QGIS API Documentation  3.24.2-Tisler (13c1a02865)
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QgsMapLayer Class Referenceabstract

Base class for all map layer types. More...

#include <qgsmaplayer.h>

Inheritance diagram for QgsMapLayer:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

enum  LayerFlag { Identifiable = 1 << 0 , Removable = 1 << 1 , Searchable = 1 << 2 , Private = 1 << 3 }
 Flags for the map layer. More...
enum  PropertyType { Style = 0 , Metadata }
 Maplayer has a style and a metadata property. More...
enum  ReadFlag { FlagDontResolveLayers = 1 << 0 , FlagTrustLayerMetadata = 1 << 1 , FlagReadExtentFromXml = 1 << 2 }
 Flags which control project read behavior. More...
enum  StyleCategory {
  LayerConfiguration = 1 << 0 , Symbology = 1 << 1 , Symbology3D = 1 << 2 , Labeling = 1 << 3 ,
  Fields = 1 << 4 , Forms = 1 << 5 , Actions = 1 << 6 , MapTips = 1 << 7 ,
  Diagrams = 1 << 8 , AttributeTable = 1 << 9 , Rendering = 1 << 10 , CustomProperties = 1 << 11 ,
  GeometryOptions = 1 << 12 , Relations = 1 << 13 , Temporal = 1 << 14 , Legend = 1 << 15 ,
  Elevation = 1 << 16 , Notes = 1 << 17 , AllStyleCategories
 Categories of style to distinguish appropriate sections for import/export. More...

Public Slots

void emitStyleChanged ()
 Triggers an emission of the styleChanged() signal. More...
QgsProjectproject () const
 Returns the parent project if this map layer is added to a project. More...
virtual bool setDependencies (const QSet< QgsMapLayerDependency > &layers)
 Sets the list of dependencies. More...
void setMaximumScale (double scale)
 Sets the maximum map scale (i.e. More...
void setMinimumScale (double scale)
 Sets the minimum map scale (i.e. More...
void setRefreshOnNofifyMessage (const QString &message)
 Set the notification message that triggers repaint If refresh on notification is enabled, the notification will triggerRepaint only if the notification message is equal to. More...
void setRefreshOnNotifyEnabled (bool enabled)
 Set whether provider notification is connected to triggerRepaint. More...
void setScaleBasedVisibility (bool enabled)
 Sets whether scale based visibility is enabled for the layer. More...
virtual void setTransformContext (const QgsCoordinateTransformContext &transformContext)=0
 Sets the coordinate transform context to transformContext. More...
void trigger3DUpdate ()
 Will advise any 3D maps that this layer requires to be updated in the scene. More...
void triggerRepaint (bool deferredUpdate=false)
 Will advise the map canvas (and any other interested party) that this layer requires to be repainted. More...


void autoRefreshIntervalChanged (int interval)
 Emitted when the auto refresh interval changes. More...
void beforeResolveReferences (QgsProject *project)
 Emitted when all layers are loaded and references can be resolved, just before the references of this layer are resolved. More...
void blendModeChanged (QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode)
 Signal emitted when the blend mode is changed, through QgsMapLayer::setBlendMode() More...
void configChanged ()
 Emitted whenever the configuration is changed. More...
void crsChanged ()
 Emit a signal that layer's CRS has been reset. More...
void customPropertyChanged (const QString &key)
 Emitted when a custom property of the layer has been changed or removed. More...
void dataChanged ()
 Data of layer changed. More...
void dataSourceChanged ()
 Emitted whenever the layer's data source has been changed. More...
void dependenciesChanged ()
 Emitted when dependencies are changed. More...
void editingStarted ()
 Emitted when editing on this layer has started. More...
void editingStopped ()
 Emitted when edited changes have been successfully written to the data provider. More...
void flagsChanged ()
 Emitted when layer's flags have been modified. More...
void isValidChanged ()
 Emitted when the validity of this layer changed. More...
void layerModified ()
 Emitted when modifications has been done on layer. More...
void legendChanged ()
 Signal emitted when legend of the layer has changed. More...
void metadataChanged ()
 Emitted when the layer's metadata is changed. More...
void nameChanged ()
 Emitted when the name has been changed. More...
void opacityChanged (double opacity)
 Emitted when the layer's opacity is changed, where opacity is a value between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque). More...
void recalculateExtents () const
 This is used to send a request that any mapcanvas using this layer update its extents. More...
void renderer3DChanged ()
 Signal emitted when 3D renderer associated with the layer has changed. More...
void rendererChanged ()
 Signal emitted when renderer is changed. More...
void repaintRequested (bool deferredUpdate=false)
 By emitting this signal the layer tells that either appearance or content have been changed and any view showing the rendered layer should refresh itself. More...
void request3DUpdate ()
 Signal emitted when a layer requires an update in any 3D maps. More...
void statusChanged (const QString &status)
 Emit a signal with status (e.g. to be caught by QgisApp and display a msg on status bar) More...
void styleChanged ()
 Signal emitted whenever a change affects the layer's style. More...
void styleLoaded (QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories)
 Emitted when a style has been loaded. More...
void willBeDeleted ()
 Emitted in the destructor when the layer is about to be deleted, but it is still in a perfectly valid state: the last chance for other pieces of code for some cleanup if they use the layer. More...

