QGIS API Documentation  2.12.0-Lyon
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /***************************************************************************
2  * qgsprojectionselector.cpp *
3  * Copyright (C) 2005 by Tim Sutton *
5  * *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
8  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
9  * (at your option) any later version. *
10  ***************************************************************************/
11 #include <qgsprojectionselector.h>
13 //standard includes
14 #include <sqlite3.h>
16 //qgis includes
17 #include "qgis.h" //magic numbers here
18 #include "qgsapplication.h"
19 #include "qgslogger.h"
22 //qt includes
23 #include <QFileInfo>
24 #include <QHeaderView>
25 #include <QResizeEvent>
26 #include <QMessageBox>
27 #include <QSettings>
30  : QWidget( parent, fl )
31  , mUserProjList( NULL )
32  , mGeoList( NULL )
33  , mProjList( NULL )
34  , mProjListDone( false )
35  , mUserProjListDone( false )
36  , mRecentProjListDone( false )
37  , mSearchColumn( NONE )
38  , mPushProjectionToFront( false )
39 {
40  Q_UNUSED( name );
41  setupUi( this );
43  if ( qobject_cast<QDialog*>( parent ) )
44  {
45  // mark selected projection for push to front if parent dialog is accepted
46  connect( parent, SIGNAL( accepted() ), this, SLOT( pushProjectionToFront() ) );
47  }
49  // Get the full path name to the sqlite3 spatial reference database.
50  mSrsDatabaseFileName = QgsApplication::srsDbFilePath();
52  lstCoordinateSystems->header()->setResizeMode( AUTHID_COLUMN, QHeaderView::Stretch );
53  lstCoordinateSystems->header()->resizeSection( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN, 0 );
54  lstCoordinateSystems->header()->setResizeMode( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN, QHeaderView::Fixed );
56  // Hide (internal) ID column
57  lstCoordinateSystems->setColumnHidden( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN, true );
59  lstRecent->header()->setResizeMode( AUTHID_COLUMN, QHeaderView::Stretch );
60  lstRecent->header()->resizeSection( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN, 0 );
61  lstRecent->header()->setResizeMode( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN, QHeaderView::Fixed );
63  // Hide (internal) ID column
64  lstRecent->setColumnHidden( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN, true );
67 }
70 {
71  if ( !mPushProjectionToFront )
72  {
73  return;
74  }
76  // Push current projection to front, only if set
77  long crsId = selectedCrsId();
78  if ( crsId == 0 )
79  return;
81  // Save persistent list of projects
82  mRecentProjections.removeAll( QString::number( crsId ) );
83  mRecentProjections.prepend( QString::number( crsId ) );
84  // Prune size of list
85  while ( mRecentProjections.size() > 8 )
86  {
87  mRecentProjections.removeLast();
88  }
90  // Save to file *** Should be removed sometims in the future ***
91  QSettings settings;
92  settings.setValue( "/UI/recentProjections", mRecentProjections );
94  // Convert to EPSG and proj4, and save those values also
96  QStringList projectionsProj4;
97  QStringList projectionsAuthId;
98  for ( int i = 0; i < mRecentProjections.size(); i++ )
99  {
100  // Create a crs from the crsId
101  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs( mRecentProjections.at( i ).toLong(), QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::InternalCrsId );
102  if ( ! crs.isValid() )
103  {
104  // No? Skip this entry
105  continue;
106  }
107  projectionsProj4 << crs.toProj4();
108  projectionsAuthId << crs.authid();
109  }
110  settings.setValue( "/UI/recentProjectionsProj4", projectionsProj4 );
111  settings.setValue( "/UI/recentProjectionsAuthId", projectionsAuthId );
112 }
115 {
116  lstCoordinateSystems->header()->resizeSection( NAME_COLUMN, theEvent->size().width() - 240 );
117  lstCoordinateSystems->header()->resizeSection( AUTHID_COLUMN, 240 );
118  lstCoordinateSystems->header()->resizeSection( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN, 0 );
120  lstRecent->header()->resizeSection( NAME_COLUMN, theEvent->size().width() - 240 );
121  lstRecent->header()->resizeSection( AUTHID_COLUMN, 240 );
122  lstRecent->header()->resizeSection( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN, 0 );
123 }
126 {
127  // ensure the projection list view is actually populated
128  // before we show this widget
129  loadCrsList( &mCrsFilter );
130  loadUserCrsList( &mCrsFilter );
132  if ( !mRecentProjListDone )
133  {
134  for ( int i = mRecentProjections.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
135  insertRecent( mRecentProjections.at( i ).toLong() );
136  mRecentProjListDone = true;
137  }
139  // apply deferred selection
140  applySelection();
142  emit initialized();
144  // Pass up the inheritance hierarchy
145  QWidget::showEvent( theEvent );
146 }
148 QString QgsProjectionSelector::ogcWmsCrsFilterAsSqlExpression( QSet<QString> * crsFilter )
149 {
150  QString sqlExpression = "1"; // it's "SQL" for "true"
151  QMap<QString, QStringList> authParts;
153  if ( !crsFilter )
154  return sqlExpression;
156  /*
157  Ref: WMS 1.3.0, section 6.7.3 "Layer CRS":
159  Every Layer CRS has an identifier that is a character string. Two types of
160  Layer CRS identifiers are permitted: "label" and "URL" identifiers:
162  Label: The identifier includes a namespace prefix, a colon, a numeric or
163  string code, and in some instances a comma followed by additional
164  parameters. This International Standard defines three namespaces:
165  CRS, EpsgCrsId and AUTO2 [...]
167  URL: The identifier is a fully-qualified Uniform Resource Locator that
168  references a publicly-accessible file containing a definition of the CRS
169  that is compliant with ISO 19111.
170  */
172  // iterate through all incoming CRSs
174  Q_FOREACH ( const QString& auth_id, crsFilter->values() )
175  {
176  QStringList parts = auth_id.split( ":" );
178  if ( parts.size() < 2 )
179  continue;
181  authParts[ parts.at( 0 ).toUpper()].append( parts.at( 1 ).toUpper() );
182  }
184  if ( authParts.isEmpty() )
185  return sqlExpression;
187  if ( authParts.size() > 0 )
188  {
189  QString prefix = " AND (";
190  Q_FOREACH ( const QString& auth_name, authParts.keys() )
191  {
192  sqlExpression += QString( "%1(upper(auth_name)='%2' AND upper(auth_id) IN ('%3'))" )
193  .arg( prefix,
194  auth_name,
195  authParts[auth_name].join( "','" ) );
196  prefix = " OR ";
197  }
198  sqlExpression += ")";
199  }
201  QgsDebugMsg( "exiting with '" + sqlExpression + "'." );
203  return sqlExpression;
204 }
207 {
208  applySelection( NAME_COLUMN, theCRSName );
209 }
212 {
213  applySelection( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN, QString::number( theCRSID ) );
214 }
217 {
218  applySelection( AUTHID_COLUMN, id );
219 }
221 void QgsProjectionSelector::applySelection( int column, QString value )
222 {
223  if ( !mProjListDone || !mUserProjListDone )
224  {
225  // defer selection until loaded
226  mSearchColumn = column;
227  mSearchValue = value;
228  return;
229  }
231  if ( column == NONE )
232  {
233  // invoked deferred selection
234  column = mSearchColumn;
235  value = mSearchValue;
237  mSearchColumn = NONE;
238  mSearchValue.clear();
239  }
241  if ( column == NONE )
242  return;
244  QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> nodes = lstCoordinateSystems->findItems( value, Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchRecursive, column );
245  if ( nodes.count() > 0 )
246  {
247  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "found %1,%2" ).arg( column ).arg( value ) );
248  lstCoordinateSystems->setCurrentItem( nodes.first() );
249  }
250  else
251  {
252  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "nothing found for %1,%2" ).arg( column ).arg( value ) );
253  // unselect the selected item to avoid confusing the user
254  lstCoordinateSystems->clearSelection();
255  lstRecent->clearSelection();
256  teProjection->setText( "" );
257  teSelected->setText( "" );
258  }
259 }
261 void QgsProjectionSelector::insertRecent( long theCrsId )
262 {
263  if ( !mProjListDone || !mUserProjListDone )
264  return;
266  QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> nodes = lstCoordinateSystems->findItems( QString::number( theCrsId ), Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchRecursive, QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN );
267  if ( nodes.count() == 0 )
268  return;
270  lstRecent->insertTopLevelItem( 0, new QTreeWidgetItem( lstRecent, QStringList()
271  << nodes.first()->text( NAME_COLUMN )
272  << nodes.first()->text( AUTHID_COLUMN )
273  << nodes.first()->text( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN ) ) );
274 }
276 //note this line just returns the projection name!
278 {
279  // return the selected wkt name from the list view
280  QTreeWidgetItem *lvi = lstCoordinateSystems->currentItem();
281  return lvi ? lvi->text( NAME_COLUMN ) : QString::null;
282 }
284 // Returns the whole proj4 string for the selected projection node
286 {
287  // Only return the projection if there is a node in the tree
288  // selected that has an srid. This prevents error if the user
289  // selects a top-level node rather than an actual coordinate
290  // system
291  //
292  // Get the selected node
293  QTreeWidgetItem *item = lstCoordinateSystems->currentItem();
294  if ( !item || item->text( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN ).isEmpty() )
295  return "";
297  QString srsId = item->text( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN );
299  QgsDebugMsg( "srsId = " + srsId );
300  QgsDebugMsg( "USER_CRS_START_ID = " + QString::number( USER_CRS_START_ID ) );
302  //
303  // Determine if this is a user projection or a system on
304  // user projection defs all have srs_id >= 100000
305  //
306  QString databaseFileName;
307  if ( srsId.toLong() >= USER_CRS_START_ID )
308  {
309  databaseFileName = QgsApplication::qgisUserDbFilePath();
310  if ( !QFileInfo( databaseFileName ).exists() ) //its unlikely that this condition will ever be reached
311  return QString();
312  }
313  else //must be a system projection then
314  {
315  databaseFileName = mSrsDatabaseFileName;
316  }
318  QgsDebugMsg( "db = " + databaseFileName );
320  sqlite3 *database;
321  int rc = sqlite3_open_v2( databaseFileName.toUtf8().data(), &database, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, NULL );
322  if ( rc )
323  {
324  showDBMissingWarning( databaseFileName );
325  return "";
326  }
328  // prepare the sql statement
329  const char *tail;
330  sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
331  QString sql = QString( "select parameters from tbl_srs where srs_id=%1" ).arg( srsId );
333  QgsDebugMsg( "Selection sql: " + sql );
335  rc = sqlite3_prepare( database, sql.toUtf8(), sql.toUtf8().length(), &stmt, &tail );
336  // XXX Need to free memory from the error msg if one is set
337  QString projString;
338  if ( rc == SQLITE_OK && sqlite3_step( stmt ) == SQLITE_ROW )
339  {
340  projString = QString::fromUtf8(( char * )sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 0 ) );
341  }
343  // close the statement
344  sqlite3_finalize( stmt );
345  // close the database
346  sqlite3_close( database );
348  Q_ASSERT( !projString.isEmpty() );
350  return projString;
351 }
353 QString QgsProjectionSelector::getSelectedExpression( const QString& expression )
354 {
355  // Only return the attribute if there is a node in the tree
356  // selected that has an srs_id. This prevents error if the user
357  // selects a top-level node rather than an actual coordinate
358  // system
359  //
360  // Get the selected node and make sure it is a srs andx
361  // not a top-level projection node
362  QTreeWidgetItem *lvi = lstCoordinateSystems->currentItem();
363  if ( !lvi || lvi->text( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN ).isEmpty() )
364  return 0;
366  //
367  // Determine if this is a user projection or a system on
368  // user projection defs all have srs_id >= 100000
369  //
370  QString databaseFileName;
371  if ( lvi->text( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN ).toLong() >= USER_CRS_START_ID )
372  {
373  databaseFileName = QgsApplication::qgisUserDbFilePath();
374  if ( !QFileInfo( databaseFileName ).exists() )
375  {
376  return 0;
377  }
378  }
379  else
380  {
381  databaseFileName = mSrsDatabaseFileName;
382  }
384  //
385  // set up the database
386  // XXX We could probabaly hold the database open for the life of this object,
387  // assuming that it will never be used anywhere else. Given the low overhead,
388  // opening it each time seems to be a reasonable approach at this time.
389  sqlite3 *database;
390  int rc = sqlite3_open_v2( databaseFileName.toUtf8().data(), &database, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, NULL );
391  if ( rc )
392  {
393  showDBMissingWarning( databaseFileName );
394  return 0;
395  }
397  // prepare the sql statement
398  const char *tail;
399  sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
400  QString sql = QString( "select %1 from tbl_srs where srs_id=%2" )
401  .arg( expression,
402  lvi->text( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN ) );
404  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Finding selected attribute using : %1" ).arg( sql ) );
405  rc = sqlite3_prepare( database, sql.toUtf8(), sql.toUtf8().length(), &stmt, &tail );
406  // XXX Need to free memory from the error msg if one is set
407  QString attributeValue;
408  if ( rc == SQLITE_OK && sqlite3_step( stmt ) == SQLITE_ROW )
409  {
410  // get the first row of the result set
411  attributeValue = QString::fromUtf8(( char * )sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 0 ) );
412  }
414  // close the statement
415  sqlite3_finalize( stmt );
416  // close the database
417  sqlite3_close( database );
419  // return the srs
420  return attributeValue;
421 }
425 {
426  return getSelectedExpression( "srid" ).toLong();
427 }
431 {
432  int srid = getSelectedExpression( "srs_id" ).toLong();
433  if ( srid >= USER_CRS_START_ID )
434  return QString( "USER:%1" ).arg( srid );
435  else
436  return getSelectedExpression( "upper(auth_name||':'||auth_id)" );
437 }
440 {
441  QTreeWidgetItem* item = lstCoordinateSystems->currentItem();
443  if ( item && !item->text( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN ).isEmpty() )
444  return lstCoordinateSystems->currentItem()->text( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN ).toLong();
445  else
446  return 0;
447 }
451 {
452  mCrsFilter = crsFilter;
453  mProjListDone = false;
454  mUserProjListDone = false;
455  lstCoordinateSystems->clear();
456 }
459 {
460  if ( mUserProjListDone )
461  return;
463  QgsDebugMsg( "Fetching user projection list..." );
465  // convert our Coordinate Reference System filter into the SQL expression
466  QString sqlFilter = ogcWmsCrsFilterAsSqlExpression( crsFilter );
468  // User defined coordinate system node
469  // Make in an italic font to distinguish them from real projections
470  mUserProjList = new QTreeWidgetItem( lstCoordinateSystems, QStringList( tr( "User Defined Coordinate Systems" ) ) );
472  QFont fontTemp = mUserProjList->font( 0 );
473  fontTemp.setItalic( true );
474  fontTemp.setBold( true );
475  mUserProjList->setFont( 0, fontTemp );
476  mUserProjList->setIcon( 0, QIcon( QgsApplication::activeThemePath() + "user.png" ) );
478  //determine where the user proj database lives for this user. If none is found an empty
479  //now only will be shown
480  QString databaseFileName = QgsApplication::qgisUserDbFilePath();
481  // first we look for ~/.qgis/qgis.db
482  // if it doesnt exist we copy it in from the global resources dir
484  //return straight away if the user has not created any custom projections
485  if ( !QFileInfo( databaseFileName ).exists() )
486  {
487  QgsDebugMsg( "Users qgis.db not found...skipping" );
488  mUserProjListDone = true;
489  return;
490  }
492  sqlite3 *database;
493  const char *tail;
494  sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
495  //check the db is available
496  int result = sqlite3_open_v2( databaseFileName.toUtf8().constData(), &database, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, NULL );
497  if ( result )
498  {
499  // XXX This will likely never happen since on open, sqlite creates the
500  // database if it does not exist. But we checked earlier for its existance
501  // and aborted in that case. This is because we may be runnig from read only
502  // media such as live cd and don't want to force trying to create a db.
503  showDBMissingWarning( databaseFileName );
504  return;
505  }
507  // Set up the query to retrieve the projection information needed to populate the list
508  QString sql = QString( "select description, srs_id from vw_srs where %1" ).arg( sqlFilter );
510  result = sqlite3_prepare( database, sql.toUtf8(), sql.toUtf8().length(), &stmt, &tail );
511  // XXX Need to free memory from the error msg if one is set
512  if ( result == SQLITE_OK )
513  {
514  QTreeWidgetItem *newItem;
515  while ( sqlite3_step( stmt ) == SQLITE_ROW )
516  {
517  newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( mUserProjList, QStringList( QString::fromUtf8(( char * )sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 0 ) ) ) );
518  // EpsgCrsId for user projections is not always defined in some dbases.
519  // It's also not written from customprojections dialog.
520  // display the epsg (field 2) in the second column of the list view
521  // newItem->setText( EPSG_COLUMN, QString::fromUtf8(( char * )sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 2 ) ) );
522  // display the qgis srs_id (field 1) in the third column of the list view
523  newItem->setText( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN, QString::fromUtf8(( char * )sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 1 ) ) );
524  newItem->setText( AUTHID_COLUMN, QString( "USER:%1" ).arg( QString::fromUtf8(( char * )sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 1 ) ).toInt() ) );
525  }
526  }
527  // close the sqlite3 statement
528  sqlite3_finalize( stmt );
529  sqlite3_close( database );
531  mUserProjListDone = true;
532 }
535 {
536  if ( mProjListDone )
537  return;
539  // convert our Coordinate Reference System filter into the SQL expression
540  QString sqlFilter = ogcWmsCrsFilterAsSqlExpression( crsFilter );
542  // Create the top-level nodes for the list view of projections
543  // Make in an italic font to distinguish them from real projections
544  //
545  // Geographic coordinate system node
546  mGeoList = new QTreeWidgetItem( lstCoordinateSystems, QStringList( tr( "Geographic Coordinate Systems" ) ) );
548  QFont fontTemp = mGeoList->font( 0 );
549  fontTemp.setItalic( true );
550  fontTemp.setBold( true );
551  mGeoList->setFont( 0, fontTemp );
552  mGeoList->setIcon( 0, QIcon( QgsApplication::activeThemePath() + "geographic.png" ) );
554  // Projected coordinate system node
555  mProjList = new QTreeWidgetItem( lstCoordinateSystems, QStringList( tr( "Projected Coordinate Systems" ) ) );
557  fontTemp = mProjList->font( 0 );
558  fontTemp.setItalic( true );
559  fontTemp.setBold( true );
560  mProjList->setFont( 0, fontTemp );
561  mProjList->setIcon( 0, QIcon( QgsApplication::activeThemePath() + "transformed.png" ) );
563  //bail out in case the projections db does not exist
564  //this is necessary in case the pc is running linux with a
565  //read only filesystem because otherwise sqlite will try
566  //to create the db file on the fly
568  if ( !QFileInfo( mSrsDatabaseFileName ).exists() )
569  {
570  mProjListDone = true;
571  return;
572  }
574  // open the database containing the spatial reference data
575  sqlite3 *database;
576  int rc = sqlite3_open_v2( mSrsDatabaseFileName.toUtf8().data(), &database, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, NULL );
577  if ( rc )
578  {
579  // XXX This will likely never happen since on open, sqlite creates the
580  // database if it does not exist.
581  showDBMissingWarning( mSrsDatabaseFileName );
582  return;
583  }
585  const char *tail;
586  sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
587  // Set up the query to retrieve the projection information needed to populate the list
588  //note I am giving the full field names for clarity here and in case someone
589  //changes the underlying view TS
590  QString sql = QString( "select description, srs_id, upper(auth_name||':'||auth_id), is_geo, name, parameters, deprecated from vw_srs where %1 order by name,description" )
591  .arg( sqlFilter );
593  rc = sqlite3_prepare( database, sql.toUtf8(), sql.toUtf8().length(), &stmt, &tail );
594  // XXX Need to free memory from the error msg if one is set
595  if ( rc == SQLITE_OK )
596  {
597  QTreeWidgetItem *newItem;
598  // Cache some stuff to speed up creating of the list of projected
599  // spatial reference systems
600  QString previousSrsType( "" );
601  QTreeWidgetItem* previousSrsTypeNode = 0;
603  while ( sqlite3_step( stmt ) == SQLITE_ROW )
604  {
605  // check to see if the srs is geographic
606  int isGeo = sqlite3_column_int( stmt, 3 );
607  if ( isGeo )
608  {
609  // this is a geographic coordinate system
610  // Add it to the tree (field 0)
611  newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( mGeoList, QStringList( QString::fromUtf8(( char * )sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 0 ) ) ) );
613  // display the authority name (field 2) in the second column of the list view
614  newItem->setText( AUTHID_COLUMN, QString::fromUtf8(( char * )sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 2 ) ) );
616  // display the qgis srs_id (field 1) in the third column of the list view
617  newItem->setText( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN, QString::fromUtf8(( char * )sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 1 ) ) );
618  }
619  else
620  {
621  // This is a projected srs
622  QTreeWidgetItem *node;
623  QString srsType = QString::fromUtf8(( char* )sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 4 ) );
624  // Find the node for this type and add the projection to it
625  // If the node doesn't exist, create it
626  if ( srsType == previousSrsType )
627  {
628  node = previousSrsTypeNode;
629  }
630  else
631  { // Different from last one, need to search
632  QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> nodes = lstCoordinateSystems->findItems( srsType, Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchRecursive, NAME_COLUMN );
633  if ( nodes.count() == 0 )
634  {
635  // the node doesn't exist -- create it
636  // Make in an italic font to distinguish them from real projections
637  node = new QTreeWidgetItem( mProjList, QStringList( srsType ) );
638  QFont fontTemp = node->font( 0 );
639  fontTemp.setItalic( true );
640  node->setFont( 0, fontTemp );
641  }
642  else
643  {
644  node = nodes.first();
645  }
646  // Update the cache.
647  previousSrsType = srsType;
648  previousSrsTypeNode = node;
649  }
650  // add the item, setting the projection name in the first column of the list view
651  newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( node, QStringList( QString::fromUtf8(( char * )sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 0 ) ) ) );
652  // display the authority id (field 2) in the second column of the list view
653  newItem->setText( AUTHID_COLUMN, QString::fromUtf8(( char * )sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 2 ) ) );
654  // display the qgis srs_id (field 1) in the third column of the list view
655  newItem->setText( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN, QString::fromUtf8(( char * )sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 1 ) ) );
656  // expand also parent node
657  newItem->parent()->setExpanded( true );
658  }
660  // display the qgis deprecated in the user data of the item
661  newItem->setData( 0, Qt::UserRole, QString::fromUtf8(( char * )sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 6 ) ) );
662  newItem->setHidden( cbxHideDeprecated->isChecked() );
663  }
664  mProjList->setExpanded( true );
665  }
667  // close the sqlite3 statement
668  sqlite3_finalize( stmt );
669  // close the database
670  sqlite3_close( database );
672  mProjListDone = true;
673 }
675 // New coordinate system selected from the list
677 {
678  QgsDebugMsg( "Entered." );
680  if ( !current )
681  {
682  QgsDebugMsg( "no current item" );
683  return;
684  }
686  lstCoordinateSystems->scrollToItem( current );
688  // If the item has children, it's not an end node in the tree, and
689  // hence is just a grouping thingy, not an actual CRS.
690  if ( current->childCount() == 0 )
691  {
692  // Found a real CRS
695  teProjection->setText( selectedProj4String() );
696  teSelected->setText( selectedName() );
698  QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> nodes = lstRecent->findItems( current->text( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN ), Qt::MatchExactly, QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN );
699  if ( nodes.count() > 0 )
700  {
701  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "found srs %1 in recent" ).arg( current->text( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN ) ) );
702  lstRecent->setCurrentItem( nodes.first() );
703  }
704  else
705  {
706  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "srs %1 not recent" ).arg( current->text( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN ) ) );
707  lstRecent->clearSelection();
708  lstCoordinateSystems->setFocus( Qt::OtherFocusReason );
709  }
710  }
711  else
712  {
713  // Not an CRS - remove the highlight so the user doesn't get too confused
714  current->setSelected( false );
715  teProjection->setText( "" );
716  teSelected->setText( "" );
717  lstRecent->clearSelection();
718  }
719 }
722 {
723  QgsDebugMsg( "Entered." );
725  if ( !current )
726  {
727  QgsDebugMsg( "no current item" );
728  return;
729  }
731  lstRecent->scrollToItem( current );
733  QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> nodes = lstCoordinateSystems->findItems( current->text( QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN ), Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchRecursive, QGIS_CRS_ID_COLUMN );
734  if ( nodes.count() > 0 )
735  lstCoordinateSystems->setCurrentItem( nodes.first() );
736 }
738 void QgsProjectionSelector::hideDeprecated( QTreeWidgetItem *item )
739 {
740  if ( item->data( 0, Qt::UserRole ).toBool() )
741  {
742  item->setHidden( cbxHideDeprecated->isChecked() );
743  if ( item->isSelected() && item->isHidden() )
744  {
745  item->setSelected( false );
746  teProjection->setText( "" );
747  teSelected->setText( "" );
748  }
749  }
751  for ( int i = 0; i < item->childCount(); i++ )
752  hideDeprecated( item->child( i ) );
753 }
756 {
757  for ( int i = 0; i < lstCoordinateSystems->topLevelItemCount(); i++ )
758  hideDeprecated( lstCoordinateSystems->topLevelItem( i ) );
759 }
762 {
763  QString filterTxt = theFilterTxt;
764  filterTxt.replace( QRegExp( "\\s+" ), ".*" );
765  QRegExp re( filterTxt, Qt::CaseInsensitive );
767  // filter recent crs's
768  QTreeWidgetItemIterator itr( lstRecent );
769  while ( *itr )
770  {
771  if (( *itr )->childCount() == 0 ) // it's an end node aka a projection
772  {
773  if (( *itr )->text( NAME_COLUMN ).contains( re )
774  || ( *itr )->text( AUTHID_COLUMN ).contains( re )
775  )
776  {
777  ( *itr )->setHidden( false );
778  QTreeWidgetItem * parent = ( *itr )->parent();
779  while ( parent )
780  {
781  parent->setExpanded( true );
782  parent->setHidden( false );
783  parent = parent->parent();
784  }
785  }
786  else
787  {
788  ( *itr )->setHidden( true );
789  }
790  }
791  else
792  {
793  ( *itr )->setHidden( true );
794  }
795  ++itr;
796  }
798  // filter crs's
799  QTreeWidgetItemIterator it( lstCoordinateSystems );
800  while ( *it )
801  {
802  if (( *it )->childCount() == 0 ) // it's an end node aka a projection
803  {
804  if (( *it )->text( NAME_COLUMN ).contains( re )
805  || ( *it )->text( AUTHID_COLUMN ).contains( re )
806  )
807  {
808  ( *it )->setHidden( false );
809  QTreeWidgetItem * parent = ( *it )->parent();
810  while ( parent )
811  {
812  parent->setExpanded( true );
813  parent->setHidden( false );
814  parent = parent->parent();
815  }
816  }
817  else
818  {
819  ( *it )->setHidden( true );
820  }
821  }
822  else
823  {
824  ( *it )->setHidden( true );
825  }
826  ++it;
827  }
828 }
832 {
833  // set flag to push selected projection to front in destructor
834  mPushProjectionToFront = true;
835 }
838 long QgsProjectionSelector::getLargestCRSIDMatch( const QString& theSql )
839 {
840  long srsId = 0;
842  //
843  // Now perform the actual search
844  //
846  sqlite3 *database;
847  const char *tail;
848  sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
849  int result;
851  // first we search the users db as any srsid there will be definition be greater than in sys db
853  //check the db is available
854  QString databaseFileName = QgsApplication::qgisUserDbFilePath();
855  if ( QFileInfo( databaseFileName ).exists() ) //only bother trying to open if the file exists
856  {
857  result = sqlite3_open_v2( databaseFileName.toUtf8().data(), &database, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, NULL );
858  if ( result )
859  {
860  // XXX This will likely never happen since on open, sqlite creates the
861  // database if it does not exist. But we checked earlier for its existance
862  // and aborted in that case. This is because we may be runnig from read only
863  // media such as live cd and don't want to force trying to create a db.
864  showDBMissingWarning( databaseFileName );
865  return 0;
866  }
868  result = sqlite3_prepare( database, theSql.toUtf8(), theSql.toUtf8().length(), &stmt, &tail );
869  // XXX Need to free memory from the error msg if one is set
870  if ( result == SQLITE_OK && sqlite3_step( stmt ) == SQLITE_ROW )
871  {
872  QString srsIdString = QString::fromUtf8(( char * )sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 0 ) );
873  srsId = srsIdString.toLong();
874  // close the sqlite3 statement
875  sqlite3_finalize( stmt );
876  sqlite3_close( database );
877  return srsId;
878  }
879  }
880  else
881  {
882  //only bother looking in srs.db if it wasnt found above
883  result = sqlite3_open_v2( mSrsDatabaseFileName.toUtf8().data(), &database, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, NULL );
884  if ( result )
885  {
886  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Can't open * user * database: %1" ).arg( sqlite3_errmsg( database ) ) );
887  //no need for assert because user db may not have been created yet
888  return 0;
889  }
890  }
892  result = sqlite3_prepare( database, theSql.toUtf8(), theSql.toUtf8().length(), &stmt, &tail );
893  // XXX Need to free memory from the error msg if one is set
894  if ( result == SQLITE_OK && sqlite3_step( stmt ) == SQLITE_ROW )
895  {
896  QString srsIdString = QString::fromUtf8(( char * )sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 0 ) );
897  srsId = srsIdString.toLong();
898  }
900  // close the sqlite3 statement
901  sqlite3_finalize( stmt );
902  sqlite3_close( database );
904  return srsId;
905 }
907 QStringList QgsProjectionSelector::authorities()
908 {
909  sqlite3 *database;
910  const char *tail;
911  sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
913  int result = sqlite3_open_v2( mSrsDatabaseFileName.toUtf8().data(), &database, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, NULL );
914  if ( result )
915  {
916  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Can't open * user * database: %1" ).arg( sqlite3_errmsg( database ) ) );
917  //no need for assert because user db may not have been created yet
918  return QStringList();
919  }
921  QString theSql = "select distinct auth_name from tbl_srs";
922  result = sqlite3_prepare( database, theSql.toUtf8(), theSql.toUtf8().length(), &stmt, &tail );
924  QStringList authorities;
925  if ( result == SQLITE_OK )
926  {
927  while ( sqlite3_step( stmt ) == SQLITE_ROW )
928  {
929  authorities << QString::fromUtf8(( char * )sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 0 ) );
930  }
932  }
934  // close the sqlite3 statement
935  sqlite3_finalize( stmt );
936  sqlite3_close( database );
938  return authorities;
939 }
951 {
952  QString retval = theSQL;
953  retval.replace( "\\", "\\\\" );
954  retval.replace( '\"', "\\\"" );
955  retval.replace( "\'", "\\'" );
956  retval.replace( "%", "\\%" );
957  return retval;
958 }
960 void QgsProjectionSelector::showDBMissingWarning( const QString& theFileName )
961 {
963  QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "Resource Location Error" ),
964  tr( "Error reading database file from: \n %1\n"
965  "Because of this the projection selector will not work..." )
966  .arg( theFileName ) );
967 }
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *theEvent) override
Used to manage column sizes.
void setupUi(QWidget *widget)
int width() const
bool isSelected() const
static QString qgisUserDbFilePath()
Returns the path to the user qgis.db file.
const QString sqlSafeString(const QString &theSQL)
Make the string safe for use in SQL statements. This involves escaping single quotes, double quotes, backslashes, and optionally, percentage symbols. Percentage symbols are used as wildcards sometimes and so when using the string as part of the LIKE phrase of a select statement, should be escaped.
QTreeWidgetItem * child(int index) const
#define QgsDebugMsg(str)
Definition: qgslogger.h:33
void setFont(int column, const QFont &font)
QStringList split(const QString &sep, SplitBehavior behavior, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const
const T & at(int i) const
void setSelectedCrsId(long theCRSID)
void setIcon(int column, const QIcon &icon)
virtual void setData(int column, int role, const QVariant &value)
int length() const
virtual QVariant data(int column, int role) const
long selectedPostgresSrId()
Gets the current PostGIS-style projection identifier.
void loadUserCrsList(QSet< QString > *crsFilter=0)
Populate the proj tree view with user defined projection names...
QString tr(const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation, int n)
int size() const
void on_lstRecent_currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *current, QTreeWidgetItem *prev)
void clear()
void setBold(bool enable)
QList< Key > keys() const
void setValue(const QString &key, const QVariant &value)
virtual void showEvent(QShowEvent *event)
QString number(int n, int base)
int count(const T &value) const
QString selectedAuthId()
Gets the current authority-style projection identifier.
QString fromUtf8(const char *str, int size)
void setSelectedCrsName(const QString &theCRSName)
QList< T > values() const
QgsProjectionSelector(QWidget *parent, const char *name="", const Qt::WindowFlags &fl=0)
static QStringList recentProjections()
Returns a list of recently used projections.
bool isEmpty() const
int removeAll(const T &value)
const char * constData() const
QFont font(int column) const
bool isHidden() const
void on_lstCoordinateSystems_currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *current, QTreeWidgetItem *prev)
T & first()
void sridSelected(QString theSRID)
void on_leSearch_textChanged(const QString &)
void pushProjectionToFront()
mark selected projection for push to front
void setSelectedAuthId(const QString &authId)
void setHidden(bool hide)
struct sqlite3 sqlite3
const QSize & size() const
QTreeWidgetItem * parent() const
void setItalic(bool enable)
long toLong(bool *ok, int base) const
QString & replace(int position, int n, QChar after)
Magick number that determines whether a projection crsid is a system (srs.db) or user (~/...
Definition: qgis.h:349
void setExpanded(bool expand)
void loadCrsList(QSet< QString > *crsFilter=0)
Populate the proj tree view with system projection names...
static QString activeThemePath()
Returns the path to the currently active theme directory.
void setOgcWmsCrsFilter(const QSet< QString > &crsFilter)
filters this widget by the given CRSs
void setSelected(bool select)
Class for storing a coordinate reference system (CRS)
void setText(int column, const QString &text)
void initialized()
Notify others that the widget is now fully initialized, including deferred selection of projection...
StandardButton critical(QWidget *parent, const QString &title, const QString &text, QFlags< QMessageBox::StandardButton > buttons, StandardButton defaultButton)
void removeLast()
bool toBool() const
char * data()
typedef WindowFlags
void prepend(const T &value)
void showEvent(QShowEvent *theEvent) override
Used to ensure the projection list view is actually populated.
static QString srsDbFilePath()
Returns the path to the srs.db file.
bool isEmpty() const
bool connect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type)
QObject * parent() const
int childCount() const
QString arg(qlonglong a, int fieldWidth, int base, const QChar &fillChar) const
QString text(int column) const
int size() const
long selectedCrsId()
Gets the current QGIS projection identfier.
QByteArray toUtf8() const