QGIS API Documentation  3.10.0-A Coruña (6c816b4204)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /***************************************************************************
2  qgsalignraster.cpp
3  --------------------------------------
4  Date : June 2015
5  Copyright : (C) 2015 by Martin Dobias
6  Email : wonder dot sk at gmail dot com
7  ***************************************************************************
8  * *
9  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
10  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
11  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
12  * (at your option) any later version. *
13  * *
14  ***************************************************************************/
16 #include "qgsalignraster.h"
18 #include <gdalwarper.h>
19 #include <ogr_srs_api.h>
20 #include <cpl_conv.h>
21 #include <limits>
23 #include <QPair>
24 #include <QString>
27 #include "qgsrectangle.h"
30 static double ceil_with_tolerance( double value )
31 {
32  if ( std::fabs( value - std::round( value ) ) < 1e-6 )
33  return std::round( value );
34  else
35  return std::ceil( value );
36 }
38 static double floor_with_tolerance( double value )
39 {
40  if ( std::fabs( value - std::round( value ) ) < 1e-6 )
41  return std::round( value );
42  else
43  return std::floor( value );
44 }
46 static double fmod_with_tolerance( double num, double denom )
47 {
48  return num - floor_with_tolerance( num / denom ) * denom;
49 }
52 static QgsRectangle transform_to_extent( const double *geotransform, double xSize, double ySize )
53 {
54  QgsRectangle r( geotransform[0],
55  geotransform[3],
56  geotransform[0] + geotransform[1] * xSize,
57  geotransform[3] + geotransform[5] * ySize );
58  r.normalize();
59  return r;
60 }
63 static int CPL_STDCALL _progress( double dfComplete, const char *pszMessage, void *pProgressArg )
64 {
65  Q_UNUSED( pszMessage )
67  QgsAlignRaster::ProgressHandler *handler = ( ( QgsAlignRaster * ) pProgressArg )->progressHandler();
68  if ( handler )
69  return handler->progress( dfComplete );
70  else
71  return true;
72 }
75 static CPLErr rescalePreWarpChunkProcessor( void *pKern, void *pArg )
76 {
77  GDALWarpKernel *kern = ( GDALWarpKernel * ) pKern;
78  double cellsize = ( ( double * )pArg )[0];
80  for ( int nBand = 0; nBand < kern->nBands; ++nBand )
81  {
82  float *bandData = ( float * ) kern->papabySrcImage[nBand];
83  for ( int nLine = 0; nLine < kern->nSrcYSize; ++nLine )
84  {
85  for ( int nPixel = 0; nPixel < kern->nSrcXSize; ++nPixel )
86  {
87  bandData[nPixel] /= cellsize;
88  }
89  bandData += kern->nSrcXSize;
90  }
91  }
92  return CE_None;
93 }
96 static CPLErr rescalePostWarpChunkProcessor( void *pKern, void *pArg )
97 {
98  GDALWarpKernel *kern = ( GDALWarpKernel * ) pKern;
99  double cellsize = ( ( double * )pArg )[1];
101  for ( int nBand = 0; nBand < kern->nBands; ++nBand )
102  {
103  float *bandData = ( float * ) kern->papabyDstImage[nBand];
104  for ( int nLine = 0; nLine < kern->nDstYSize; ++nLine )
105  {
106  for ( int nPixel = 0; nPixel < kern->nDstXSize; ++nPixel )
107  {
108  bandData[nPixel] *= cellsize;
109  }
110  bandData += kern->nDstXSize;
111  }
112  }
113  return CE_None;
114 }
119 {
120  // parameters
121  mCellSizeX = mCellSizeY = 0;
123  mClipExtent[0] = mClipExtent[1] = mClipExtent[2] = mClipExtent[3] = 0;
125  // derived variables
126  mXSize = mYSize = 0;
127  for ( int i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
128  mGeoTransform[i] = 0;
129 }
131 void QgsAlignRaster::setClipExtent( double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax )
132 {
133  mClipExtent[0] = xmin;
134  mClipExtent[1] = ymin;
135  mClipExtent[2] = xmax;
136  mClipExtent[3] = ymax;
137 }
140 {
141  setClipExtent( extent.xMinimum(), extent.yMinimum(),
142  extent.xMaximum(), extent.yMaximum() );
143 }
146 {
147  return QgsRectangle( mClipExtent[0], mClipExtent[1],
148  mClipExtent[2], mClipExtent[3] );
149 }
152 bool QgsAlignRaster::setParametersFromRaster( const QString &filename, const QString &destWkt, QSizeF customCellSize, QPointF customGridOffset )
153 {
154  return setParametersFromRaster( RasterInfo( filename ), destWkt, customCellSize, customGridOffset );
155 }
157 bool QgsAlignRaster::setParametersFromRaster( const RasterInfo &rasterInfo, const QString &customCRSWkt, QSizeF customCellSize, QPointF customGridOffset )
158 {
159  if ( customCRSWkt.isEmpty() || customCRSWkt == rasterInfo.crs() )
160  {
161  // use ref. layer to init input
162  mCrsWkt = rasterInfo.crs();
164  if ( !customCellSize.isValid() )
165  {
166  mCellSizeX = rasterInfo.cellSize().width();
167  mCellSizeY = rasterInfo.cellSize().height();
168  }
169  else
170  {
171  mCellSizeX = customCellSize.width();
172  mCellSizeY = customCellSize.height();
173  }
175  if ( customGridOffset.x() < 0 || customGridOffset.y() < 0 )
176  {
177  if ( !customCellSize.isValid() )
178  {
179  // using original raster's grid offset to be aligned with origin
180  mGridOffsetX = rasterInfo.gridOffset().x();
181  mGridOffsetY = rasterInfo.gridOffset().y();
182  }
183  else
184  {
185  // if using custom cell size: offset so that we are aligned
186  // with the original raster's origin point
187  mGridOffsetX = fmod_with_tolerance( rasterInfo.origin().x(), customCellSize.width() );
188  mGridOffsetY = fmod_with_tolerance( rasterInfo.origin().y(), customCellSize.height() );
189  }
190  }
191  else
192  {
193  mGridOffsetX = customGridOffset.x();
194  mGridOffsetY = customGridOffset.y();
195  }
196  }
197  else
198  {
199  QSizeF cs;
200  QPointF go;
201  if ( !suggestedWarpOutput( rasterInfo, customCRSWkt, &cs, &go ) )
202  {
203  mCrsWkt = QStringLiteral( "_error_" );
204  mCellSizeX = mCellSizeY = 0;
206  return false;
207  }
209  mCrsWkt = customCRSWkt;
211  if ( !customCellSize.isValid() )
212  {
213  mCellSizeX = cs.width();
214  mCellSizeY = cs.height();
215  }
216  else
217  {
218  mCellSizeX = customCellSize.width();
219  mCellSizeY = customCellSize.height();
220  }
222  if ( customGridOffset.x() < 0 || customGridOffset.y() < 0 )
223  {
224  mGridOffsetX = go.x();
225  mGridOffsetY = go.y();
226  }
227  else
228  {
229  mGridOffsetX = customGridOffset.x();
230  mGridOffsetY = customGridOffset.x();
231  }
232  }
233  return true;
234 }
238 {
239  mErrorMessage.clear();
241  if ( mCrsWkt == QLatin1String( "_error_" ) )
242  {
243  mErrorMessage = QObject::tr( "Unable to reproject." );
244  return false;
245  }
247  if ( mCellSizeX == 0 || mCellSizeY == 0 )
248  {
249  mErrorMessage = QObject::tr( "Cell size must not be zero." );
250  return false;
251  }
253  mXSize = mYSize = 0;
254  std::fill_n( mGeoTransform, 6, 0 );
256  double finalExtent[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
258  // for each raster: determine their extent in projected cfg
259  for ( int i = 0; i < mRasters.count(); ++i )
260  {
261  Item &r = mRasters[i];
263  RasterInfo info( r.inputFilename );
265  QSizeF cs;
266  QgsRectangle extent;
267  if ( !suggestedWarpOutput( info, mCrsWkt, &cs, nullptr, &extent ) )
268  {
269  mErrorMessage = QString( "Failed to get suggested warp output.\n\n"
270  "File:\n%1\n\n"
271  "Source WKT:\n%2\n\nDestination WKT:\n%3" )
272  .arg( r.inputFilename,
273  info.mCrsWkt,
274  mCrsWkt );
275  return false;
276  }
278  r.srcCellSizeInDestCRS = cs.width() * cs.height();
280  if ( finalExtent[0] == 0 && finalExtent[1] == 0 && finalExtent[2] == 0 && finalExtent[3] == 0 )
281  {
282  // initialize with the first layer
283  finalExtent[0] = extent.xMinimum();
284  finalExtent[1] = extent.yMinimum();
285  finalExtent[2] = extent.xMaximum();
286  finalExtent[3] = extent.yMaximum();
287  }
288  else
289  {
290  // use intersection of rects
291  if ( extent.xMinimum() > finalExtent[0] ) finalExtent[0] = extent.xMinimum();
292  if ( extent.yMinimum() > finalExtent[1] ) finalExtent[1] = extent.yMinimum();
293  if ( extent.xMaximum() < finalExtent[2] ) finalExtent[2] = extent.xMaximum();
294  if ( extent.yMaximum() < finalExtent[3] ) finalExtent[3] = extent.yMaximum();
295  }
296  }
298  // count in extra clip extent (if present)
299  // 1. align requested rect to the grid - extend the rect if necessary
300  // 2. intersect with clip extent with final extent
302  if ( !( mClipExtent[0] == 0 && mClipExtent[1] == 0 && mClipExtent[2] == 0 && mClipExtent[3] == 0 ) )
303  {
304  // extend clip extent to grid
305  double clipX0 = floor_with_tolerance( ( mClipExtent[0] - mGridOffsetX ) / mCellSizeX ) * mCellSizeX + mGridOffsetX;
306  double clipY0 = floor_with_tolerance( ( mClipExtent[1] - mGridOffsetY ) / mCellSizeY ) * mCellSizeY + mGridOffsetY;
307  double clipX1 = ceil_with_tolerance( ( mClipExtent[2] - clipX0 ) / mCellSizeX ) * mCellSizeX + clipX0;
308  double clipY1 = ceil_with_tolerance( ( mClipExtent[3] - clipY0 ) / mCellSizeY ) * mCellSizeY + clipY0;
309  if ( clipX0 > finalExtent[0] ) finalExtent[0] = clipX0;
310  if ( clipY0 > finalExtent[1] ) finalExtent[1] = clipY0;
311  if ( clipX1 < finalExtent[2] ) finalExtent[2] = clipX1;
312  if ( clipY1 < finalExtent[3] ) finalExtent[3] = clipY1;
313  }
315  // align to grid - shrink the rect if necessary
316  // output raster grid configuration (with no rotation/shear)
317  // ... and raster width/height
319  double originX = ceil_with_tolerance( ( finalExtent[0] - mGridOffsetX ) / mCellSizeX ) * mCellSizeX + mGridOffsetX;
320  double originY = ceil_with_tolerance( ( finalExtent[1] - mGridOffsetY ) / mCellSizeY ) * mCellSizeY + mGridOffsetY;
321  int xSize = floor_with_tolerance( ( finalExtent[2] - originX ) / mCellSizeX );
322  int ySize = floor_with_tolerance( ( finalExtent[3] - originY ) / mCellSizeY );
324  if ( xSize <= 0 || ySize <= 0 )
325  {
326  mErrorMessage = QObject::tr( "No common intersecting area." );
327  return false;
328  }
330  mXSize = xSize;
331  mYSize = ySize;
333  // build final geotransform...
334  mGeoTransform[0] = originX;
336  mGeoTransform[2] = 0;
337  mGeoTransform[3] = originY + ( mCellSizeY * ySize );
338  mGeoTransform[4] = 0;
339  mGeoTransform[5] = -mCellSizeY;
341  return true;
342 }
346 {
347  return QSize( mXSize, mYSize );
348 }
351 {
352  return transform_to_extent( mGeoTransform, mXSize, mYSize );
353 }
357 {
358  mErrorMessage.clear();
360  // consider extent of all layers and setup geotransform and output grid size
361  if ( !checkInputParameters() )
362  return false;
364  //dump();
366  const auto constMRasters = mRasters;
367  for ( const Item &r : constMRasters )
368  {
369  if ( !createAndWarp( r ) )
370  return false;
371  }
372  return true;
373 }
377 {
378  qDebug( "---ALIGN------------------" );
379  qDebug( "wkt %s", mCrsWkt.toLatin1().constData() );
380  qDebug( "w/h %d,%d", mXSize, mYSize );
381  qDebug( "transform" );
382  qDebug( "%6.2f %6.2f %6.2f", mGeoTransform[0], mGeoTransform[1], mGeoTransform[2] );
383  qDebug( "%6.2f %6.2f %6.2f", mGeoTransform[3], mGeoTransform[4], mGeoTransform[5] );
385  QgsRectangle e = transform_to_extent( mGeoTransform, mXSize, mYSize );
386  qDebug( "extent %s", e.toString().toLatin1().constData() );
387 }
390 {
391  int bestIndex = -1;
392  double bestCellArea = INFINITY;
393  QSizeF cs;
394  int i = 0;
396  // using WGS84 as a destination CRS... but maybe some projected CRS
397  // would be a better a choice to more accurately compute areas?
398  // (Why earth is not flat???)
399  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem destCRS( QStringLiteral( "EPSG:4326" ) );
400  QString destWkt = destCRS.toWkt();
402  const auto constMRasters = mRasters;
403  for ( const Item &raster : constMRasters )
404  {
405  if ( !suggestedWarpOutput( RasterInfo( raster.inputFilename ), destWkt, &cs ) )
406  return false;
408  double cellArea = cs.width() * cs.height();
409  if ( cellArea < bestCellArea )
410  {
411  bestCellArea = cellArea;
412  bestIndex = i;
413  }
414  ++i;
415  }
417  return bestIndex;
418 }
421 bool QgsAlignRaster::createAndWarp( const Item &raster )
422 {
423  GDALDriverH hDriver = GDALGetDriverByName( "GTiff" );
424  if ( !hDriver )
425  {
426  mErrorMessage = QStringLiteral( "GDALGetDriverByName(GTiff) failed." );
427  return false;
428  }
430  // Open the source file.
431  gdal::dataset_unique_ptr hSrcDS( GDALOpen( raster.inputFilename.toLocal8Bit().constData(), GA_ReadOnly ) );
432  if ( !hSrcDS )
433  {
434  mErrorMessage = QObject::tr( "Unable to open input file: %1" ).arg( raster.inputFilename );
435  return false;
436  }
438  // Create output with same datatype as first input band.
440  int bandCount = GDALGetRasterCount( hSrcDS.get() );
441  GDALDataType eDT = GDALGetRasterDataType( GDALGetRasterBand( hSrcDS.get(), 1 ) );
443  // Create the output file.
444  gdal::dataset_unique_ptr hDstDS( GDALCreate( hDriver, raster.outputFilename.toLocal8Bit().constData(), mXSize, mYSize,
445  bandCount, eDT, nullptr ) );
446  if ( !hDstDS )
447  {
448  mErrorMessage = QObject::tr( "Unable to create output file: %1" ).arg( raster.outputFilename );
449  return false;
450  }
452  // Write out the projection definition.
453  GDALSetProjection( hDstDS.get(), mCrsWkt.toLatin1().constData() );
454  GDALSetGeoTransform( hDstDS.get(), mGeoTransform );
456  // Copy the color table, if required.
457  GDALColorTableH hCT = GDALGetRasterColorTable( GDALGetRasterBand( hSrcDS.get(), 1 ) );
458  if ( hCT )
459  GDALSetRasterColorTable( GDALGetRasterBand( hDstDS.get(), 1 ), hCT );
461  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
463  // Setup warp options.
464  gdal::warp_options_unique_ptr psWarpOptions( GDALCreateWarpOptions() );
465  psWarpOptions->hSrcDS = hSrcDS.get();
466  psWarpOptions->hDstDS = hDstDS.get();
468  psWarpOptions->nBandCount = GDALGetRasterCount( hSrcDS.get() );
469  psWarpOptions->panSrcBands = ( int * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( int ) * psWarpOptions->nBandCount );
470  psWarpOptions->panDstBands = ( int * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( int ) * psWarpOptions->nBandCount );
471  for ( int i = 0; i < psWarpOptions->nBandCount; ++i )
472  {
473  psWarpOptions->panSrcBands[i] = i + 1;
474  psWarpOptions->panDstBands[i] = i + 1;
475  }
477  psWarpOptions->eResampleAlg = static_cast< GDALResampleAlg >( raster.resampleMethod );
479  // our progress function
480  psWarpOptions->pfnProgress = _progress;
481  psWarpOptions->pProgressArg = this;
483  // Establish reprojection transformer.
484  psWarpOptions->pTransformerArg =
485  GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer( hSrcDS.get(), GDALGetProjectionRef( hSrcDS.get() ),
486  hDstDS.get(), GDALGetProjectionRef( hDstDS.get() ),
487  FALSE, 0.0, 1 );
488  psWarpOptions->pfnTransformer = GDALGenImgProjTransform;
490  double rescaleArg[2];
491  if ( raster.rescaleValues )
492  {
493  rescaleArg[0] = raster.srcCellSizeInDestCRS; // source cell size
494  rescaleArg[1] = mCellSizeX * mCellSizeY; // destination cell size
495  psWarpOptions->pfnPreWarpChunkProcessor = rescalePreWarpChunkProcessor;
496  psWarpOptions->pfnPostWarpChunkProcessor = rescalePostWarpChunkProcessor;
497  psWarpOptions->pPreWarpProcessorArg = rescaleArg;
498  psWarpOptions->pPostWarpProcessorArg = rescaleArg;
499  // force use of float32 data type as that is what our pre/post-processor uses
500  psWarpOptions->eWorkingDataType = GDT_Float32;
501  }
503  // Initialize and execute the warp operation.
504  GDALWarpOperation oOperation;
505  oOperation.Initialize( psWarpOptions.get() );
506  oOperation.ChunkAndWarpImage( 0, 0, mXSize, mYSize );
508  GDALDestroyGenImgProjTransformer( psWarpOptions->pTransformerArg );
509  return true;
510 }
512 bool QgsAlignRaster::suggestedWarpOutput( const QgsAlignRaster::RasterInfo &info, const QString &destWkt, QSizeF *cellSize, QPointF *gridOffset, QgsRectangle *rect )
513 {
514  // Create a transformer that maps from source pixel/line coordinates
515  // to destination georeferenced coordinates (not destination
516  // pixel line). We do that by omitting the destination dataset
517  // handle (setting it to nullptr).
518  void *hTransformArg = GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer( info.mDataset.get(), info.mCrsWkt.toLatin1().constData(), nullptr, destWkt.toLatin1().constData(), FALSE, 0, 1 );
519  if ( !hTransformArg )
520  return false;
522  // Get approximate output georeferenced bounds and resolution for file.
523  double adfDstGeoTransform[6];
524  double extents[4];
525  int nPixels = 0, nLines = 0;
526  CPLErr eErr;
527  eErr = GDALSuggestedWarpOutput2( info.mDataset.get(),
528  GDALGenImgProjTransform, hTransformArg,
529  adfDstGeoTransform, &nPixels, &nLines, extents, 0 );
530  GDALDestroyGenImgProjTransformer( hTransformArg );
532  if ( eErr != CE_None )
533  return false;
535  QSizeF cs( std::fabs( adfDstGeoTransform[1] ), std::fabs( adfDstGeoTransform[5] ) );
537  if ( rect )
538  *rect = QgsRectangle( extents[0], extents[1], extents[2], extents[3] );
539  if ( cellSize )
540  *cellSize = cs;
541  if ( gridOffset )
542  *gridOffset = QPointF( fmod_with_tolerance( adfDstGeoTransform[0], cs.width() ),
543  fmod_with_tolerance( adfDstGeoTransform[3], cs.height() ) );
544  return true;
545 }
548 //----------
551 QgsAlignRaster::RasterInfo::RasterInfo( const QString &layerpath )
552 {
553  mDataset.reset( GDALOpen( layerpath.toLocal8Bit().constData(), GA_ReadOnly ) );
554  if ( !mDataset )
555  return;
557  mXSize = GDALGetRasterXSize( mDataset.get() );
558  mYSize = GDALGetRasterYSize( mDataset.get() );
560  ( void ) GDALGetGeoTransform( mDataset.get(), mGeoTransform );
562  // TODO: may be null or empty string
563  mCrsWkt = QString::fromLatin1( GDALGetProjectionRef( mDataset.get() ) );
565  mBandCnt = GDALGetBandNumber( mDataset.get() );
566 }
569 {
570  return QSizeF( std::fabs( mGeoTransform[1] ), std::fabs( mGeoTransform[5] ) );
571 }
574 {
575  return QPointF( fmod_with_tolerance( mGeoTransform[0], cellSize().width() ),
576  fmod_with_tolerance( mGeoTransform[3], cellSize().height() ) );
577 }
580 {
581  return transform_to_extent( mGeoTransform, mXSize, mYSize );
582 }
585 {
586  return QPointF( mGeoTransform[0], mGeoTransform[3] );
587 }
590 {
591  qDebug( "---RASTER INFO------------------" );
592  qDebug( "wkt %s", mCrsWkt.toLatin1().constData() );
593  qDebug( "w/h %d,%d", mXSize, mYSize );
594  qDebug( "cell x/y %f,%f", cellSize().width(), cellSize().width() );
596  QgsRectangle r = extent();
597  qDebug( "extent %s", r.toString().toLatin1().constData() );
599  qDebug( "transform" );
600  qDebug( "%6.2f %6.2f %6.2f", mGeoTransform[0], mGeoTransform[1], mGeoTransform[2] );
601  qDebug( "%6.2f %6.2f %6.2f", mGeoTransform[3], mGeoTransform[4], mGeoTransform[5] );
602 }
604 double QgsAlignRaster::RasterInfo::identify( double mx, double my )
605 {
606  GDALRasterBandH hBand = GDALGetRasterBand( mDataset.get(), 1 );
608  // must not be rotated in order for this to work
609  int px = int( ( mx - mGeoTransform[0] ) / mGeoTransform[1] );
610  int py = int( ( my - mGeoTransform[3] ) / mGeoTransform[5] );
612  float *pafScanline = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) );
613  CPLErr err = GDALRasterIO( hBand, GF_Read, px, py, 1, 1,
614  pafScanline, 1, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );
615  double value = err == CE_None ? pafScanline[0] : std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
616  CPLFree( pafScanline );
618  return value;
619 }
A rectangle specified with double values.
Definition: qgsrectangle.h:41
double mCellSizeX
Destination cell size.
QgsRectangle extent() const
Returns the extent of the raster.
double mGridOffsetX
Destination grid offset - expected to be in interval <0,cellsize)
static bool suggestedWarpOutput(const RasterInfo &info, const QString &destWkt, QSizeF *cellSize=nullptr, QPointF *gridOffset=nullptr, QgsRectangle *rect=nullptr)
Determine suggested output of raster warp to a different CRS. Returns true on success.
gdal::dataset_unique_ptr mDataset
handle to open GDAL dataset
bool rescaleValues
rescaling of values according to the change of pixel size
double identify(double mx, double my)
Gets raster value at the given coordinates (from the first band)
List mRasters
List of rasters to be aligned (with their output files and other options)
QSizeF cellSize() const
Returns the cell size in map units.
bool run()
Run the alignment process.
bool setParametersFromRaster(const RasterInfo &rasterInfo, const QString &customCRSWkt=QString(), QSizeF customCellSize=QSizeF(), QPointF customGridOffset=QPointF(-1, -1))
Set destination CRS, cell size and grid offset from a raster file.
virtual bool progress(double complete)=0
Method to be overridden for progress reporting.
std::unique_ptr< GDALWarpOptions, GDALWarpOptionsDeleter > warp_options_unique_ptr
Scoped GDAL warp options.
Definition: qgsogrutils.h:149
QgsRectangle alignedRasterExtent() const
Returns the expected extent of the resulting aligned raster.
QPointF origin() const
Returns the origin of the raster.
void setClipExtent(double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax)
Configure clipping extent (region of interest).
QString outputFilename
filename of the newly created aligned raster (will be overwritten if exists already) ...
int mYSize
Computed raster grid height.
QString crs() const
Returns the CRS in WKT format.
QSize alignedRasterSize() const
Returns the expected size of the resulting aligned raster.
Definition of one raster layer for alignment.
bool checkInputParameters()
Determine destination extent from the input rasters and calculate derived values. ...
QString toString(int precision=16) const
Returns a string representation of form xmin,ymin : xmax,ymax Coordinates will be truncated to the sp...
QgsAlignRaster takes one or more raster layers and warps (resamples) them so they have the same: ...
Helper struct to be sub-classed for progress reporting.
double srcCellSizeInDestCRS
used for rescaling of values (if necessary)
QPointF gridOffset() const
Returns the grid offset.
QString mCrsWkt
CRS stored in WKT format.
void dump() const
write contents of the object to standard error stream - for debugging
int mXSize
Computed raster grid width.
void dump() const
Write contents of the object to standard error stream - for debugging.
double yMinimum() const
Returns the y minimum value (bottom side of rectangle).
Definition: qgsrectangle.h:177
double xMaximum() const
Returns the x maximum value (right side of rectangle).
Definition: qgsrectangle.h:162
double mClipExtent[4]
Optional clip extent: sets "requested area" which be extended to fit the raster grid.
RasterInfo(const QString &layerpath)
Construct raster info with a path to a raster file.
This class represents a coordinate reference system (CRS).
double xMinimum() const
Returns the x minimum value (left side of rectangle).
Definition: qgsrectangle.h:167
double yMaximum() const
Returns the y maximum value (top side of rectangle).
Definition: qgsrectangle.h:172
int suggestedReferenceLayer() const
Returns the index of the layer which has smallest cell size (returns -1 on error) ...
QString mErrorMessage
Last error message from run()
std::unique_ptr< std::remove_pointer< GDALDatasetH >::type, GDALDatasetCloser > dataset_unique_ptr
Scoped GDAL dataset.
Definition: qgsogrutils.h:134
QgsAlignRaster::ResampleAlg resampleMethod
resampling method to be used
QString inputFilename
filename of the source raster
QgsRectangle clipExtent() const
Gets clipping extent (region of interest).
double mGeoTransform[6]
Computed geo-transform.
Utility class for gathering information about rasters.
QString mCrsWkt
Destination CRS - stored in well-known text (WKT) format.
QPointF gridOffset() const
QString toWkt(WktVariant variant=WKT1_GDAL, bool multiline=false, int indentationWidth=4) const
Returns a WKT representation of this CRS.
bool createAndWarp(const Item &raster)
Internal function for processing of one raster (1. create output, 2. do the alignment) ...
QSizeF cellSize() const
Gets output cell size.