QGIS API Documentation  3.22.4-Białowieża (ce8e65e95e)
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1 /***************************************************************************
2  qgslayoutitemwidget.cpp
3  ------------------------
4  Date : July 2017
5  Copyright : (C) 2017 Nyall Dawson
6  Email : nyall dot dawson at gmail dot com
7  ***************************************************************************
8  * *
9  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
10  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
11  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
12  * (at your option) any later version. *
13  * *
14  ***************************************************************************/
16 #include "qgslayoutitemwidget.h"
18 #include "qgslayout.h"
19 #include "qgsproject.h"
20 #include "qgslayoutundostack.h"
21 #include "qgsprintlayout.h"
22 #include "qgslayoutatlas.h"
24 #include "qgslayoutframe.h"
25 #include "qgssymbolbutton.h"
26 #include "qgsfontbutton.h"
29 #include "qgslayoutmultiframe.h"
30 #include <QButtonGroup>
32 //
33 // QgsLayoutConfigObject
34 //
37  : QObject( parent )
38  , mLayoutObject( layoutObject )
39 {
40  if ( mLayoutObject->layout() )
41  {
42  connect( &mLayoutObject->layout()->reportContext(), &QgsLayoutReportContext::layerChanged,
43  this, [ = ] { updateDataDefinedButtons(); } );
44  }
45  if ( layoutAtlas() )
46  {
47  connect( layoutAtlas(), &QgsLayoutAtlas::toggled, this, &QgsLayoutConfigObject::updateDataDefinedButtons );
48  }
49 }
51 void QgsLayoutConfigObject::updateDataDefinedProperty()
52 {
53  //match data defined button to item's data defined property
54  QgsPropertyOverrideButton *ddButton = qobject_cast<QgsPropertyOverrideButton *>( sender() );
55  if ( !ddButton )
56  {
57  return;
58  }
61  if ( ddButton->propertyKey() >= 0 )
62  key = static_cast< QgsLayoutObject::DataDefinedProperty >( ddButton->propertyKey() );
64  if ( key == QgsLayoutObject::NoProperty )
65  {
66  return;
67  }
69  const bool propertyAssociatesWithMultiFrame = QgsLayoutObject::propertyAssociatesWithParentMultiframe( key );
71  //set the data defined property and refresh the item
72  if ( propertyAssociatesWithMultiFrame )
73  {
74  if ( QgsLayoutFrame *frame = dynamic_cast< QgsLayoutFrame * >( mLayoutObject.data() ) )
75  {
76  if ( QgsLayoutMultiFrame *multiFrame = frame->multiFrame() )
77  {
78  multiFrame->dataDefinedProperties().setProperty( key, ddButton->toProperty() );
79  multiFrame->refresh();
80  }
81  }
82  else if ( QgsLayoutMultiFrame *multiFrame = dynamic_cast< QgsLayoutMultiFrame * >( mLayoutObject.data() ) )
83  {
84  multiFrame->dataDefinedProperties().setProperty( key, ddButton->toProperty() );
85  multiFrame->refresh();
86  }
87  }
88  else if ( mLayoutObject )
89  {
90  mLayoutObject->dataDefinedProperties().setProperty( key, ddButton->toProperty() );
91  mLayoutObject->refresh();
92  }
93 }
95 void QgsLayoutConfigObject::updateDataDefinedButtons()
96 {
97  const QList< QgsPropertyOverrideButton * > buttons = findChildren< QgsPropertyOverrideButton * >();
98  for ( QgsPropertyOverrideButton *button : buttons )
99  {
100  button->setVectorLayer( coverageLayer() );
101  }
102 }
105 {
106  button->blockSignals( true );
107  button->init( key, mLayoutObject->dataDefinedProperties(), QgsLayoutObject::propertyDefinitions(), coverageLayer() );
108  connect( button, &QgsPropertyOverrideButton::changed, this, &QgsLayoutConfigObject::updateDataDefinedProperty, Qt::UniqueConnection );
109  button->registerExpressionContextGenerator( mLayoutObject );
110  button->blockSignals( false );
111 }
114 {
115  if ( !button )
116  return;
118  if ( button->propertyKey() < 0 || !mLayoutObject )
119  return;
122  const bool propertyAssociatesWithMultiFrame = QgsLayoutObject::propertyAssociatesWithParentMultiframe( key );
124  //set the data defined property
125  if ( propertyAssociatesWithMultiFrame )
126  {
127  if ( QgsLayoutFrame *frame = dynamic_cast< QgsLayoutFrame * >( mLayoutObject.data() ) )
128  {
129  if ( QgsLayoutMultiFrame *multiFrame = frame->multiFrame() )
130  {
131  whileBlocking( button )->setToProperty( multiFrame->dataDefinedProperties().property( key ) );
132  }
133  }
134  else if ( QgsLayoutMultiFrame *multiFrame = dynamic_cast< QgsLayoutMultiFrame * >( mLayoutObject.data() ) )
135  {
136  whileBlocking( button )->setToProperty( multiFrame->dataDefinedProperties().property( key ) );
137  }
138  }
139  else if ( mLayoutObject )
140  {
141  whileBlocking( button )->setToProperty( mLayoutObject->dataDefinedProperties().property( key ) );
142  }
144  // In case the button was initialized to a different config object, we need to reconnect to it here (see https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/26582 )
145  connect( button, &QgsPropertyOverrideButton::changed, this, &QgsLayoutConfigObject::updateDataDefinedProperty, Qt::UniqueConnection );
146  button->registerExpressionContextGenerator( mLayoutObject );
147 }
150 {
151  if ( !mLayoutObject )
152  {
153  return nullptr;
154  }
156  QgsPrintLayout *printLayout = qobject_cast< QgsPrintLayout * >( mLayoutObject->layout() );
158  if ( !printLayout )
159  {
160  return nullptr;
161  }
163  return printLayout->atlas();
164 }
167 {
168  mLayoutObject = object;
169 }
172 {
173  if ( !mLayoutObject )
174  return nullptr;
176  QgsLayout *layout = mLayoutObject->layout();
177  if ( !layout )
178  return nullptr;
180  return layout->reportContext().layer();
181 }
184 //
185 // QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget
186 //
