.. only:: html
.. contents::
:depth: 1
.. _qgisimportintopostgis:
Export to PostgreSQL
Exports a vector layer to a PostgreSQL database, creating a new relation.
If a relation with the same name exists, it can be removed before the
new relation is created.
Prior to this a connection between QGIS and the PostgreSQL database has to
be created (see eg :ref:`vector_create_stored_connection`).
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 20 20 20 40
:stub-columns: 0
* - Label
- Name
- Type
- Description
* - **Layer to import**
- ``INPUT``
- [vector: any]
- Vector layer to add to the database
* - **Database (connection name)**
- [string]
- Name of the database connection (not the database name).
Existing connections will be shown in the combobox.
* - **Schema (schema name)**
- ``SCHEMA``
- [string]
Default: 'public'
- Name of the schema to store the data.
It can be a new one or already exist.
* - **Table to import to (leave blank to use layer name)**
- [string]
Default: ''
- Defines a table name for the imported vector file.
If nothing is added, the layer name will be used.
* - **Primary key field**
- [tablefield: any]
- Sets the primary key field from an existing field
in the vector layer.
A column with **unique** values can be used as
Primary key for the database.
* - **Geometry column**
- [string]
Default: 'geom'
- Defines the name of the geometry column in the
new PostGIS table.
Geometry information for the features is stored
in this column.
* - **Encoding**
- [string]
Default: 'UTF-8'
- Defines the encoding of the output layer
* - **Overwrite**
- [boolean]
Default: True
- If the specified table exists, setting this option to
``True`` will make sure that it is deleted and a new
table will be created before the features are added.
If this option is ``False`` and the table exists, the
algorithm will throw an exception ("relation already
* - **Create spatial index**
- [boolean]
Default: True
- Specifies whether to create a spatial index or not
* - **Convert field names to lowercase**
- [boolean]
Default: True
- Converts the field names of the input vector layer
to lowercase
* - **Drop length constraint on character fields**
- [boolean]
Default: False
- Should length constraints on character fields be
dropped or not
* - **Create single-part geometries instead of multi-part**
- [boolean]
Default: False
- Should the features of the output layer be
single-part instead of multi-part.
By default the existing geometries information
are preserved.
The algorithm has no output.
.. _qgisimportintospatialite:
Export to SpatiaLite
Exports a vector layer to a SpatiaLite database.
Prior to this a connection between QGIS and the SpatiaLite database has to
be created (see eg :ref:`label_spatialite`).
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 20 20 20 40
:stub-columns: 0
* - Label
- Name
- Type
- Description
* - **Layer to import**
- ``INPUT``
- [vector: any]
- Vector layer to add to the database
* - **File database**
- [vector: any]
- The SQLite/SpatiaLite database file to connect to
* - **Table to import to (leave blank to use layer name)**
- [string]
Default: ''
- Defines the table name for the imported vector file.
If nothing is specified, the layer name will be used.
* - **Primary key field**
- [tablefield: any]
- Use a field in the input vector layer as the primary key
* - **Geometry column**
- [string]
Default: 'geom'
- Defines the name of the geometry column in the new
SpatiaLite table.
Geometry information for the features is stored in this
* - **Encoding**
- [string]
Default: 'UTF-8'
- Defines the encoding of the output layer
* - **Overwrite**
- [boolean]
Default: True
- If the specified table exists, setting this option to
``True`` will make sure that it is deleted and a new
table will be created before the features of the layer is
If this option is ``False`` and the table exists, the
algorithm will throw an exception ("table already
* - **Create spatial index**
- [boolean]
Default: True
- Specifies whether to create a spatial index or not
* - **Convert field names to lowercase**
- [boolean]
Default: True
- Convert the field names of the input vector layer
to lowercase
* - **Drop length constraint on character fields**
- [boolean]
Default: False
- Should length constraints on character fields be
dropped or not
* - **Create single-part geometries instead of multi-part**
- [boolean]
Default: False
- Should the features of the output layer be
single-part instead of multi-part.
By default the existing geometries information
are preserved.
The algorithm has no output.
.. _qgispackage:
Package layers
Adds layers to a GeoPackage.
