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QgsGeometry Class Reference

#include <qgsgeometry.h>


class  Error

Public Member Functions

 QgsGeometry ()
 QgsGeometry (const QgsGeometry &)
 copy constructor will prompt a deep copy of the object
QgsGeometryoperator= (QgsGeometry const &rhs)
 assignments will prompt a deep copy of the object
 ~QgsGeometry ()
void fromGeos (GEOSGeometry *geos)
 Set the geometry, feeding in a geometry in GEOS format.
void fromWkb (unsigned char *wkb, size_t length)
 Set the geometry, feeding in the buffer containing OGC Well-Known Binary and the buffer's length.
const unsigned char * asWkb () const
 Returns the buffer containing this geometry in WKB format.
size_t wkbSize () const
 Returns the size of the WKB in asWkb().
const GEOSGeometry * asGeos () const
 Returns a geos geomtry.
QGis::WkbType wkbType () const
 Returns type of wkb (point / linestring / polygon etc.)
QGis::GeometryType type ()
 Returns type of the vector.
bool isMultipart ()
 Returns true if wkb of the geometry is of WKBMulti* type.
bool isGeosEqual (QgsGeometry &)
 compare geometries using GEOS
bool isGeosValid ()
 check validity using GEOS
bool isGeosEmpty ()
 check if geometry is empty using GEOS
double area ()
 get area of geometry using GEOS
double length ()
 get length of geometry using GEOS
double distance (QgsGeometry &geom)
QgsPoint closestVertex (const QgsPoint &point, int &atVertex, int &beforeVertex, int &afterVertex, double &sqrDist)
 Returns the vertex closest to the given point, the corresponding vertex index, squared distance snap point / target point and the indices of the vertices before/after.
void adjacentVertices (int atVertex, int &beforeVertex, int &afterVertex)
 Returns the indexes of the vertices before and after the given vertex index.
bool insertVertex (double x, double y, int beforeVertex)
 Insert a new vertex before the given vertex index, ring and item (first number is index 0) If the requested vertex number (beforeVertex.back()) is greater than the last actual vertex on the requested ring and item, it is assumed that the vertex is to be appended instead of inserted.
bool moveVertex (double x, double y, int atVertex)
 Moves the vertex at the given position number and item (first number is index 0) to the given coordinates.
bool deleteVertex (int atVertex)
 Deletes the vertex at the given position number and item (first number is index 0) Returns false if atVertex does not correspond to a valid vertex on this geometry (including if this geometry is a Point), or if the number of remaining verticies in the linestring would be less than two.
QgsPoint vertexAt (int atVertex)
 Returns coordinates of a vertex.
double sqrDistToVertexAt (QgsPoint &point, int atVertex)
 Returns the squared cartesian distance between the given point to the given vertex index (vertex at the given position number, ring and item (first number is index 0))
double closestVertexWithContext (const QgsPoint &point, int &atVertex)
 Searches for the closest vertex in this geometry to the given point.
double closestSegmentWithContext (const QgsPoint &point, QgsPoint &minDistPoint, int &afterVertex, double *leftOf=0, double epsilon=DEFAULT_SEGMENT_EPSILON)
 Searches for the closest segment of geometry to the given point.
int addRing (const QList< QgsPoint > &ring)
 Adds a new ring to this geometry.
int addPart (const QList< QgsPoint > &points, QGis::GeometryType geomType=QGis::UnknownGeometry)
 Adds a new island polygon to a multipolygon feature.
int addPart (GEOSGeometry *newPart)
 Adds a new island polygon to a multipolygon feature.
int addPart (QgsGeometry *newPart)
 Adds a new island polygon to a multipolygon feature.
int translate (double dx, double dy)
 Translate this geometry by dx, dy.
int transform (const QgsCoordinateTransform &ct)
 Transform this geometry as described by CoordinateTranasform ct.
int splitGeometry (const QList< QgsPoint > &splitLine, QList< QgsGeometry * > &newGeometries, bool topological, QList< QgsPoint > &topologyTestPoints)
 Splits this geometry according to a given line.
int reshapeGeometry (const QList< QgsPoint > &reshapeWithLine)
 Replaces a part of this geometry with another line.
int makeDifference (QgsGeometry *other)
 Changes this geometry such that it does not intersect the other geometry.
QgsRectangle boundingBox ()
 Returns the bounding box of this feature.
bool intersects (const QgsRectangle &r) const
 Test for intersection with a rectangle (uses GEOS)
bool intersects (const QgsGeometry *geometry) const
 Test for intersection with a geometry (uses GEOS)
bool contains (const QgsPoint *p) const
 Test for containment of a point (uses GEOS)
bool contains (const QgsGeometry *geometry) const
 Test for if geometry is contained in another (uses GEOS)
bool disjoint (const QgsGeometry *geometry) const
 Test for if geometry is disjoint of another (uses GEOS)
bool equals (const QgsGeometry *geometry) const
 Test for if geometry equals another (uses GEOS)
bool touches (const QgsGeometry *geometry) const
 Test for if geometry touch another (uses GEOS)
bool overlaps (const QgsGeometry *geometry) const
 Test for if geometry overlaps another (uses GEOS)
bool within (const QgsGeometry *geometry) const
 Test for if geometry is within another (uses GEOS)
bool crosses (const QgsGeometry *geometry) const
 Test for if geometry crosses another (uses GEOS)
QgsGeometrybuffer (double distance, int segments)
 Returns a buffer region around this geometry having the given width and with a specified number of segments used to approximate curves.
QgsGeometrybuffer (double distance, int segments, int endCapStyle, int joinStyle, double mitreLimit)
 Returns a buffer region around the geometry, with additional style options.
QgsGeometryoffsetCurve (double distance, int segments, int joinStyle, double mitreLimit)
 Returns an offset line at a given distance and side from an input line.
QgsGeometrysimplify (double tolerance)
 Returns a simplified version of this geometry using a specified tolerance value.
QgsGeometrycentroid ()
 Returns the center of mass of a geometry.
QgsGeometrypointOnSurface ()
 Returns a point within a geometry.
QgsGeometryconvexHull ()
 Returns the smallest convex polygon that contains all the points in the geometry.
QgsGeometryinterpolate (double distance)
QgsGeometryintersection (QgsGeometry *geometry)
 Returns a geometry representing the points shared by this geometry and other.
QgsGeometrycombine (QgsGeometry *geometry)
 Returns a geometry representing all the points in this geometry and other (a union geometry operation).
QgsGeometrydifference (QgsGeometry *geometry)
 Returns a geometry representing the points making up this geometry that do not make up other.
QgsGeometrysymDifference (QgsGeometry *geometry)
 Returns a Geometry representing the points making up this Geometry that do not make up other.
QString exportToWkt (const int &precision=17) const
 Exports the geometry to WKT.
QString exportToGeoJSON (const int &precision=17) const
 Exports the geometry to GeoJSON.
QgsGeometryconvertToType (QGis::GeometryType destType, bool destMultipart=false)
 try to convert the geometry to the requested type
QgsPoint asPoint () const
 return contents of the geometry as a point if wkbType is WKBPoint, otherwise returns [0,0]
QgsPolyline asPolyline () const
 return contents of the geometry as a polyline if wkbType is WKBLineString, otherwise an empty list
QgsPolygon asPolygon () const
 return contents of the geometry as a polygon if wkbType is WKBPolygon, otherwise an empty list
QgsMultiPoint asMultiPoint () const
 return contents of the geometry as a multi point if wkbType is WKBMultiPoint, otherwise an empty list
QgsMultiPolyline asMultiPolyline () const
 return contents of the geometry as a multi linestring if wkbType is WKBMultiLineString, otherwise an empty list
QgsMultiPolygon asMultiPolygon () const
 return contents of the geometry as a multi polygon if wkbType is WKBMultiPolygon, otherwise an empty list
QList< QgsGeometry * > asGeometryCollection () const
 return contents of the geometry as a list of geometries
bool deleteRing (int ringNum, int partNum=0)
 delete a ring in polygon or multipolygon.
bool deletePart (int partNum)
 delete part identified by the part number
bool convertToMultiType ()
 Converts single type geometry into multitype geometry e.g.
int avoidIntersections (QMap< QgsVectorLayer *, QSet< QgsFeatureId > > ignoreFeatures=(QMap< QgsVectorLayer *, QSet< QgsFeatureId > >()))
 Modifies geometry to avoid intersections with the layers specified in project properties.
void validateGeometry (QList< Error > &errors)
 Validate geometry and produce a list of geometry errors.

Static Public Member Functions

static GEOSContextHandle_t getGEOSHandler ()
 return GEOS context handle
static QgsGeometryfromWkt (QString wkt)
 static method that creates geometry from Wkt
static QgsGeometryfromPoint (const QgsPoint &point)
 construct geometry from a point
static QgsGeometryfromMultiPoint (const QgsMultiPoint &multipoint)
 construct geometry from a multipoint
static QgsGeometryfromPolyline (const QgsPolyline &polyline)
 construct geometry from a polyline
static QgsGeometryfromMultiPolyline (const QgsMultiPolyline &multiline)
 construct geometry from a multipolyline
static QgsGeometryfromPolygon (const QgsPolygon &polygon)
 construct geometry from a polygon
static QgsGeometryfromMultiPolygon (const QgsMultiPolygon &multipoly)
 construct geometry from a multipolygon
static QgsGeometryfromRect (const QgsRectangle &rect)
 construct geometry from a rectangle
static QgsGeometryunaryUnion (const QList< QgsGeometry * > &geometryList)
 compute the unary union on a list of geometries.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QgsGeometry::QgsGeometry ( )


QgsGeometry::QgsGeometry ( const QgsGeometry rhs)

copy constructor will prompt a deep copy of the object

QgsGeometry::~QgsGeometry ( )


Member Function Documentation

int QgsGeometry::addPart ( const QList< QgsPoint > &  points,
QGis::GeometryType  geomType = QGis::UnknownGeometry 

Adds a new island polygon to a multipolygon feature.

0 in case of success, 1 if not a multipolygon, 2 if ring is not a valid geometry, 3 if new polygon ring not disjoint with existing polygons of the feature
int QgsGeometry::addPart ( GEOSGeometry *  newPart)

Adds a new island polygon to a multipolygon feature.

0 in case of success, 1 if not a multipolygon, 2 if ring is not a valid geometry, 3 if new polygon ring not disjoint with existing polygons of the feature
not available in python bindings
int QgsGeometry::addPart ( QgsGeometry newPart)

Adds a new island polygon to a multipolygon feature.

0 in case of success, 1 if not a multipolygon, 2 if ring is not a valid geometry, 3 if new polygon ring not disjoint with existing polygons of the feature
available in python bindings as addPartGeometry (added in 2.2)
int QgsGeometry::addRing ( const QList< QgsPoint > &  ring)

Adds a new ring to this geometry.

This makes only sense for polygon and multipolygons.

0 in case of success (ring added), 1 problem with geometry type, 2 ring not closed, 3 ring is not valid geometry, 4 ring not disjoint with existing rings, 5 no polygon found which contained the ring
void QgsGeometry::adjacentVertices ( int  atVertex,
int &  beforeVertex,
int &  afterVertex 

Returns the indexes of the vertices before and after the given vertex index.

This function takes into account the following factors:

  1. If the given vertex index is at the end of a linestring, the adjacent index will be -1 (for "no adjacent vertex")
  2. If the given vertex index is at the end of a linear ring (such as in a polygon), the adjacent index will take into account the first vertex is equal to the last vertex (and will skip equal vertex positions).
double QgsGeometry::area ( )

get area of geometry using GEOS

QList< QgsGeometry * > QgsGeometry::asGeometryCollection ( ) const

return contents of the geometry as a list of geometries

const GEOSGeometry * QgsGeometry::asGeos ( ) const

Returns a geos geomtry.

QgsGeometry keeps ownership, don't delete the returned object!

not available in python bindings
QgsMultiPoint QgsGeometry::asMultiPoint ( ) const

return contents of the geometry as a multi point if wkbType is WKBMultiPoint, otherwise an empty list

QgsMultiPolygon QgsGeometry::asMultiPolygon ( ) const

return contents of the geometry as a multi polygon if wkbType is WKBMultiPolygon, otherwise an empty list

QgsMultiPolyline QgsGeometry::asMultiPolyline ( ) const

return contents of the geometry as a multi linestring if wkbType is WKBMultiLineString, otherwise an empty list

QgsPoint QgsGeometry::asPoint ( ) const

return contents of the geometry as a point if wkbType is WKBPoint, otherwise returns [0,0]

QgsPolygon QgsGeometry::asPolygon ( ) const

return contents of the geometry as a polygon if wkbType is WKBPolygon, otherwise an empty list

QgsPolyline QgsGeometry::asPolyline ( ) const

return contents of the geometry as a polyline if wkbType is WKBLineString, otherwise an empty list

const unsigned char * QgsGeometry::asWkb ( ) const

Returns the buffer containing this geometry in WKB format.