189  : QgsPanelWidget( parent )
190  , mConfigObject( new QgsLayoutConfigObject( this, layoutObject ) )
191  , mObject( layoutObject )
192 {
194 }
197 {
198  return mObject;
199 }
202 {
203  QgsLayoutObject *oldObject = mObject;
204  QgsLayoutConfigObject *oldConfigObject = mConfigObject;
205  // have to set new mObject/mConfigObject here, because setNewItem methods require access to them
206  mObject = item;
207  mConfigObject = new QgsLayoutConfigObject( this, mObject );
208  if ( setNewItem( item ) )
209  {
210  oldConfigObject->deleteLater();
211  return true;
212  }
213  else
214  {
215  // revert object change since it was unsuccessful
216  mObject = oldObject;
217  mConfigObject->deleteLater();
218  mConfigObject = oldConfigObject;
219  return false;
220  }
221 }
224 {
225 }
228 {
229  const auto symbolButtonWidgets = findChildren<QgsSymbolButton *>();
230  for ( QgsSymbolButton *symbolWidget : symbolButtonWidgets )
231  {
232  symbolWidget->setMessageBar( iface->messageBar() );
233  }
234  const auto fontButtonWidgets = findChildren<QgsFontButton *>();
235  for ( QgsFontButton *fontButton : fontButtonWidgets )
236  {
237  fontButton->setMessageBar( iface->messageBar() );
238  }
239 }
242 {
244 }
247 {
248  mConfigObject->initializeDataDefinedButton( button, property );
249 }
252 {
253  mConfigObject->updateDataDefinedButton( button );
254 }
257 {
258  return mConfigObject->coverageLayer();
259 }
262 {
263  return false;
264 }
267 {
268  return mConfigObject->layoutAtlas();
269 }
271 //
274 //QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget
277 {
278  if ( !mItem )
279  return;
281  mBlockVariableUpdates = true;
282  QgsExpressionContext context = mItem->createExpressionContext();
283  mVariableEditor->setContext( &context );
285  // here, we prefer to make the multiframe's scope the editable one. That's because most expressions are evaluated
286  // on the multiframe subclass level, not on a frame-by-frame basis. Ideally both would be editable, but for now let's go
287  // with the most useful one.
288  const int multiFrameScopeIndex = context.indexOfScope( tr( "Multiframe Item" ) );
289  const int itemScopeIndex = context.indexOfScope( tr( "Layout Item" ) );
290  if ( multiFrameScopeIndex >= 0 )
291  mVariableEditor->setEditableScopeIndex( multiFrameScopeIndex );
292  else if ( itemScopeIndex >= 0 )
293  mVariableEditor->setEditableScopeIndex( itemScopeIndex );
294  mBlockVariableUpdates = false;
295 }
298  : QWidget( parent )
299  , mConfigObject( new QgsLayoutConfigObject( this, item ) )
300 {
301  setupUi( this );
303  mVariableEditor->setMinimumHeight( mVariableEditor->fontMetrics().height() * 15 );
305  mItemRotationSpinBox->setClearValue( 0 );
306  mStrokeUnitsComboBox->linkToWidget( mStrokeWidthSpinBox );
307  mStrokeUnitsComboBox->setConverter( &item->layout()->renderContext().measurementConverter() );
309  mPosUnitsComboBox->linkToWidget( mXPosSpin );
310  mPosUnitsComboBox->linkToWidget( mYPosSpin );
311  mSizeUnitsComboBox->linkToWidget( mWidthSpin );
312  mSizeUnitsComboBox->linkToWidget( mHeightSpin );
314  mPosUnitsComboBox->setConverter( &item->layout()->renderContext().measurementConverter() );
315  mSizeUnitsComboBox->setConverter( &item->layout()->renderContext().measurementConverter() );
317  mPosLockAspectRatio->setWidthSpinBox( mXPosSpin );
318  mPosLockAspectRatio->setHeightSpinBox( mYPosSpin );
319  mSizeLockAspectRatio->setWidthSpinBox( mWidthSpin );
320  mSizeLockAspectRatio->setHeightSpinBox( mHeightSpin );
322  mItemFrameColorDDBtn->registerLinkedWidget( mFrameColorButton );
323  mItemBackgroundColorDDBtn->registerLinkedWidget( mBackgroundColorButton );
325  connect( mFrameColorButton, &QgsColorButton::colorChanged, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mFrameColorButton_colorChanged );
326  connect( mBackgroundColorButton, &QgsColorButton::colorChanged, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mBackgroundColorButton_colorChanged );
327  connect( mStrokeWidthSpinBox, static_cast < void ( QDoubleSpinBox::* )( double ) > ( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ), this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mStrokeWidthSpinBox_valueChanged );
328  connect( mStrokeUnitsComboBox, &QgsLayoutUnitsComboBox::changed, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::strokeUnitChanged );
329  connect( mFrameGroupBox, &QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasic::toggled, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mFrameGroupBox_toggled );
330  connect( mFrameJoinStyleCombo, static_cast<void ( QComboBox::* )( int )>( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ), this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mFrameJoinStyleCombo_currentIndexChanged );
331  connect( mBackgroundGroupBox, &QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasic::toggled, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mBackgroundGroupBox_toggled );
332  connect( mItemIdLineEdit, &QLineEdit::editingFinished, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mItemIdLineEdit_editingFinished );
333  connect( mPageSpinBox, static_cast < void ( QSpinBox::* )( int ) > ( &QSpinBox::valueChanged ), this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mPageSpinBox_valueChanged );
334  connect( mXPosSpin, static_cast < void ( QDoubleSpinBox::* )( double ) > ( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ), this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mXPosSpin_valueChanged );
