QGIS API Documentation  3.10.0-A Coruña (6c816b4204)
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1 /***************************************************************************
2  QgsCoordinateTransform.cpp - Coordinate Transforms
3  -------------------
4  begin : Dec 2004
5  copyright : (C) 2004 Tim Sutton
6  email : tim at linfiniti.com
7  ***************************************************************************/
9 /***************************************************************************
10  * *
11  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
12  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
13  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
14  * (at your option) any later version. *
15  * *
16  ***************************************************************************/
17 #include "qgscoordinatetransform.h"
19 #include "qgsapplication.h"
20 #include "qgsmessagelog.h"
21 #include "qgslogger.h"
22 #include "qgspointxy.h"
23 #include "qgsrectangle.h"
24 #include "qgsexception.h"
25 #include "qgsproject.h"
26 #include "qgsreadwritelocker.h"
28 //qt includes
29 #include <QDomNode>
30 #include <QDomElement>
31 #include <QApplication>
32 #include <QPolygonF>
33 #include <QStringList>
34 #include <QVector>
37 #include <proj.h>
38 #include "qgsprojutils.h"
39 #else
40 #include <proj_api.h>
41 #endif
43 #include <sqlite3.h>
45 // if defined shows all information about transform to stdout
48 QReadWriteLock QgsCoordinateTransform::sCacheLock;
49 QMultiHash< QPair< QString, QString >, QgsCoordinateTransform > QgsCoordinateTransform::sTransforms; //same auth_id pairs might have different datum transformations
50 bool QgsCoordinateTransform::sDisableCache = false;
53 {
54  d = new QgsCoordinateTransformPrivate();
55 }
58 {
59  mContext = context;
60  d = new QgsCoordinateTransformPrivate( source, destination, mContext );
61 #ifdef QGISDEBUG
62  mHasContext = true;
63 #endif
65  if ( !d->checkValidity() )
66  return;
70  if ( !setFromCache( d->mSourceCRS, d->mDestCRS, d->mProjCoordinateOperation ) )
71 #else
72  if ( !setFromCache( d->mSourceCRS, d->mDestCRS, d->mSourceDatumTransform, d->mDestinationDatumTransform ) )
73 #endif
74  {
75  d->initialize();
76  addToCache();
77  }
79 }
82 {
83  mContext = project ? project->transformContext() : QgsCoordinateTransformContext();
84  d = new QgsCoordinateTransformPrivate( source, destination, mContext );
85 #ifdef QGISDEBUG
86  if ( project )
87  mHasContext = true;
88 #endif
90  if ( !d->checkValidity() )
91  return;
95  if ( !setFromCache( d->mSourceCRS, d->mDestCRS, d->mProjCoordinateOperation ) )
96 #else
97  if ( !setFromCache( d->mSourceCRS, d->mDestCRS, d->mSourceDatumTransform, d->mDestinationDatumTransform ) )
98 #endif
99  {
100  d->initialize();
101  addToCache();
102  }
104 }
106 QgsCoordinateTransform::QgsCoordinateTransform( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &source, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &destination, int sourceDatumTransform, int destinationDatumTransform )
107 {
108  d = new QgsCoordinateTransformPrivate( source, destination, sourceDatumTransform, destinationDatumTransform );
109 #ifdef QGISDEBUG
110  mHasContext = true; // not strictly true, but we don't need to worry if datums have been explicitly set
111 #endif
113  if ( !d->checkValidity() )
114  return;
118  if ( !setFromCache( d->mSourceCRS, d->mDestCRS, d->mProjCoordinateOperation ) )
119 #else
120  if ( !setFromCache( d->mSourceCRS, d->mDestCRS, d->mSourceDatumTransform, d->mDestinationDatumTransform ) )
121 #endif
122  {
123  d->initialize();
124  addToCache();
125  }
127 }
130  : mContext( o.mContext )
131 #ifdef QGISDEBUG
132  , mHasContext( o.mHasContext )
133 #endif
134 {
135  d = o.d;
136 }
139 {
140  d = o.d;
141 #ifdef QGISDEBUG
142  mHasContext = o.mHasContext;
143 #endif
144  mContext = o.mContext;
145  return *this;
146 }
151 {
152  d.detach();
153  d->mSourceCRS = crs;
154  if ( !d->checkValidity() )
155  return;
157  d->calculateTransforms( mContext );
160  if ( !setFromCache( d->mSourceCRS, d->mDestCRS, d->mProjCoordinateOperation ) )
161 #else
162  if ( !setFromCache( d->mSourceCRS, d->mDestCRS, d->mSourceDatumTransform, d->mDestinationDatumTransform ) )
163 #endif
164  {
165  d->initialize();
166  addToCache();
167  }
169 }
171 {
172  d.detach();
173  d->mDestCRS = crs;
174  if ( !d->checkValidity() )
