QGIS API Documentation
3.16.0-Hannover (43b64b13f3)
This is the complete list of members for QgsSymbolLayerUtils, including all inherited members.
appendPolyline(QPolygonF &target, const QPolygonF &line) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
applyScaleDependency(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &ruleElem, QgsStringMap &props) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
blurImageInPlace(QImage &image, QRect rect, int radius, bool alphaOnly) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
clearSymbolMap(QgsSymbolMap &symbols) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
colorFromMimeData(const QMimeData *data, bool &hasAlpha) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
colorListFromMimeData(const QMimeData *data) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
colorListToMimeData(const QgsNamedColorList &colorList, bool allFormats=true) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
colorRampPreviewIcon(QgsColorRamp *ramp, QSize size, int padding=0) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
colorRampPreviewPixmap(QgsColorRamp *ramp, QSize size, int padding=0) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
colorRampToVariant(const QString &name, QgsColorRamp *ramp) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
colorToMimeData(const QColor &color) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
colorToName(const QColor &color) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
convertPolygonSymbolizerToPointMarker(QDomElement &element, QgsSymbolLayerList &layerList) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
createAnchorPointElement(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, QPointF anchor) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
createDisplacementElement(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, QPointF offset) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
createExpressionElement(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, const QString &function) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
createFillLayerFromSld(QDomElement &element) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
createFunctionElement(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, const QString &function) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
createGeometryElement(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, const QString &geomFunc) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
createLineLayerFromSld(QDomElement &element) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
createMarkerLayerFromSld(QDomElement &element) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
createOnlineResourceElement(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, const QString &path, const QString &format) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
createOpacityElement(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, const QString &alphaFunc) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
createRotationElement(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, const QString &rotationFunc) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
createSvgParameterElement(QDomDocument &doc, const QString &name, const QString &value) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
createSymbolLayerListFromSld(QDomElement &element, QgsWkbTypes::GeometryType geomType, QgsSymbolLayerList &layers) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
createVendorOptionElement(QDomDocument &doc, const QString &name, const QString &value) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
Cross enum value | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | |
decodeArrowHeadType(const QVariant &value, bool *ok=nullptr) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
decodeArrowType(const QVariant &value, bool *ok=nullptr) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
decodeBlendMode(const QString &s) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
decodeBrushStyle(const QString &str) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
decodeColor(const QString &str) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
decodeMapUnitScale(const QString &str) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
decodePenCapStyle(const QString &str) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
decodePenJoinStyle(const QString &str) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
decodePenStyle(const QString &str) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
decodePoint(const QString &string) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
decodeRealVector(const QString &s) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
decodeScaleMethod(const QString &str) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
decodeSize(const QString &string) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
decodeSldAlpha(const QString &str) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
decodeSldBrushStyle(const QString &str) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
decodeSldFontStyle(const QString &str) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
decodeSldFontWeight(const QString &str) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
decodeSldLineCapStyle(const QString &str) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
decodeSldLineJoinStyle(const QString &str) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
decodeSldRealVector(const QString &s) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
decodeSldUom(const QString &str, double *scaleFactor=nullptr) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
displacementFromSldElement(QDomElement &element, QPointF &offset) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
drawStippledBackground(QPainter *painter, QRect rect) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
drawVertexMarker(double x, double y, QPainter &p, QgsSymbolLayerUtils::VertexMarkerType type, int markerSize) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
encodeBrushStyle(Qt::BrushStyle style) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
encodeColor(const QColor &color) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
encodeMapUnitScale(const QgsMapUnitScale &mapUnitScale) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
encodePenCapStyle(Qt::PenCapStyle style) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
encodePenJoinStyle(Qt::PenJoinStyle style) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
encodePenStyle(Qt::PenStyle style) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
encodePoint(QPointF point) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
encodeRealVector(const QVector< qreal > &v) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
encodeScaleMethod(QgsSymbol::ScaleMethod scaleMethod) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
encodeSize(QSizeF size) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
encodeSldAlpha(int alpha) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
encodeSldBrushStyle(Qt::BrushStyle style) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
encodeSldFontStyle(QFont::Style style) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
encodeSldFontWeight(int weight) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
encodeSldLineCapStyle(Qt::PenCapStyle style) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
encodeSldLineJoinStyle(Qt::PenJoinStyle style) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
encodeSldRealVector(const QVector< qreal > &v) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
encodeSldUom(QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit unit, double *scaleFactor) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
estimateMaxSymbolBleed(QgsSymbol *symbol, const QgsRenderContext &context) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
externalGraphicFromSld(QDomElement &element, QString &path, QString &mime, QColor &color, double &size) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
externalGraphicToSld(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, const QString &path, const QString &mime, const QColor &color, double size=-1) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
externalMarkerFromSld(QDomElement &element, QString &path, QString &format, int &markIndex, QColor &color, double &size) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
externalMarkerToSld(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, const QString &path, const QString &format, int *markIndex=nullptr, const QColor &color=QColor(), double size=-1) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
fieldOrExpressionFromExpression(QgsExpression *expression) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
fieldOrExpressionToExpression(const QString &fieldOrExpression) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
fillFromSld(QDomElement &element, Qt::BrushStyle &brushStyle, QColor &color) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
fillToSld(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, Qt::BrushStyle brushStyle, const QColor &color=QColor()) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
functionFromSldElement(QDomElement &element, QString &function) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
geometryFromSldElement(QDomElement &element, QString &geomFunc) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
getSvgParameterList(QDomElement &element) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
getSvgParametricPath(const QString &basePath, const QColor &fillColor, const QColor &strokeColor, double strokeWidth) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
getVendorOptionList(QDomElement &element) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
hasExternalGraphic(QDomElement &element) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
hasWellKnownMark(QDomElement &element) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
importColorsFromGpl(QFile &file, bool &ok, QString &name) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
isSharpCorner(QPointF p1, QPointF p2, QPointF p3) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
labelTextToSld(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, const QString &label, const QFont &font, const QColor &color=QColor(), double size=-1) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
lineFromSld(QDomElement &element, Qt::PenStyle &penStyle, QColor &color, double &width, Qt::PenJoinStyle *penJoinStyle=nullptr, Qt::PenCapStyle *penCapStyle=nullptr, QVector< qreal > *customDashPattern=nullptr, double *dashOffset=nullptr) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
lineToSld(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, Qt::PenStyle penStyle, const QColor &color, double width=-1, const Qt::PenJoinStyle *penJoinStyle=nullptr, const Qt::PenCapStyle *penCapStyle=nullptr, const QVector< qreal > *customDashPattern=nullptr, double dashOffset=0.0) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
listSvgFiles() | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
listSvgFilesAt(const QString &directory) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
loadColorRamp(QDomElement &element) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
loadColorRamp(const QVariant &value) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
loadSymbol(const QDomElement &element, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
loadSymbol(const QDomElement &element, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | inlinestatic |
loadSymbolLayer(QDomElement &element, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
loadSymbols(QDomElement &element, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
mergeScaleDependencies(double mScaleMinDenom, double mScaleMaxDenom, QgsStringMap &props) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
multiplyImageOpacity(QImage *image, qreal opacity) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
needEllipseMarker(QDomElement &element) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
needFontMarker(QDomElement &element) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
needLinePatternFill(QDomElement &element) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
needMarkerLine(QDomElement &element) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
needPointPatternFill(QDomElement &element) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
needSvgFill(QDomElement &element) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
needSvgMarker(QDomElement &element) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
NoMarker enum value | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | |
ogrFeatureStyleBrush(const QColor &fillColr) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
ogrFeatureStylePen(double width, double mmScaleFactor, double mapUnitsScaleFactor, const QColor &c, Qt::PenJoinStyle joinStyle=Qt::MiterJoin, Qt::PenCapStyle capStyle=Qt::FlatCap, double offset=0.0, const QVector< qreal > *dashPattern=nullptr) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
onlineResourceFromSldElement(QDomElement &element, QString &path, QString &format) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
opacityFromSldElement(QDomElement &element, QString &alphaFunc) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
parametricSvgToSld(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &graphicElem, const QString &path, const QColor &fillColor, double size, const QColor &strokeColor, double strokeWidth) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
parseColor(const QString &colorStr, bool strictEval=false) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
parseColorList(const QString &colorStr) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
parseColorWithAlpha(const QString &colorStr, bool &containsAlpha, bool strictEval=false) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
parseProperties(QDomElement &element) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
pointInPolygon(const QPolygonF &points, QPointF point) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
pointOnLineWithDistance(QPointF startPoint, QPointF directionPoint, double distance) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
polygonCentroid(const QPolygonF &points) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
polygonPointOnSurface(const QPolygonF &points, const QVector< QPolygonF > *rings=nullptr) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
polylineSubstring(const QPolygonF &polyline, double startOffset, double endOffset) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
premultiplyColor(QColor &rgb, int alpha) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
prettyBreaks(double minimum, double maximum, int classes) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
rescaleUom(double size, QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit unit, const QgsStringMap &props) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
rescaleUom(QPointF point, QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit unit, const QgsStringMap &props) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
rescaleUom(const QVector< qreal > &array, QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit unit, const QgsStringMap &props) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
restrictedSizeSymbol(const QgsSymbol *s, double minSize, double maxSize, QgsRenderContext *context, double &width, double &height) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
rotationFromSldElement(QDomElement &element, QString &rotationFunc) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
saveColorRamp(const QString &name, QgsColorRamp *ramp, QDomDocument &doc) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
saveColorsToGpl(QFile &file, const QString &paletteName, const QgsNamedColorList &colors) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
saveProperties(QgsStringMap props, QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
saveSymbol(const QString &symbolName, const QgsSymbol *symbol, QDomDocument &doc, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
saveSymbols(QgsSymbolMap &symbols, const QString &tagName, QDomDocument &doc, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
SemiTransparentCircle enum value | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | |
sizeInPixelsFromSldUom(const QString &uom, double size) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
sortVariantList(QList< QVariant > &list, Qt::SortOrder order) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
svgSymbolNameToPath(const QString &name, const QgsPathResolver &pathResolver) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
svgSymbolPathToName(const QString &path, const QgsPathResolver &pathResolver) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
symbolFromMimeData(const QMimeData *data) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
symbolLayerPreviewIcon(const QgsSymbolLayer *layer, QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit u, QSize size, const QgsMapUnitScale &scale=QgsMapUnitScale()) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
symbolLayerPreviewPicture(const QgsSymbolLayer *layer, QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit units, QSize size, const QgsMapUnitScale &scale=QgsMapUnitScale()) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
symbolPreviewIcon(const QgsSymbol *symbol, QSize size, int padding=0, QgsLegendPatchShape *shape=nullptr) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
symbolPreviewPixmap(const QgsSymbol *symbol, QSize size, int padding=0, QgsRenderContext *customContext=nullptr, bool selected=false, const QgsExpressionContext *expressionContext=nullptr, const QgsLegendPatchShape *shape=nullptr) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
symbolProperties(QgsSymbol *symbol) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
symbolToMimeData(const QgsSymbol *symbol) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
toPoint(const QVariant &value, bool *ok=nullptr) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
toSize(const QVariant &value, bool *ok=nullptr) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
toSymbolLayerPointers(QgsFeatureRenderer *renderer, const QSet< QgsSymbolLayerId > &symbolLayerIds) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
VertexMarkerType enum name | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | |
wellKnownMarkerFromSld(QDomElement &element, QString &name, QColor &color, QColor &strokeColor, Qt::PenStyle &strokeStyle, double &strokeWidth, double &size) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |
wellKnownMarkerToSld(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, const QString &name, const QColor &color, const QColor &strokeColor, Qt::PenStyle strokeStyle, double strokeWidth=-1, double size=-1) | QgsSymbolLayerUtils | static |