|updatedisclaimer| Shapes lines ============ Convert points to line(s) ------------------------- Description ........... Converts points to lines. Parameters .......... ``Points`` [vector: point] Points to convert. ``Order by...`` [tablefield: any] Lines will be ordered following this field. ``Separate by...`` [tablefield: any] Lines will be grouped according to this field. Outputs ....... ``Lines`` [vector] The resulting layer. Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:convertpointstolines', points, order, separate, lines) See also ........ Convert polygons to lines ------------------------- Description ........... Creates lines from polygons. Parameters .......... ``Polygons`` [vector: polygon] Layer to process. Outputs ....... ``Lines`` [vector] The resulting layer. Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:convertpolygonstolines', polygons, lines) See also ........ Line dissolve ------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Lines`` [vector: any] ``1. Attribute`` [tablefield: any] ``2. Attribute`` [tablefield: any] ``3. Attribute`` [tablefield: any] ``Dissolve...`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] lines with same attribute value(s) * 1 --- [1] all lines Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``Dissolved Lines`` [vector] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:linedissolve', lines, field_1, field_2, field_3, all, dissolved) See also ........ Line-polygon intersection ------------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Lines`` [vector: line] ``Polygons`` [vector: polygon] ``Output`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] one multi-line per polygon * 1 --- [1] keep original line attributes Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``Intersection`` [vector] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:linepolygonintersection', lines, polygons, method, intersect) See also ........ Line properties --------------- Description ........... Calculates some information on each line of the layer. Parameters .......... ``Lines`` [vector: line] Layer to analyze. ``Number of Parts`` [boolean] Determines whether to calculate number of segments in line. Default: *True* ``Number of Vertices`` [boolean] Determines whether to calculate number of vertices in line. Default: *True* ``Length`` [boolean] Determines whether to calculate total line lenght. Default: *True* Outputs ....... ``Lines with Property Attributes`` [vector] The resulting layer. Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:lineproperties', lines, bparts, bpoints, blength, output) See also ........ Line simplification ------------------- Description ........... Simplyfies the geometry of a lines layer. Parameters .......... ``Lines`` [vector: line] Layer to process. ``Tolerance`` [number] Simplification tolerance. Default: *1.0* Outputs ....... ``Simplified Lines`` [vector] The resulting layer. Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:linesimplification', lines, tolerance, output) See also ........