|updatedisclaimer| Grid tools ========== Aggregate --------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grid`` [raster] ``Aggregation Size`` [number] Default: *3* ``Method`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Sum * 1 --- [1] Min * 2 --- [2] Max Default: *0* Outputs ....... Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:aggregate', input, size, method) See also ........ Change grid values ------------------ Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grid`` [raster] ``Replace Condition`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Grid value equals low value * 1 --- [1] Low value < grid value < high value * 2 --- [2] Low value <= grid value < high value Default: *0* ``Lookup Table`` [fixedtable] Outputs ....... ``Changed Grid`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:changegridvalues', grid_in, method, lookup, grid_out) See also ........ Close gaps ---------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grid`` [raster] ``Mask`` [raster] Optional. ``Tension Threshold`` [number] Default: *0.1* Outputs ....... ``Changed Grid`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:closegaps', input, mask, threshold, result) See also ........ Close gaps with spline ---------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grid`` [raster] ``Mask`` [raster] Optional. ``Only Process Gaps with Less Cells`` [number] Default: *0* ``Maximum Points`` [number] Default: *1000* ``Number of Points for Local Interpolation`` [number] Default: *10* ``Extended Neighourhood`` [boolean] Default: *True* ``Neighbourhood`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Neumann * 1 --- [1] Moore Default: *0* ``Radius (Cells)`` [number] Default: *0* ``Relaxation`` [number] Default: *0.0* Outputs ....... ``Closed Gaps Grid`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:closegapswithspline', grid, mask, maxgapcells, maxpoints, localpoints, extended, neighbours, radius, relaxation, closed) See also ........ Close one cell gaps ------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grid`` [raster] Outputs ....... ``Changed Grid`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:closeonecellgaps', input, result) See also ........ Convert data storage type ------------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grid`` [raster] ``Data storage type`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] bit * 1 --- [1] unsigned 1 byte integer * 2 --- [2] signed 1 byte integer * 3 --- [3] unsigned 2 byte integer * 4 --- [4] signed 2 byte integer * 5 --- [5] unsigned 4 byte integer * 6 --- [6] signed 4 byte integer * 7 --- [7] 4 byte floating point number * 8 --- [8] 8 byte floating point number Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``Converted Grid`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:convertdatastoragetype', input, type, output) See also ........ Crop to data ------------ Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Input layer`` [raster] Outputs ....... ``Cropped layer`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:croptodata', input, output) See also ........ Grid buffer ----------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Features Grid`` [raster] ``Distance`` [number] Default: *1000* ``Buffer Distance`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Fixed * 1 --- [1] Cell value Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``Buffer Grid`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:gridbuffer', features, dist, buffertype, buffer) See also ........ Grid masking ------------ Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grid`` [raster] ``Mask`` [raster] Outputs ....... ``Masked Grid`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:gridmasking', grid, mask, masked) See also ........ Grid orientation ---------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grid`` [raster] ``Method`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Copy * 1 --- [1] Flip * 2 --- [2] Mirror * 3 --- [3] Invert Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``Changed Grid`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:gridorientation', input, method, result) See also ........ Grid proximity buffer --------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Source Grid`` [raster] ``Buffer distance`` [number] Default: *500.0* ``Equidistance`` [number] Default: *100.0* Outputs ....... ``Distance Grid`` [raster] ``Allocation Grid`` [raster] ``Buffer Grid`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:gridproximitybuffer', source, dist, ival, distance, alloc, buffer) See also ........ Grid shrink/expand ------------------ Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grid`` [raster] ``Operation`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Shrink * 1 --- [1] Expand Default: *0* ``Search Mode`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Square * 1 --- [1] Circle Default: *0* ``Radius`` [number] Default: *1* ``Method`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] min * 1 --- [1] max * 2 --- [2] mean * 3 --- [3] majority Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``Result Grid`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:gridshrinkexpand', input, operation, mode, radius, method_expand, result) See also ........ Invert data/no-data ------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grid`` [raster] Outputs ....... ``Result`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:invertdatanodata', input, output) See also ........ Merge raster layers ------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grids to Merge`` [multipleinput: rasters] ``Preferred data storage type`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] 1 bit * 1 --- [1] 1 byte unsigned integer * 2 --- [2] 1 byte signed integer * 3 --- [3] 2 byte unsigned integer * 4 --- [4] 2 byte signed integer * 5 --- [5] 4 byte unsigned integer * 6 --- [6] 4 byte signed integer * 7 --- [7] 4 byte floating point * 8 --- [8] 8 byte floating point Default: *0* ``Interpolation`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Nearest Neighbor * 1 --- [1] Bilinear Interpolation * 2 --- [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation * 3 --- [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation * 4 --- [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: *0* ``Overlapping Cells`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] mean value * 1 --- [1] first value in order of grid list Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``Merged Grid`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:mergerasterlayers', grids, type, interpol, overlap, merged) See also ........ Patching -------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grid`` [raster] ``Patch Grid`` [raster] ``Interpolation Method`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Nearest Neighbor * 1 --- [1] Bilinear Interpolation * 2 --- [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation * 3 --- [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation * 4 --- [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``Completed Grid`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:patching', original, additional, interpolation, completed) See also ........ Proximity grid -------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Features`` [raster] Outputs ....... ``Distance`` [raster] ``Direction`` [raster] ``Allocation`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:proximitygrid', features, distance, direction, allocation) See also ........ Reclassify grid values ---------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grid`` [raster] ``Method`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] single * 1 --- [1] range * 2 --- [2] simple table Default: *0* ``old value (for single value change)`` [number] Default: *0.0* ``new value (for single value change)`` [number] Default: *1.0* ``operator (for single value change)`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] = * 1 --- [1] < * 2 --- [2] <= * 3 --- [3] >= * 4 --- [4] > Default: *0* ``minimum value (for range)`` [number] Default: *0.0* ``maximum value (for range)`` [number] Default: *1.0* ``new value(for range)`` [number] Default: *2.0* ``operator (for range)`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] <= * 1 --- [1] < Default: *0* ``Lookup Table`` [fixedtable] ``operator (for table)`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] min <= value < max * 1 --- [1] min <= value <= max * 2 --- [2] min < value <= max * 3 --- [3] min < value < max Default: *0* ``replace no data values`` [boolean] Default: *True* ``new value for no data values`` [number] Default: *0.0* ``replace other values`` [boolean] Default: *True* ``new value for other values`` [number] Default: *0.0* Outputs ....... ``Reclassified Grid`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:reclassifygridvalues', input, method, old, new, soperator, min, max, rnew, roperator, retab, toperator, nodataopt, nodata, otheropt, others, result) See also ........ Resampling ---------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grid`` [raster] ``Preserve Data Type`` [boolean] Default: *True* ``Target Grid`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] user defined Default: *0* ``Interpolation Method (Scale Up)`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Nearest Neighbor * 1 --- [1] Bilinear Interpolation * 2 --- [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation * 3 --- [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation * 4 --- [4] B-Spline Interpolation * 5 --- [5] Mean Value * 6 --- [6] Mean Value (cell area weighted) * 7 --- [7] Minimum Value * 8 --- [8] Maximum Value * 9 --- [9] Majority Default: *0* ``Interpolation Method (Scale Down)`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Nearest Neighbor * 1 --- [1] Bilinear Interpolation * 2 --- [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation * 3 --- [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation * 4 --- [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: *0* ``Output extent`` [extent] Default: *0,1,0,1* ``Cellsize`` [number] Default: *100.0* Outputs ....... ``Grid`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:resampling', input, keep_type, target, scale_up_method, scale_down_method, output_extent, user_size, user_grid) See also ........ Sort grid --------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Input Grid`` [raster] ``Down sort`` [boolean] Default: *True* Outputs ....... ``Sorted Grid`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:sortgrid', grid, down, output) See also ........ Split RGB bands --------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Input layer`` [raster] Outputs ....... ``Output R band layer`` [raster] ``Output G band layer`` [raster] ``Output B band layer`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:splitrgbbands', input, r, g, b) See also ........ Threshold buffer ---------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Features Grid`` [raster] ``Value Grid`` [raster] ``Threshold Grid`` [raster] Optional. ``Threshold`` [number] Default: *0.0* ``Threshold Type`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Absolute * 1 --- [1] Relative from cell value Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``Buffer Grid`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:thresholdbuffer', features, value, thresholdgrid, threshold, thresholdtype, buffer) See also ........