Public Member Functions

 QgsMapLayer (QgsMapLayer const &)=delete
 QgsMapLayer cannot be copied. More...
 QgsMapLayer (QgsMapLayerType type=QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer, const QString &name=QString(), const QString &source=QString())
 Constructor for QgsMapLayer. More...
 ~QgsMapLayer () override
QString abstract () const
 Returns the abstract of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
virtual bool accept (QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface *visitor) const
 Accepts the specified symbology visitor, causing it to visit all symbols associated with the layer. More...
QString attribution () const
 Returns the attribution of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
QString attributionUrl () const
 Returns the attribution URL of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
int autoRefreshInterval () const
 Returns the auto refresh interval (in milliseconds). More...
QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode () const
 Returns the current blending mode for a layer. More...
virtual QgsMapLayerclone () const =0
 Returns a new instance equivalent to this one except for the id which is still unique. More...
virtual QgsMapLayerRenderercreateMapRenderer (QgsRenderContext &rendererContext)=0
 Returns new instance of QgsMapLayerRenderer that will be used for rendering of given context. More...
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs () const
 Returns the layer's spatial reference system. More...
template<class T >
customEnumProperty (const QString &key, const T &defaultValue)
 Returns the property value for a property based on an enum. More...
template<class T >
customFlagProperty (const QString &key, const T &defaultValue)
 Returns the property value for a property based on a flag. More...
const QgsObjectCustomPropertiescustomProperties () const
 Read all custom properties from layer. More...
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant customProperty (const QString &value, const QVariant &defaultValue=QVariant()) const
 Read a custom property from layer. More...
Q_INVOKABLE QStringList customPropertyKeys () const
 Returns list of all keys within custom properties. More...
virtual Q_INVOKABLE QgsDataProviderdataProvider ()
 Returns the layer's data provider, it may be nullptr. More...
virtual const QgsDataProviderdataProvider () const
 Returns the layer's data provider in a const-correct manner, it may be nullptr. More...
QString dataUrl () const
 Returns the DataUrl of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
QString dataUrlFormat () const
 Returns the DataUrl format of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
virtual QSet< QgsMapLayerDependencydependencies () const
 Gets the list of dependencies. More...
virtual QgsMapLayerElevationPropertieselevationProperties ()
 Returns the layer's elevation properties. More...
virtual QgsError error () const
 Gets current status error. More...
void exportNamedMetadata (QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMsg) const
 Export the current metadata of this layer as named metadata in a QDomDocument. More...
virtual void exportNamedStyle (QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMsg, const QgsReadWriteContext &context=QgsReadWriteContext(), QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories=QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories) const
 Export the properties of this layer as named style in a QDomDocument. More...
virtual void exportSldStyle (QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMsg) const
 Export the properties of this layer as SLD style in a QDomDocument. More...
virtual QgsRectangle extent () const
 Returns the extent of the layer. More...
QgsMapLayer::LayerFlags flags () const
 Returns the flags for this layer. More...
bool hasAutoRefreshEnabled () const
 Returns true if auto refresh is enabled for the layer. More...
bool hasScaleBasedVisibility () const
 Returns whether scale based visibility is enabled for the layer. More...
virtual QString htmlMetadata () const
 Obtain a formatted HTML string containing assorted metadata for this layer. More...
QString id () const
 Returns the layer's unique ID, which is used to access this layer from QgsProject. More...
bool importNamedMetadata (QDomDocument &document, QString &errorMessage)
 Import the metadata of this layer from a QDomDocument. More...
virtual bool importNamedStyle (QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMsg, QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories=QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories)
 Import the properties of this layer from a QDomDocument. More...
virtual bool isEditable () const
 Returns true if the layer can be edited. More...
bool isInScaleRange (double scale) const
 Tests whether the layer should be visible at the specified scale. More...
virtual bool isModified () const
 Returns true if the layer has been modified since last commit/save. More...
bool isRefreshOnNotifyEnabled () const
 Returns true if the refresh on provider nofification is enabled. More...
virtual bool isSpatial () const
 Returns true if the layer is considered a spatial layer, ie it has some form of geometry associated with it. More...
virtual bool isTemporary () const
 Returns true if the layer is considered a temporary layer. More...
bool isValid () const
 Returns the status of the layer. More...
QString keywordList () const
 Returns the keyword list of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
QgsMapLayerLegendlegend () const
 Can be nullptr. More...
QString legendPlaceholderImage () const
 Returns path to the placeholder image or an empty string if a generated legend is shown. More...
QString legendUrl () const
 Returns the URL for the layer's legend. More...
QString legendUrlFormat () const
 Returns the format for a URL based layer legend. More...
virtual QString loadDefaultMetadata (bool &resultFlag)
 Retrieve the default metadata for this layer if one exists (either as a .qmd file on disk or as a record in the users metadata table in their personal qgis.db) More...
virtual QString loadDefaultStyle (bool &resultFlag)
 Retrieve the default style for this layer if one exists (either as a .qml file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db) More...
virtual QString loadNamedMetadata (const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag)
 Retrieve a named metadata for this layer if one exists (either as a .qmd file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db) More...
bool loadNamedMetadataFromDatabase (const QString &db, const QString &uri, QString &qmd)
 Retrieve a named metadata for this layer from a sqlite database. More...
virtual QString loadNamedStyle (const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag, QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories=QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories)
 Retrieve a named style for this layer if one exists (either as a .qml file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db) More...
virtual bool loadNamedStyleFromDatabase (const QString &db, const QString &uri, QString &qml)
 Retrieve a named style for this layer from a sqlite database. More...
virtual QString loadSldStyle (const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag)
 Attempts to style the layer using the formatting from an SLD type file. More...
double maximumScale () const
 Returns the maximum map scale (i.e. More...
virtual const QgsLayerMetadatametadata () const
 Returns a reference to the layer's metadata store. More...
virtual QString metadataUri () const
 Retrieve the metadata URI for this layer (either as a .qmd file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db) More...
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QString metadataUrl () const
 Returns the metadata URL of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QString metadataUrlFormat () const
 Returns the metadata format of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QString metadataUrlType () const
 Returns the metadata type of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
double minimumScale () const
 Returns the minimum map scale (i.e. More...
QString name () const
 Returns the display name of the layer. More...
virtual double opacity () const
 Returns the opacity for the layer, where opacity is a value between 0 (totally transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque). More...
QgsMapLayeroperator= (QgsMapLayer const &)=delete
 QgsMapLayer cannot be copied. More...
QString originalXmlProperties () const
 Returns the XML properties of the original layer as they were when the layer was first read from the project file. More...
virtual Qgis::MapLayerProperties properties () const
 Returns the map layer properties of this layer. More...
QString providerType () const
 Returns the provider type (provider key) for this layer. More...
QString publicSource () const
 Gets a version of the internal layer definition that has sensitive bits removed (for example, the password). More...
bool readLayerXml (const QDomElement &layerElement, QgsReadWriteContext &context, QgsMapLayer::ReadFlags flags=QgsMapLayer::ReadFlags())
 Sets state from DOM document. More...
bool readOnly () const
 Returns if this layer is read only. More...
virtual bool readSld (const QDomNode &node, QString &errorMessage)
virtual bool readStyle (const QDomNode &node, QString &errorMessage, QgsReadWriteContext &context, StyleCategories categories=AllStyleCategories)
 Read the style for the current layer from the DOM node supplied. More...
virtual bool readSymbology (const QDomNode &node, QString &errorMessage, QgsReadWriteContext &context, StyleCategories categories=AllStyleCategories)=0
 Read the symbology for the current layer from the DOM node supplied. More...
QString refreshOnNotifyMessage () const
 Returns the message that should be notified by the provider to triggerRepaint. More...
virtual Q_INVOKABLE void reload ()
 Synchronises with changes in the datasource. More...
void removeCustomProperty (const QString &key)
 Remove a custom property from layer. More...
QgsAbstract3DRendererrenderer3D () const
 Returns 3D renderer associated with the layer. More...
virtual void resolveReferences (QgsProject *project)
 Resolve references to other layers (kept as layer IDs after reading XML) into layer objects. More...
virtual QString saveDefaultMetadata (bool &resultFlag)
 Save the current metadata of this layer as the default metadata (either as a .qmd file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db) More...
virtual QString saveDefaultStyle (bool &resultFlag)
 Save the properties of this layer as the default style (either as a .qml file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db) More...
QString saveNamedMetadata (const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag)
 Save the current metadata of this layer as a named metadata (either as a .qmd file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db) More...
virtual QString saveNamedStyle (const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag, StyleCategories categories=AllStyleCategories)
 Save the properties of this layer as a named style (either as a .qml file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db) More...
virtual QString saveSldStyle (const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag) const
 Saves the properties of this layer to an SLD format file. More...
QgsMapLayerServerPropertiesserverProperties ()
 Returns QGIS Server Properties for the map layer. More...
const QgsMapLayerServerPropertiesserverProperties () const
 Returns QGIS Server Properties const for the map layer. More...
void setAbstract (const QString &abstract)
 Sets the abstract of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
void setAttribution (const QString &attrib)
 Sets the attribution of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
void setAttributionUrl (const QString &attribUrl)
 Sets the attribution URL of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
void setAutoRefreshEnabled (bool enabled)
 Sets whether auto refresh is enabled for the layer. More...
void setAutoRefreshInterval (int interval)
 Sets the auto refresh interval (in milliseconds) for the layer. More...
void setBlendMode (QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode)
 Set the blending mode used for rendering a layer. More...
void setCrs (const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &srs, bool emitSignal=true)
 Sets layer's spatial reference system. More...
template<class T >
void setCustomEnumProperty (const QString &key, const T &value)
 Set the value of a property based on an enum. More...
template<class T >
void setCustomFlagProperty (const QString &key, const T &value)
 Set the value of a property based on a flag. More...
void setCustomProperties (const QgsObjectCustomProperties &properties)
 Set custom properties for layer. More...
Q_INVOKABLE void setCustomProperty (const QString &key, const QVariant &value)
 Set a custom property for layer. More...
void setDataSource (const QString &dataSource, const QString &baseName, const QString &provider, bool loadDefaultStyleFlag=false)
 Updates the data source of the layer. More...
void setDataSource (const QString &dataSource, const QString &baseName, const QString &provider, const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions &options, bool loadDefaultStyleFlag=false)
 Updates the data source of the layer. More...
void setDataSource (const QString &dataSource, const QString &baseName, const QString &provider, const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions &options, QgsDataProvider::ReadFlags flags)
 Updates the data source of the layer. More...
void setDataUrl (const QString &dataUrl)
 Sets the DataUrl of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
void setDataUrlFormat (const QString &dataUrlFormat)
 Sets the DataUrl format of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
void setFlags (QgsMapLayer::LayerFlags flags)
 Returns the flags for this layer. More...
void setKeywordList (const QString &keywords)
 Sets the keyword list of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
virtual void setLayerOrder (const QStringList &layers)
 Reorders the previously selected sublayers of this layer from bottom to top. More...
void setLegend (QgsMapLayerLegend *legend)
 Assign a legend controller to the map layer. More...
void setLegendPlaceholderImage (const QString &imgPath)
 Set placeholder image for legend. More...
void setLegendUrl (const QString &legendUrl)
 Sets the URL for the layer's legend. More...
void setLegendUrlFormat (const QString &legendUrlFormat)
 Sets the format for a URL based layer legend. More...
virtual void setMetadata (const QgsLayerMetadata &metadata)
 Sets the layer's metadata store. More...
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void setMetadataUrl (const QString &metaUrl)
 Sets the metadata URL of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void setMetadataUrlFormat (const QString &metaUrlFormat)
 Sets the metadata format of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void setMetadataUrlType (const QString &metaUrlType)
 Set the metadata type of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request MetadataUrlType indicates the standard to which the metadata complies. More...
void setName (const QString &name)
 Set the display name of the layer. More...
virtual void setOpacity (double opacity)
 Sets the opacity for the layer, where opacity is a value between 0 (totally transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque). More...
void setOriginalXmlProperties (const QString &originalXmlProperties)
 Sets the original XML properties for the layer to originalXmlProperties. More...
void setRenderer3D (QgsAbstract3DRenderer *renderer)
 Sets 3D renderer for the layer. More...
void setShortName (const QString &shortName)
 Sets the short name of the layer used by QGIS Server to identify the layer. More...
virtual void setSubLayerVisibility (const QString &name, bool visible)
 Set the visibility of the given sublayer name. More...
void setTitle (const QString &title)
 Sets the title of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
QString shortName () const
 Returns the short name of the layer used by QGIS Server to identify the layer. More...
QString source () const
 Returns the source for the layer. More...
QgsMapLayerStyleManagerstyleManager () const
 Gets access to the layer's style manager. More...
virtual QString styleURI () const
 Retrieve the style URI for this layer (either as a .qml file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db) More...
virtual QStringList subLayers () const
 Returns the sublayers of this layer. More...
virtual bool supportsEditing () const
 Returns whether the layer supports editing or not. More...
virtual QgsMapLayerTemporalPropertiestemporalProperties ()
 Returns the layer's temporal properties. More...
virtual QDateTime timestamp () const
 Time stamp of data source in the moment when data/metadata were loaded by provider. More...
QString title () const
 Returns the title of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
QgsCoordinateTransformContext transformContext () const
 Returns the layer data provider coordinate transform context or a default transform context if the layer does not have a valid data provider. More...
QgsMapLayerType type () const
 Returns the type of the layer. More...
QUndoStack * undoStack ()
 Returns pointer to layer's undo stack. More...
QUndoStack * undoStackStyles ()
 Returns pointer to layer's style undo stack. More...
QgsRectangle wgs84Extent (bool forceRecalculate=false) const
 Returns the WGS84 extent (EPSG:4326) of the layer according to ReadFlag::FlagTrustLayerMetadata. More...
bool writeLayerXml (QDomElement &layerElement, QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const
 Stores state in DOM node. More...
virtual bool writeStyle (QDomNode &node, QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMessage, const QgsReadWriteContext &context, StyleCategories categories=AllStyleCategories) const
 Write just the symbology information for the layer into the document. More...
virtual bool writeSymbology (QDomNode &node, QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMessage, const QgsReadWriteContext &context, StyleCategories categories=AllStyleCategories) const =0
 Write the style for the layer into the document provided. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static QString extensionPropertyType (PropertyType type)
 Returns the extension of a Property. More...
static QString formatLayerName (const QString &name)
 A convenience function to capitalize and format a layer name. More...
static QString generateId (const QString &layerName)
 Generates an unique identifier for this layer, the generate ID is prefixed by layerName. More...

