| QgsPrintLayout (QgsProject *project) |
| Constructor for QgsPrintLayout. More...
QgsLayoutAtlas * | atlas () |
| Returns the print layout's atlas. More...
QgsPrintLayout * | clone () const override |
| Creates a clone of the layout. More...
QgsExpressionContext | createExpressionContext () const override |
| Creates an expression context relating to the layout's current state. More...
QIcon | icon () const override |
| Returns an icon for the layout. More...
bool | layoutAccept (QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface *visitor) const override |
| Accepts the specified style entity visitor, causing it to visit all style entities associated with the layout. More...
QgsProject * | layoutProject () const override |
| The project associated with the layout. More...
QgsMasterLayoutInterface::Type | layoutType () const override |
| Returns the master layout type. More...
QString | name () const override |
| Returns the layout's name. More...
bool | readLayoutXml (const QDomElement &layoutElement, const QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) override |
| Sets the layout's state from a DOM element. More...
bool | readXml (const QDomElement &layoutElement, const QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) override |
| Sets the collection's state from a DOM element. More...
void | setName (const QString &name) override |
| Sets the layout's name. More...
void | updateSettings () override |
| Refreshes the layout when global layout related options change. More...
QDomElement | writeLayoutXml (QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const override |
| Returns the layout's state encapsulated in a DOM element. More...
QDomElement | writeXml (QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const override |
| Returns the layout's state encapsulated in a DOM element. More...
| QgsLayout (QgsProject *project) |
| Construct a new layout linked to the specified project. More...
| ~QgsLayout () override |
bool | accept (QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface *visitor) const |
| Accepts the specified style entity visitor, causing it to visit all style entities associated with the layout. More...
QList< QgsLayoutItem * > | addItemsFromXml (const QDomElement &parentElement, const QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context, QPointF *position=nullptr, bool pasteInPlace=false) |
| Add items from an XML representation to the layout. More...
void | addLayoutItem (QgsLayoutItem *item) |
| Adds an item to the layout. More...
void | addMultiFrame (QgsLayoutMultiFrame *multiFrame) |
| Adds a multiFrame to the layout. More...
void | clear () |
| Clears the layout. More...
QgsLayout * | clone () const |
| Creates a clone of the layout. More...
QgsLayoutMeasurement | convertFromLayoutUnits (double length, QgsUnitTypes::LayoutUnit unit) const |
| Converts a length measurement from the layout's native units to a specified target unit. More...
QgsLayoutPoint | convertFromLayoutUnits (QPointF point, QgsUnitTypes::LayoutUnit unit) const |
| Converts a point from the layout's native units to a specified target unit. More...
QgsLayoutSize | convertFromLayoutUnits (QSizeF size, QgsUnitTypes::LayoutUnit unit) const |
| Converts a size from the layout's native units to a specified target unit. More...
QPointF | convertToLayoutUnits (const QgsLayoutPoint &point) const |
| Converts a point into the layout's native units. More...
QSizeF | convertToLayoutUnits (const QgsLayoutSize &size) const |
| Converts a size into the layout's native units. More...
double | convertToLayoutUnits (QgsLayoutMeasurement measurement) const |
| Converts a measurement into the layout's native units. More...
QgsAbstractLayoutUndoCommand * | createCommand (const QString &text, int id=0, QUndoCommand *parent=nullptr) override |
| Creates a new layout undo command with the specified text and parent. More...
QgsExpressionContext | createExpressionContext () const override |
| Creates an expression context relating to the layout's current state. More...
QStringList | customProperties () const |
| Returns list of keys stored in custom properties for the layout. More...
QVariant | customProperty (const QString &key, const QVariant &defaultValue=QVariant()) const |
| Read a custom property from the layout. More...
void | deselectAll () |
| Clears any selected items in the layout. More...
QgsLayoutGridSettings & | gridSettings () |
| Returns a reference to the layout's grid settings, which stores settings relating to grid appearance, spacing and offsets. More...
const QgsLayoutGridSettings & | gridSettings () const |
| Returns a reference to the layout's grid settings, which stores settings relating to grid appearance, spacing and offsets. More...
QgsLayoutItemGroup * | groupItems (const QList< QgsLayoutItem * > &items) |
| Creates a new group from a list of layout items and adds the group to the layout. More...
QgsLayoutGuideCollection & | guides () |
| Returns a reference to the layout's guide collection, which manages page snap guides. More...
const QgsLayoutGuideCollection & | guides () const |
| Returns a reference to the layout's guide collection, which manages page snap guides. More...
void | initializeDefaults () |
| Initializes an empty layout, e.g. More...
QgsLayoutItem * | itemById (const QString &id) const |
| Returns a layout item given its id. More...
QgsLayoutItem * | itemByTemplateUuid (const QString &uuid) const |
| Returns the layout item with matching template uuid unique identifier, or nullptr if a matching item could not be found. More...
QgsLayoutItem * | itemByUuid (const QString &uuid, bool includeTemplateUuids=false) const |
| Returns the layout item with matching uuid unique identifier, or nullptr if a matching item could not be found. More...
QgsLayoutModel * | itemsModel () |
| Returns the items model attached to the layout. More...
QRectF | layoutBounds (bool ignorePages=false, double margin=0.0) const |
| Calculates the bounds of all non-gui items in the layout. More...
QgsLayoutItem * | layoutItemAt (QPointF position, bool ignoreLocked=false) const |
| Returns the topmost layout item at a specified position. More...
QgsLayoutItem * | layoutItemAt (QPointF position, const QgsLayoutItem *belowItem, bool ignoreLocked=false) const |
| Returns the topmost layout item at a specified position which is below a specified item. More...
template<class T > |
void | layoutItems (QList< T * > &itemList) const |
| Returns a list of layout items of a specific type. More...
template<class T > |
void | layoutObjects (QList< T * > &objectList) const |
| Returns a list of layout objects (items and multiframes) of a specific type. More...
QList< QgsLayoutItem * > | loadFromTemplate (const QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context, bool clearExisting=true, bool *ok=nullptr) |
| Load a layout template document. More...
bool | lowerItem (QgsLayoutItem *item, bool deferUpdate=false) |
| Lowers an item down the z-order. More...
bool | moveItemToBottom (QgsLayoutItem *item, bool deferUpdate=false) |
| Lowers an item down to the bottom of the z-order. More...
bool | moveItemToTop (QgsLayoutItem *item, bool deferUpdate=false) |
| Raises an item up to the top of the z-order. More...
QgsLayoutMultiFrame * | multiFrameByUuid (const QString &uuid, bool includeTemplateUuids=false) const |
| Returns the layout multiframe with matching uuid unique identifier, or nullptr if a matching multiframe could not be found. More...
QList< QgsLayoutMultiFrame * > | multiFrames () const |
| Returns a list of multi frames contained in the layout. More...
QgsLayoutPageCollection * | pageCollection () |
| Returns a pointer to the layout's page collection, which stores and manages page items in the layout. More...
const QgsLayoutPageCollection * | pageCollection () const |
| Returns a pointer to the layout's page collection, which stores and manages page items in the layout. More...
QRectF | pageItemBounds (int page, bool visibleOnly=false) const |
| Returns the bounding box of the items contained on a specified page. More...
QgsProject * | project () const |
| The project associated with the layout. More...
bool | raiseItem (QgsLayoutItem *item, bool deferUpdate=false) |
| Raises an item up the z-order. More...
virtual bool | readXml (const QDomElement &layoutElement, const QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) |
| Sets the collection's state from a DOM element. More...
QgsLayoutItemMap * | referenceMap () const |
| Returns the map item which will be used to generate corresponding world files when the layout is exported. More...
void | reloadSettings () |
| Refreshes the layout when global layout related options change. More...
void | removeCustomProperty (const QString &key) |
| Remove a custom property from the layout. More...
void | removeLayoutItem (QgsLayoutItem *item) |
| Removes an item from the layout. More...
void | removeMultiFrame (QgsLayoutMultiFrame *multiFrame) |
| Removes a multiFrame from the layout (but does not delete it). More...
QgsLayoutRenderContext & | renderContext () |
| Returns a reference to the layout's render context, which stores information relating to the current rendering settings for the layout. More...
const QgsLayoutRenderContext & | renderContext () const |
| Returns a reference to the layout's render context, which stores information relating to the current rendering settings for the layout. More...
QgsLayoutReportContext & | reportContext () |
| Returns a reference to the layout's report context, which stores information relating to the current reporting context for the layout. More...
const QgsLayoutReportContext & | reportContext () const |
| Returns a reference to the layout's report context, which stores information relating to the current reporting context for the layout. More...
bool | saveAsTemplate (const QString &path, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const |
| Saves the layout as a template at the given file path. More...
QList< QgsLayoutItem * > | selectedLayoutItems (bool includeLockedItems=true) |
| Returns list of selected layout items. More...
void | setCustomProperty (const QString &key, const QVariant &value) |
| Set a custom property for the layout. More...
void | setReferenceMap (QgsLayoutItemMap *map) |
| Sets the map item which will be used to generate corresponding world files when the layout is exported. More...
void | setSelectedItem (QgsLayoutItem *item) |
| Clears any selected items and sets item as the current selection. More...
void | setUnits (QgsUnitTypes::LayoutUnit units) |
| Sets the native measurement units for the layout. More...
QgsLayoutSnapper & | snapper () |
| Returns a reference to the layout's snapper, which stores handles layout snap grids and lines and snapping points to the nearest matching point. More...
const QgsLayoutSnapper & | snapper () const |
| Returns a reference to the layout's snapper, which stores handles layout snap grids and lines and snapping points to the nearest matching point. More...
QgsLayoutUndoStack * | undoStack () |
| Returns a pointer to the layout's undo stack, which manages undo/redo states for the layout and it's associated objects. More...
const QgsLayoutUndoStack * | undoStack () const |
| Returns a pointer to the layout's undo stack, which manages undo/redo states for the layout and it's associated objects. More...
QList< QgsLayoutItem * > | ungroupItems (QgsLayoutItemGroup *group) |
| Ungroups items by removing them from an item group and removing the group from the layout. More...
QgsUnitTypes::LayoutUnit | units () const |
| Returns the native units for the layout. More...
void | updateZValues (bool addUndoCommands=true) |
| Resets the z-values of items based on their position in the internal z order list. More...
virtual QDomElement | writeXml (QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const |
| Returns the layout's state encapsulated in a DOM element. More...
virtual | ~QgsExpressionContextGenerator ()=default |
virtual QgsExpressionContext | createExpressionContext () const =0 |
| This method needs to be reimplemented in all classes which implement this interface and return an expression context. More...
virtual | ~QgsLayoutUndoObjectInterface ()=default |
| Destructor for QgsLayoutUndoObjectInterface. More...
virtual QgsAbstractLayoutUndoCommand * | createCommand (const QString &text, int id=0, QUndoCommand *parent=nullptr)=0 |
| Creates a new layout undo command with the specified text and parent. More...
virtual | ~QgsMasterLayoutInterface ()=default |
virtual QgsMasterLayoutInterface * | clone () const =0 |
| Creates a clone of the layout. More...
virtual QIcon | icon () const =0 |
| Returns an icon for the layout. More...
virtual bool | layoutAccept (QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface *visitor) const |
| Accepts the specified style entity visitor, causing it to visit all style entities associated with the layout. More...
virtual QgsProject * | layoutProject () const =0 |
| The project associated with the layout. More...
virtual QgsMasterLayoutInterface::Type | layoutType () const =0 |
| Returns the master layout type. More...
virtual QString | name () const =0 |
| Returns the layout's name. More...
virtual bool | readLayoutXml (const QDomElement &layoutElement, const QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context)=0 |
| Sets the layout's state from a DOM element. More...
virtual void | setName (const QString &name)=0 |
| Sets the layout's name. More...
virtual void | updateSettings ()=0 |
| Refreshes the layout when global layout related options change. More...
virtual QDomElement | writeLayoutXml (QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const =0 |
| Returns the layout's state encapsulated in a DOM element. More...