335  connect( mYPosSpin, static_cast < void ( QDoubleSpinBox::* )( double ) > ( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ), this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mYPosSpin_valueChanged );
336  connect( mPosUnitsComboBox, &QgsLayoutUnitsComboBox::changed, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::positionUnitsChanged );
337  connect( mWidthSpin, static_cast < void ( QDoubleSpinBox::* )( double ) > ( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ), this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mWidthSpin_valueChanged );
338  connect( mHeightSpin, static_cast < void ( QDoubleSpinBox::* )( double ) > ( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ), this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mHeightSpin_valueChanged );
339  connect( mSizeUnitsComboBox, &QgsLayoutUnitsComboBox::changed, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::sizeUnitsChanged );
340  connect( mUpperLeftRadioButton, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mUpperLeftCheckBox_stateChanged );
341  connect( mUpperMiddleRadioButton, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mUpperMiddleCheckBox_stateChanged );
342  connect( mUpperRightRadioButton, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mUpperRightCheckBox_stateChanged );
343  connect( mMiddleLeftRadioButton, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mMiddleLeftCheckBox_stateChanged );
344  connect( mMiddleRadioButton, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mMiddleCheckBox_stateChanged );
345  connect( mMiddleRightRadioButton, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mMiddleRightCheckBox_stateChanged );
346  connect( mLowerLeftRadioButton, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mLowerLeftCheckBox_stateChanged );
347  connect( mLowerMiddleRadioButton, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mLowerMiddleCheckBox_stateChanged );
348  connect( mLowerRightRadioButton, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mLowerRightCheckBox_stateChanged );
349  connect( mBlendModeCombo, static_cast<void ( QComboBox::* )( int )>( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ), this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mBlendModeCombo_currentIndexChanged );
350  connect( mItemRotationSpinBox, static_cast < void ( QDoubleSpinBox::* )( double ) > ( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ), this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mItemRotationSpinBox_valueChanged );
351  connect( mExcludeFromPrintsCheckBox, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mExcludeFromPrintsCheckBox_toggled );
353  //make button exclusive
354  QButtonGroup *buttonGroup = new QButtonGroup( this );
355  buttonGroup->addButton( mUpperLeftRadioButton );
356  buttonGroup->addButton( mUpperMiddleRadioButton );
357  buttonGroup->addButton( mUpperRightRadioButton );
358  buttonGroup->addButton( mMiddleLeftRadioButton );
359  buttonGroup->addButton( mMiddleRadioButton );
360  buttonGroup->addButton( mMiddleRightRadioButton );
361  buttonGroup->addButton( mLowerLeftRadioButton );
362  buttonGroup->addButton( mLowerMiddleRadioButton );
363  buttonGroup->addButton( mLowerRightRadioButton );
364  buttonGroup->setExclusive( true );
368  setItem( item );
370  connect( mOpacityWidget, &QgsOpacityWidget::opacityChanged, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::opacityChanged );
372  updateVariables();
373  connect( mVariableEditor, &QgsVariableEditorWidget::scopeChanged, this, [ = ]
374  {
375  if ( !mBlockVariableUpdates )
376  QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::variablesChanged();
377  } );
378  // listen out for variable edits
383  if ( item->layout() )
384  {
388  }
389 }
392 {
393  mBackgroundGroupBox->setVisible( showGroup );
394 }
397 {
398  mFrameGroupBox->setVisible( showGroup );
399 }
402 {
403  if ( mItem )
404  {
405  disconnect( mItem, &QgsLayoutItem::sizePositionChanged, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::setValuesForGuiPositionElements );
406  disconnect( mItem, &QgsLayoutObject::changed, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::setValuesForGuiNonPositionElements );
407  }
408  mItem = item;
409  if ( mItem )
410  {
411  connect( mItem, &QgsLayoutItem::sizePositionChanged, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::setValuesForGuiPositionElements );
412  connect( mItem, &QgsLayoutObject::changed, this, &QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::setValuesForGuiNonPositionElements );
413  }
415  mConfigObject->setObject( mItem );
417  setValuesForGuiElements();
418 }
421 {
422  if ( QgsPrintLayout *printLayout = dynamic_cast< QgsPrintLayout * >( masterLayout ) )
423  {
426  }
427 }
429 //slots
431 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mFrameColorButton_colorChanged( const QColor &newFrameColor )
432 {
433  if ( !mItem )
434  {
435  return;
436  }
437  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->beginCommand( mItem, tr( "Change Frame Color" ), QgsLayoutItem::UndoStrokeColor );
438  mItem->setFrameStrokeColor( newFrameColor );
439  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->endCommand();
440  mItem->update();
441 }
443 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mBackgroundColorButton_colorChanged( const QColor &newBackgroundColor )
444 {
445  if ( !mItem )
446  {
447  return;
448  }
449  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->beginCommand( mItem, tr( "Change Background Color" ), QgsLayoutItem::UndoBackgroundColor );
450  mItem->setBackgroundColor( newBackgroundColor );