Protected Member Functions

void appendError (const QgsErrorMessage &error)
 Add error message. More...
void clone (QgsMapLayer *layer) const
 Copies attributes like name, short name, ... More...
QString crsHtmlMetadata () const
 Returns a HTML fragment containing the layer's CRS metadata, for use in the htmlMetadata() method. More...
virtual QString decodedSource (const QString &source, const QString &dataProvider, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const
 Called by readLayerXML(), used by derived classes to decode provider's specific data source from project files. More...
virtual QString encodedSource (const QString &source, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const
 Called by writeLayerXML(), used by derived classes to encode provider's specific data source to project files. More...
QString generalHtmlMetadata () const
 Returns an HTML fragment containing general metadata information, for use in the htmlMetadata() method. More...
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED bool hasDependencyCycle (const QSet< QgsMapLayerDependency > &) const
 Checks whether a new set of dependencies will introduce a cycle this method is now deprecated and always return false, because circular dependencies are now correctly managed. More...
void invalidateWgs84Extent ()
 Invalidates the WGS84 extent. More...
void readCommonStyle (const QDomElement &layerElement, const QgsReadWriteContext &context, StyleCategories categories=AllStyleCategories)
 Read style data common to all layer types. More...
void readCustomProperties (const QDomNode &layerNode, const QString &keyStartsWith=QString())
 Read custom properties from project file. More...
void readStyleManager (const QDomNode &layerNode)
 Read style manager's configuration (if any). To be called by subclasses. More...
virtual bool readXml (const QDomNode &layer_node, QgsReadWriteContext &context)
 Called by readLayerXML(), used by children to read state specific to them from project files. More...
void setError (const QgsError &error)
 Sets error message. More...
virtual void setExtent (const QgsRectangle &rect)
 Sets the extent. More...
void setProviderType (const QString &providerType)
 Sets the providerType (provider key) More...
void setValid (bool valid)
 Sets whether layer is valid or not. More...
void writeCommonStyle (QDomElement &layerElement, QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context, StyleCategories categories=AllStyleCategories) const
 Write style data common to all layer types. More...
void writeCustomProperties (QDomNode &layerNode, QDomDocument &doc) const
 Write custom properties to project file. More...
void writeStyleManager (QDomNode &layerNode, QDomDocument &doc) const
 Write style manager's configuration (if exists). To be called by subclasses. More...
virtual bool writeXml (QDomNode &layer_node, QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const
 Called by writeLayerXML(), used by children to write state specific to them to project files. More...

Protected Attributes

QString mAbstract
 Description of the layer. More...
QString mAttribution
 Attribution of the layer. More...
QString mAttributionUrl
int mBlockStyleChangedSignal = 0
 If non-zero, the styleChanged signal should not be emitted. More...
QString mDataSource
 Data source description string, varies by layer type. More...
QString mDataUrl
 DataUrl of the layer. More...
QString mDataUrlFormat
QSet< QgsMapLayerDependencymDependencies
 List of layers that may modify this layer on modification. More...
QgsError mError
 Error. More...
bool mIsRefreshOnNofifyEnabled = false
QString mKeywordList
QString mLayerName
 Name of the layer - used for display. More...
double mLayerOpacity = 1.0
 Layer opacity. More...
QString mLegendUrl
 WMS legend. More...
QString mLegendUrlFormat
QString mProviderKey
 Data provider key (name of the data provider) More...
QgsMapLayer::ReadFlags mReadFlags = QgsMapLayer::ReadFlags()
 Read flags. It's up to the subclass to respect these when restoring state from XML. More...
QString mRefreshOnNofifyMessage
QString mShortName
bool mShouldValidateCrs = true
 true if the layer's CRS should be validated and invalid CRSes are not permitted. More...
QString mTitle
bool mValid = false
 Indicates if the layer is valid and can be drawn. More...


int autoRefreshInterval
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs
bool isValid
QgsLayerMetadata metadata
QString name
double opacity
QgsMapLayerType type


class QgsVectorLayer
class TestQgsMapLayer

Detailed Description

Base class for all map layer types.

This is the base class for all map layer types (vector, raster).

Definition at line 72 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ LayerFlag

Flags for the map layer.

Flags are options specified by the user used for the UI but are not preventing any API call.
QGIS 3.4

If the layer is identifiable using the identify map tool and as a WMS layer.


If the layer can be removed from the project. The layer will not be removable from the legend menu entry but can still be removed with an API call.


Only for vector-layer, determines if the layer is used in the 'search all layers' locator.


Determines if the layer is meant to be exposed to the GUI, i.e. visible in the layer legend tree.

Definition at line 143 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ PropertyType

Maplayer has a style and a metadata property.

QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 132 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ ReadFlag

Flags which control project read behavior.

QGIS 3.10

Don't resolve layer paths or create data providers for layers.


Trust layer metadata. Improves layer load time by skipping expensive checks like primary key unicity, geometry type and srid and by using estimated metadata on layer load. Since QGIS 3.16.


Read extent from xml and skip get extent from provider.

Definition at line 638 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ StyleCategory

Categories of style to distinguish appropriate sections for import/export.

QGIS 3.4

General configuration: identifiable, removable, searchable, display expression, read-only.




3D symbology




Aliases, widgets, WMS/WFS, expressions, constraints, virtual fields.


Feature form.




Map tips.




Attribute table settings: choice and order of columns, conditional styling.


Rendering: scale visibility, simplify method, opacity.


Custom properties (by plugins for instance)


Geometry validation configuration.




Temporal properties (since QGIS 3.14)


Legend settings (since QGIS 3.16)


Elevation settings (since QGIS 3.18)


Layer user notes (since QGIS 3.20)


Definition at line 158 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QgsMapLayer() [1/2]

QgsMapLayer::QgsMapLayer ( QgsMapLayerType  type = QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer,
const QString &  name = QString(),
const QString &  source = QString() 

Constructor for QgsMapLayer.

typelayer type
namedisplay name for the layer
sourcedatasource of layer

Definition at line 81 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ ~QgsMapLayer()

QgsMapLayer::~QgsMapLayer ( )

Definition at line 99 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ QgsMapLayer() [2/2]

QgsMapLayer::QgsMapLayer ( QgsMapLayer const &  )

QgsMapLayer cannot be copied.

Member Function Documentation

◆ abstract()

QString QgsMapLayer::abstract ( ) const

Returns the abstract of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.

the layer abstract
See also

Definition at line 326 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ accept()

bool QgsMapLayer::accept ( QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface visitor) const

Accepts the specified symbology visitor, causing it to visit all symbols associated with the layer.

Returns true if the visitor should continue visiting other objects, or false if visiting should be canceled.

QGIS 3.10

Reimplemented in QgsRasterLayer.

Definition at line 2180 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ appendError()

void QgsMapLayer::appendError ( const QgsErrorMessage error)

Add error message.

Definition at line 1912 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ attribution()

QString QgsMapLayer::attribution ( ) const

Returns the attribution of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.

Attribution indicates the provider of a layer or collection of layers.

the layer attribution
See also

Definition at line 400 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ attributionUrl()

QString QgsMapLayer::attributionUrl ( ) const

Returns the attribution URL of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.

Attribution indicates the provider of a layer or collection of layers.

the layer attribution URL
See also

Definition at line 418 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ autoRefreshInterval()

int QgsMapLayer::autoRefreshInterval ( ) const

Returns the auto refresh interval (in milliseconds).

Note that auto refresh is only active when hasAutoRefreshEnabled() is true.

See also
QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 849 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ autoRefreshIntervalChanged

void QgsMapLayer::autoRefreshIntervalChanged ( int  interval)

Emitted when the auto refresh interval changes.

See also
QGIS 3.0

◆ beforeResolveReferences

void QgsMapLayer::beforeResolveReferences ( QgsProject project)

Emitted when all layers are loaded and references can be resolved, just before the references of this layer are resolved.

QGIS 3.10

◆ blendMode()

QPainter::CompositionMode QgsMapLayer::blendMode ( ) const

Returns the current blending mode for a layer.

See also

Definition at line 320 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ blendModeChanged

void QgsMapLayer::blendModeChanged ( QPainter::CompositionMode  blendMode)

Signal emitted when the blend mode is changed, through QgsMapLayer::setBlendMode()

◆ clone() [1/2]

virtual QgsMapLayer* QgsMapLayer::clone ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns a new instance equivalent to this one except for the id which is still unique.

a new layer instance
QGIS 3.0

Implemented in QgsPluginLayer, QgsVectorTileLayer, QgsVectorLayer, QgsRasterLayer, QgsGroupLayer, QgsPointCloudLayer, QgsMeshLayer, and QgsAnnotationLayer.

◆ clone() [2/2]

void QgsMapLayer::clone ( QgsMapLayer layer) const

Copies attributes like name, short name, ...

into another layer.

layerThe copy recipient
QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 111 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ configChanged

void QgsMapLayer::configChanged ( )

Emitted whenever the configuration is changed.

The project listens to this signal to be marked as dirty.

◆ createMapRenderer()

virtual QgsMapLayerRenderer* QgsMapLayer::createMapRenderer ( QgsRenderContext rendererContext)
pure virtual

Returns new instance of QgsMapLayerRenderer that will be used for rendering of given context.

QGIS 2.4

Implemented in QgsVectorTileLayer, QgsRasterLayer, QgsGroupLayer, QgsPointCloudLayer, QgsMeshLayer, QgsAnnotationLayer, and QgsVectorLayer.

◆ crs()

QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem QgsMapLayer::crs ( ) const

Returns the layer's spatial reference system.

QGIS 1.4

Definition at line 932 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ crsChanged

void QgsMapLayer::crsChanged ( )

Emit a signal that layer's CRS has been reset.

◆ crsHtmlMetadata()

QString QgsMapLayer::crsHtmlMetadata ( ) const

Returns a HTML fragment containing the layer's CRS metadata, for use in the htmlMetadata() method.

Not available in Python bindings.
QGIS 3.20

Definition at line 2365 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ customEnumProperty()

template<class T >
T QgsMapLayer::customEnumProperty ( const QString &  key,
const T &  defaultValue 

Returns the property value for a property based on an enum.

This forces the output to be a valid and existing entry of the enum. Hence if the property value is incorrect, the given default value is returned. This tries first with property as a string (as the enum) and then as an integer value.

The enum needs to be declared with Q_ENUM, and flags with Q_FLAG (not Q_FLAGS).
See also
QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 736 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ customFlagProperty()

template<class T >
T QgsMapLayer::customFlagProperty ( const QString &  key,
const T &  defaultValue 

Returns the property value for a property based on a flag.

This forces the output to be a valid and existing entry of the flag. Hence if the property value is incorrect, the given default value is returned. This tries first with property as a string (using a byte array) and then as an integer value.

The flag needs to be declared with Q_FLAG (not Q_FLAGS).
for Python bindings, a custom implementation is achieved in Python directly.
See also
QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 814 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ customProperties()

const QgsObjectCustomProperties & QgsMapLayer::customProperties ( ) const

Read all custom properties from layer.

Properties are stored in a map and saved in project file.

See also
QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 1987 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ customProperty()

QVariant QgsMapLayer::customProperty ( const QString &  value,
const QVariant &  defaultValue = QVariant() 
) const

Read a custom property from layer.

Properties are stored in a map and saved in project file.

See also

Definition at line 1992 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ customPropertyChanged

void QgsMapLayer::customPropertyChanged ( const QString &  key)

Emitted when a custom property of the layer has been changed or removed.

QGIS 3.18

◆ customPropertyKeys()

QStringList QgsMapLayer::customPropertyKeys ( ) const

Returns list of all keys within custom properties.

Properties are stored in a map and saved in project file.

See also
QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 1964 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ dataChanged

void QgsMapLayer::dataChanged ( )

Data of layer changed.

◆ dataProvider() [1/2]

QgsDataProvider * QgsMapLayer::dataProvider ( )

Returns the layer's data provider, it may be nullptr.

Reimplemented in QgsVectorTileLayer, QgsRasterLayer, QgsPluginLayer, QgsGroupLayer, QgsPointCloudLayer, QgsMeshLayer, QgsAnnotationLayer, and QgsVectorLayer.

Definition at line 190 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ dataProvider() [2/2]

const QgsDataProvider * QgsMapLayer::dataProvider ( ) const

Returns the layer's data provider in a const-correct manner, it may be nullptr.

not available in Python bindings

Reimplemented in QgsVectorTileLayer, QgsRasterLayer, QgsPluginLayer, QgsGroupLayer, QgsPointCloudLayer, QgsMeshLayer, QgsAnnotationLayer, and QgsVectorLayer.

Definition at line 195 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ dataSourceChanged

void QgsMapLayer::dataSourceChanged ( )

Emitted whenever the layer's data source has been changed.

See also
QGIS 3.5

◆ dataUrl()

QString QgsMapLayer::dataUrl ( ) const

Returns the DataUrl of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.

DataUrl is a a link to the underlying data represented by a particular layer.

the layer DataUrl
See also

Definition at line 362 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ dataUrlFormat()

QString QgsMapLayer::dataUrlFormat ( ) const

Returns the DataUrl format of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.

DataUrl is a a link to the underlying data represented by a particular layer.

the layer DataUrl format
See also

Definition at line 380 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ decodedSource()

QString QgsMapLayer::decodedSource ( const QString &  source,
const QString &  dataProvider,
const QgsReadWriteContext context 
) const

Called by readLayerXML(), used by derived classes to decode provider's specific data source from project files.

Typically resolving absolute or relative paths, usernames and passwords or drivers prefixes ("HDF5:")

sourcedata source to decode, typically read from layer's DOM element "datasource"
dataProviderstring identification of data provider (e.g. "ogr"), typically read from layer's DOM element
contextreading context (e.g. for conversion between relative and absolute paths)
decoded source, typically to be used as the layer's datasource
QGIS 3.2

Reimplemented in QgsRasterLayer, QgsMeshLayer, QgsVectorTileLayer, QgsVectorLayer, and QgsPointCloudLayer.

Definition at line 765 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ dependencies()

QSet< QgsMapLayerDependency > QgsMapLayer::dependencies ( ) const

Gets the list of dependencies.

This includes data dependencies set by the user (

See also
setDataDependencies) as well as dependencies given by the provider
a set of QgsMapLayerDependency
QGIS 3.0

Reimplemented in QgsVectorLayer.

Definition at line 2190 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ dependenciesChanged

void QgsMapLayer::dependenciesChanged ( )

Emitted when dependencies are changed.

◆ editingStarted

void QgsMapLayer::editingStarted ( )

Emitted when editing on this layer has started.

QGIS 3.22 in the QgsMapLayer base class

◆ editingStopped

void QgsMapLayer::editingStopped ( )

Emitted when edited changes have been successfully written to the data provider.

QGIS 3.22 in the QgsMapLayer base class

◆ elevationProperties()

virtual QgsMapLayerElevationProperties* QgsMapLayer::elevationProperties ( )

Returns the layer's elevation properties.

This may be nullptr, depending on the layer type.

QGIS 3.18

Reimplemented in QgsPointCloudLayer.

Definition at line 1496 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ emitStyleChanged

void QgsMapLayer::emitStyleChanged ( )

Triggers an emission of the styleChanged() signal.

QGIS 2.16

Definition at line 2138 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ encodedSource()

QString QgsMapLayer::encodedSource ( const QString &  source,
const QgsReadWriteContext context 
) const

Called by writeLayerXML(), used by derived classes to encode provider's specific data source to project files.

Typically resolving absolute or relative paths, usernames and passwords or drivers prefixes ("HDF5:")

sourcedata source to encode, typically QgsMapLayer::source()
contextwriting context (e.g. for conversion between relative and absolute paths)
encoded source, typically to be written in the DOM element "datasource"
QGIS 3.2

Reimplemented in QgsRasterLayer, QgsPointCloudLayer, QgsMeshLayer, QgsVectorTileLayer, and QgsVectorLayer.

Definition at line 759 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ error()

QgsError QgsMapLayer::error ( ) const

Gets current status error.

This error describes some principal problem for which layer cannot work and thus is not valid. It is not last error after accessing data by draw() etc.

Definition at line 2007 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ exportNamedMetadata()

void QgsMapLayer::exportNamedMetadata ( QDomDocument &  doc,
QString &  errorMsg 
) const

Export the current metadata of this layer as named metadata in a QDomDocument.

docthe target QDomDocument
errorMsgthis QString will be initialized on error
QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 1267 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ exportNamedStyle()

void QgsMapLayer::exportNamedStyle ( QDomDocument &  doc,
QString &  errorMsg,
const QgsReadWriteContext context = QgsReadWriteContext(),
QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories  categories = QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories 
) const

Export the properties of this layer as named style in a QDomDocument.

docthe target QDomDocument
errorMsgthis QString will be initialized on error
contextread write context
categoriesthe style categories to export during the execution of writeSymbology

Definition at line 1286 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ exportSldStyle()

void QgsMapLayer::exportSldStyle ( QDomDocument &  doc,
QString &  errorMsg 
) const

Export the properties of this layer as SLD style in a QDomDocument.

docthe target QDomDocument
errorMsgthis QString will be initialized on error during the execution of writeSymbology

Definition at line 1574 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ extensionPropertyType()

QString QgsMapLayer::extensionPropertyType ( QgsMapLayer::PropertyType  type)

Returns the extension of a Property.

The extension
QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 68 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ extent()

QgsRectangle QgsMapLayer::extent ( ) const

Returns the extent of the layer.

Reimplemented in QgsGroupLayer, QgsPointCloudLayer, QgsMeshLayer, QgsAnnotationLayer, and QgsVectorLayer.

Definition at line 305 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ flags()

QgsMapLayer::LayerFlags QgsMapLayer::flags ( ) const

Returns the flags for this layer.

Flags are options specified by the user used for the UI but are not preventing any API call. For instance, even if the Removable flag is not set, the layer can still be removed with the API but the action will not be listed in the legend menu.
See also
QGIS 3.4

Definition at line 150 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ flagsChanged

void QgsMapLayer::flagsChanged ( )

Emitted when layer's flags have been modified.

See also
QGIS 3.4

◆ formatLayerName()

QString QgsMapLayer::formatLayerName ( const QString &  name)

A convenience function to capitalize and format a layer name.

QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 957 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ generalHtmlMetadata()

QString QgsMapLayer::generalHtmlMetadata ( ) const

Returns an HTML fragment containing general metadata information, for use in the htmlMetadata() method.

Not available in Python bindings.
QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 2296 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ generateId()

QString QgsMapLayer::generateId ( const QString &  layerName)

Generates an unique identifier for this layer, the generate ID is prefixed by layerName.

QGIS 3.8

Definition at line 2164 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ hasAutoRefreshEnabled()

bool QgsMapLayer::hasAutoRefreshEnabled ( ) const

Returns true if auto refresh is enabled for the layer.

See also
QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 844 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ hasDependencyCycle()

Q_DECL_DEPRECATED bool QgsMapLayer::hasDependencyCycle ( const QSet< QgsMapLayerDependency > &  ) const

Checks whether a new set of dependencies will introduce a cycle this method is now deprecated and always return false, because circular dependencies are now correctly managed.

since QGIS 3.10

Definition at line 1963 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ hasScaleBasedVisibility()

bool QgsMapLayer::hasScaleBasedVisibility ( ) const

Returns whether scale based visibility is enabled for the layer.

true if scale based visibility is enabled
See also

Definition at line 839 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ htmlMetadata()

QString QgsMapLayer::htmlMetadata ( ) const

Obtain a formatted HTML string containing assorted metadata for this layer.

QGIS 3.0

Reimplemented in QgsVectorTileLayer, QgsRasterLayer, QgsGroupLayer, QgsPointCloudLayer, QgsMeshLayer, QgsAnnotationLayer, and QgsVectorLayer.

Definition at line 2128 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ id()

QString QgsMapLayer::id ( ) const

Returns the layer's unique ID, which is used to access this layer from QgsProject.

Definition at line 169 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ importNamedMetadata()

bool QgsMapLayer::importNamedMetadata ( QDomDocument &  document,
QString &  errorMessage 

Import the metadata of this layer from a QDomDocument.

documentsource QDomDocument
errorMessagethis QString will be initialized on error
true on success
QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 1213 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ importNamedStyle()

bool QgsMapLayer::importNamedStyle ( QDomDocument &  doc,
QString &  errorMsg,
QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories  categories = QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories 

Import the properties of this layer from a QDomDocument.

docsource QDomDocument
errorMsgthis QString will be initialized on error during the execution of readSymbology
categoriesthe style categories to import
true on success
QGIS 2.8

Definition at line 1225 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ invalidateWgs84Extent()

void QgsMapLayer::invalidateWgs84Extent ( )

Invalidates the WGS84 extent.

If FlagTrustLayerMetadata is enabled, the extent is not invalidated because we want to trust metadata whatever happens.

QGIS 3.20

Definition at line 2287 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ isEditable()

bool QgsMapLayer::isEditable ( ) const

Returns true if the layer can be edited.

Reimplemented in QgsMeshLayer, QgsAnnotationLayer, and QgsVectorLayer.

Definition at line 2014 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ isInScaleRange()

bool QgsMapLayer::isInScaleRange ( double  scale) const

Tests whether the layer should be visible at the specified scale.

The scale value indicates the scale denominator, e.g. 1000.0 for a 1:1000 map.

true if the layer is visible at the given scale.
See also
QGIS 2.16

Definition at line 832 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ isModified()

bool QgsMapLayer::isModified ( ) const

Returns true if the layer has been modified since last commit/save.

default implementation returns false.
QGIS 3.22 in the base class QgsMapLayer.

Reimplemented in QgsVectorLayer, and QgsMeshLayer.

Definition at line 2019 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ isRefreshOnNotifyEnabled()

bool QgsMapLayer::isRefreshOnNotifyEnabled ( ) const

Returns true if the refresh on provider nofification is enabled.

QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 1446 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ isSpatial()

bool QgsMapLayer::isSpatial ( ) const

Returns true if the layer is considered a spatial layer, ie it has some form of geometry associated with it.

QGIS 2.16

Reimplemented in QgsRasterLayer, and QgsVectorLayer.

Definition at line 2024 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ isTemporary()

bool QgsMapLayer::isTemporary ( ) const

Returns true if the layer is considered a temporary layer.

These include memory-only layers such as those created by the "memory" data provider, layers stored inside a local temporary folder (such as the "/tmp" folder on Linux) or layer with temporary data (as temporary mesh layer dataset)

QGIS 3.10.1

Definition at line 2029 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ isValid()

bool QgsMapLayer::isValid ( ) const

Returns the status of the layer.

An invalid layer is one which has a bad datasource or other problem. Child classes set this flag when initialized.

true if the layer is valid and can be accessed

Definition at line 819 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ isValidChanged

void QgsMapLayer::isValidChanged ( )

Emitted when the validity of this layer changed.

QGIS 3.16

◆ keywordList()

QString QgsMapLayer::keywordList ( ) const

Returns the keyword list of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.

the layer keyword list
See also

Definition at line 342 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ layerModified

void QgsMapLayer::layerModified ( )

Emitted when modifications has been done on layer.

QGIS 3.22 in the QgsMapLayer base class

◆ legend()

QgsMapLayerLegend * QgsMapLayer::legend ( ) const

Can be nullptr.

QGIS 2.6

Definition at line 2080 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ legendChanged

void QgsMapLayer::legendChanged ( )

Signal emitted when legend of the layer has changed.

QGIS 2.6

◆ legendPlaceholderImage()

QString QgsMapLayer::legendPlaceholderImage ( ) const

Returns path to the placeholder image or an empty string if a generated legend is shown.

placholder image path
QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 1503 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ legendUrl()

QString QgsMapLayer::legendUrl ( ) const

Returns the URL for the layer's legend.

Definition at line 1274 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ legendUrlFormat()

QString QgsMapLayer::legendUrlFormat ( ) const

Returns the format for a URL based layer legend.

Definition at line 1284 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ loadDefaultMetadata()

QString QgsMapLayer::loadDefaultMetadata ( bool &  resultFlag)

Retrieve the default metadata for this layer if one exists (either as a .qmd file on disk or as a record in the users metadata table in their personal qgis.db)

resultFlaga reference to a flag that will be set to false if we did not manage to load the default metadata.
a QString with any status messages
QGIS 3.0

Reimplemented in QgsVectorTileLayer.

Definition at line 1040 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ loadDefaultStyle()

QString QgsMapLayer::loadDefaultStyle ( bool &  resultFlag)

Retrieve the default style for this layer if one exists (either as a .qml file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db)

resultFlaga reference to a flag that will be set to false if we did not manage to load the default style.
a QString with any status messages
See also
also loadNamedStyle();

Reimplemented in QgsVectorTileLayer, QgsVectorLayer, QgsPointCloudLayer, and QgsMeshLayer.

Definition at line 1050 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ loadNamedMetadata()

QString QgsMapLayer::loadNamedMetadata ( const QString &  uri,
bool &  resultFlag 

Retrieve a named metadata for this layer if one exists (either as a .qmd file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db)

uri- the file name or other URI for the metadata file. First an attempt will be made to see if this is a file and load that, if that fails the qgis.db metadata table will be consulted to see if there is a metadata who's key matches the URI.
resultFlaga reference to a flag that will be set to false if we did not manage to load the default metadata.
a QString with any status messages
QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 1333 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ loadNamedMetadataFromDatabase()

bool QgsMapLayer::loadNamedMetadataFromDatabase ( const QString &  db,
const QString &  uri,
QString &  qmd 

Retrieve a named metadata for this layer from a sqlite database.

dbpath to sqlite database
uriuri for table
qmdwill be set to QMD xml metadata content from database
true if style was successfully loaded
QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 1055 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ loadNamedStyle()

QString QgsMapLayer::loadNamedStyle ( const QString &  uri,
bool &  resultFlag,
QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories  categories = QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories 

Retrieve a named style for this layer if one exists (either as a .qml file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db)

uri- the file name or other URI for the style file. First an attempt will be made to see if this is a file and load that, if that fails the qgis.db styles table will be consulted to see if there is a style who's key matches the URI.
resultFlaga reference to a flag that will be set to false if we did not manage to load the default style.
categoriesthe style categories to be loaded.
a QString with any status messages
See also
also loadDefaultStyle ();

Reimplemented in QgsVectorLayer.

Definition at line 1116 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ loadNamedStyleFromDatabase()

bool QgsMapLayer::loadNamedStyleFromDatabase ( const QString &  db,
const QString &  uri,
QString &  qml 

Retrieve a named style for this layer from a sqlite database.

dbpath to sqlite database
uriuri for table
qmlwill be set to QML style content from database
true if style was successfully loaded

Definition at line 1060 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ loadSldStyle()

QString QgsMapLayer::loadSldStyle ( const QString &  uri,
bool &  resultFlag 

Attempts to style the layer using the formatting from an SLD type file.

uriuri of source SLD file
resultFlaga reference to a flag that will be set to false if the SLD file could not be loaded
a string with any status or error messages
See also

Definition at line 1716 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ maximumScale()

double QgsMapLayer::maximumScale ( ) const

Returns the maximum map scale (i.e.

most "zoomed in" scale) at which the layer will be visible. The scale value indicates the scale denominator, e.g. 1000.0 for a 1:1000 map. A scale of 0 indicates no maximum scale visibility.

Scale based visibility is only used if setScaleBasedVisibility() is set to true.
See also

Definition at line 888 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ metadata()

const QgsLayerMetadata & QgsMapLayer::metadata ( ) const

Returns a reference to the layer's metadata store.

See also
QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 878 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ metadataChanged

void QgsMapLayer::metadataChanged ( )

Emitted when the layer's metadata is changed.

See also
QGIS 3.0

◆ metadataUri()

QString QgsMapLayer::metadataUri ( ) const

Retrieve the metadata URI for this layer (either as a .qmd file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db)

a QString with the metadata file name
QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 1008 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ metadataUrl()

QString QgsMapLayer::metadataUrl ( ) const

Returns the metadata URL of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.

MetadataUrl is a a link to the detailed, standardized metadata about the data. Since QGIS 3.22, it returns the first metadata URL link.

the layer metadata URL
See also
since QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 222 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ metadataUrlFormat()

QString QgsMapLayer::metadataUrlFormat ( ) const

Returns the metadata format of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.

MetadataUrlType indicates how the metadata is structured. Since QGIS 3.22, it returns the first metadata URL format.

the layer metadata format
See also
since QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 280 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ metadataUrlType()

QString QgsMapLayer::metadataUrlType ( ) const

Returns the metadata type of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.

MetadataUrlType indicates the standard to which the metadata complies. Since QGIS 3.22, it returns the first metadata URL type.

the layer metadata type
See also
since QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 251 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ minimumScale()

double QgsMapLayer::minimumScale ( ) const

Returns the minimum map scale (i.e.

most "zoomed out" scale) at which the layer will be visible. The scale value indicates the scale denominator, e.g. 1000.0 for a 1:1000 map. A scale of 0 indicates no minimum scale visibility.

Scale based visibility is only used if setScaleBasedVisibility() is set to true.
See also

Definition at line 904 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ name()

QString QgsMapLayer::name ( ) const

Returns the display name of the layer.

See also

Definition at line 184 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ nameChanged

void QgsMapLayer::nameChanged ( )

Emitted when the name has been changed.

QGIS 2.16

◆ opacity()

double QgsMapLayer::opacity ( ) const

Returns the opacity for the layer, where opacity is a value between 0 (totally transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque).

See also
Prior to QGIS 3.18, this method was available for vector layers only
QGIS 3.18

Reimplemented in QgsRasterLayer.

Definition at line 334 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ opacityChanged

void QgsMapLayer::opacityChanged ( double  opacity)

Emitted when the layer's opacity is changed, where opacity is a value between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque).

See also
Prior to QGIS 3.18, this signal was available for vector layers only
QGIS 3.18

◆ operator=()

QgsMapLayer& QgsMapLayer::operator= ( QgsMapLayer const &  )

QgsMapLayer cannot be copied.

◆ originalXmlProperties()

QString QgsMapLayer::originalXmlProperties ( ) const

Returns the XML properties of the original layer as they were when the layer was first read from the project file.

In case of new layers this is normally empty.

The storage format for the XML is qlr

QGIS 3.6

Definition at line 2154 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ project

QgsProject * QgsMapLayer::project ( ) const

Returns the parent project if this map layer is added to a project.

Otherwise returns nullptr

QGIS 3.18

Definition at line 2230 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ properties()

Qgis::MapLayerProperties QgsMapLayer::properties ( ) const

Returns the map layer properties of this layer.

properties() differ from flags() in that flags() are user settable, and reflect options that users can enable for map layers. In contrast properties() are reflections of inherent capabilities for the layer, which cannot be directly changed by users.
QGIS 3.22

Reimplemented in QgsAnnotationLayer.

Definition at line 164 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ providerType()

QString QgsMapLayer::providerType ( ) const

Returns the provider type (provider key) for this layer.

Definition at line 1857 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ publicSource()

QString QgsMapLayer::publicSource ( ) const

Gets a version of the internal layer definition that has sensitive bits removed (for example, the password).

This function should be used when displaying the source name for general viewing.

See also

Definition at line 292 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ readCommonStyle()

void QgsMapLayer::readCommonStyle ( const QDomElement &  layerElement,
const QgsReadWriteContext context,
StyleCategories  categories = AllStyleCategories 

Read style data common to all layer types.

QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 1862 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ readCustomProperties()

void QgsMapLayer::readCustomProperties ( const QDomNode &  layerNode,
const QString &  keyStartsWith = QString() 

Read custom properties from project file.

layerNodenote to read from
keyStartsWithreads only properties starting with the specified string (or all if the string is empty)

Definition at line 780 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ readLayerXml()

bool QgsMapLayer::readLayerXml ( const QDomElement &  layerElement,
QgsReadWriteContext context,
QgsMapLayer::ReadFlags  flags = QgsMapLayer::ReadFlags() 

Sets state from DOM document.

layerElementThe DOM element corresponding to `‘maplayer’' tag
contextwriting context (e.g. for conversion between relative and absolute paths)
flagsoptional argument which can be used to control layer reading behavior.

The DOM node corresponds to a DOM document project file XML element read by QgsProject.

This, in turn, calls readXml() (and then readSymbology()), which is overridable by sub-classes so that they can read their own specific state from the given DOM node.

Invoked by QgsProject::read().

true if successful

Definition at line 339 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ readOnly()

bool QgsMapLayer::readOnly ( ) const

Returns if this layer is read only.

Definition at line 532 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ readSld()

virtual bool QgsMapLayer::readSld ( const QDomNode &  node,
QString &  errorMessage 

Reimplemented in QgsVectorLayer.

Definition at line 1147 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ readStyle()

bool QgsMapLayer::readStyle ( const QDomNode &  node,
QString &  errorMessage,
QgsReadWriteContext context,
StyleCategories  categories = AllStyleCategories 

Read the style for the current layer from the DOM node supplied.

nodenode that will contain the style definition for this layer.
errorMessagereference to string that will be updated with any error messages
contextreading context (used for transform from relative to absolute paths)
categoriesthe style categories to be read
true in case of success.
To be implemented in subclasses. Default implementation does nothing and returns false.
QGIS 2.16

Reimplemented in QgsMeshLayer, and QgsPointCloudLayer.

Definition at line 1775 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ readStyleManager()

void QgsMapLayer::readStyleManager ( const QDomNode &  layerNode)

Read style manager's configuration (if any). To be called by subclasses.

Definition at line 800 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ readSymbology()

virtual bool QgsMapLayer::readSymbology ( const QDomNode &  node,
QString &  errorMessage,
QgsReadWriteContext context,
StyleCategories  categories = AllStyleCategories 
pure virtual

Read the symbology for the current layer from the DOM node supplied.

nodenode that will contain the symbology definition for this layer.
errorMessagereference to string that will be updated with any error messages
contextreading context (used for transform from relative to absolute paths)
categoriesthe style categories to be read
true in case of success.

Implemented in QgsVectorTileLayer, QgsGroupLayer, QgsPointCloudLayer, and QgsAnnotationLayer.

◆ readXml()

bool QgsMapLayer::readXml ( const QDomNode &  layer_node,
QgsReadWriteContext context 

Called by readLayerXML(), used by children to read state specific to them from project files.

Reimplemented in QgsVectorTileLayer, QgsGroupLayer, QgsPointCloudLayer, QgsAnnotationLayer, QgsRasterLayer, QgsMeshLayer, and QgsVectorLayer.

Definition at line 520 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ recalculateExtents

void QgsMapLayer::recalculateExtents ( ) const

This is used to send a request that any mapcanvas using this layer update its extents.

◆ refreshOnNotifyMessage()

QString QgsMapLayer::refreshOnNotifyMessage ( ) const

Returns the message that should be notified by the provider to triggerRepaint.

QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 1439 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ reload()

virtual Q_INVOKABLE void QgsMapLayer::reload ( )

Synchronises with changes in the datasource.

Reimplemented in QgsRasterLayer, QgsMeshLayer, and QgsVectorLayer.

Definition at line 537 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ removeCustomProperty()

void QgsMapLayer::removeCustomProperty ( const QString &  key)

Remove a custom property from layer.

Properties are stored in a map and saved in project file.

See also

Definition at line 1997 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ renderer3D()

QgsAbstract3DRenderer * QgsMapLayer::renderer3D ( ) const

Returns 3D renderer associated with the layer.

May be nullptr.

QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 2102 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ renderer3DChanged

void QgsMapLayer::renderer3DChanged ( )

Signal emitted when 3D renderer associated with the layer has changed.

QGIS 3.0

◆ rendererChanged

void QgsMapLayer::rendererChanged ( )

Signal emitted when renderer is changed.

See also

◆ repaintRequested

void QgsMapLayer::repaintRequested ( bool  deferredUpdate = false)

By emitting this signal the layer tells that either appearance or content have been changed and any view showing the rendered layer should refresh itself.

If deferredUpdate is true then the layer will only be repainted when the canvas is next re-rendered, and will not trigger any canvas redraws itself.

◆ request3DUpdate

void QgsMapLayer::request3DUpdate ( )

Signal emitted when a layer requires an update in any 3D maps.

QGIS 3.18

◆ resolveReferences()

void QgsMapLayer::resolveReferences ( QgsProject project)

Resolve references to other layers (kept as layer IDs after reading XML) into layer objects.

QGIS 3.0

Reimplemented in QgsGroupLayer, and QgsVectorLayer.

Definition at line 772 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ saveDefaultMetadata()

QString QgsMapLayer::saveDefaultMetadata ( bool &  resultFlag)

Save the current metadata of this layer as the default metadata (either as a .qmd file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db)

resultFlaga reference to a flag that will be set to false if we did not manage to save the default metadata.
a QString with any status messages
QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 1013 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ saveDefaultStyle()

QString QgsMapLayer::saveDefaultStyle ( bool &  resultFlag)

Save the properties of this layer as the default style (either as a .qml file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db)

resultFlaga reference to a flag that will be set to false if we did not manage to save the default style.
a QString with any status messages
See also
loadNamedStyle() and

Definition at line 1323 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ saveNamedMetadata()

QString QgsMapLayer::saveNamedMetadata ( const QString &  uri,
bool &  resultFlag 

Save the current metadata of this layer as a named metadata (either as a .qmd file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db)

urithe file name or other URI for the metadata file. First an attempt will be made to see if this is a file and save to that, if that fails the qgis.db metadata table will be used to create a metadata entry who's key matches the URI.
resultFlaga reference to a flag that will be set to false if we did not manage to save the default metadata.
a QString with any status messages
QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 1328 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ saveNamedStyle()

QString QgsMapLayer::saveNamedStyle ( const QString &  uri,
bool &  resultFlag,
StyleCategories  categories = AllStyleCategories 

Save the properties of this layer as a named style (either as a .qml file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db)

urithe file name or other URI for the style file. First an attempt will be made to see if this is a file and save to that, if that fails the qgis.db styles table will be used to create a style entry who's key matches the URI.
resultFlaga reference to a flag that will be set to false if we did not manage to save the default style.
categoriesthe style categories to be saved.
a QString with any status messages
See also

Definition at line 1569 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ saveSldStyle()

QString QgsMapLayer::saveSldStyle ( const QString &  uri,
bool &  resultFlag 
) const

Saves the properties of this layer to an SLD format file.

uriuri of destination for exported SLD file.
resultFlaga reference to a flag that will be set to false if the SLD file could not be generated
a string with any status or error messages
See also

Definition at line 1651 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ serverProperties() [1/2]

QgsMapLayerServerProperties* QgsMapLayer::serverProperties ( )

Returns QGIS Server Properties for the map layer.

QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 426 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ serverProperties() [2/2]

const QgsMapLayerServerProperties* QgsMapLayer::serverProperties ( ) const

Returns QGIS Server Properties const for the map layer.

QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 432 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ setAbstract()

void QgsMapLayer::setAbstract ( const QString &  abstract)

Sets the abstract of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.

the layer abstract
See also

Definition at line 318 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ setAttribution()

void QgsMapLayer::setAttribution ( const QString &  attrib)

Sets the attribution of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.

Attribution indicates the provider of a layer or collection of layers.

the layer attribution
See also

Definition at line 391 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ setAttributionUrl()

void QgsMapLayer::setAttributionUrl ( const QString &  attribUrl)

Sets the attribution URL of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.

Attribution indicates the provider of a layer or collection of layers.

the layer attribution URL
See also

Definition at line 409 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ setAutoRefreshEnabled()

void QgsMapLayer::setAutoRefreshEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Sets whether auto refresh is enabled for the layer.

See also
QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 868 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setAutoRefreshInterval()

void QgsMapLayer::setAutoRefreshInterval ( int  interval)

Sets the auto refresh interval (in milliseconds) for the layer.

This will cause the layer to be automatically redrawn on a matching interval. Note that auto refresh must be enabled by calling setAutoRefreshEnabled().

Note that auto refresh triggers deferred repaints of the layer. Any map canvas must be refreshed separately in order to view the refreshed layer.

See also
QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 854 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setBlendMode()

void QgsMapLayer::setBlendMode ( QPainter::CompositionMode  blendMode)

Set the blending mode used for rendering a layer.

blendModenew blending mode
See also

Definition at line 310 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setCrs()

void QgsMapLayer::setCrs ( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem srs,
bool  emitSignal = true 

Sets layer's spatial reference system.

Definition at line 937 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setCustomEnumProperty()

template<class T >
void QgsMapLayer::setCustomEnumProperty ( const QString &  key,
const T &  value 

Set the value of a property based on an enum.

The property will be saved as string.

The enum needs to be declared with Q_ENUM, and flags with Q_FLAG (not Q_FLAGS).
See also
QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 788 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ setCustomFlagProperty()

template<class T >
void QgsMapLayer::setCustomFlagProperty ( const QString &  key,
const T &  value 

Set the value of a property based on a flag.

The property will be saved as string.

The flag needs to be declared with Q_FLAG (not Q_FLAGS).
See also
QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 878 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ setCustomProperties()

void QgsMapLayer::setCustomProperties ( const QgsObjectCustomProperties properties)

Set custom properties for layer.

Current properties are dropped.

QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 1978 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setCustomProperty()

void QgsMapLayer::setCustomProperty ( const QString &  key,
const QVariant &  value 

Set a custom property for layer.

Properties are stored in a map and saved in project file.

See also

Definition at line 1969 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setDataSource() [1/3]

void QgsMapLayer::setDataSource ( const QString &  dataSource,
const QString &  baseName,
const QString &  provider,
bool  loadDefaultStyleFlag = false 

Updates the data source of the layer.

The layer's renderer and legend will be preserved only if the geometry type of the new data source matches the current geometry type of the layer.

This method was defined in QgsVectorLayer since 2.10 and was marked as deprecated since 3.2

dataSourcenew layer data source
baseNamebase name of the layer
providerprovider string
loadDefaultStyleFlagset to true to reset the layer's style to the default for the data source
See also
QGIS 3.20

Definition at line 1796 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setDataSource() [2/3]

void QgsMapLayer::setDataSource ( const QString &  dataSource,
const QString &  baseName,
const QString &  provider,
const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions options,
bool  loadDefaultStyleFlag = false 

Updates the data source of the layer.

The layer's renderer and legend will be preserved only if the geometry type of the new data source matches the current geometry type of the layer.

dataSourcenew layer data source
baseNamebase name of the layer
providerprovider string
optionsprovider options
loadDefaultStyleFlagset to true to reset the layer's style to the default for the data source
See also
QGIS 3.6

Definition at line 1814 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setDataSource() [3/3]

void QgsMapLayer::setDataSource ( const QString &  dataSource,
const QString &  baseName,
const QString &  provider,
const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions options,
QgsDataProvider::ReadFlags  flags 

Updates the data source of the layer.

The layer's renderer and legend will be preserved only if the geometry type of the new data source matches the current geometry type of the layer.

Subclasses should override setDataSourcePrivate: default implementation does nothing.

dataSourcenew layer data source
baseNamebase name of the layer
providerprovider string
optionsprovider options
flagsprovider read flags which control dataprovider construction like FlagTrustDataSource, FlagLoadDefaultStyle, etc
See also
QGIS 3.20

Definition at line 1830 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setDataUrl()

void QgsMapLayer::setDataUrl ( const QString &  dataUrl)

Sets the DataUrl of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.

DataUrl is a a link to the underlying data represented by a particular layer.

the layer DataUrl
See also

Definition at line 353 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ setDataUrlFormat()

void QgsMapLayer::setDataUrlFormat ( const QString &  dataUrlFormat)

Sets the DataUrl format of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.

DataUrl is a a link to the underlying data represented by a particular layer.

the layer DataUrl format
See also

Definition at line 371 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ setDependencies

bool QgsMapLayer::setDependencies ( const QSet< QgsMapLayerDependency > &  layers)

Sets the list of dependencies.

See also
layersset of QgsMapLayerDependency. Only user-defined dependencies will be added
false if a dependency cycle has been detected
QGIS 3.0

Reimplemented in QgsVectorLayer.

Definition at line 2195 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setError()

void QgsMapLayer::setError ( const QgsError error)

Sets error message.

Definition at line 1914 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ setExtent()

void QgsMapLayer::setExtent ( const QgsRectangle rect)

Sets the extent.

Reimplemented in QgsVectorLayer, and QgsPluginLayer.

Definition at line 2144 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setFlags()

void QgsMapLayer::setFlags ( QgsMapLayer::LayerFlags  flags)

Returns the flags for this layer.

Flags are options specified by the user used for the UI but are not preventing any API call. For instance, even if the Removable flag is not set, the layer can still be removed with the API but the action will not be listed in the legend menu.
See also
QGIS 3.4

Definition at line 155 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setKeywordList()

void QgsMapLayer::setKeywordList ( const QString &  keywords)

Sets the keyword list of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.

the layer keyword list
See also

Definition at line 334 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ setLayerOrder()

void QgsMapLayer::setLayerOrder ( const QStringList &  layers)

Reorders the previously selected sublayers of this layer from bottom to top.

(Useful for providers that manage their own layers, such as WMS).

Reimplemented in QgsRasterLayer.

Definition at line 914 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setLegend()

void QgsMapLayer::setLegend ( QgsMapLayerLegend legend)

Assign a legend controller to the map layer.

The object will be responsible for providing legend items.

legendTakes ownership of the object. Can be nullptr.
QGIS 2.6

Definition at line 2063 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setLegendPlaceholderImage()

void QgsMapLayer::setLegendPlaceholderImage ( const QString &  imgPath)

Set placeholder image for legend.

If the string is empty, a generated legend will be shown.

imgPathfile path to the placeholder image
QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 1510 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ setLegendUrl()

void QgsMapLayer::setLegendUrl ( const QString &  legendUrl)

Sets the URL for the layer's legend.

Definition at line 1269 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ setLegendUrlFormat()

void QgsMapLayer::setLegendUrlFormat ( const QString &  legendUrlFormat)

Sets the format for a URL based layer legend.

Definition at line 1279 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ setMaximumScale

void QgsMapLayer::setMaximumScale ( double  scale)

Sets the maximum map scale (i.e.

most "zoomed in" scale) at which the layer will be visible. The scale value indicates the scale denominator, e.g. 1000.0 for a 1:1000 map. A scale of 0 indicates no maximum scale visibility.

Scale based visibility is only used if setScaleBasedVisibility() is set to true.
See also

Definition at line 883 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setMetadata()

void QgsMapLayer::setMetadata ( const QgsLayerMetadata metadata)

Sets the layer's metadata store.

See also
QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 2121 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setMetadataUrl()

void QgsMapLayer::setMetadataUrl ( const QString &  metaUrl)

Sets the metadata URL of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.

MetadataUrl is a a link to the detailed, standardized metadata about the data. Since QGIS 3.22, it edits the first metadata URL link.

See also
since QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 205 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setMetadataUrlFormat()

void QgsMapLayer::setMetadataUrlFormat ( const QString &  metaUrlFormat)

Sets the metadata format of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.

MetadataUrlType indicates how the metadata is structured. Since QGIS 3.22, it edits the first metadata URL format.

See also
since QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 263 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setMetadataUrlType()

void QgsMapLayer::setMetadataUrlType ( const QString &  metaUrlType)

Set the metadata type of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request MetadataUrlType indicates the standard to which the metadata complies.

Since QGIS 3.22, it edits the first metadata URL type.

the layer metadata type
See also
since QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 234 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setMinimumScale

void QgsMapLayer::setMinimumScale ( double  scale)

Sets the minimum map scale (i.e.

most "zoomed out" scale) at which the layer will be visible. The scale value indicates the scale denominator, e.g. 1000.0 for a 1:1000 map. A scale of 0 indicates no minimum scale visibility.

Scale based visibility is only used if setScaleBasedVisibility() is set to true.
See also

Definition at line 894 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setName()

void QgsMapLayer::setName ( const QString &  name)

Set the display name of the layer.

See also
QGIS 2.16

Definition at line 174 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setOpacity()

void QgsMapLayer::setOpacity ( double  opacity)

Sets the opacity for the layer, where opacity is a value between 0 (totally transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque).

See also
Prior to QGIS 3.18, this method was available for vector layers only
QGIS 3.18

Reimplemented in QgsRasterLayer.

Definition at line 325 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setOriginalXmlProperties()

void QgsMapLayer::setOriginalXmlProperties ( const QString &  originalXmlProperties)

Sets the original XML properties for the layer to originalXmlProperties.

The storage format for the XML is qlr

QGIS 3.6

Definition at line 2159 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setProviderType()

void QgsMapLayer::setProviderType ( const QString &  providerType)

Sets the providerType (provider key)

Definition at line 2185 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setRefreshOnNofifyMessage

void QgsMapLayer::setRefreshOnNofifyMessage ( const QString &  message)

Set the notification message that triggers repaint If refresh on notification is enabled, the notification will triggerRepaint only if the notification message is equal to.

QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 1593 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ setRefreshOnNotifyEnabled

void QgsMapLayer::setRefreshOnNotifyEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Set whether provider notification is connected to triggerRepaint.

QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 2210 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setRenderer3D()

void QgsMapLayer::setRenderer3D ( QgsAbstract3DRenderer renderer)

Sets 3D renderer for the layer.

Takes ownership of the renderer.

QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 2090 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setScaleBasedVisibility

void QgsMapLayer::setScaleBasedVisibility ( bool  enabled)

Sets whether scale based visibility is enabled for the layer.

enabledset to true to enable scale based visibility
See also

Definition at line 899 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setShortName()

void QgsMapLayer::setShortName ( const QString &  shortName)

Sets the short name of the layer used by QGIS Server to identify the layer.

the layer short name
See also

Definition at line 288 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ setSubLayerVisibility()

void QgsMapLayer::setSubLayerVisibility ( const QString &  name,
bool  visible 

Set the visibility of the given sublayer name.

namesublayer name
visiblesublayer visibility

Reimplemented in QgsRasterLayer.

Definition at line 920 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ setTitle()

void QgsMapLayer::setTitle ( const QString &  title)

Sets the title of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.

See also

Definition at line 302 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ setTransformContext

virtual void QgsMapLayer::setTransformContext ( const QgsCoordinateTransformContext transformContext)
pure virtualslot

Sets the coordinate transform context to transformContext.

QGIS 3.8

Implemented in QgsVectorTileLayer, QgsPointCloudLayer, QgsGroupLayer, and QgsAnnotationLayer.

◆ setValid()

void QgsMapLayer::setValid ( bool  valid)

Sets whether layer is valid or not.

Definition at line 2054 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ shortName()

QString QgsMapLayer::shortName ( ) const

Returns the short name of the layer used by QGIS Server to identify the layer.

See also

Definition at line 200 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ source()

QString QgsMapLayer::source ( ) const

Returns the source for the layer.

This source may contain usernames, passwords and other sensitive information.

See also

Definition at line 300 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ statusChanged

void QgsMapLayer::statusChanged ( const QString &  status)

Emit a signal with status (e.g. to be caught by QgisApp and display a msg on status bar)

◆ styleChanged

void QgsMapLayer::styleChanged ( )

Signal emitted whenever a change affects the layer's style.

Ie this may be triggered by renderer changes, label style changes, or other style changes such as blend mode or layer opacity changes.

This signal should never be manually emitted. Instead call the emitStyleChanged() method to ensure that the signal is only emitted when appropriate.
See also
QGIS 2.16

◆ styleLoaded

void QgsMapLayer::styleLoaded ( QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories  categories)

Emitted when a style has been loaded.

categoriesstyle categories
QGIS 3.12

◆ styleManager()

QgsMapLayerStyleManager * QgsMapLayer::styleManager ( ) const

Gets access to the layer's style manager.

Style manager allows switching between multiple styles.

QGIS 2.8

Definition at line 2085 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ styleURI()

QString QgsMapLayer::styleURI ( ) const

Retrieve the style URI for this layer (either as a .qml file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db)

a QString with the style file name
See also
also loadNamedStyle() and saveNamedStyle();

Definition at line 1045 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ subLayers()

QStringList QgsMapLayer::subLayers ( ) const

Returns the sublayers of this layer.

(Useful for providers that manage their own layers, such as WMS).

Reimplemented in QgsRasterLayer, and QgsMeshLayer.

Definition at line 909 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ supportsEditing()

bool QgsMapLayer::supportsEditing ( ) const

Returns whether the layer supports editing or not.

false if the layer is read only or the data provider has no editing capabilities.
default implementation returns false.
QGIS 3.22 in the base class QgsMapLayer.

Reimplemented in QgsVectorLayer, QgsMeshLayer, and QgsAnnotationLayer.

Definition at line 927 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ temporalProperties()

virtual QgsMapLayerTemporalProperties* QgsMapLayer::temporalProperties ( )

Returns the layer's temporal properties.

This may be nullptr, depending on the layer type.

QGIS 3.14

Reimplemented in QgsVectorLayer, QgsRasterLayer, and QgsMeshLayer.

Definition at line 1489 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ timestamp()

QDateTime QgsMapLayer::timestamp ( ) const

Time stamp of data source in the moment when data/metadata were loaded by provider.

Reimplemented in QgsRasterLayer.

Definition at line 2133 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ title()

QString QgsMapLayer::title ( ) const

Returns the title of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.

the layer title
See also

Definition at line 310 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ transformContext()

QgsCoordinateTransformContext QgsMapLayer::transformContext ( ) const

Returns the layer data provider coordinate transform context or a default transform context if the layer does not have a valid data provider.

QGIS 3.8

Definition at line 951 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ trigger3DUpdate

void QgsMapLayer::trigger3DUpdate ( )

Will advise any 3D maps that this layer requires to be updated in the scene.

Will emit a request3DUpdate() signal.

QGIS 3.18

Definition at line 2116 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ triggerRepaint

void QgsMapLayer::triggerRepaint ( bool  deferredUpdate = false)

Will advise the map canvas (and any other interested party) that this layer requires to be repainted.

Will emit a repaintRequested() signal. If deferredUpdate is true then the layer will only be repainted when the canvas is next re-rendered, and will not trigger any canvas redraws itself.

in 2.6 function moved from vector/raster subclasses to QgsMapLayer

Definition at line 2107 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ type()

QgsMapLayerType QgsMapLayer::type ( ) const

Returns the type of the layer.

Definition at line 145 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ undoStack()

QUndoStack * QgsMapLayer::undoStack ( )

Returns pointer to layer's undo stack.

Definition at line 1954 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ undoStackStyles()

QUndoStack * QgsMapLayer::undoStackStyles ( )

Returns pointer to layer's style undo stack.

QGIS 2.16

Definition at line 1959 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ wgs84Extent()

QgsRectangle QgsMapLayer::wgs84Extent ( bool  forceRecalculate = false) const

Returns the WGS84 extent (EPSG:4326) of the layer according to ReadFlag::FlagTrustLayerMetadata.

If that flag is activated, then the WGS84 extent read in the qgs project is returned. Otherwise, the actual WGS84 extent is returned.

forceRecalculateTrue to return the current WGS84 extent whatever the read flags
QGIS 3.20

Definition at line 2248 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ willBeDeleted

void QgsMapLayer::willBeDeleted ( )

Emitted in the destructor when the layer is about to be deleted, but it is still in a perfectly valid state: the last chance for other pieces of code for some cleanup if they use the layer.

QGIS 3.0

◆ writeCommonStyle()

void QgsMapLayer::writeCommonStyle ( QDomElement &  layerElement,
QDomDocument &  document,
const QgsReadWriteContext context,
StyleCategories  categories = AllStyleCategories 
) const

Write style data common to all layer types.

QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 679 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ writeCustomProperties()

void QgsMapLayer::writeCustomProperties ( QDomNode &  layerNode,
QDomDocument &  doc 
) const

Write custom properties to project file.

Definition at line 795 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ writeLayerXml()

bool QgsMapLayer::writeLayerXml ( QDomElement &  layerElement,
QDomDocument &  document,
const QgsReadWriteContext context 
) const

Stores state in DOM node.

layerElementis a DOM element corresponding to `‘maplayer’' tag
documentis a the DOM document being written
contextreading context (e.g. for conversion between relative and absolute paths)

The DOM node corresponds to a DOM document project file XML element to be written by QgsProject.

This, in turn, calls writeXml() (and then writeSymbology), which is over-rideable by sub-classes so that they can write their own specific state to the given DOM node.

Invoked by QgsProject::write().

true if successful

Definition at line 540 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ writeStyle()

bool QgsMapLayer::writeStyle ( QDomNode &  node,
QDomDocument &  doc,
QString &  errorMessage,
const QgsReadWriteContext context,
StyleCategories  categories = AllStyleCategories 
) const

Write just the symbology information for the layer into the document.

nodethe node that will have the style element added to it.
docthe document that will have the QDomNode added.
errorMessagereference to string that will be updated with any error messages
contextwriting context (used for transform from absolute to relative paths)
categoriesthe style categories to be written
true in case of success.
To be implemented in subclasses. Default implementation does nothing and returns false.
There is a confusion of terms with the GUI. This method actually writes what is known as the symbology in the application.
QGIS 2.16

Reimplemented in QgsMeshLayer, and QgsPointCloudLayer.

Definition at line 1784 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ writeStyleManager()

void QgsMapLayer::writeStyleManager ( QDomNode &  layerNode,
QDomDocument &  doc 
) const

Write style manager's configuration (if exists). To be called by subclasses.

Definition at line 809 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

◆ writeSymbology()

virtual bool QgsMapLayer::writeSymbology ( QDomNode &  node,
QDomDocument &  doc,
QString &  errorMessage,
const QgsReadWriteContext context,
StyleCategories  categories = AllStyleCategories 
) const
pure virtual

Write the style for the layer into the document provided.

nodethe node that will have the style element added to it.
docthe document that will have the QDomNode added.
errorMessagereference to string that will be updated with any error messages
contextwriting context (used for transform from absolute to relative paths)
categoriesthe style categories to be written
There is a confusion of terms with the GUI. This method actually writes what is called a style in the application.
true in case of success.

Implemented in QgsVectorTileLayer, QgsPointCloudLayer, QgsGroupLayer, and QgsAnnotationLayer.

◆ writeXml()

bool QgsMapLayer::writeXml ( QDomNode &  layer_node,
QDomDocument &  document,
const QgsReadWriteContext context 
) const

Called by writeLayerXML(), used by children to write state specific to them to project files.

Reimplemented in QgsVectorTileLayer, QgsPointCloudLayer, QgsRasterLayer, QgsGroupLayer, QgsMeshLayer, QgsAnnotationLayer, and QgsVectorLayer.

Definition at line 749 of file qgsmaplayer.cpp.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ QgsVectorLayer

friend class QgsVectorLayer

Definition at line 2116 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ TestQgsMapLayer

friend class TestQgsMapLayer

Definition at line 2117 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ mAbstract

QString QgsMapLayer::mAbstract

Description of the layer.

Definition at line 1937 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ mAttribution

QString QgsMapLayer::mAttribution

Attribution of the layer.

Definition at line 1945 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ mAttributionUrl

QString QgsMapLayer::mAttributionUrl

Definition at line 1946 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ mBlockStyleChangedSignal

int QgsMapLayer::mBlockStyleChangedSignal = 0

If non-zero, the styleChanged signal should not be emitted.

QGIS 3.20

Definition at line 1995 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ mDataSource

QString QgsMapLayer::mDataSource

Data source description string, varies by layer type.

Definition at line 1928 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ mDataUrl

QString QgsMapLayer::mDataUrl

DataUrl of the layer.

Definition at line 1941 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ mDataUrlFormat

QString QgsMapLayer::mDataUrlFormat

Definition at line 1942 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ mDependencies

QSet<QgsMapLayerDependency> QgsMapLayer::mDependencies

List of layers that may modify this layer on modification.

Definition at line 1956 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ mError

QgsError QgsMapLayer::mError


Definition at line 1953 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ mIsRefreshOnNofifyEnabled

bool QgsMapLayer::mIsRefreshOnNofifyEnabled = false

Definition at line 1965 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ mKeywordList

QString QgsMapLayer::mKeywordList

Definition at line 1938 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ mLayerName

QString QgsMapLayer::mLayerName

Name of the layer - used for display.

Definition at line 1931 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ mLayerOpacity

double QgsMapLayer::mLayerOpacity = 1.0

Layer opacity.

QGIS 3.18

Definition at line 1988 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ mLegendUrl

QString QgsMapLayer::mLegendUrl

WMS legend.

Definition at line 1949 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ mLegendUrlFormat

QString QgsMapLayer::mLegendUrlFormat

Definition at line 1950 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ mProviderKey

QString QgsMapLayer::mProviderKey

Data provider key (name of the data provider)

Definition at line 1969 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ mReadFlags

QgsMapLayer::ReadFlags QgsMapLayer::mReadFlags = QgsMapLayer::ReadFlags()

Read flags. It's up to the subclass to respect these when restoring state from XML.

Definition at line 1974 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ mRefreshOnNofifyMessage

QString QgsMapLayer::mRefreshOnNofifyMessage

Definition at line 1966 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ mShortName

QString QgsMapLayer::mShortName

Definition at line 1933 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ mShouldValidateCrs

bool QgsMapLayer::mShouldValidateCrs = true

true if the layer's CRS should be validated and invalid CRSes are not permitted.

QGIS 3.10

Definition at line 1981 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ mTitle

QString QgsMapLayer::mTitle

Definition at line 1934 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ mValid

bool QgsMapLayer::mValid = false

Indicates if the layer is valid and can be drawn.

Definition at line 1925 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

Property Documentation

◆ autoRefreshInterval

int QgsMapLayer::autoRefreshInterval

Definition at line 2140 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ crs

QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem QgsMapLayer::crs

Definition at line 2140 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ isValid

bool QgsMapLayer::isValid

Definition at line 2140 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ metadata

QgsLayerMetadata QgsMapLayer::metadata

Definition at line 2140 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ name

QString QgsMapLayer::name

Definition at line 2140 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ opacity

double QgsMapLayer::opacity

Definition at line 2140 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

◆ type

QgsMapLayerType QgsMapLayer::type

Definition at line 2140 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: