|updatedisclaimer| Terrain hydrology ================= Burn stream network into dem ---------------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``DEM`` [raster] ``Streams`` [raster] ``Method`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] simply decrease cell's value by epsilon * 1 --- [1] lower cell's value to neighbours minimum value minus epsilon Default: *0* ``Epsilon`` [number] Default: *1.0* Outputs ....... ``Processed DEM`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:burnstreamnetworkintodem', dem, stream, method, epsilon, burn) See also ........ Catchment area (flow tracing) ----------------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Elevation`` [raster] ``Sink Routes`` [raster] Optional. ``Weight`` [raster] Optional. ``Material`` [raster] Optional. ``Target`` [raster] Optional. ``Step`` [number] Default: *1* ``Method`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Rho 8 * 1 --- [1] Kinematic Routing Algorithm * 2 --- [2] DEMON Default: *0* ``DEMON - Min. DQV`` [number] Default: *0.0* ``Flow Correction`` [boolean] Default: *True* Outputs ....... ``Catchment Area`` [raster] ``Catchment Height`` [raster] ``Catchment Slope`` [raster] ``Total accumulated Material`` [raster] ``Accumulated Material from _left_ side`` [raster] ``Accumulated Material from _right_ side`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:catchmentareaflowtracing', elevation, sinkroute, weight, material, target, step, method, mindqv, correct, carea, cheight, cslope, accu_tot, accu_left, accu_right) See also ........ Catchment area (recursive) -------------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Elevation`` [raster] ``Sink Routes`` [raster] Optional. ``Weight`` [raster] Optional. ``Material`` [raster] Optional. ``Target`` [raster] Optional. ``Step`` [number] Default: *1* ``Target Areas`` [raster] Optional. ``Method`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Deterministic 8 * 1 --- [1] Rho 8 * 2 --- [2] Deterministic Infinity * 3 --- [3] Multiple Flow Direction Default: *0* ``Convergence`` [number] Default: *1.1* Outputs ....... ``Catchment Area`` [raster] ``Catchment Height`` [raster] ``Catchment Slope`` [raster] ``Total accumulated Material`` [raster] ``Accumulated Material from _left_ side`` [raster] ``Accumulated Material from _right_ side`` [raster] ``Flow Path Length`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:catchmentarearecursive', elevation, sinkroute, weight, material, target, step, targets, method, convergence, carea, cheight, cslope, accu_tot, accu_left, accu_right, flowlen) See also ........ Catchment Area -------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Elevation`` [raster] ``Method`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Deterministic 8 * 1 --- [1] Rho 8 * 2 --- [2] Braunschweiger Reliefmodell * 3 --- [3] Deterministic Infinity * 4 --- [4] Multiple Flow Direction * 5 --- [5] Multiple Triangular Flow Direction Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``Catchment Area`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:catchmentarea', elevation, method, carea) See also ........ Cell balance ------------ Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Elevation`` [raster] ``Parameter`` [raster] Optional. ``Default Weight`` [number] Default: *1.0* ``Method`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Deterministic 8 * 1 --- [1] Multiple Flow Direction Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``Cell Balance`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:cellbalance', dem, weights, weight, method, balance) See also ........ Edge contamination ------------------ Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Elevation`` [raster] Outputs ....... ``Edge Contamination`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:edgecontamination', dem, contamination) See also ........ Fill Sinks ---------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``DEM`` [raster] ``Minimum Slope [Degree]`` [number] Default: *0.01* Outputs ....... ``Filled DEM`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:fillsinks', dem, minslope, result) See also ........ Fill sinks (wang & liu) ----------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``DEM`` [raster] ``Minimum Slope [Degree]`` [number] Default: *0.01* Outputs ....... ``Filled DEM`` [raster] ``Flow Directions`` [raster] ``Watershed Basins`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:fillsinkswangliu', elev, minslope, filled, fdir, wshed) See also ........ Fill sinks xxl (wang & liu) --------------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``DEM`` [raster] ``Minimum Slope [Degree]`` [number] Default: *0.01* Outputs ....... ``Filled DEM`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:fillsinksxxlwangliu', elev, minslope, filled) See also ........ Flat detection -------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``DEM`` [raster] ``Flat Area Values`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] elevation * 1 --- [1] enumeration Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``No Flats`` [raster] ``Flat Areas`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:flatdetection', dem, flat_output, noflats, flats) See also ........ Flow path length ---------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Elevation`` [raster] ``Seeds`` [raster] Optional. ``Seeds Only`` [boolean] Default: *True* ``Flow Routing Algorithm`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Deterministic 8 (D8) * 1 --- [1] Multiple Flow Direction (FD8) Default: *0* ``Convergence (FD8)`` [number] Default: *1.1* Outputs ....... ``Flow Path Length`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:flowpathlength', elevation, seed, seeds_only, method, convergence, length) See also ........ Flow width and specific catchment area -------------------------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Elevation`` [raster] ``Total Catchment Area (TCA)`` [raster] Optional. ``Method`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Deterministic 8 * 1 --- [1] Multiple Flow Direction (Quinn et al. 1991) * 2 --- [2] Aspect Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``Flow Width`` [raster] ``Specific Catchment Area (SCA)`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:flowwidthandspecificcatchmentarea', dem, tca, method, width, sca) See also ........ Lake flood ---------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``DEM`` [raster] ``Seeds`` [raster] ``Absolute Water Levels`` [boolean] Default: *True* Outputs ....... ``Lake`` [raster] ``Surface`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:lakeflood', elev, seeds, level, outdepth, outlevel) See also ........ Ls factor --------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Slope`` [raster] ``Catchment Area`` [raster] ``Area to Length Conversion`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] no conversion (areas already given as specific catchment area) * 1 --- [1] 1 / cell size (specific catchment area) * 2 --- [2] square root (catchment length) Default: *0* ``Method (LS)`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Moore et al. 1991 * 1 --- [1] Desmet & Govers 1996 * 2 --- [2] Boehner & Selige 2006 Default: *0* ``Rill/Interrill Erosivity`` [number] Default: *0.0* ``Stability`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] stable * 1 --- [1] instable (thawing) Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``LS Factor`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:lsfactor', slope, area, conv, method, erosivity, stability, ls) See also ........ Saga wetness index ------------------ Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Elevation`` [raster] ``t`` [number] Default: *10* Outputs ....... ``Catchment area`` [raster] ``Catchment slope`` [raster] ``Modified catchment area`` [raster] ``Wetness index`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:sagawetnessindex', dem, t, c, gn, cs, sb) See also ........ Sink drainage route detection ----------------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Elevation`` [raster] ``Threshold`` [boolean] Default: *True* ``Threshold Height`` [number] Default: *100.0* Outputs ....... ``Sink Route`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:sinkdrainageroutedetection', elevation, threshold, thrsheight, sinkroute) See also ........ Sink removal ------------ Description ........... Parameters .......... ``DEM`` [raster] ``Sink Route`` [raster] Optional. ``Method`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Deepen Drainage Routes * 1 --- [1] Fill Sinks Default: *0* ``Threshold`` [boolean] Default: *True* ``Threshold Height`` [number] Default: *100.0* Outputs ....... ``Preprocessed DEM`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:sinkremoval', dem, sinkroute, method, threshold, thrsheight, dem_preproc) See also ........ Slope length ------------ Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Elevation`` [raster] Outputs ....... ``Slope Length`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:slopelength', dem, length) See also ........ Stream power index ------------------ Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Slope`` [raster] ``Catchment Area`` [raster] ``Area Conversion`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] no conversion (areas already given as specific catchment area) * 1 --- [1] 1 / cell size (pseudo specific catchment area) Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``Stream Power Index`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:streampowerindex', slope, area, conv, spi) See also ........ Topographic wetness index (twi) ------------------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Slope`` [raster] ``Catchment Area`` [raster] ``Transmissivity`` [raster] Optional. ``Area Conversion`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] no conversion (areas already given as specific catchment area) * 1 --- [1] 1 / cell size (pseudo specific catchment area) Default: *0* ``Method (TWI)`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Standard * 1 --- [1] TOPMODEL Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``Topographic Wetness Index`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:topographicwetnessindextwi', slope, area, trans, conv, method, twi) See also ........ Upslope Area ------------ Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Target Area`` [raster] Optional. ``Target X coordinate`` [number] Default: *0.0* ``Target Y coordinate`` [number] Default: *0.0* ``Elevation`` [raster] ``Sink Routes`` [raster] Optional. ``Method`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Deterministic 8 * 1 --- [1] Deterministic Infinity * 2 --- [2] Multiple Flow Direction Default: *0* ``Convergence`` [number] Default: *1.1* Outputs ....... ``Upslope Area`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:upslopearea', target, target_pt_x, target_pt_y, elevation, sinkroute, method, converge, area) See also ........