You may wish to use in conjunction with wkbSize().

int QgsGeometry::avoidIntersections ( QMap< QgsVectorLayer *, QSet< QgsFeatureId > >  ignoreFeatures = ( QMap<QgsVectorLayer*, QSet<QgsFeatureId> >() ))

Modifies geometry to avoid intersections with the layers specified in project properties.

0 in case of success, 1 if geometry is not of polygon type, 2 if avoid intersection would change the geometry type, 3 other error during intersection removal
ignoreFeaturespossibility to give a list of features where intersections should be ignored (not available in python bindings)
QgsRectangle QgsGeometry::boundingBox ( )

Returns the bounding box of this feature.

QgsGeometry * QgsGeometry::buffer ( double  distance,
int  segments 

Returns a buffer region around this geometry having the given width and with a specified number of segments used to approximate curves.

QgsGeometry * QgsGeometry::buffer ( double  distance,
int  segments,
int  endCapStyle,
int  joinStyle,
double  mitreLimit 

Returns a buffer region around the geometry, with additional style options.

distancebuffer distance
segmentsFor round joins, number of segments to approximate quarter-circle
endCapStyleRound (1) / Flat (2) / Square (3) end cap style
joinStyleRound (1) / Mitre (2) / Bevel (3) join style
mitreLimitLimit on the mitre ratio used for very sharp corners
added in 2.4
needs GEOS >= 3.3 - otherwise always returns 0
QgsGeometry * QgsGeometry::centroid ( )

Returns the center of mass of a geometry.

for line based geometries, the center point of the line is returned, and for point based geometries, the point itself is returned
double QgsGeometry::closestSegmentWithContext ( const QgsPoint point,
QgsPoint minDistPoint,
int &  afterVertex,
double *  leftOf = 0,
double  epsilon = DEFAULT_SEGMENT_EPSILON 

Searches for the closest segment of geometry to the given point.

pointSpecifies the point for search
minDistPointReceives the nearest point on the segment
afterVertexReceives index of the vertex after the closest segment. The vertex before the closest segment is always afterVertex - 1
leftOfOut: Returns if the point lies on the left of right side of the segment ( < 0 means left, > 0 means right )
epsilonepsilon for segment snapping
The squared cartesian distance is also returned in sqrDist, negative number on error
QgsPoint QgsGeometry::closestVertex ( const QgsPoint point,
int &  atVertex,
int &  beforeVertex,
int &  afterVertex,
double &  sqrDist 

Returns the vertex closest to the given point, the corresponding vertex index, squared distance snap point / target point and the indices of the vertices before/after.

The vertices before/after are -1 if not present

double QgsGeometry::closestVertexWithContext ( const QgsPoint point,
int &  atVertex 

Searches for the closest vertex in this geometry to the given point.

pointSpecifiest the point for search
atVertexReceives index of the closest vertex
The squared cartesian distance is also returned in sqrDist, negative number on error
QgsGeometry * QgsGeometry::combine ( QgsGeometry geometry)

Returns a geometry representing all the points in this geometry and other (a union geometry operation).

this operation is not called union since its a reserved word in C++.
bool QgsGeometry::contains ( const QgsPoint p) const

Test for containment of a point (uses GEOS)

bool QgsGeometry::contains ( const QgsGeometry geometry) const

Test for if geometry is contained in another (uses GEOS)

bool QgsGeometry::convertToMultiType ( )

Converts single type geometry into multitype geometry e.g.

a polygon into a multipolygon geometry with one polygon

true in case of success and false else
QgsGeometry * QgsGeometry::convertToType ( QGis::GeometryType  destType,
bool  destMultipart = false 

try to convert the geometry to the requested type

destTypethe geometry type to be converted to
destMultipartdetermines if the output geometry will be multipart or not
the converted geometry or NULL pointer if the conversion fails.
added in 2.2
QgsGeometry * QgsGeometry::convexHull ( )

Returns the smallest convex polygon that contains all the points in the geometry.

bool QgsGeometry::crosses ( const QgsGeometry geometry) const

Test for if geometry crosses another (uses GEOS)

bool QgsGeometry::deletePart ( int  partNum)

delete part identified by the part number

true on success
bool QgsGeometry::deleteRing ( int  ringNum,
int  partNum = 0 

delete a ring in polygon or multipolygon.