175  return;
177  d->calculateTransforms( mContext );
180  if ( !setFromCache( d->mSourceCRS, d->mDestCRS, d->mProjCoordinateOperation ) )
181 #else
182  if ( !setFromCache( d->mSourceCRS, d->mDestCRS, d->mSourceDatumTransform, d->mDestinationDatumTransform ) )
183 #endif
184  {
185  d->initialize();
186  addToCache();
187  }
189 }
192 {
193  d.detach();
194  mContext = context;
195 #ifdef QGISDEBUG
196  mHasContext = true;
197 #endif
198  if ( !d->checkValidity() )
199  return;
201  d->calculateTransforms( mContext );
204  if ( !setFromCache( d->mSourceCRS, d->mDestCRS, d->mProjCoordinateOperation ) )
205 #else
206  if ( !setFromCache( d->mSourceCRS, d->mDestCRS, d->mSourceDatumTransform, d->mDestinationDatumTransform ) )
207 #endif
208  {
209  d->initialize();
210  addToCache();
211  }
213 }
216 {
217  return mContext;
218 }
221 {
222  return d->mSourceCRS;
223 }
226 {
227  return d->mDestCRS;
228 }
231 {
232  if ( !d->mIsValid || d->mShortCircuit )
233  return point;
235  // transform x
236  double x = point.x();
237  double y = point.y();
238  double z = 0.0;
239  try
240  {
241  transformCoords( 1, &x, &y, &z, direction );
242  }
243  catch ( const QgsCsException & )
244  {
245  // rethrow the exception
246  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "rethrowing exception" ) );
247  throw;
248  }
250  return QgsPointXY( x, y );
251 }
254 QgsPointXY QgsCoordinateTransform::transform( const double theX, const double theY = 0.0, TransformDirection direction ) const
255 {
256  try
257  {
258  return transform( QgsPointXY( theX, theY ), direction );
259  }
260  catch ( const QgsCsException & )
261  {
262  // rethrow the exception
263  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "rethrowing exception" ) );
264  throw;
265  }
266 }
269 {
270  if ( !d->mIsValid || d->mShortCircuit )
271  return rect;
272  // transform x
273  double x1 = rect.xMinimum();
274  double y1 = rect.yMinimum();
275  double x2 = rect.xMaximum();
276  double y2 = rect.yMaximum();
278  // Number of points to reproject------+
279  // |
280  // V
281  try
282  {
283  double z = 0.0;
284  transformCoords( 1, &x1, &y1, &z, direction );
285  transformCoords( 1, &x2, &y2, &z, direction );
286  }
287  catch ( const QgsCsException & )
288  {
289  // rethrow the exception
290  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "rethrowing exception" ) );
291  throw;
292  }
295  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Rect projection..." ) );
296  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Xmin : %1 --> %2" ).arg( rect.xMinimum() ).arg( x1 ) );
297  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Ymin : %1 --> %2" ).arg( rect.yMinimum() ).arg( y1 ) );
298  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Xmax : %1 --> %2" ).arg( rect.xMaximum() ).arg( x2 ) );
299  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Ymax : %1 --> %2" ).arg( rect.yMaximum() ).arg( y2 ) );
300 #endif
301  return QgsRectangle( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
302 }
304 void QgsCoordinateTransform::transformInPlace( double &x, double &y, double &z,
305  TransformDirection direction ) const
306 {
307  if ( !d->mIsValid || d->mShortCircuit )
308  return;
309 #ifdef QGISDEBUG
310 // QgsDebugMsg(QString("Using transform in place %1 %2").arg(__FILE__).arg(__LINE__));
311 #endif
312  // transform x
313  try
314  {
315  transformCoords( 1, &x, &y, &z, direction );
316  }
317  catch ( const QgsCsException & )
318  {
319  // rethrow the exception
320  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "rethrowing exception" ) );
321  throw;
322  }
323 }
325 void QgsCoordinateTransform::transformInPlace( float &x, float &y, double &z,
326  TransformDirection direction ) const
327 {
328  double xd = static_cast< double >( x ), yd = static_cast< double >( y );
329  transformInPlace( xd, yd, z, direction );
330  x = xd;
331  y = yd;
332 }
334 void QgsCoordinateTransform::transformInPlace( float &x, float &y, float &z,
335  TransformDirection direction ) const
336 {
337  if ( !d->mIsValid || d->mShortCircuit )
338  return;
339 #ifdef QGISDEBUG
340  // QgsDebugMsg(QString("Using transform in place %1 %2").arg(__FILE__).arg(__LINE__));
341 #endif
342  // transform x
343  try
344  {
345  double xd = x;
346  double yd = y;
347  double zd = z;
348  transformCoords( 1, &xd, &yd, &zd, direction );
