QGIS API Documentation  3.26.3-Buenos Aires (65e4edfdad)
Functions | Variables
QgsGuiUtils Namespace Reference

The QgsGuiUtils namespace contains constants and helper functions used throughout the QGIS GUI. More...


QString createFileFilter_ (QString const &format)
 Create file filters suitable for use with QFileDialog. More...
QString createFileFilter_ (QString const &longName, QString const &glob)
 Convenience function for readily creating file filters. More...
QString createWidgetKey (QWidget *widget, const QString &keyName=QString())
 Creates a key for the given widget that can be used to store related data in settings. More...
QString displayValueWithMaximumDecimals (const Qgis::DataType dataType, const double value, bool displayTrailingZeroes=false)
 Returns a localized string representation of the value with the appropriate number of decimals supported by the dataType. More...
QFont getFont (bool &ok, const QFont &initial, const QString &title=QString())
 Show font selection dialog. More...
QPair< QString, QString > GUI_EXPORT getSaveAsImageName (QWidget *parent, const QString &message, const QString &defaultFilename=QString())
 A helper function to get an image name from the user. More...
QSize iconSize (bool dockableToolbar=false)
 Returns the user-preferred size of a window's toolbar icons. More...
bool GUI_EXPORT openFilesRememberingFilter (QString const &filterName, QString const &filters, QStringList &selectedFiles, QString &enc, QString &title, bool cancelAll=false)
 Open files, preferring to have the default file selector be the last one used, if any; also, prefer to start in the last directory associated with filterName. More...
QSize panelIconSize (QSize size)
 Returns dockable panel toolbar icon width based on the provided window toolbar width. More...
bool restoreGeometry (QWidget *widget, const QString &keyName=QString())
 Restore the wigget geometry from settings. More...
void saveGeometry (QWidget *widget, const QString &keyName=QString())
 Save the wigget geometry into settings. More...
int scaleIconSize (int standardSize)
 Scales an icon size to compensate for display pixel density, making the icon size hi-dpi friendly, whilst still resulting in pixel-perfect sizes for low-dpi displays. More...
int significantDigits (const Qgis::DataType rasterDataType)
 Returns the maximum number of significant digits a for the given rasterDataType. More...


constexpr double CANVAS_MAGNIFICATION_MAX = 16.0
 Maximum magnification level allowed in map canvases. More...
constexpr double CANVAS_MAGNIFICATION_MIN = 0.1
 Minimum magnification level allowed in map canvases. More...

Detailed Description

The QgsGuiUtils namespace contains constants and helper functions used throughout the QGIS GUI.

not available in Python bindings

Function Documentation

◆ createFileFilter_() [1/2]

QString GUI_EXPORT QgsGuiUtils::createFileFilter_ ( QString const &  format)

Create file filters suitable for use with QFileDialog.

formatextension e.g. "png"
QString e.g. "PNG format (*.png, *.PNG)"

Definition at line 203 of file qgsguiutils.cpp.

◆ createFileFilter_() [2/2]

QString GUI_EXPORT QgsGuiUtils::createFileFilter_ ( QString const &  longName,
QString const &  glob 

Convenience function for readily creating file filters.

Given a long name for a file filter and a regular expression, return a file filter string suitable for use in a QFileDialog::OpenFiles() call. The regular express, glob, will have both all lower and upper case versions added.

Definition at line 198 of file qgsguiutils.cpp.

◆ createWidgetKey()

QString QgsGuiUtils::createWidgetKey ( QWidget *  widget,
const QString &  keyName = QString() 

Creates a key for the given widget that can be used to store related data in settings.

Will use objectName() or class name if objectName() is not set. Can be overridden using keyName.

widgetThe widget to make the key from.
keyNameOverride for objectName() if needed. If not set will use objectName()
A key name that can be used for the widget in settings.

Definition at line 240 of file qgsguiutils.cpp.

◆ displayValueWithMaximumDecimals()

QString GUI_EXPORT QgsGuiUtils::displayValueWithMaximumDecimals ( const Qgis::DataType  dataType,
const double  value,
bool  displayTrailingZeroes = false 

Returns a localized string representation of the value with the appropriate number of decimals supported by the dataType.

Traling zeroes after decimal separator are not show unless displayTrailingZeroes is set. Note that for floating point types the number of decimals may exceed the actual internal precision because the precision is always calculated on the mantissa and the conversion to string interprets the precision as decimal places.

QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 292 of file qgsguiutils.cpp.

◆ getFont()

QFont GUI_EXPORT QgsGuiUtils::getFont ( bool &  ok,
const QFont &  initial,
const QString &  title = QString() 

Show font selection dialog.

It is strongly recommended that you do not use this method, and instead use the standard QgsFontButton widget to allow users consistent font selection behavior.

oktrue on ok, false on cancel
initialinitial font
titleoptional dialog title
QFont the selected fon

Definition at line 210 of file qgsguiutils.cpp.

◆ getSaveAsImageName()

QPair< QString, QString > GUI_EXPORT QgsGuiUtils::getSaveAsImageName ( QWidget *  parent,
const QString &  message,
const QString &  defaultFilename = QString() 

A helper function to get an image name from the user.

It will nicely provide filters with all available writable image formats.

parentwidget that should act as the parent for the file dialog
messagethe message to display to the user
defaultFilenamedefault file name (empty by default)
QPair<QString, QString> where first is the file name and second is the file type

Definition at line 104 of file qgsguiutils.cpp.

◆ iconSize()

QSize GUI_EXPORT QgsGuiUtils::iconSize ( bool  dockableToolbar = false)

Returns the user-preferred size of a window's toolbar icons.

dockableToolbarIf set to true, the icon size will be returned for dockable window panel's toolbars.
a QSize object representing an icon's width and height.
QGIS 3.8

Definition at line 264 of file qgsguiutils.cpp.

◆ openFilesRememberingFilter()

bool GUI_EXPORT QgsGuiUtils::openFilesRememberingFilter ( QString const &  filterName,
QString const &  filters,
QStringList &  selectedFiles,
QString &  enc,
QString &  title,
bool  cancelAll = false 

Open files, preferring to have the default file selector be the last one used, if any; also, prefer to start in the last directory associated with filterName.

filterNamethe name of the filter; used for persistent store key
filtersthe file filters used for QFileDialog
selectedFilesstring list of selected files; will be empty if none selected
titlethe title for the dialog
cancelAlladd button to cancel further requests

Stores persistent settings under /UI/. The sub-keys will be filterName and filterName + "Dir".

Opens dialog on last directory associated with the filter name, or the current working directory if this is the first time invoked with the current filter name.

This method returns true if cancel all was clicked, otherwise false

Definition at line 46 of file qgsguiutils.cpp.

◆ panelIconSize()

QSize GUI_EXPORT QgsGuiUtils::panelIconSize ( QSize  size)

Returns dockable panel toolbar icon width based on the provided window toolbar width.

sizeIcon size from which the output size will be derived from.
a QSize object representing an icon's width and height.
QGIS 3.8

Definition at line 278 of file qgsguiutils.cpp.

◆ restoreGeometry()

bool GUI_EXPORT QgsGuiUtils::restoreGeometry ( QWidget *  widget,
const QString &  keyName = QString() 

Restore the wigget geometry from settings.

Will use the objetName() of the widget and if empty, or keyName is set, will use keyName to save state into settings.

widgetThe widget to restore.
keyNameOverride for objectName() if needed.
true if the geometry was restored.

Definition at line 233 of file qgsguiutils.cpp.

◆ saveGeometry()

void GUI_EXPORT QgsGuiUtils::saveGeometry ( QWidget *  widget,
const QString &  keyName = QString() 

Save the wigget geometry into settings.

Will use the objectName() of the widget and if empty, or keyName is set, will use keyName to save state into settings.

widgetThe widget to save.
keyNameOverride for objectName() if needed.

Definition at line 226 of file qgsguiutils.cpp.

◆ scaleIconSize()

int GUI_EXPORT QgsGuiUtils::scaleIconSize ( int  standardSize)

Scales an icon size to compensate for display pixel density, making the icon size hi-dpi friendly, whilst still resulting in pixel-perfect sizes for low-dpi displays.

standardSize should be set to a standard icon size, e.g. 16, 24, 48, etc.

QGIS 3.6

Definition at line 259 of file qgsguiutils.cpp.

◆ significantDigits()

int GUI_EXPORT QgsGuiUtils::significantDigits ( const Qgis::DataType  rasterDataType)

Returns the maximum number of significant digits a for the given rasterDataType.

QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 311 of file qgsguiutils.cpp.

Variable Documentation


constexpr double QgsGuiUtils::CANVAS_MAGNIFICATION_MAX = 16.0

Maximum magnification level allowed in map canvases.

See also
QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 69 of file qgsguiutils.h.


constexpr double QgsGuiUtils::CANVAS_MAGNIFICATION_MIN = 0.1

Minimum magnification level allowed in map canvases.

See also
QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 61 of file qgsguiutils.h.