451  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->endCommand();
452  mItem->invalidateCache();
453 }
455 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::changeItemPosition()
456 {
457  if ( !mItem )
458  return;
460  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->beginCommand( mItem, tr( "Move Item" ), QgsLayoutItem::UndoIncrementalMove );
462  const QgsLayoutPoint point( mXPosSpin->value(), mYPosSpin->value(), mPosUnitsComboBox->unit() );
463  mItem->attemptMove( point, true, false, mPageSpinBox->value() - 1 );
465  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->endCommand();
466 }
468 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::changeItemReference( QgsLayoutItem::ReferencePoint point )
469 {
470  if ( !mItem )
471  return;
473  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->beginCommand( mItem, tr( "Change Item Reference" ) );
474  mItem->setReferencePoint( point );
475  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->endCommand();
476 }
478 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::changeItemSize()
479 {
480  if ( !mItem )
481  return;
483  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->beginCommand( mItem, tr( "Resize Item" ), QgsLayoutItem::UndoIncrementalResize );
485  const QgsLayoutSize size( mWidthSpin->value(), mHeightSpin->value(), mSizeUnitsComboBox->unit() );
486  mItem->attemptResize( size );
488  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->endCommand();
489 }
491 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::variablesChanged()
492 {
493  if ( !mItem )
494  return;
496  if ( QgsLayoutFrame *frame = qobject_cast< QgsLayoutFrame * >( mItem ) )
497  {
498  if ( QgsLayoutMultiFrame *mf = frame->multiFrame() )
499  {
500  QgsExpressionContextUtils::setLayoutMultiFrameVariables( mf, mVariableEditor->variablesInActiveScope() );
501  }
502  }
503  else
504  {
505  QgsExpressionContextUtils::setLayoutItemVariables( mItem, mVariableEditor->variablesInActiveScope() );
506  }
507 }
510 {
511  if ( mUpperLeftRadioButton->isChecked() )
512  {
514  }
515  else if ( mUpperMiddleRadioButton->isChecked() )
516  {
518  }
519  else if ( mUpperRightRadioButton->isChecked() )
520  {
522  }
523  else if ( mMiddleLeftRadioButton->isChecked() )
524  {
526  }
527  else if ( mMiddleRadioButton->isChecked() )
528  {
529  return QgsLayoutItem::Middle;
530  }
531  else if ( mMiddleRightRadioButton->isChecked() )
532  {
534  }
535  else if ( mLowerLeftRadioButton->isChecked() )
536  {
538  }
539  else if ( mLowerMiddleRadioButton->isChecked() )
540  {
542  }
543  else if ( mLowerRightRadioButton->isChecked() )
544  {
546  }
548 }
550 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mStrokeWidthSpinBox_valueChanged( double d )
551 {
552  if ( !mItem )
553  {
554  return;
555  }
557  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->beginCommand( mItem, tr( "Change Frame Stroke Width" ), QgsLayoutItem::UndoStrokeWidth );
558  mItem->setFrameStrokeWidth( QgsLayoutMeasurement( d, mStrokeUnitsComboBox->unit() ) );
559  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->endCommand();
560 }
562 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::strokeUnitChanged( QgsUnitTypes::LayoutUnit unit )
563 {
564  if ( !mItem )
565  {
566  return;
567  }
569  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->beginCommand( mItem, tr( "Change Frame Stroke Width" ), QgsLayoutItem::UndoStrokeWidth );
570  mItem->setFrameStrokeWidth( QgsLayoutMeasurement( mStrokeWidthSpinBox->value(), unit ) );
571  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->endCommand();
572 }
574 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mFrameJoinStyleCombo_currentIndexChanged( int index )
575 {
576  Q_UNUSED( index )
577  if ( !mItem )
578  {
579  return;
580  }
582  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->beginCommand( mItem, tr( "Change Frame Join Style" ) );
583  mItem->setFrameJoinStyle( mFrameJoinStyleCombo->penJoinStyle() );
584  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->endCommand();
585 }
587 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mFrameGroupBox_toggled( bool state )
588 {
589  if ( !mItem )
590  {
591  return;
592  }
594  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->beginCommand( mItem, state ? tr( "Enable Frame" ) : tr( "Disable Frame" ) );
595  mItem->setFrameEnabled( state );
596  mItem->update();
597  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->endCommand();
598 }
600 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mBackgroundGroupBox_toggled( bool state )
601 {
602  if ( !mItem )
603  {
604  return;
605  }
607  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->beginCommand( mItem, state ? tr( "Enable Background" ) : tr( "Disable Background" ) );
608  mItem->setBackgroundEnabled( state );
609  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->endCommand();
610  mItem->invalidateCache();
611 }
614 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::setValuesForGuiPositionElements()
615 {
616  if ( !mItem )
617  {
618  return;
619  }
621  auto block = [ = ]( bool blocked )
622  {
623  mXPosSpin->blockSignals( blocked );
624  mYPosSpin->blockSignals( blocked );
625  mPosUnitsComboBox->blockSignals( blocked );
626  mWidthSpin->blockSignals( blocked );
627  mHeightSpin->blockSignals( blocked );
628  mSizeUnitsComboBox->blockSignals( blocked );
629  mUpperLeftRadioButton->blockSignals( blocked );
630  mUpperMiddleRadioButton->blockSignals( blocked );
631  mUpperRightRadioButton->blockSignals( blocked );
632  mMiddleLeftRadioButton->blockSignals( blocked );
633  mMiddleRadioButton->blockSignals( blocked );
634  mMiddleRightRadioButton->blockSignals( blocked );
635  mLowerLeftRadioButton->blockSignals( blocked );
636  mLowerMiddleRadioButton->blockSignals( blocked );
637  mLowerRightRadioButton->blockSignals( blocked );
638  mPageSpinBox->blockSignals( blocked );
639  };
640  block( true );
642  const QgsLayoutPoint point = mItem->pagePositionWithUnits();
644  if ( !mFreezeXPosSpin )
645  mXPosSpin->setValue( point.x() );
646  if ( !mFreezeYPosSpin )
647  mYPosSpin->setValue( point.y() );
648  mPosUnitsComboBox->setUnit( point.units() );
650  switch ( mItem->referencePoint() )
651  {
653  {
654  mUpperLeftRadioButton->setChecked( true );
655  break;
656  }
659  {
660  mUpperMiddleRadioButton->setChecked( true );
661  break;
662  }
665  {
666  mUpperRightRadioButton->setChecked( true );
667  break;
668  }
671  {
672  mMiddleLeftRadioButton->setChecked( true );
673  break;
674  }
677  {
678  mMiddleRadioButton->setChecked( true );
679  break;
680  }
683  {
684  mMiddleRightRadioButton->setChecked( true );
685  break;
686  }
689  {
690  mLowerLeftRadioButton->setChecked( true );
691  break;
692  }
695  {
696  mLowerMiddleRadioButton->setChecked( true );
697  break;
698  }
701  {
702  mLowerRightRadioButton->setChecked( true );
703  break;
704  }
705  }
707  const QgsLayoutSize size = mItem->sizeWithUnits();
708  if ( !mFreezeWidthSpin )
709  mWidthSpin->setValue( size.width() );
710  if ( !mFreezeHeightSpin )
711  mHeightSpin->setValue( size.height() );
713  mSizeUnitsComboBox->setUnit( size.units() );
715  mSizeLockAspectRatio->resetRatio();
716  mPosLockAspectRatio->resetRatio();
718  if ( !mFreezePageSpin )
719  mPageSpinBox->setValue( mItem->page() + 1 );
721  block( false );
722 }
724 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::setValuesForGuiNonPositionElements()
725 {
726  if ( !mItem )
727  {
728  return;
729  }
731  auto block = [ = ]( bool blocked )
732  {
733  mStrokeWidthSpinBox->blockSignals( blocked );
734  mStrokeUnitsComboBox->blockSignals( blocked );
735  mFrameGroupBox->blockSignals( blocked );
736  mBackgroundGroupBox->blockSignals( blocked );
737  mItemIdLineEdit->blockSignals( blocked );
738  mBlendModeCombo->blockSignals( blocked );
739  mOpacityWidget->blockSignals( blocked );
740  mFrameColorButton->blockSignals( blocked );
741  mFrameJoinStyleCombo->blockSignals( blocked );
742  mBackgroundColorButton->blockSignals( blocked );
743  mItemRotationSpinBox->blockSignals( blocked );
744  mExcludeFromPrintsCheckBox->blockSignals( blocked );
745  };
746  block( true );
748  mBackgroundColorButton->setColor( mItem->backgroundColor() );
749  mFrameColorButton->setColor( mItem->frameStrokeColor() );
750  mStrokeUnitsComboBox->setUnit( mItem->frameStrokeWidth().units() );
751  mStrokeWidthSpinBox->setValue( mItem->frameStrokeWidth().length() );
752  mFrameJoinStyleCombo->setPenJoinStyle( mItem->frameJoinStyle() );
753  mItemIdLineEdit->setText( mItem->id() );
754  mFrameGroupBox->setChecked( mItem->frameEnabled() );
755  mBackgroundGroupBox->setChecked( mItem->hasBackground() );
756  mBlendModeCombo->setBlendMode( mItem->blendMode() );
757  mOpacityWidget->setOpacity( mItem->itemOpacity() );
758  mItemRotationSpinBox->setValue( mItem->itemRotation() );
759  mExcludeFromPrintsCheckBox->setChecked( mItem->excludeFromExports() );
761  block( false );
762 }
765 {
766  mConfigObject->initializeDataDefinedButton( mXPositionDDBtn, QgsLayoutObject::PositionX );
767  mConfigObject->initializeDataDefinedButton( mYPositionDDBtn, QgsLayoutObject::PositionY );
768  mConfigObject->initializeDataDefinedButton( mWidthDDBtn, QgsLayoutObject::ItemWidth );
769  mConfigObject->initializeDataDefinedButton( mHeightDDBtn, QgsLayoutObject::ItemHeight );
770  mConfigObject->initializeDataDefinedButton( mItemRotationDDBtn, QgsLayoutObject::ItemRotation );
771  mConfigObject->initializeDataDefinedButton( mOpacityDDBtn, QgsLayoutObject::Opacity );
772  mConfigObject->initializeDataDefinedButton( mBlendModeDDBtn, QgsLayoutObject::BlendMode );
773  mConfigObject->initializeDataDefinedButton( mExcludePrintsDDBtn, QgsLayoutObject::ExcludeFromExports );
774  mConfigObject->initializeDataDefinedButton( mItemFrameColorDDBtn, QgsLayoutObject::FrameColor );
775  mConfigObject->initializeDataDefinedButton( mItemBackgroundColorDDBtn, QgsLayoutObject::BackgroundColor );
776 }
779 {
780  const QList< QgsPropertyOverrideButton * > buttons = findChildren< QgsPropertyOverrideButton * >();
781  for ( QgsPropertyOverrideButton *button : buttons )
782  {
783  mConfigObject->updateDataDefinedButton( button );
784  }
785 }
787 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::setValuesForGuiElements()
788 {
789  if ( !mItem )
790  {
791  return;
792  }
794  mBackgroundColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Select Background Color" ) );
795  mBackgroundColorButton->setAllowOpacity( true );
796  mBackgroundColorButton->setContext( QStringLiteral( "composer" ) );
797  mFrameColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Select Frame Color" ) );
798  mFrameColorButton->setAllowOpacity( true );
799  mFrameColorButton->setContext( QStringLiteral( "composer" ) );
801  setValuesForGuiPositionElements();
802  setValuesForGuiNonPositionElements();
805  updateVariables();
806 }
808 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mBlendModeCombo_currentIndexChanged( int index )
809 {
810  Q_UNUSED( index )
811  if ( mItem )
812  {
813  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->beginCommand( mItem, tr( "Change Blend Mode" ) );
814  mItem->setBlendMode( mBlendModeCombo->blendMode() );
815  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->endCommand();
816  }
817 }
819 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::opacityChanged( double value )
820 {
821  if ( mItem )
822  {
823  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->beginCommand( mItem, tr( "Change Opacity" ), QgsLayoutItem::UndoOpacity );
824  mItem->setItemOpacity( value );
825  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->endCommand();
826  }
827 }
829 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mItemIdLineEdit_editingFinished()
830 {
831  if ( mItem )
832  {
833  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->beginCommand( mItem, tr( "Change Item ID" ), QgsLayoutItem::UndoSetId );
834  mItem->setId( mItemIdLineEdit->text() );
835  mItemIdLineEdit->setText( mItem->id() );
836  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->endCommand();
837  }
838 }
840 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mPageSpinBox_valueChanged( int )
841 {
842  mFreezePageSpin = true;
843  changeItemPosition();
844  mFreezePageSpin = false;
845 }
847 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mXPosSpin_valueChanged( double )
848 {
849  mFreezeXPosSpin = true;
850  changeItemPosition();
851  mFreezeXPosSpin = false;
852 }
854 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mYPosSpin_valueChanged( double )
855 {
856  mFreezeYPosSpin = true;
857  changeItemPosition();
858  mFreezeYPosSpin = false;
859 }
861 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::positionUnitsChanged( QgsUnitTypes::LayoutUnit )
862 {
863  changeItemPosition();
864 }
866 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mWidthSpin_valueChanged( double )
867 {
868  mFreezeWidthSpin = true;
869  changeItemSize();
870  mFreezeWidthSpin = false;
871 }
873 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mHeightSpin_valueChanged( double )
874 {
875  mFreezeHeightSpin = true;
876  changeItemSize();
877  mFreezeHeightSpin = false;
878 }
880 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::sizeUnitsChanged( QgsUnitTypes::LayoutUnit )
881 {
882  changeItemSize();
883 }
885 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mUpperLeftCheckBox_stateChanged( bool state )
886 {
887  if ( !state )
888  return;
890  if ( mItem )
891  {
892  changeItemReference( QgsLayoutItem::UpperLeft );
893  }
894  setValuesForGuiPositionElements();
895 }
897 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mUpperMiddleCheckBox_stateChanged( bool state )
898 {
899  if ( !state )
900  return;
901  if ( mItem )
902  {
903  changeItemReference( QgsLayoutItem::UpperMiddle );
904  }
905  setValuesForGuiPositionElements();
906 }
908 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mUpperRightCheckBox_stateChanged( bool state )
909 {
910  if ( !state )
911  return;
912  if ( mItem )
913  {
914  changeItemReference( QgsLayoutItem::UpperRight );
915  }
916  setValuesForGuiPositionElements();
917 }
919 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mMiddleLeftCheckBox_stateChanged( bool state )
920 {
921  if ( !state )
922  return;
923  if ( mItem )
924  {
925  changeItemReference( QgsLayoutItem::MiddleLeft );
926  }
927  setValuesForGuiPositionElements();
928 }
930 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mMiddleCheckBox_stateChanged( bool state )
931 {
932  if ( !state )
933  return;
934  if ( mItem )
935  {
936  changeItemReference( QgsLayoutItem::Middle );
937  }
938  setValuesForGuiPositionElements();
939 }
941 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mMiddleRightCheckBox_stateChanged( bool state )
942 {
943  if ( !state )
944  return;
945  if ( mItem )
946  {
947  changeItemReference( QgsLayoutItem::MiddleRight );
948  }
949  setValuesForGuiPositionElements();
950 }
952 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mLowerLeftCheckBox_stateChanged( bool state )
953 {
954  if ( !state )
955  return;
956  if ( mItem )
957  {
958  changeItemReference( QgsLayoutItem::LowerLeft );
959  }
960  setValuesForGuiPositionElements();
961 }
963 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mLowerMiddleCheckBox_stateChanged( bool state )
964 {
965  if ( !state )
966  return;
967  if ( mItem )
968  {
969  changeItemReference( QgsLayoutItem::LowerMiddle );
970  }
971  setValuesForGuiPositionElements();
972 }
974 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mLowerRightCheckBox_stateChanged( bool state )
975 {
976  if ( !state )
977  return;
978  if ( mItem )
979  {
980  changeItemReference( QgsLayoutItem::LowerRight );
981  }
982  setValuesForGuiPositionElements();
983 }
985 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mItemRotationSpinBox_valueChanged( double val )
986 {
987  if ( mItem )
988  {
989  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->beginCommand( mItem, tr( "Rotate" ), QgsLayoutItem::UndoRotation );
990  mItem->setItemRotation( val, true );
991  mItem->update();
992  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->endCommand();
993  }
994 }
996 void QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget::mExcludeFromPrintsCheckBox_toggled( bool checked )
997 {
998  if ( mItem )
999  {
1000  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->beginCommand( mItem, checked ? tr( "Exclude from Exports" ) : tr( "Include in Exports" ) );
1001  mItem->setExcludeFromExports( checked );
1002  mItem->layout()->undoStack()->endCommand();
1003  }
1004 }
void customVariablesChanged()
Emitted whenever a custom global variable changes.
static QgsApplication * instance()
Returns the singleton instance of the QgsApplication.
void colorChanged(const QColor &color)
Emitted whenever a new color is set for the button.
static void setLayoutItemVariables(QgsLayoutItem *item, const QVariantMap &variables)
Sets all layout item context variables for an item.
static void setLayoutMultiFrameVariables(QgsLayoutMultiFrame *frame, const QVariantMap &variables)
Sets all layout multiframe context variables for an frame.
Expression contexts are used to encapsulate the parameters around which a QgsExpression should be eva...
int indexOfScope(QgsExpressionContextScope *scope) const
Returns the index of the specified scope if it exists within the context.
A button for customizing QgsTextFormat settings.
Definition: qgsfontbutton.h:48
Class used to render QgsLayout as an atlas, by iterating over the features from an associated vector ...
void toggled(bool)
Emitted when atlas is enabled or disabled.
void coverageLayerChanged(QgsVectorLayer *layer)
Emitted when the coverage layer for the atlas changes.
An object for property widgets for layout items.
QgsLayoutAtlas * layoutAtlas() const
Returns the atlas for the layout, if available.
void setObject(QgsLayoutObject *object) SIP_SKIP
Links a new layout object to this QgsLayoutConfigObject.
void initializeDataDefinedButton(QgsPropertyOverrideButton *button, QgsLayoutObject::DataDefinedProperty key)
Registers a data defined button, setting up its initial value, connections and description.
QgsVectorLayer * coverageLayer() const
Returns the current layout context coverage layer (if set).
void updateDataDefinedButton(QgsPropertyOverrideButton *button)
Updates a data defined button to reflect the item's current properties.
QgsLayoutConfigObject(QWidget *parent SIP_TRANSFERTHIS, QgsLayoutObject *layoutObject)
Constructor for QgsLayoutConfigObject, linked with the specified layoutObject.
A common interface for layout designer dialogs and widgets.
virtual QgsMessageBar * messageBar()=0
Returns the designer's message bar.
Base class for frame items, which form a layout multiframe item.
QgsLayoutObject * layoutObject()
Returns the layout object associated with this widget.
void updateDataDefinedButton(QgsPropertyOverrideButton *button)
Updates a previously registered data defined button to reflect the item's current properties.
bool setItem(QgsLayoutItem *item)
Sets the current item to show in the widget.
QgsVectorLayer * coverageLayer() const
Returns the current layout context coverage layer (if set).
virtual bool setNewItem(QgsLayoutItem *item)
Attempts to update the widget to show the properties for the specified item.
void registerDataDefinedButton(QgsPropertyOverrideButton *button, QgsLayoutObject::DataDefinedProperty property)
Registers a data defined button, setting up its initial value, connections and description.
virtual void setDesignerInterface(QgsLayoutDesignerInterface *iface)
Sets the the layout designer interface in which the widget is being shown.
QgsLayoutAtlas * layoutAtlas() const
Returns the atlas for the layout (if available)
virtual void setMasterLayout(QgsMasterLayoutInterface *masterLayout)
Sets the master layout associated with the item.
QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget(QWidget *parent SIP_TRANSFERTHIS, QgsLayoutObject *layoutObject)
Constructor for QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget, linked with the specified layoutObject.
virtual void setReportTypeString(const QString &string)
Sets the string to use to describe the current report type (e.g.
void setMasterLayout(QgsMasterLayoutInterface *masterLayout)
Sets the master layout associated with the item.
void populateDataDefinedButtons()
Sets data defined button state to match item.
QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget(QWidget *parent, QgsLayoutItem *item)
Constructs a QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget with a parent and for the given layout item.
void initializeDataDefinedButtons()
Initializes data defined buttons to current atlas coverage layer.
void showFrameGroup(bool showGroup)
Determines if the frame of the group box shall be shown.
void setItem(QgsLayoutItem *item)
Sets the layout item.
QgsLayoutItem::ReferencePoint positionMode() const
Returns the position mode.
void updateVariables()
Updates the variables widget, refreshing the values of variables shown.
void showBackgroundGroup(bool showGroup)
Determines if the background of the group box shall be shown.
Base class for graphical items within a QgsLayout.
@ UndoIncrementalMove
Layout item incremental movement, e.g. as a result of a keypress.
@ UndoBackgroundColor
Background color adjustment.
@ UndoOpacity
Opacity adjustment.
@ UndoIncrementalResize
Incremental resize.
@ UndoRotation
Rotation adjustment.
@ UndoStrokeWidth
Stroke width adjustment.
@ UndoSetId
Change item ID.
@ UndoStrokeColor
Stroke color adjustment.
Fixed position reference point.
@ LowerMiddle
Lower center of item.
@ MiddleLeft
Middle left of item.
@ Middle
Center of item.
@ UpperRight
Upper right corner of item.
@ LowerLeft
Lower left corner of item.
@ UpperLeft
Upper left corner of item.
@ UpperMiddle
Upper center of item.
@ MiddleRight
Middle right of item.
@ LowerRight
Lower right corner of item.
void sizePositionChanged()
Emitted when the item's size or position changes.
This class provides a method of storing measurements for use in QGIS layouts using a variety of diffe...
Abstract base class for layout items with the ability to distribute the content to several frames (Qg...
A base class for objects which belong to a layout.
static const QgsPropertiesDefinition & propertyDefinitions()
Returns the layout object property definitions.
const QgsLayout * layout() const
Returns the layout the object is attached to.
void changed()
Emitted when the object's properties change.
Data defined properties for different item types.
@ Opacity
Item opacity.
@ ItemWidth
Width of item.
@ ItemHeight
Height of item.
@ BlendMode
Item blend mode.
@ PositionY
Y position on page.
@ ExcludeFromExports
Exclude item from exports.
@ BackgroundColor
Item background color.
@ ItemRotation
Rotation of item.
@ NoProperty
No property.
@ PositionX
X position on page.
@ FrameColor
Item frame color.
static bool propertyAssociatesWithParentMultiframe(DataDefinedProperty property)
Returns true if the specified property key is normally associated with the parent QgsLayoutMultiFrame...
void changed()
Emitted when pages are added or removed from the collection.
This class provides a method of storing points, consisting of an x and y coordinate,...
double x() const
Returns x coordinate of point.
QgsUnitTypes::LayoutUnit units() const
Returns the units for the point.
double y() const
Returns y coordinate of point.
void dpiChanged()
Emitted when the context's DPI is changed.
const QgsLayoutMeasurementConverter & measurementConverter() const
Returns the layout measurement converter to be used in the layout.
void layerChanged(QgsVectorLayer *layer)
Emitted when the context's layer is changed.
QgsVectorLayer * layer() const
Returns the vector layer associated with the layout's context.
This class provides a method of storing sizes, consisting of a width and height, for use in QGIS layo...
Definition: qgslayoutsize.h:41
QgsUnitTypes::LayoutUnit units() const
Returns the units for the size.
double height() const
Returns the height of the size.
Definition: qgslayoutsize.h:90
double width() const
Returns the width of the size.
Definition: qgslayoutsize.h:76
void changed(QgsUnitTypes::LayoutUnit unit)
Emitted when the unit is changed.
Base class for layouts, which can contain items such as maps, labels, scalebars, etc.
Definition: qgslayout.h:51
QgsLayoutRenderContext & renderContext()
Returns a reference to the layout's render context, which stores information relating to the current ...
Definition: qgslayout.cpp:359
QgsLayoutPageCollection * pageCollection()
Returns a pointer to the layout's page collection, which stores and manages page items in the layout.
Definition: qgslayout.cpp:459
void variablesChanged()
Emitted whenever the expression variables stored in the layout have been changed.
QgsLayoutReportContext & reportContext()
Returns a reference to the layout's report context, which stores information relating to the current ...
Definition: qgslayout.cpp:369
QgsProject * project() const
The project associated with the layout.
Definition: qgslayout.cpp:132
Interface for master layout type objects, such as print layouts and reports.
void opacityChanged(double opacity)
Emitted when the opacity is changed in the widget, where opacity ranges from 0.0 (transparent) to 1....
Base class for any widget that can be shown as a inline panel.
Print layout, a QgsLayout subclass for static or atlas-based layouts.
QgsLayoutAtlas * atlas()
Returns the print layout's atlas.
void nameChanged(const QString &name)
Emitted when the layout's name is changed.
void metadataChanged()
Emitted when the project's metadata is changed.
void customVariablesChanged()
Emitted whenever the expression variables stored in the project have been changed.
A button for controlling property overrides which may apply to a widget.
QgsProperty toProperty() const
Returns a QgsProperty object encapsulating the current state of the widget.
void changed()
Emitted when property definition changes.
void init(int propertyKey, const QgsProperty &property, const QgsPropertiesDefinition &definitions, const QgsVectorLayer *layer=nullptr, bool auxiliaryStorageEnabled=false)
Initialize a newly constructed property button (useful if button was included in a UI layout).
void registerExpressionContextGenerator(QgsExpressionContextGenerator *generator)
Register an expression context generator class that will be used to retrieve an expression context fo...
int propertyKey() const
Returns the property key linked to the button.
A button for creating and modifying QgsSymbol settings.
Layout measurement units.
Definition: qgsunittypes.h:182
void scopeChanged()
Emitted when the user has modified a scope using the widget.
Represents a vector layer which manages a vector based data sets.
QgsSignalBlocker< Object > whileBlocking(Object *object)
Temporarily blocks signals from a QObject while calling a single method from the object.
Definition: qgis.h:1185