349  x = xd;
350  y = yd;
351  z = zd;
352  }
353  catch ( QgsCsException & )
354  {
355  // rethrow the exception
356  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "rethrowing exception" ) );
357  throw;
358  }
359 }
361 void QgsCoordinateTransform::transformPolygon( QPolygonF &poly, TransformDirection direction ) const
362 {
363  if ( !d->mIsValid || d->mShortCircuit )
364  {
365  return;
366  }
368  //create x, y arrays
369  int nVertices = poly.size();
371  QVector<double> x( nVertices );
372  QVector<double> y( nVertices );
373  QVector<double> z( nVertices );
374  double *destX = x.data();
375  double *destY = y.data();
376  double *destZ = z.data();
378  const QPointF *polyData = poly.constData();
379  for ( int i = 0; i < nVertices; ++i )
380  {
381  *destX++ = polyData->x();
382  *destY++ = polyData->y();
383  *destZ++ = 0;
384  polyData++;
385  }
387  QString err;
388  try
389  {
390  transformCoords( nVertices, x.data(), y.data(), z.data(), direction );
391  }
392  catch ( const QgsCsException &e )
393  {
394  // record the exception, but don't rethrow it until we've recorded the coordinates we *could* transform
395  err = e.what();
396  }
398  QPointF *destPoint = poly.data();
399  const double *srcX = x.constData();
400  const double *srcY = y.constData();
401  for ( int i = 0; i < nVertices; ++i )
402  {
403  destPoint->rx() = *srcX++;
404  destPoint->ry() = *srcY++;
405  destPoint++;
406  }
408  // rethrow the exception
409  if ( !err.isEmpty() )
410  throw QgsCsException( err );
411 }
414  QVector<double> &x, QVector<double> &y, QVector<double> &z,
415  TransformDirection direction ) const
416 {
418  if ( !d->mIsValid || d->mShortCircuit )
419  return;
421  Q_ASSERT( x.size() == y.size() );
423  // Apparently, if one has a std::vector, it is valid to use the
424  // address of the first element in the vector as a pointer to an
425  // array of the vectors data, and hence easily interface with code
426  // that wants C-style arrays.
428  try
429  {
430  transformCoords( x.size(), &x[0], &y[0], &z[0], direction );
431  }
432  catch ( const QgsCsException & )
433  {
434  // rethrow the exception
435  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "rethrowing exception" ) );
436  throw;
437  }
438 }
442  QVector<float> &x, QVector<float> &y, QVector<float> &z,
443  TransformDirection direction ) const
444 {
445  if ( !d->mIsValid || d->mShortCircuit )
446  return;
448  Q_ASSERT( x.size() == y.size() );
450  // Apparently, if one has a std::vector, it is valid to use the
451  // address of the first element in the vector as a pointer to an
452  // array of the vectors data, and hence easily interface with code
453  // that wants C-style arrays.
455  try
456  {
457  //copy everything to double vectors since proj needs double
458  int vectorSize = x.size();
459  QVector<double> xd( x.size() );
460  QVector<double> yd( y.size() );
461  QVector<double> zd( z.size() );
463  double *destX = xd.data();
464  double *destY = yd.data();
465  double *destZ = zd.data();
467  const float *srcX = x.constData();
468  const float *srcY = y.constData();
469  const float *srcZ = z.constData();
471  for ( int i = 0; i < vectorSize; ++i )
472  {
473  *destX++ = static_cast< double >( *srcX++ );
474  *destY++ = static_cast< double >( *srcY++ );
475  *destZ++ = static_cast< double >( *srcZ++ );
476  }
478  transformCoords( x.size(), &xd[0], &yd[0], &zd[0], direction );
480  //copy back
481  float *destFX = x.data();
482  float *destFY = y.data();
483  float *destFZ = z.data();
484  const double *srcXD = xd.constData();
485  const double *srcYD = yd.constData();
486  const double *srcZD = zd.constData();
487  for ( int i = 0; i < vectorSize; ++i )
488  {
489  *destFX++ = static_cast< float >( *srcXD++ );
490  *destFY++ = static_cast< float >( *srcYD++ );
491  *destFZ++ = static_cast< float >( *srcZD++ );
492  }
493  }
494  catch ( QgsCsException & )
495  {
496  // rethrow the exception
497  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "rethrowing exception" ) );
498  throw;
499  }
500 }
502 QgsRectangle QgsCoordinateTransform::transformBoundingBox( const QgsRectangle &rect, TransformDirection direction, const bool handle180Crossover ) const
503 {
504  // Calculate the bounding box of a QgsRectangle in the source CRS
505  // when projected to the destination CRS (or the inverse).
506  // This is done by looking at a number of points spread evenly
507  // across the rectangle
509  if ( !d->mIsValid || d->mShortCircuit )
510  return rect;
512  if ( rect.isEmpty() )
513  {
514  QgsPointXY p = transform( rect.xMinimum(), rect.yMinimum(), direction );
515  return QgsRectangle( p, p );
516  }
518  // 64 points (<=2.12) is not enough, see #13665, for EPSG:4326 -> EPSG:3574 (say that it is a hard one),
519  // are decent result from about 500 points and more. This method is called quite often, but
520  // even with 1000 points it takes < 1ms.
521  // TODO: how to effectively and precisely reproject bounding box?
522  const int nPoints = 1000;
523  double d = std::sqrt( ( rect.width() * rect.height() ) / std::pow( std::sqrt( static_cast< double >( nPoints ) ) - 1, 2.0 ) );
524  int nXPoints = std::min( static_cast< int >( std::ceil( rect.width() / d ) ) + 1, 1000 );
525  int nYPoints = std::min( static_cast< int >( std::ceil( rect.height() / d ) ) + 1, 1000 );
527  QgsRectangle bb_rect;
528  bb_rect.setMinimal();
530  // We're interfacing with C-style vectors in the
531  // end, so let's do C-style vectors here too.
532  QVector<double> x( nXPoints * nYPoints );
533  QVector<double> y( nXPoints * nYPoints );
534  QVector<double> z( nXPoints * nYPoints );
536  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Entering transformBoundingBox..." ), 4 );
538  // Populate the vectors
540  double dx = rect.width() / static_cast< double >( nXPoints - 1 );
541  double dy = rect.height() / static_cast< double >( nYPoints - 1 );
543  double pointY = rect.yMinimum();
545  for ( int i = 0; i < nYPoints ; i++ )
546  {
548  // Start at right edge
549  double pointX = rect.xMinimum();
551  for ( int j = 0; j < nXPoints; j++ )
552  {
553  x[( i * nXPoints ) + j] = pointX;
554  y[( i * nXPoints ) + j] = pointY;
555  // and the height...
556  z[( i * nXPoints ) + j] = 0.0;
557  // QgsDebugMsg(QString("BBox coord: (%1, %2)").arg(x[(i*numP) + j]).arg(y[(i*numP) + j]));
558  pointX += dx;
559  }
560  pointY += dy;
561  }
563  // Do transformation. Any exception generated must
564  // be handled in above layers.
565  try
566  {
567  transformCoords( nXPoints * nYPoints, x.data(), y.data(), z.data(), direction );
568  }
569  catch ( const QgsCsException & )
570  {
571  // rethrow the exception
572  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "rethrowing exception" ) );
573  throw;
574  }
576  // Calculate the bounding box and use that for the extent
578  for ( int i = 0; i < nXPoints * nYPoints; i++ )
579  {
580  if ( !std::isfinite( x[i] ) || !std::isfinite( y[i] ) )
581  {
582  continue;
583  }
585  if ( handle180Crossover )
586  {
587  //if crossing the date line, temporarily add 360 degrees to -ve longitudes
588  bb_rect.combineExtentWith( x[i] >= 0.0 ? x[i] : x[i] + 360.0, y[i] );
589  }
590  else
591  {
592  bb_rect.combineExtentWith( x[i], y[i] );
593  }
594  }
596  if ( bb_rect.isNull() )
597  {
598  // something bad happened when reprojecting the filter rect... no finite points were left!
599  throw QgsCsException( QObject::tr( "Could not transform bounding box to target CRS" ) );
600  }
602  if ( handle180Crossover )
603  {
604  //subtract temporary addition of 360 degrees from longitudes
605  if ( bb_rect.xMinimum() > 180.0 )
606  bb_rect.setXMinimum( bb_rect.xMinimum() - 360.0 );
607  if ( bb_rect.xMaximum() > 180.0 )
608  bb_rect.setXMaximum( bb_rect.xMaximum() - 360.0 );
609  }
611  QgsDebugMsgLevel( "Projected extent: " + bb_rect.toString(), 4 );
613  if ( bb_rect.isEmpty() )
614  {
615  QgsDebugMsgLevel( "Original extent: " + rect.toString(), 4 );
616  }
618  return bb_rect;
619 }
621 void QgsCoordinateTransform::transformCoords( int numPoints, double *x, double *y, double *z, TransformDirection direction ) const
622 {
623  if ( !d->mIsValid || d->mShortCircuit )
624  return;
625  // Refuse to transform the points if the srs's are invalid
626  if ( !d->mSourceCRS.isValid() )
627  {
628  QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QObject::tr( "The source spatial reference system (CRS) is not valid. "
629  "The coordinates can not be reprojected. The CRS is: %1" )
630  .arg( d->mSourceCRS.toProj4() ), QObject::tr( "CRS" ) );
631  return;
632  }
633  if ( !d->mDestCRS.isValid() )
634  {
635  QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QObject::tr( "The destination spatial reference system (CRS) is not valid. "
636  "The coordinates can not be reprojected. The CRS is: %1" ).arg( d->mDestCRS.toProj4() ), QObject::tr( "CRS" ) );
637  return;
638  }
641  double xorg = *x;
642  double yorg = *y;
643  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "[[[[[[ Number of points to transform: %1 ]]]]]]" ).arg( numPoints ) );
644 #endif
646 #ifdef QGISDEBUG
647  if ( !mHasContext )
648  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "No QgsCoordinateTransformContext context set for transform" ), 4 );
649 #endif
651  // use proj4 to do the transform
653  // if the source/destination projection is lat/long, convert the points to radians
654  // prior to transforming
655  ProjData projData = d->threadLocalProjData();
657  int projResult = 0;
659  proj_errno_reset( projData );
660  proj_trans_generic( projData, direction == ForwardTransform ? PJ_FWD : PJ_INV,
661  x, sizeof( double ), numPoints,
662  y, sizeof( double ), numPoints,
663  z, sizeof( double ), numPoints,
664  nullptr, sizeof( double ), 0 );
665  projResult = proj_errno( projData );
666 #else
667  bool sourceIsLatLong = false;
668  bool destIsLatLong = false;
670  projPJ sourceProj = projData.first;
671  projPJ destProj = projData.second;
672  sourceIsLatLong = pj_is_latlong( sourceProj );
673  destIsLatLong = pj_is_latlong( destProj );
675  if ( ( destIsLatLong && ( direction == ReverseTransform ) )
676  || ( sourceIsLatLong && ( direction == ForwardTransform ) ) )
677  {
678  for ( int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i )
679  {
680  x[i] *= DEG_TO_RAD;
681  y[i] *= DEG_TO_RAD;
682  }
683  }
684 #endif
687  if ( direction == ReverseTransform )
688  {
689  projResult = pj_transform( destProj, sourceProj, numPoints, 0, x, y, z );
690  }
691  else
692  {
693  Q_ASSERT( sourceProj );
694  Q_ASSERT( destProj );
695  projResult = pj_transform( sourceProj, destProj, numPoints, 0, x, y, z );
696  }
697 #endif
699  if ( projResult != 0 )
700  {
701  //something bad happened....
702  QString points;
704  for ( int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i )
705  {
706  if ( direction == ForwardTransform )
707  {
708  points += QStringLiteral( "(%1, %2)\n" ).arg( x[i], 0, 'f' ).arg( y[i], 0, 'f' );
709  }
710  else
711  {
713  points += QStringLiteral( "(%1, %2)\n" ).arg( x[i], 0, 'f' ).arg( y[i], 0, 'f' );
714 #else
715  points += QStringLiteral( "(%1, %2)\n" ).arg( x[i] * RAD_TO_DEG, 0, 'f' ).arg( y[i] * RAD_TO_DEG, 0, 'f' );
716 #endif
717  }
718  }
720  QString dir = ( direction == ForwardTransform ) ? QObject::tr( "forward transform" ) : QObject::tr( "inverse transform" );
723  QgsProjUtils::proj_pj_unique_ptr src( proj_get_source_crs( QgsProjContext::get(), projData ) );
724  QgsProjUtils::proj_pj_unique_ptr dest( proj_get_source_crs( QgsProjContext::get(), projData ) );
725  QString msg = QObject::tr( "%1 of\n"
726  "%2"
727  "PROJ: %3\n"
728  "Error: %4" )
729  .arg( dir,
730  points,
731  proj_as_proj_string( QgsProjContext::get(), projData, PJ_PROJ_5, nullptr ),
732  QString::fromUtf8( proj_errno_string( projResult ) ) );
733 #else
734  char *srcdef = pj_get_def( sourceProj, 0 );
735  char *dstdef = pj_get_def( destProj, 0 );
737  QString msg = QObject::tr( "%1 of\n"
738  "%2"
739  "PROJ: %3 +to %4\n"
740  "Error: %5" )
741  .arg( dir,
742  points,
743  srcdef, dstdef,
744  QString::fromUtf8( pj_strerrno( projResult ) ) );
746  pj_dalloc( srcdef );
747  pj_dalloc( dstdef );
748 #endif
750  QgsDebugMsg( "Projection failed emitting invalid transform signal: " + msg );
751  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "throwing exception" ) );
753  throw QgsCsException( msg );
754  }
757  // if the result is lat/long, convert the results from radians back
758  // to degrees
759  if ( ( destIsLatLong && ( direction == ForwardTransform ) )
760  || ( sourceIsLatLong && ( direction == ReverseTransform ) ) )
761  {
762  for ( int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i )
763  {
764  x[i] *= RAD_TO_DEG;
765  y[i] *= RAD_TO_DEG;
766  }
767  }
768 #endif
770  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "[[[[[[ Projected %1, %2 to %3, %4 ]]]]]]" )
771  .arg( xorg, 0, 'g', 15 ).arg( yorg, 0, 'g', 15 )
772  .arg( *x, 0, 'g', 15 ).arg( *y, 0, 'g', 15 ) );
773 #endif
774 }
777 {
778  return d->mIsValid;
779 }
782 {
783  return !d->mIsValid || d->mShortCircuit;
784 }
787 {
788  return d->mProjCoordinateOperation;
789 }
791 void QgsCoordinateTransform::setCoordinateOperation( const QString &operation ) const
792 {
793  d.detach();
794  d->mProjCoordinateOperation = operation;
795 }
797 const char *finder( const char *name )
798 {
799  QString proj;
800 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
801  proj = QApplication::applicationDirPath()
802  + "/share/proj/" + QString( name );
803 #else
804  Q_UNUSED( name )
805 #endif
806  return proj.toUtf8();
807 }
810 bool QgsCoordinateTransform::setFromCache( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &src, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &dest, const QString &coordinateOperationProj )
811 {
812  if ( !src.isValid() || !dest.isValid() )
813  return false;
815  const QString sourceKey = src.authid().isEmpty() ?
816  src.toWkt() : src.authid();
817  const QString destKey = dest.authid().isEmpty() ?
818  dest.toWkt() : dest.authid();
820  if ( sourceKey.isEmpty() || destKey.isEmpty() )
821  return false;
823  QgsReadWriteLocker locker( sCacheLock, QgsReadWriteLocker::Read );
824  if ( sDisableCache )
825  return false;
827  const QList< QgsCoordinateTransform > values = sTransforms.values( qMakePair( sourceKey, destKey ) );
828  for ( auto valIt = values.constBegin(); valIt != values.constEnd(); ++valIt )
829  {
830  if ( ( *valIt ).coordinateOperation() == coordinateOperationProj )
831  {
832  // need to save, and then restore the context... we don't want this to be cached or to use the values from the cache
834 #ifdef QGISDEBUG
835  bool hasContext = mHasContext;
836 #endif
837  *this = *valIt;
838  locker.unlock();
840  mContext = context;
841 #ifdef QGISDEBUG
842  mHasContext = hasContext;
843 #endif
845  return true;
846  }
847  }
848  return false;
849 }
850 #else
851 bool QgsCoordinateTransform::setFromCache( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &src, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &dest, int srcDatumTransform, int destDatumTransform )
852 {
853  if ( !src.isValid() || !dest.isValid() )
854  return false;
856  const QString sourceKey = src.authid().isEmpty() ?
857  src.toWkt() : src.authid();
858  const QString destKey = dest.authid().isEmpty() ?
859  dest.toWkt() : dest.authid();
861  if ( sourceKey.isEmpty() || destKey.isEmpty() )
862  return false;
864  QgsReadWriteLocker locker( sCacheLock, QgsReadWriteLocker::Read );
865  if ( sDisableCache )
866  return false;
868  const QList< QgsCoordinateTransform > values = sTransforms.values( qMakePair( src.authid(), dest.authid() ) );
869  for ( auto valIt = values.constBegin(); valIt != values.constEnd(); ++valIt )
870  {
872  if ( ( *valIt ).sourceDatumTransformId() == srcDatumTransform &&
873  ( *valIt ).destinationDatumTransformId() == destDatumTransform )
874  {
875  // need to save, and then restore the context... we don't want this to be cached or to use the values from the cache
877 #ifdef QGISDEBUG
878  bool hasContext = mHasContext;
879 #endif
880  *this = *valIt;
881  locker.unlock();
883  mContext = context;
884 #ifdef QGISDEBUG
885  mHasContext = hasContext;
886 #endif
888  return true;
889  }
891  }
892  return false;
893 }
894 #endif
896 void QgsCoordinateTransform::addToCache()
897 {
898  if ( !d->mSourceCRS.isValid() || !d->mDestCRS.isValid() )
899  return;
901  const QString sourceKey = d->mSourceCRS.authid().isEmpty() ?
902  d->mSourceCRS.toWkt() : d->mSourceCRS.authid();
903  const QString destKey = d->mDestCRS.authid().isEmpty() ?
904  d->mDestCRS.toWkt() : d->mDestCRS.authid();
906  if ( sourceKey.isEmpty() || destKey.isEmpty() )
907  return;
909  QgsReadWriteLocker locker( sCacheLock, QgsReadWriteLocker::Write );
910  if ( sDisableCache )
911  return;
913  sTransforms.insertMulti( qMakePair( sourceKey, destKey ), *this );
914 }
917 {
919  return d->mSourceDatumTransform;
921 }
924 {
925  d.detach();
927  d->mSourceDatumTransform = dt;
929 }
932 {
934  return d->mDestinationDatumTransform;
936 }
939 {
940  d.detach();
942  d->mDestinationDatumTransform = dt;
944 }
947 {
948  QgsReadWriteLocker locker( sCacheLock, QgsReadWriteLocker::Write );
949  if ( sDisableCache )
950  return;
952  if ( disableCache )
953  {
954  sDisableCache = true;
955  }
957  sTransforms.clear();
958 }
961 void QgsCoordinateTransform::removeFromCacheObjectsBelongingToCurrentThread( void *pj_context )
962 {
963  // Not completely sure about object order destruction after main() has
964  // exited. So it is safer to check sDisableCache before using sCacheLock
965  // in case sCacheLock would have been destroyed before the current TLS
966  // QgsProjContext object that has called us...
967  if ( sDisableCache )
968  return;
970  QgsReadWriteLocker locker( sCacheLock, QgsReadWriteLocker::Write );
971  if ( sDisableCache )
972  return;
974  for ( auto it = sTransforms.begin(); it != sTransforms.end(); )
975  {
976  auto &v = it.value();
977  if ( v.d->removeObjectsBelongingToCurrentThread( pj_context ) )
978  it = sTransforms.erase( it );
979  else
980  ++it;
981  }
982 }
983 #endif
985 double QgsCoordinateTransform::scaleFactor( const QgsRectangle &ReferenceExtent ) const
986 {
987  QgsPointXY source1( ReferenceExtent.xMinimum(), ReferenceExtent.yMinimum() );
988  QgsPointXY source2( ReferenceExtent.xMaximum(), ReferenceExtent.yMaximum() );
989  double distSourceUnits = std::sqrt( source1.sqrDist( source2 ) );
990  QgsPointXY dest1 = transform( source1 );
991  QgsPointXY dest2 = transform( source2 );
992  double distDestUnits = std::sqrt( dest1.sqrDist( dest2 ) );
993  return distDestUnits / distSourceUnits;
994 }
997 {
998  QgsCoordinateTransformPrivate::setCustomMissingRequiredGridHandler( handler );
999 }
1002 {
1003  QgsCoordinateTransformPrivate::setCustomMissingPreferredGridHandler( handler );
1004 }
1007 {
1008  QgsCoordinateTransformPrivate::setCustomCoordinateOperationCreationErrorHandler( handler );
1009 }
1012 {
1013  QgsCoordinateTransformPrivate::setCustomMissingGridUsedByContextHandler( handler );
1014 }
static void setCustomCoordinateOperationCreationErrorHandler(const std::function< void(const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &sourceCrs, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &destinationCrs, const QString &error)> &handler)
Sets a custom handler to use when a coordinate transform was required between sourceCrs and destinati...
A rectangle specified with double values.
Definition: qgsrectangle.h:41
void setCoordinateOperation(const QString &operation) const
Sets a Proj string representing the coordinate operation which will be used to transform coordinates...
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void setDestinationDatumTransformId(int datumId)
Sets the datumId ID of the datum transform to use when projecting to the destination CRS...
void setMinimal()
Set a rectangle so that min corner is at max and max corner is at min.
Definition: qgsrectangle.h:151
void setContext(const QgsCoordinateTransformContext &context)
Sets the context in which the coordinate transform should be calculated.
#define QgsDebugMsg(str)
Definition: qgslogger.h:38
QgsPointXY transform(const QgsPointXY &point, TransformDirection direction=ForwardTransform) const SIP_THROW(QgsCsException)
Transform the point from the source CRS to the destination CRS.
double y
Definition: qgspointxy.h:48
A class to represent a 2D point.
Definition: qgspointxy.h:43
Enum used to indicate the direction (forward or inverse) of the transform.
static void invalidateCache(bool disableCache=false)
Clears the internal cache used to initialize QgsCoordinateTransform objects.
Definition: qgis.h:649
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem destinationCrs() const
Returns the destination coordinate reference system, which the transform will transform coordinates t...
Contains information about a projection transformation grid file.
QgsCoordinateTransform & operator=(const QgsCoordinateTransform &o)
Assignment operator.
const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem & crs
bool isValid() const
Returns true if the coordinate transform is valid, ie both the source and destination CRS have been s...
void transformPolygon(QPolygonF &polygon, TransformDirection direction=ForwardTransform) const SIP_THROW(QgsCsException)
Transforms a polygon to the destination coordinate system.
QString what() const
Definition: qgsexception.h:48
The QgsReadWriteLocker class is a convenience class that simplifies locking and unlocking QReadWriteL...
Default constructor, creates an invalid QgsCoordinateTransform.
static void setCustomMissingRequiredGridHandler(const std::function< void(const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &sourceCrs, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &destinationCrs, const QgsDatumTransform::GridDetails &grid)> &handler)
Sets a custom handler to use when a coordinate transform is created between sourceCrs and destination...
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCrs() const
Returns the source coordinate reference system, which the transform will transform coordinates from...
void setDestinationCrs(const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &crs)
Sets the destination coordinate reference system.
#define QgsDebugMsgLevel(str, level)
Definition: qgslogger.h:39
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the rectangle is empty.
Definition: qgsrectangle.h:426
QgsCoordinateTransformContext context() const
Returns the context in which the coordinate transform will be calculated.
bool isShortCircuited() const
Returns true if the transform short circuits because the source and destination are equivalent...
double width() const
Returns the width of the rectangle.
Definition: qgsrectangle.h:202
static void logMessage(const QString &message, const QString &tag=QString(), Qgis::MessageLevel level=Qgis::Warning, bool notifyUser=true)
Adds a message to the log instance (and creates it if necessary).
QString toString(int precision=16) const
Returns a string representation of form xmin,ymin : xmax,ymax Coordinates will be truncated to the sp...
Encapsulates a QGIS project, including sets of map layers and their styles, layouts, annotations, canvases, etc.
Definition: qgsproject.h:89
QString coordinateOperation() const
Returns a Proj string representing the coordinate operation which will be used to transform coordinat...
Contains information about the context in which a coordinate transform is executed.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED int destinationDatumTransformId() const
Returns the ID of the datum transform to use when projecting to the destination CRS.
void transformCoords(int numPoint, double *x, double *y, double *z, TransformDirection direction=ForwardTransform) const SIP_THROW(QgsCsException)
Transform an array of coordinates to the destination CRS.
double x
Definition: qgspointxy.h:47
double yMinimum() const
Returns the y minimum value (bottom side of rectangle).
Definition: qgsrectangle.h:177
void transformInPlace(double &x, double &y, double &z, TransformDirection direction=ForwardTransform) const SIP_THROW(QgsCsException)
Transforms an array of x, y and z double coordinates in place, from the source CRS to the destination...
double xMaximum() const
Returns the x maximum value (right side of rectangle).
Definition: qgsrectangle.h:162
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void setSourceDatumTransformId(int datumId)
Sets the datumId ID of the datum transform to use when projecting from the source CRS...
QgsCoordinateTransformContext transformContext
Definition: qgsproject.h:96
static void setCustomMissingPreferredGridHandler(const std::function< void(const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &sourceCrs, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &destinationCrs, const QgsDatumTransform::TransformDetails &preferredOperation, const QgsDatumTransform::TransformDetails &availableOperation)> &handler)
Sets a custom handler to use when a coordinate transform is created between sourceCrs and destination...
Definition: qgis.h:650
void unlock()
Unlocks the lock.
Transform from destination to source CRS.
This class represents a coordinate reference system (CRS).
double scaleFactor(const QgsRectangle &referenceExtent) const
Computes an estimated conversion factor between source and destination units:
Class for doing transforms between two map coordinate systems.
double xMinimum() const
Returns the x minimum value (left side of rectangle).
Definition: qgsrectangle.h:167
double yMaximum() const
Returns the y maximum value (top side of rectangle).
Definition: qgsrectangle.h:172
Transform from source to destination CRS.
static PJ_CONTEXT * get()
Returns a thread local instance of a proj context, safe for use in the current thread.
Custom exception class for Coordinate Reference System related exceptions.
Definition: qgsexception.h:65
Contains information about a coordinate transformation operation.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED int sourceDatumTransformId() const
Returns the ID of the datum transform to use when projecting from the source CRS. ...
void setSourceCrs(const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &crs)
Sets the source coordinate reference system.
QString authid() const
Returns the authority identifier for the CRS.
QgsRectangle transformBoundingBox(const QgsRectangle &rectangle, TransformDirection direction=ForwardTransform, bool handle180Crossover=false) const SIP_THROW(QgsCsException)
Transforms a rectangle from the source CRS to the destination CRS.
QString toWkt(WktVariant variant=WKT1_GDAL, bool multiline=false, int indentationWidth=4) const
Returns a WKT representation of this CRS.
double height() const
Returns the height of the rectangle.
Definition: qgsrectangle.h:209
const char * finder(const char *name)
static void setCustomMissingGridUsedByContextHandler(const std::function< void(const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &sourceCrs, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &destinationCrs, const QgsDatumTransform::TransformDetails &desiredOperation)> &handler)
Sets a custom handler to use when a coordinate operation was specified for use between sourceCrs and ...
bool isValid() const
Returns whether this CRS is correctly initialized and usable.