25 #include <QDateTimeEdit>
28 #include <QTextCharFormat>
29 #include <QCalendarWidget>
40 widget->setDateTime( QDateTime::currentDateTime() );
49 mQgsDateTimeEdit = qgsEditor;
54 QDateTimeEdit *qtEditor =
dynamic_cast<QDateTimeEdit *
>( editor );
57 mQDateTimeEdit = qtEditor;
60 if ( !mQDateTimeEdit )
62 QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral(
"Date/time edit widget could not be initialized because provided widget is not a QDateTimeEdit." ) );
63 QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr(
"Date/time edit widget could not be initialized because provided widget is not a QDateTimeEdit." ), tr(
"UI forms" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
68 mQDateTimeEdit->setDisplayFormat( displayFormat );
70 const bool calendar =
config( QStringLiteral(
"calendar_popup" ),
true ).toBool();
71 if ( calendar != mQDateTimeEdit->calendarPopup() )
73 mQDateTimeEdit->setCalendarPopup( calendar );
75 if ( calendar && mQDateTimeEdit->calendarWidget() )
78 QTextCharFormat todayFormat;
79 todayFormat.setBackground( QColor( 160, 180, 200 ) );
80 mQDateTimeEdit->calendarWidget()->setDateTextFormat( QDate::currentDate(), todayFormat );
83 const bool allowNull =
config( QStringLiteral(
"allow_null" ),
true ).toBool();
84 if ( mQgsDateTimeEdit )
91 "For that the QGIS custom widget QgsDateTimeEdit needs to be used." ),
92 tr(
"field widgets" ) );
95 if ( mQgsDateTimeEdit )
101 connect( mQDateTimeEdit, &QDateTimeEdit::dateTimeChanged,
this, &QgsDateTimeEditWrapper::dateTimeChanged );
107 return mQgsDateTimeEdit || mQDateTimeEdit;
112 if ( mQgsDateTimeEdit )
116 void QgsDateTimeEditWrapper::dateTimeChanged(
const QDateTime &dateTime )
118 switch (
field().type() )
120 case QVariant::DateTime:
139 if ( !dateTime.isValid() || dateTime.isNull() )
148 const bool fieldIsoFormat =
config( QStringLiteral(
"field_iso_format" ),
false ).toBool();
150 if ( fieldIsoFormat )
171 if ( !mQDateTimeEdit )
172 return QVariant(
field().type() );
175 if ( mQgsDateTimeEdit )
177 dateTime = mQgsDateTimeEdit->
181 dateTime = mQDateTimeEdit->dateTime();
184 switch (
field().type() )
186 case QVariant::DateTime:
189 return dateTime.date();
191 return dateTime.time();
193 const bool fieldIsoFormat =
config( QStringLiteral(
"field_iso_format" ),
false ).toBool();
195 if ( fieldIsoFormat )
197 return dateTime.toString( Qt::ISODate );
201 return dateTime.toString( fieldFormat );
204 #ifndef _MSC_VER // avoid warnings
209 void QgsDateTimeEditWrapper::updateValues(
const QVariant &value,
const QVariantList & )
211 if ( !mQDateTimeEdit )
216 switch (
field().type() )
218 case QVariant::DateTime:
219 dateTime =
222 dateTime.setDate(
value.toDate() );
223 dateTime.setTime( QTime( 0, 0, 0 ) );
226 dateTime.setDate( QDate::currentDate() );
227 dateTime.setTime(
value.toTime() );
232 switch (
value.type() )
234 case QVariant::DateTime:
236 dateTime =
241 dateTime.setDate(
value.toDate() );
242 dateTime.setTime( QTime( 0, 0, 0 ) );
247 dateTime.setDate( QDate::currentDate() );
248 dateTime.setTime(
value.toTime() );
253 const bool fieldIsoFormat =
config( QStringLiteral(
"field_iso_format" ),
false ).toBool();
255 if ( fieldIsoFormat )
257 dateTime = QDateTime::fromString(
value.toString(), Qt::ISODate );
261 dateTime = QDateTime::fromString(
value.toString(), fieldFormat );
269 if ( mQgsDateTimeEdit )
275 mQDateTimeEdit->setDateTime( dateTime );
281 if ( !mQDateTimeEdit )
284 mQDateTimeEdit->setEnabled( enabled );