The Road Graph Plugin is a C++ plugin for QGIS that calculates the shortest path between two points on any polyline layer and plots this path over the road network.
Figure Road Graph 1:
As a roads layer, you can use any polyline vector layer in any QGIS-supported format. Two lines with a common point are considered connected. Please note, it is required to use layer CRS as project CRS while editing a roads layer. This is due to the fact that recalculation of the coordinates between different CRSs introduces some errors that can result in discontinuities, even when ‘snapping’ is used.
道路区間の速度 ( 数値フィールド);
方向 (文字列にキャストできる任意の型). 一方通行の道路は前方向と逆方向があります, 両方の方向を持つ場合は両方向の道路を示します.
After plugin activation, you will see an additional panel on the left side of the main QGIS window. Now, enter some parameters into the Road graph plugin settings dialog in the Vector ‣ Road Graph menu (see figure_road_graph_2).
Figure Road Graph 2:
After setting the Time unit, Distance unit and Topology tolerance, you can choose the vector layer in the Transportation layer tab. Here you can also choose the Direction field and Speed field. In the Default settings tab, you can set the Direction for the calculation.
最後に Shortest Path パネルで 道路ネットワークレイヤ開始と終了ポイントを選択して下した後で [Calculate] をクリックして下さい.