If the GeoPackage exists and ``Overwrite existing GeoPackage``
is checked, it will be overwritten (removed and recreated).
If the GeoPackage exists and ``Overwrite existing GeoPackage``
is not checked, the layer will be appended.
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 20 20 20 40
:stub-columns: 0
* - Label
- Name
- Type
- Description
* - **Input layers**
- ``LAYERS``
- [vector: any] [list]
- The (vector) layers to import into the GeoPackage.
Raster layers are not supported. If a raster layer is
added, a
:class:`QgsProcessingException `
will be thrown.
* - **Overwrite existing GeoPackage**
- [boolean]
Default: False
- If the specified GeoPackage exists, setting this option to
``True`` will make sure that it is deleted and a new one
will be created before the layers are added.
If set to ``False``, layers will be appended.
* - **Save layer styles into GeoPackage**
- [boolean]
Default: True
- Save the layer styles
* - **Destination GeoPackage**
- ``OUTPUT``
- [file]
- If not specified the GeoPackage will be saved in the
temporary folder.
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 20 20 20 40
:stub-columns: 0
* - Label
- Name
- Type
- Description
* - **Layers within new package**
- [string] [list]
- The list of layers added to the GeoPackage.
.. _qgispostgisexecuteandloadsql:
PostgreSQL execute and load SQL
Allows a SQL database query to be performed on a PostgreSQL database connected to QGIS
and loads the result. The algorithm **won't** create any new layer: it is designed to
run queries on the layer itself.
.. _qgis_postgis_execute_sql_example:
.. include:: qgis_algs_include.rst
:start-after: **postgisexecutesqlexample**
:end-before: **end_postgisexecutesqlexample**
.. seealso:: :ref:`qgispostgisexecutesql`, :ref:`qgisexecutesql`,
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 20 20 20 40
:stub-columns: 0
* - Label
- Name
- Type
- Description
* - **Database (connection name)**
- [string]
- The database connection (not the database name).
Existing connections will be shown in the combobox.
* - **SQL query**
- ``SQL``
- [string]
- Defines the SQL query, for example
``'UPDATE my_table SET field=10'``.
* - **Unique ID field name**
- ``ID_FIELD``
- [string]
Default: id
- Sets the primary key field (a column in the result table)
* - **Geometry field name**
- [string]
Default: 'geom'
- Name of the geometry column (a column in the result table)
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 20 20 20 40
:stub-columns: 0
* - Label
- Name
- Type
- Description
* - **SQL layer**
- ``OUTPUT``
- [vector: any]
- The resulting vector layer to be loaded into QGIS.
.. _qgispostgisexecutesql:
PostgreSQL execute SQL
Allows a SQL database query to be performed on a PostgreSQL database connected to QGIS.
The algorithm **won't** create any new layer: it is designed to run queries on
the layer itself.
.. include:: qgis_algs_include.rst
:start-after: **postgisexecutesqlexample**
:end-before: **end_postgisexecutesqlexample**
.. seealso:: :ref:`qgispostgisexecuteandloadsql`, :ref:`qgisexecutesql`,
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 20 20 20 40
:stub-columns: 0
* - Label
- Name
- Type
- Description
* - **Database (connection name)**
- [string]
- The database connection (not the database name).
Existing connections will be shown in the combobox.
* - **SQL query**
- ``SQL``
- [string]
- Defines the SQL query, for example
``'UPDATE my_table SET field=10'``.
No output is created.
The SQL query is executed in place.
.. _qgisspatialiteexecutesql:
SpatiaLite execute SQL
Allows a SQL database query to be performed on a SpatiaLite database connected to QGIS.
The algorithm **won't** create any new layer: it is designed to run queries on
the layer itself.
.. seealso:: :ref:`qgispostgisexecutesql`, :ref:`qgisexecutesql`
For some SQL query examples see :ref:`PostGIS SQL Query Examples
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 20 20 20 40
:stub-columns: 0
* - Label
- Name
- Type
- Description
* - **File Database**
- [vector]
Default: not set
- The SQLite/SpatiaLite database file to connect to
* - **SQL query**
- ``SQL``
- [string]
Default: ''
- Defines the SQL query, for example
``'UPDATE my_table SET field=10'``.
No output is created.
The SQL query is executed in place.