Ring 0 is outer ring and can't be deleted.

true on success
bool QgsGeometry::deleteVertex ( int  atVertex)

Deletes the vertex at the given position number and item (first number is index 0) Returns false if atVertex does not correspond to a valid vertex on this geometry (including if this geometry is a Point), or if the number of remaining verticies in the linestring would be less than two.

It is up to the caller to distinguish between these error conditions. (Or maybe we add another method to this object to help make the distinction?)

QgsGeometry * QgsGeometry::difference ( QgsGeometry geometry)

Returns a geometry representing the points making up this geometry that do not make up other.

bool QgsGeometry::disjoint ( const QgsGeometry geometry) const

Test for if geometry is disjoint of another (uses GEOS)

double QgsGeometry::distance ( QgsGeometry geom)
bool QgsGeometry::equals ( const QgsGeometry geometry) const

Test for if geometry equals another (uses GEOS)

QString QgsGeometry::exportToGeoJSON ( const int &  precision = 17) const

Exports the geometry to GeoJSON.

a QString representing the geometry as GeoJSON
precision parameter added in 2.4
QString QgsGeometry::exportToWkt ( const int &  precision = 17) const

Exports the geometry to WKT.

precision parameter added in 2.4
true in case of success and false else
void QgsGeometry::fromGeos ( GEOSGeometry *  geos)

Set the geometry, feeding in a geometry in GEOS format.

This class will take ownership of the buffer.

not available in python bindings
QgsGeometry * QgsGeometry::fromMultiPoint ( const QgsMultiPoint multipoint)

construct geometry from a multipoint

QgsGeometry * QgsGeometry::fromMultiPolygon ( const QgsMultiPolygon multipoly)

construct geometry from a multipolygon

QgsGeometry * QgsGeometry::fromMultiPolyline ( const QgsMultiPolyline multiline)

construct geometry from a multipolyline

QgsGeometry * QgsGeometry::fromPoint ( const QgsPoint point)

construct geometry from a point

QgsGeometry * QgsGeometry::fromPolygon ( const QgsPolygon polygon)

construct geometry from a polygon

QgsGeometry * QgsGeometry::fromPolyline ( const QgsPolyline polyline)

construct geometry from a polyline

QgsGeometry * QgsGeometry::fromRect ( const QgsRectangle rect)

construct geometry from a rectangle

void QgsGeometry::fromWkb ( unsigned char *  wkb,
size_t  length 

Set the geometry, feeding in the buffer containing OGC Well-Known Binary and the buffer's length.

This class will take ownership of the buffer.

QgsGeometry * QgsGeometry::fromWkt ( QString  wkt)

static method that creates geometry from Wkt

GEOSContextHandle_t QgsGeometry::getGEOSHandler ( )

return GEOS context handle

added in 2.6
not available in Python
bool QgsGeometry::insertVertex ( double  x,
double  y,
int  beforeVertex 

Insert a new vertex before the given vertex index, ring and item (first number is index 0) If the requested vertex number (beforeVertex.back()) is greater than the last actual vertex on the requested ring and item, it is assumed that the vertex is to be appended instead of inserted.

Returns false if atVertex does not correspond to a valid vertex on this geometry (including if this geometry is a Point). It is up to the caller to distinguish between these error conditions. (Or maybe we add another method to this object to help make the distinction?)

QgsGeometry * QgsGeometry::interpolate ( double  distance)
QgsGeometry * QgsGeometry::intersection ( QgsGeometry geometry)

Returns a geometry representing the points shared by this geometry and other.

bool QgsGeometry::intersects ( const QgsRectangle r) const

Test for intersection with a rectangle (uses GEOS)

bool QgsGeometry::intersects ( const QgsGeometry geometry) const

Test for intersection with a geometry (uses GEOS)

bool QgsGeometry::isGeosEmpty ( )

check if geometry is empty using GEOS

bool QgsGeometry::isGeosEqual ( QgsGeometry g)

compare geometries using GEOS

bool QgsGeometry::isGeosValid ( )

check validity using GEOS

bool QgsGeometry::isMultipart ( )

Returns true if wkb of the geometry is of WKBMulti* type.

double QgsGeometry::length ( )

get length of geometry using GEOS

int QgsGeometry::makeDifference ( QgsGeometry other)

Changes this geometry such that it does not intersect the other geometry.

othergeometry that should not be intersect
0 in case of success
bool QgsGeometry::moveVertex ( double  x,
double  y,
int  atVertex 

Moves the vertex at the given position number and item (first number is index 0) to the given coordinates.

Returns false if atVertex does not correspond to a valid vertex on this geometry

QgsGeometry * QgsGeometry::offsetCurve ( double  distance,
int  segments,
int  joinStyle,
double  mitreLimit 

Returns an offset line at a given distance and side from an input line.

See buffer() method for details on parameters.

added in 2.4
needs GEOS >= 3.3 - otherwise always returns 0
QgsGeometry & QgsGeometry::operator= ( QgsGeometry const &  rhs)

assignments will prompt a deep copy of the object

not available in python bindings
bool QgsGeometry::overlaps ( const QgsGeometry geometry) const

Test for if geometry overlaps another (uses GEOS)

QgsGeometry * QgsGeometry::pointOnSurface ( )

Returns a point within a geometry.

int QgsGeometry::reshapeGeometry ( const QList< QgsPoint > &  reshapeWithLine)

Replaces a part of this geometry with another line.

0 in case of success
QgsGeometry * QgsGeometry::simplify ( double  tolerance)

Returns a simplified version of this geometry using a specified tolerance value.

int QgsGeometry::splitGeometry ( const QList< QgsPoint > &  splitLine,
QList< QgsGeometry * > &  newGeometries,
bool  topological,
QList< QgsPoint > &  topologyTestPoints 

Splits this geometry according to a given line.

Note that the geometry is only split once. If there are several intersections between geometry and splitLine, only the first one is considered.

splitLinethe line that splits the geometry
[out]newGeometrieslist of new geometries that have been created with the split
topologicaltrue if topological editing is enabled
[out]topologyTestPointspoints that need to be tested for topological completeness in the dataset
0 in case of success, 1 if geometry has not been split, error else
double QgsGeometry::sqrDistToVertexAt ( QgsPoint point,
int  atVertex 

Returns the squared cartesian distance between the given point to the given vertex index (vertex at the given position number, ring and item (first number is index 0))

QgsGeometry * QgsGeometry::symDifference ( QgsGeometry geometry)

Returns a Geometry representing the points making up this Geometry that do not make up other.

bool QgsGeometry::touches ( const QgsGeometry geometry) const

Test for if geometry touch another (uses GEOS)

int QgsGeometry::transform ( const QgsCoordinateTransform ct)

Transform this geometry as described by CoordinateTranasform ct.

0 in case of success
int QgsGeometry::translate ( double  dx,
double  dy 

Translate this geometry by dx, dy.

0 in case of success
QGis::GeometryType QgsGeometry::type ( )

Returns type of the vector.

QgsGeometry * QgsGeometry::unaryUnion ( const QList< QgsGeometry * > &  geometryList)

compute the unary union on a list of geometries.

May be faster than an iterative union on a set of geometries.

geometryLista list of QgsGeometry* as input
the new computed QgsGeometry, or null
void QgsGeometry::validateGeometry ( QList< Error > &  errors)

Validate geometry and produce a list of geometry errors.

QgsPoint QgsGeometry::vertexAt ( int  atVertex)

Returns coordinates of a vertex.

atVertexindex of the vertex
Coordinates of the vertex or QgsPoint(0,0) on error
bool QgsGeometry::within ( const QgsGeometry geometry) const

Test for if geometry is within another (uses GEOS)

size_t QgsGeometry::wkbSize ( ) const

Returns the size of the WKB in asWkb().

QGis::WkbType QgsGeometry::wkbType ( ) const

Returns type of wkb (point / linestring / polygon etc.)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: