The QueryResult class represents the result of a query executed by execSql() More...
struct  SpatialIndexOptions
 The SpatialIndexOptions contains extra options relating to spatial index creation. More...
struct  SqlVectorLayerOptions
 The SqlVectorLayerOptions stores all information required to create a SQL (query) layer. More...
struct  TableProperty
 The TableProperty class represents a database table or view. More...

Public Types

enum  Capability {
  CreateVectorTable = 1 << 1 , DropRasterTable = 1 << 2 , DropVectorTable = 1 << 3 , RenameVectorTable = 1 << 4 ,
  RenameRasterTable = 1 << 5 , CreateSchema = 1 << 6 , DropSchema = 1 << 7 , RenameSchema = 1 << 8 ,
  ExecuteSql = 1 << 9 , Vacuum = 1 << 10 , Tables = 1 << 11 , Schemas = 1 << 12 ,
  SqlLayers = 1 << 13 , TableExists = 1 << 14 , Spatial = 1 << 15 , CreateSpatialIndex = 1 << 16 ,
  SpatialIndexExists = 1 << 17 , DeleteSpatialIndex = 1 << 18 , DeleteField = 1 << 19 , DeleteFieldCascade = 1 << 20 ,
  AddField = 1 << 21 , ListFieldDomains = 1 << 22 , RetrieveFieldDomain = 1 << 23 , SetFieldDomain = 1 << 24 ,
  AddFieldDomain = 1 << 25 , RenameField = 1 << 26 , RetrieveRelationships = 1 << 27 , AddRelationship = 1 << 28 ,
  UpdateRelationship = 1 << 29 , DeleteRelationship = 1 << 30
 The Capability enum represents the operations supported by the connection. More...
enum  GeometryColumnCapability {
  Z = 1 << 1 , M = 1 << 2 , SinglePart = 1 << 3 , Curves = 1 << 4 ,
  SinglePoint = 1 << 5 , SingleLineString = 1 << 6 , SinglePolygon = 1 << 7
 The GeometryColumnCapability enum represents the geomery column features supported by the connection. More...
enum  TableFlag {
  Aspatial = 1 << 1 , Vector = 1 << 2 , Raster = 1 << 3 , View = 1 << 4 ,
  MaterializedView = 1 << 5 , Foreign = 1 << 6 , IncludeSystemTables = 1 << 7
 Flags for table properties. More...

Public Member Functions

 QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection (const QString &name)
 Creates a new connection with name by reading its configuration from the settings. More...
 QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection (const QString &uri, const QVariantMap &configuration)
 Creates a new connection from the given uri and configuration. More...
virtual void addField (const QgsField &field, const QString &schema, const QString &tableName) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Adds a field. More...
virtual void addFieldDomain (const QgsFieldDomain &domain, const QString &schema) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Adds a new field domain to the database. More...
virtual void addRelationship (const QgsWeakRelation &relationship) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Adds a new field relationship to the database. More...
Capabilities capabilities () const
 Returns connection capabilities. More...
virtual void createSchema (const QString &name) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Creates a new schema with the specified name. More...
virtual void createSpatialIndex (const QString &schema, const QString &name, const QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::SpatialIndexOptions &options=QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::SpatialIndexOptions()) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Creates a spatial index for the database table with given schema and name (schema is ignored if not supported by the backend). More...
virtual QgsVectorLayercreateSqlVectorLayer (const SqlVectorLayerOptions &options) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Creates and returns a (possibly invalid) vector layer based on the sql statement and optional options. More...
virtual void createVectorTable (const QString &schema, const QString &name, const QgsFields &fields, Qgis::WkbType wkbType, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &srs, bool overwrite, const QMap< QString, QVariant > *options) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Creates an empty table with name in the given schema (schema is ignored if not supported by the backend). More...
virtual void deleteField (const QString &fieldName, const QString &schema, const QString &tableName, bool force=false) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Deletes the field with the specified name. More...
virtual void deleteRelationship (const QgsWeakRelation &relationship) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Deletes an existing relationship in the database. More...
virtual void deleteSpatialIndex (const QString &schema, const QString &name, const QString &geometryColumn) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Deletes the existing spatial index for the database table with given schema, name and geometryColumn (schema and geometryColumn are ignored if not supported by the backend). More...
virtual void dropRasterTable (const QString &schema, const QString &name) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Drops a raster table with given schema (schema is ignored if not supported by the backend) and name. More...
virtual void dropSchema (const QString &name, bool force=false) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Drops an entire schema with the specified name. More...
virtual void dropVectorTable (const QString &schema, const QString &name) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Drops a vector (or aspatial) table with given schema (schema is ignored if not supported by the backend) and name. More...
virtual QueryResult execSql (const QString &sql, QgsFeedback *feedback=nullptr) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Executes raw sql and returns the (possibly empty) query results, optionally feedback can be provided. More...
virtual QList< QList< QVariant > > executeSql (const QString &sql, QgsFeedback *feedback=nullptr) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Executes raw sql and returns the (possibly empty) list of results in a multi-dimensional array, optionally feedback can be provided. More...
virtual QgsFieldDomainfieldDomain (const QString &name) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Returns the field domain with the specified name from the provider. More...
virtual QStringList fieldDomainNames () const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Returns a list of field domain names present on the provider. More...
virtual QgsFields fields (const QString &schema, const QString &table) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Returns the fields of a table and schema. More...
virtual GeometryColumnCapabilities geometryColumnCapabilities ()
 Returns connection geometry column capabilities (Z, M, SinglePart, Curves). More...
virtual QSet< QString > illegalFieldNames () const
 Returns a list of field names which are considered illegal by the connection and should not be used when creating or altering fields. More...
virtual QList< QgsVectorDataProvider::NativeTypenativeTypes () const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)=0
 Returns a list of native types supported by the connection. More...
QString providerKey () const
 Returns the provider key. More...
virtual QgsProviderSqlQueryBuilderqueryBuilder () const
 Returns a SQL query builder for the connection, which provides an interface for provider-specific creation of SQL queries. More...
virtual QStringList relatedTableTypes () const
 Returns a list of the related table types supported by the database format. More...
virtual QList< QgsWeakRelationrelationships (const QString &schema=QString(), const QString &tableName=QString()) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Returns a list of relationships detected in the database. More...
virtual void renameField (const QString &schema, const QString &tableName, const QString &name, const QString &newName) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Renames an existing field. More...
virtual void renameRasterTable (const QString &schema, const QString &name, const QString &newName) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Renames a raster table with given schema (schema is ignored if not supported by the backend) and name. More...
virtual void renameSchema (const QString &name, const QString &newName) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Renames a schema with the specified name. More...
virtual void renameVectorTable (const QString &schema, const QString &name, const QString &newName) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Renames a vector or aspatial table with given schema (schema is ignored if not supported by the backend) and name. More...
virtual QStringList schemas () const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Returns information about the existing schemas. More...
virtual QList< QgsLayerMetadataProviderResultsearchLayerMetadata (const QgsMetadataSearchContext &searchContext, const QString &searchString=QString(), const QgsRectangle &geographicExtent=QgsRectangle(), QgsFeedback *feedback=nullptr) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException
 Search the stored layer metadata in the connection, optionally limiting the search to the metadata identifier, title, abstract, keywords and categories. More...
virtual void setFieldDomainName (const QString &fieldName, const QString &schema, const QString &tableName, const QString &domainName) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Sets the field domain name for the existing field with the specified name. More...
virtual bool spatialIndexExists (const QString &schema, const QString &name, const QString &geometryColumn) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Determines whether a spatial index exists for the database table with given schema, name and geometryColumn (schema and geometryColumn are ignored if not supported by the backend). More...
virtual QMultiMap< Qgis::SqlKeywordCategory, QStringList > sqlDictionary ()
 Returns a dictionary of SQL keywords supported by the provider. More...
virtual Qgis::SqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities sqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities ()
 Returns SQL layer definition capabilities (Filters, GeometryColumn, PrimaryKeys). More...
virtual SqlVectorLayerOptions sqlOptions (const QString &layerSource) SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Returns the SQL layer options from a layerSource. More...
virtual QList< Qgis::FieldDomainTypesupportedFieldDomainTypes () const
 Returns a list of field domain types which are supported by the provider. More...
virtual Qgis::RelationshipCapabilities supportedRelationshipCapabilities () const
 Returns the relationship capabilities supported by the provider. More...
virtual QList< Qgis::RelationshipCardinalitysupportedRelationshipCardinalities () const
 Returns a list of relationship cardinalities which are supported by the provider. More...
virtual QList< Qgis::RelationshipStrengthsupportedRelationshipStrengths () const
 Returns a list of relationship strengths which are supported by the provider. More...
virtual QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::TableProperty table (const QString &schema, const QString &table) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Returns information on a table in the given schema. More...
virtual bool tableExists (const QString &schema, const QString &name) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Checks whether a table name exists in the given schema. More...
virtual QList< QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::TablePropertytables (const QString &schema=QString(), const QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::TableFlags &flags=QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::TableFlags()) const
 Returns information on the tables in the given schema. More...
QList< QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::TablePropertytablesInt (const QString &schema=QString(), const int flags=0) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Returns information on the tables in the given schema. More...
virtual QString tableUri (const QString &schema, const QString &name) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Returns the URI string for the given table and schema. More...
virtual void updateRelationship (const QgsWeakRelation &relationship) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Updates an existing relationship in the database. More...
virtual void vacuum (const QString &schema, const QString &name) const SIP_THROW(QgsProviderConnectionException)
 Vacuum the database table with given schema and name (schema is ignored if not supported by the backend). More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from QgsAbstractProviderConnection
 QgsAbstractProviderConnection (const QString &name)
 Creates a new connection with name by reading its configuration from the settings. More...
 QgsAbstractProviderConnection (const QString &uri, const QVariantMap &configuration)
 Creates a new connection from the given uri and configuration. More...
virtual ~QgsAbstractProviderConnection ()=default
QVariantMap configuration () const
 Returns the connection configuration parameters. More...
virtual QIcon icon () const
 Returns an icon representing the connection. More...
virtual void remove (const QString &name) const =0
 Deletes the connection from the settings. More...
void setConfiguration (const QVariantMap &configuration)
 Sets the connection configuration. More...
void setUri (const QString &uri)
 Sets the connection data source URI to uri. More...
virtual void store (const QString &name) const =0
 Stores the connection in the settings. More...
QString uri () const
 Returns the connection data source URI string representation. More...

Public Attributes

virtual QList< QgsLayerMetadataProviderResultQgsNotSupportedException

Protected Attributes

Capabilities mCapabilities = Capabilities()
GeometryColumnCapabilities mGeometryColumnCapabilities = GeometryColumnCapabilities()
QSet< QString > mIllegalFieldNames
QString mProviderKey
Qgis::SqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities mSqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities = Qgis::SqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities()

Detailed Description

The QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection class provides common functionality for DB based connections.

This class performs low level DB operations without asking the user for confirmation or handling currently opened layers and the registry entries, it is responsibility of the client code to keep layers in sync. The class methods will throw exceptions in case the requested operation is not supported or cannot be performed without errors.

QGIS 3.10

Definition at line 47 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Capability

The Capability enum represents the operations supported by the connection.


Can CREATE a vector (or aspatial) table/layer.


Can DROP a raster table/layer.


Can DROP a vector (or aspatial) table/layer.


Can RENAME a vector (or aspatial) table/layer.


Can RENAME a raster table/layer.


Can CREATE a schema.


Can DROP a schema.


Can RENAME a schema.


Can execute raw SQL queries (without returning results)


Can run vacuum.


Can list tables.


Can list schemas (if not set, the connection does not support schemas)


Can create vector layers from SQL SELECT queries.


Can check if table exists.


The connection supports spatial tables.


The connection can create spatial indices.


The connection can determine if a spatial index exists.


The connection can delete spatial indices for tables.


Can delete an existing field/column.


Can delete an existing field/column with cascade.


Can add a new field/column.


Can return a list of field domain names via fieldDomainNames() (since QGIS 3.26)


Can retrieve field domain details from provider via fieldDomain() (since QGIS 3.26)


Can set the domain for an existing field via setFieldDomainName() (since QGIS 3.26)


Can add new field domains to the database via addFieldDomain() (since QGIS 3.26)


Can rename existing fields via renameField() (since QGIS 3.28)


Can retrieve relationships from the database (since QGIS 3.28)


Can add new relationships to the database via addRelationship() (since QGIS 3.30)


Can update existing relationships in the database via updateRelationship() (since QGIS 3.30)


Can delete existing relationships from the database via deleteRelationship() (since QGIS 3.30)

Definition at line 483 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.h.

◆ GeometryColumnCapability

The GeometryColumnCapability enum represents the geomery column features supported by the connection.

QGIS 3.16

Supports Z dimension.

Supports M dimension.


Multi and single part types are distinct types. Deprecated since QGIS 3.28 – use the granular SinglePoint/SingleLineString/SinglePolygon capabilities instead.


Supports curves.


Supports single point types (as distinct from multi point types) (since QGIS 3.28)


Supports single linestring types (as distinct from multi line types) (since QGIS 3.28)


Supports single polygon types (as distinct from multi polygon types) (since QGIS 3.28)

Definition at line 525 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.h.

◆ TableFlag

Flags for table properties.

Flags can be useful for filtering the tables returned from tables().


Aspatial table (it does not contain any geometry column)


Vector table (it does contain one geometry column)


Raster table.


View table.


Materialized view table.


Foreign data wrapper.


Include system tables (since QGIS 3.30)

Definition at line 60 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection() [1/2]

QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection ( const QString &  name)

Creates a new connection with name by reading its configuration from the settings.

If a connection with this name cannot be found, an empty connection will be returned.

Definition at line 26 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection() [2/2]

QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection ( const QString &  uri,
const QVariantMap &  configuration 

Creates a new connection from the given uri and configuration.

The connection is not automatically stored in the settings.

See also

Definition at line 32 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addField()

void QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::addField ( const QgsField field,
const QString &  schema,
const QString &  tableName 
) const

Adds a field.

fieldspecification of the new field
schemaname of the schema (schema is ignored if not supported by the backend).
tableNamename of the table
it is responsibility of the caller to handle open layers and registry entries.
QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.
QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 1203 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ addFieldDomain()

void QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::addFieldDomain ( const QgsFieldDomain domain,
const QString &  schema 
) const

Adds a new field domain to the database.

domainfield domain to add
schemaname of the schema (schema is ignored if not supported by the backend).
QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.
QGIS 3.26

Definition at line 1357 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ addRelationship()

void QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::addRelationship ( const QgsWeakRelation relationship) const

Adds a new field relationship to the database.

QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.
QGIS 3.30

Definition at line 1368 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ capabilities()

QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::Capabilities QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::capabilities ( ) const

Returns connection capabilities.

Definition at line 37 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ createSchema()

void QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::createSchema ( const QString &  name) const

Creates a new schema with the specified name.

QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.

Definition at line 1123 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ createSpatialIndex()

void QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::createSpatialIndex ( const QString &  schema,
const QString &  name,
const QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::SpatialIndexOptions options = QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::SpatialIndexOptions() 
) const

Creates a spatial index for the database table with given schema and name (schema is ignored if not supported by the backend).

The options argument can be used to provide extra options controlling the spatial index creation.

QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.
QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 1156 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ createSqlVectorLayer()

QgsVectorLayer * QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::createSqlVectorLayer ( const SqlVectorLayerOptions options) const

Creates and returns a (possibly invalid) vector layer based on the sql statement and optional options.

QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered or if SQL layer creation is not supported.
QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 1161 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ createVectorTable()

void QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::createVectorTable ( const QString &  schema,
const QString &  name,
const QgsFields fields,
Qgis::WkbType  wkbType,
const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem srs,
bool  overwrite,
const QMap< QString, QVariant > *  options 
) const

Creates an empty table with name in the given schema (schema is ignored if not supported by the backend).

QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.

Definition at line 1053 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ deleteField()

void QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::deleteField ( const QString &  fieldName,
const QString &  schema,
const QString &  tableName,
bool  force = false 
) const

Deletes the field with the specified name.

fieldNamename of the field to be deleted
schemaname of the schema (schema is ignored if not supported by the backend).
tableNamename of the table
forceif true, a DROP CASCADE will drop all related objects
it is responsibility of the caller to handle open layers and registry entries.
QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.
QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 1178 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ deleteRelationship()

void QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::deleteRelationship ( const QgsWeakRelation relationship) const

Deletes an existing relationship in the database.

QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.
QGIS 3.30

Definition at line 1378 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ deleteSpatialIndex()

void QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::deleteSpatialIndex ( const QString &  schema,
const QString &  name,
const QString &  geometryColumn 
) const

Deletes the existing spatial index for the database table with given schema, name and geometryColumn (schema and geometryColumn are ignored if not supported by the backend).

QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.
QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 1167 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ dropRasterTable()

void QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::dropRasterTable ( const QString &  schema,
const QString &  name 
) const

Drops a raster table with given schema (schema is ignored if not supported by the backend) and name.

It is responsibility of the caller to handle open layers and registry entries.
QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.

Definition at line 1118 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ dropSchema()

void QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::dropSchema ( const QString &  name,
bool  force = false 
) const

Drops an entire schema with the specified name.

namename of the schema to be dropped
forceif true, a DROP CASCADE will drop all related objects
It is responsibility of the caller to handle open layers and registry entries.
QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.

Definition at line 1128 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ dropVectorTable()

void QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::dropVectorTable ( const QString &  schema,
const QString &  name 
) const

Drops a vector (or aspatial) table with given schema (schema is ignored if not supported by the backend) and name.

It is responsibility of the caller to handle open layers and registry entries.
QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.

Definition at line 1089 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ execSql()

QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::QueryResult QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::execSql ( const QString &  sql,
QgsFeedback feedback = nullptr 
) const

Executes raw sql and returns the (possibly empty) query results, optionally feedback can be provided.

See also
QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.
QGIS 3.18

Definition at line 1144 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ executeSql()

QList< QList< QVariant > > QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::executeSql ( const QString &  sql,
QgsFeedback feedback = nullptr 
) const

Executes raw sql and returns the (possibly empty) list of results in a multi-dimensional array, optionally feedback can be provided.

See also
QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.

Definition at line 1138 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ fieldDomain()

QgsFieldDomain * QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::fieldDomain ( const QString &  name) const

Returns the field domain with the specified name from the provider.

The caller takes ownership of the return object. Will return nullptr if no matching field domain is found.

This is supported on providers with the Capability::RetrieveFieldDomain capability only.

QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.
See also
QGIS 3.26

Definition at line 1346 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ fieldDomainNames()

QStringList QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::fieldDomainNames ( ) const

Returns a list of field domain names present on the provider.

This is supported on providers with the Capability::ListFieldDomains capability only.

QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.
See also
QGIS 3.26

Definition at line 1340 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ fields()

QgsFields QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::fields ( const QString &  schema,
const QString &  table 
) const

Returns the fields of a table and schema.

the default implementation creates a temporary vector layer, providers may choose to override this method for a greater efficiency of to overcome provider's behavior when the layer does not expose all fields (GPKG for example hides geometry and primary key column).
QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.
QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 1324 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ geometryColumnCapabilities()

QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::GeometryColumnCapabilities QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::geometryColumnCapabilities ( )

Returns connection geometry column capabilities (Z, M, SinglePart, Curves).

QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 42 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ illegalFieldNames()

QSet< QString > QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::illegalFieldNames ( ) const

Returns a list of field names which are considered illegal by the connection and should not be used when creating or altering fields.

QGIS 3.30

Definition at line 1018 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ nativeTypes()

virtual QList< QgsVectorDataProvider::NativeType > QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::nativeTypes ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns a list of native types supported by the connection.

QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.
QGIS 3.16

◆ providerKey()

QString QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::providerKey ( ) const

Returns the provider key.

QGIS 3.16

◆ queryBuilder()

QgsProviderSqlQueryBuilder * QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::queryBuilder ( ) const

Returns a SQL query builder for the connection, which provides an interface for provider-specific creation of SQL queries.

The caller takes ownership of the returned object.

QGIS 3.28

Definition at line 1048 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ relatedTableTypes()

QStringList QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::relatedTableTypes ( ) const

Returns a list of the related table types supported by the database format.

The related table type is a free-form string representing the type of related features, where the exact interpretation is format dependent. For instance, table types from GeoPackage relationships will directly reflect the categories from the GeoPackage related tables extension (i.e. "media", "simple attributes", "features", "attributes" and "tiles").

QGIS 3.30

Definition at line 1043 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ relationships()

QList< QgsWeakRelation > QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::relationships ( const QString &  schema = QString(),
const QString &  tableName = QString() 
) const

Returns a list of relationships detected in the database.

This is supported on providers with the Capability::RetrieveRelationships capability only.

If a schema and/or tableName are specified, then only relationships where the specified table forms the left (or "parent" / "referenced") side of the relationship are retrieved.

QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.
QGIS 3.28

Definition at line 1362 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ renameField()

void QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::renameField ( const QString &  schema,
const QString &  tableName,
const QString &  name,
const QString &  newName 
) const

Renames an existing field.

schemaname of the schema (schema is ignored if not supported by the backend).
tableNamename of the table
namecurrent name of field
newNamenew name for field
it is responsibility of the caller to handle open layers and registry entries.
QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.
QGIS 3.28

Definition at line 1228 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ renameRasterTable()

void QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::renameRasterTable ( const QString &  schema,
const QString &  name,
const QString &  newName 
) const

Renames a raster table with given schema (schema is ignored if not supported by the backend) and name.

It is responsibility of the caller to handle open layers and registry entries.
QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.

Definition at line 1084 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ renameSchema()

void QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::renameSchema ( const QString &  name,
const QString &  newName 
) const

Renames a schema with the specified name.

Raises a QgsProviderConnectionException if any errors are encountered.

it is responsibility of the caller to handle open layers and registry entries.
QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.

Definition at line 1133 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ renameVectorTable()

void QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::renameVectorTable ( const QString &  schema,
const QString &  name,
const QString &  newName 
) const

Renames a vector or aspatial table with given schema (schema is ignored if not supported by the backend) and name.

It is responsibility of the caller to handle open layers and registry entries.
QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.

Definition at line 1072 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ schemas()

QStringList QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::schemas ( ) const

Returns information about the existing schemas.

QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.

Definition at line 1288 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ searchLayerMetadata()

QList< QgsLayerMetadataProviderResult > QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::searchLayerMetadata ( const QgsMetadataSearchContext searchContext,
const QString &  searchString = QString(),
const QgsRectangle geographicExtent = QgsRectangle(),
QgsFeedback feedback = nullptr 
) const

Search the stored layer metadata in the connection, optionally limiting the search to the metadata identifier, title, abstract, keywords and categories.

searchContext context for the search searchString limit the search to metadata having an extent intersecting geographicExtent, an optional feedback can be used to monitor and control the search process.

The default implementation raises a QgsNotSupportedException, data providers may implement the search functionality.

A QgsProviderConnectionException is raised in case of errors happening during the search for providers that implement the search functionality.

a (possibly empty) list of QgsLayerMetadataProviderResult, throws a QgsProviderConnectionException if any error occurred during the search.
QGIS 3.28

Definition at line 1109 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ setFieldDomainName()

void QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::setFieldDomainName ( const QString &  fieldName,
const QString &  schema,
const QString &  tableName,
const QString &  domainName 
) const

Sets the field domain name for the existing field with the specified name.

fieldNamename of the field to be modified
schemaname of the schema (schema is ignored if not supported by the backend).
tableNamename of the table
domainNamename of the domain to set for the field. Must be an existing field domain (see fieldDomainNames()). Set to an empty string to remove a previously set domain.
QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.
QGIS 3.26

Definition at line 1352 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ spatialIndexExists()

bool QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::spatialIndexExists ( const QString &  schema,
const QString &  name,
const QString &  geometryColumn 
) const

Determines whether a spatial index exists for the database table with given schema, name and geometryColumn (schema and geometryColumn are ignored if not supported by the backend).

QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.
QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 1172 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ sqlDictionary()

QMultiMap< Qgis::SqlKeywordCategory, QStringList > QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::sqlDictionary ( )

Returns a dictionary of SQL keywords supported by the provider.

The default implementation returns an list of common reserved words under the "Keyword" and "Constant" categories.

Subclasses should add provider- and/or connection- specific words.

QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 80 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ sqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities()

Qgis::SqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::sqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities ( )

Returns SQL layer definition capabilities (Filters, GeometryColumn, PrimaryKeys).

QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 47 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ sqlOptions()

QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::SqlVectorLayerOptions QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::sqlOptions ( const QString &  layerSource)

Returns the SQL layer options from a layerSource.

the default implementation returns a default constructed option object.
QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered or if SQL layer creation is not supported.
QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 1078 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ supportedFieldDomainTypes()

QList< Qgis::FieldDomainType > QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::supportedFieldDomainTypes ( ) const

Returns a list of field domain types which are supported by the provider.

QGIS 3.28

Definition at line 1023 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ supportedRelationshipCapabilities()

Qgis::RelationshipCapabilities QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::supportedRelationshipCapabilities ( ) const

Returns the relationship capabilities supported by the provider.

QGIS 3.30

Definition at line 1038 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ supportedRelationshipCardinalities()

QList< Qgis::RelationshipCardinality > QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::supportedRelationshipCardinalities ( ) const

Returns a list of relationship cardinalities which are supported by the provider.

QGIS 3.30

Definition at line 1028 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ supportedRelationshipStrengths()

QList< Qgis::RelationshipStrength > QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::supportedRelationshipStrengths ( ) const

Returns a list of relationship strengths which are supported by the provider.

QGIS 3.30

Definition at line 1033 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ table()

QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::TableProperty QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::table ( const QString &  schema,
const QString &  table 
) const

Returns information on a table in the given schema.

QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered or if the table does not exist.
Not available in Python bindings
QGIS 3.12

Definition at line 1267 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ tableExists()

bool QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::tableExists ( const QString &  schema,
const QString &  name 
) const

Checks whether a table name exists in the given schema.

QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.

Definition at line 1094 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ tables()

QList< QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::TableProperty > QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::tables ( const QString &  schema = QString(),
const QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::TableFlags &  flags = QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::TableFlags() 
) const

Returns information on the tables in the given schema.

schemaname of the schema (ignored if not supported by the backend)
flagsfilter tables by flags, this option completely overrides search options stored in the connection
QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.
Not available in Python bindings

Definition at line 1260 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ tablesInt()

QList< QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::TableProperty > QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::tablesInt ( const QString &  schema = QString(),
const int  flags = 0 
) const

Returns information on the tables in the given schema.

schemaname of the schema (ignored if not supported by the backend)
flagsfilter tables by flags, this option completely overrides search options stored in the connection
QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.

Definition at line 1282 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ tableUri()

QString QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::tableUri ( const QString &  schema,
const QString &  name 
) const

Returns the URI string for the given table and schema.

QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.
QGIS 3.12

Definition at line 53 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ updateRelationship()

void QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::updateRelationship ( const QgsWeakRelation relationship) const

Updates an existing relationship in the database.

QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.
QGIS 3.30

Definition at line 1373 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

◆ vacuum()

void QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::vacuum ( const QString &  schema,
const QString &  name 
) const

Vacuum the database table with given schema and name (schema is ignored if not supported by the backend).

QgsProviderConnectionExceptionif any errors are encountered.

Definition at line 1151 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ mCapabilities

Capabilities QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::mCapabilities = Capabilities()

Definition at line 1097 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.h.

◆ mGeometryColumnCapabilities

GeometryColumnCapabilities QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::mGeometryColumnCapabilities = GeometryColumnCapabilities()

Definition at line 1098 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.h.

◆ mIllegalFieldNames

QSet<QString> QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::mIllegalFieldNames

Definition at line 1101 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.h.

◆ mProviderKey

QString QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::mProviderKey

Definition at line 1100 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.h.

◆ mSqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities

Qgis::SqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::mSqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities = Qgis::SqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities()

Definition at line 1099 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.h.

◆ QgsNotSupportedException

virtual QList< QgsLayerMetadataProviderResult > QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::QgsNotSupportedException

Definition at line 1083 of file qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: