|updatedisclaimer| Geostatistics ============= Directional statistics for single grid -------------------------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grid`` [raster] ``Points`` [vector: any] Optional. ``Direction [Degree]`` [number] Default: *0.0* ``Tolerance [Degree]`` [number] Default: *0.0* ``Maximum Distance [Cells]`` [number] Default: *0* ``Distance Weighting`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] no distance weighting * 1 --- [1] inverse distance to a power * 2 --- [2] exponential * 3 --- [3] gaussian weighting Default: *0* ``Inverse Distance Weighting Power`` [number] Default: *1* ``Inverse Distance Offset`` [boolean] Default: *True* ``Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth`` [number] Default: *1.0* Outputs ....... ``Arithmetic Mean`` [raster] ``Difference from Arithmetic Mean`` [raster] ``Minimum`` [raster] ``Maximum`` [raster] ``Range`` [raster] ``Variance`` [raster] ``Standard Deviation`` [raster] ``Mean less Standard Deviation`` [raster] ``Mean plus Standard Deviation`` [raster] ``Deviation from Arithmetic Mean`` [raster] ``Percentile`` [raster] ``Directional Statistics for Points`` [vector] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:directionalstatisticsforsinglegrid', grid, points, direction, tolerance, maxdistance, distance_weighting_weighting, distance_weighting_idw_power, distance_weighting_idw_offset, distance_weighting_bandwidth, mean, difmean, min, max, range, var, stddev, stddevlo, stddevhi, devmean, percent, points_out) See also ........ Fast representativeness ----------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Input`` [raster] ``Level of Generalisation`` [number] Default: *16* Outputs ....... ``Output`` [raster] ``Output Lod`` [raster] ``Output Seeds`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:fastrepresentativeness', input, lod, result, result_lod, seeds) See also ........ Geographically weighted multiple regression (points/grids) ---------------------------------------------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Predictors`` [multipleinput: rasters] ``Output of Regression Parameters`` [boolean] Default: *True* ``Points`` [vector: point] ``Dependent Variable`` [tablefield: any] ``Distance Weighting`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] no distance weighting * 1 --- [1] inverse distance to a power * 2 --- [2] exponential * 3 --- [3] gaussian weighting Default: *0* ``Inverse Distance Weighting Power`` [number] Default: *1* ``Inverse Distance Offset`` [boolean] Default: *True* ``Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth`` [number] Default: *1.0* ``Search Range`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] search radius (local) * 1 --- [1] no search radius (global) Default: *0* ``Search Radius`` [number] Default: *100* ``Search Mode`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] all directions * 1 --- [1] quadrants Default: *0* ``Number of Points`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] maximum number of observations * 1 --- [1] all points Default: *0* ``Maximum Number of Observations`` [number] Default: *10* ``Minimum Number of Observations`` [number] Default: *4* Outputs ....... ``Regression`` [raster] ``Coefficient of Determination`` [raster] ``Regression Parameters`` [raster] ``Residuals`` [vector] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:geographicallyweightedmultipleregressionpointsgrids', predictors, parameters, points, dependent, distance_weighting_weighting, distance_weighting_idw_power, distance_weighting_idw_offset, distance_weighting_bandwidth, range, radius, mode, npoints, maxpoints, minpoints, regression, quality, slopes, residuals) See also ........ Geographically weighted multiple regression (points) ---------------------------------------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Points`` [vector: any] ``Dependent Variable`` [tablefield: any] ``Distance Weighting`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] no distance weighting * 1 --- [1] inverse distance to a power * 2 --- [2] exponential * 3 --- [3] gaussian weighting Default: *0* ``Inverse Distance Weighting Power`` [number] Default: *1* ``Inverse Distance Offset`` [boolean] Default: *True* ``Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth`` [number] Default: *1.0* ``Search Range`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] search radius (local) * 1 --- [1] no search radius (global) Default: *0* ``Search Radius`` [number] Default: *100* ``Search Mode`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] all directions * 1 --- [1] quadrants Default: *0* ``Number of Points`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] maximum number of observations * 1 --- [1] all points Default: *0* ``Maximum Number of Observations`` [number] Default: *10* ``Minimum Number of Observations`` [number] Default: *4* Outputs ....... ``Regression`` [vector] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:geographicallyweightedmultipleregressionpoints', points, dependent, distance_weighting_weighting, distance_weighting_idw_power, distance_weighting_idw_offset, distance_weighting_bandwidth, range, radius, mode, npoints, maxpoints, minpoints, regression) See also ........ Geographically weighted multiple regression ------------------------------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Points`` [vector: point] ``Dependent Variable`` [tablefield: any] ``Target Grids`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] user defined Default: *0* ``Distance Weighting`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] no distance weighting * 1 --- [1] inverse distance to a power * 2 --- [2] exponential * 3 --- [3] gaussian weighting Default: *0* ``Inverse Distance Weighting Power`` [number] Default: *1* ``Inverse Distance Offset`` [boolean] Default: *True* ``Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth`` [number] Default: *1* ``Search Range`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] search radius (local) * 1 --- [1] no search radius (global) Default: *0* ``Search Radius`` [number] Default: *100* ``Search Mode`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] all directions * 1 --- [1] quadrants Default: *0* ``Number of Points`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] maximum number of observations * 1 --- [1] all points Default: *0* ``Maximum Number of Observations`` [number] Default: *10* ``Minimum Number of Observations`` [number] Default: *4* ``Output extent`` [extent] Default: *0,1,0,1* ``Cellsize`` [number] Default: *100.0* Outputs ....... ``Quality`` [raster] ``Intercept`` [raster] ``Quality`` [raster] ``Intercept`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:geographicallyweightedmultipleregression', points, dependent, target, distance_weighting_weighting, distance_weighting_idw_power, distance_weighting_idw_offset, distance_weighting_bandwidth, range, radius, mode, npoints, maxpoints, minpoints, output_extent, user_size, user_quality, user_intercept, grid_quality, grid_intercept) See also ........ Geographically weighted regression (points/grid) ------------------------------------------------ Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Predictor`` [raster] ``Points`` [vector: point] ``Dependent Variable`` [tablefield: any] ``Distance Weighting`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] no distance weighting * 1 --- [1] inverse distance to a power * 2 --- [2] exponential * 3 --- [3] gaussian weighting Default: *0* ``Inverse Distance Weighting Power`` [number] Default: *1* ``Inverse Distance Offset`` [boolean] Default: *True* ``Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth`` [number] Default: *1.0* ``Search Range`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] search radius (local) * 1 --- [1] no search radius (global) Default: *0* ``Search Radius`` [number] Default: *0* ``Search Mode`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] all directions * 1 --- [1] quadrants Default: *0* ``Number of Points`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] maximum number of observations * 1 --- [1] all points Default: *0* ``Maximum Number of Observations`` [number] Default: *10* ``Minimum Number of Observations`` [number] Default: *4* Outputs ....... ``Regression`` [raster] ``Coefficient of Determination`` [raster] ``Intercept`` [raster] ``Slope`` [raster] ``Residuals`` [vector] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:geographicallyweightedregressionpointsgrid', predictor, points, dependent, distance_weighting_weighting, distance_weighting_idw_power, distance_weighting_idw_offset, distance_weighting_bandwidth, range, radius, mode, npoints, maxpoints, minpoints, regression, quality, intercept, slope, residuals) See also ........ Geographically weighted regression ---------------------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Points`` [vector: point] ``Dependent Variable`` [tablefield: any] ``Predictor`` [tablefield: any] ``Target Grids`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] user defined Default: *0* ``Distance Weighting`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] no distance weighting * 1 --- [1] inverse distance to a power * 2 --- [2] exponential * 3 --- [3] gaussian weighting Default: *0* ``Inverse Distance Weighting Power`` [number] Default: *0* ``Inverse Distance Offset`` [boolean] Default: *True* ``Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth`` [number] Default: *0.0* ``Search Range`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] search radius (local) * 1 --- [1] no search radius (global) Default: *0* ``Search Radius`` [number] Default: *100* ``Search Mode`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] all directions * 1 --- [1] quadrants Default: *0* ``Number of Points`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] maximum number of observations * 1 --- [1] all points Default: *0* ``Maximum Number of Observations`` [number] Default: *10* ``Minimum Number of Observations`` [number] Default: *4* ``Output extent`` [extent] Default: *0,1,0,1* ``Cellsize`` [number] Default: *100.0* Outputs ....... ``Grid`` [raster] ``Quality`` [raster] ``Intercept`` [raster] ``Slope`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:geographicallyweightedregression', points, dependent, predictor, target, distance_weighting_weighting, distance_weighting_idw_power, distance_weighting_idw_offset, distance_weighting_bandwidth, range, radius, mode, npoints, maxpoints, minpoints, output_extent, user_size, user_grid, user_quality, user_intercept, user_slope) See also ........ Global moran's i for grids -------------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grid`` [raster] ``Case of contiguity`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Rook * 1 --- [1] Queen Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``Result`` [table] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:globalmoransiforgrids', grid, contiguity, result) See also ........ Minimum distance analysis ------------------------- Description ........... Performs a complete distance analysis of a point layer: * minimum distance of points * maximum distance of points * average distance of all the points * standard deviation of the distance * duplicated points Parameters .......... ``Points`` [vector: point] Layer to analyze. Outputs ....... ``Minimum Distance Analysis`` [table] The resulting table. Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:minimumdistanceanalysis', points, table) See also ........ Multi-band variation -------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grids`` [multipleinput: rasters] ``Radius [Cells]`` [number] Default: *1* ``Distance Weighting`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] no distance weighting * 1 --- [1] inverse distance to a power * 2 --- [2] exponential * 3 --- [3] gaussian weighting Default: *0* ``Inverse Distance Weighting Power`` [number] Default: *1* ``Inverse Distance Offset`` [boolean] Default: *True* ``Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth`` [number] Default: *1.0* Outputs ....... ``Mean Distance`` [raster] ``Standard Deviation`` [raster] ``Distance`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:multibandvariation', bands, radius, distance_weighting_weighting, distance_weighting_idw_power, distance_weighting_idw_offset, distance_weighting_bandwidth, mean, stddev, diff) See also ........ Multiple regression analysis (grid/grids) ----------------------------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Dependent`` [raster] ``Grids`` [multipleinput: rasters] ``Grid Interpolation`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Nearest Neighbor * 1 --- [1] Bilinear Interpolation * 2 --- [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation * 3 --- [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation * 4 --- [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: *0* ``Include X Coordinate`` [boolean] Default: *True* ``Include Y Coordinate`` [boolean] Default: *True* ``Method`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] include all * 1 --- [1] forward * 2 --- [2] backward * 3 --- [3] stepwise Default: *0* ``P in`` [number] Default: *5* ``P out`` [number] Default: *5* Outputs ....... ``Regression`` [raster] ``Residuals`` [raster] ``Details: Coefficients`` [table] ``Details: Model`` [table] ``Details: Steps`` [table] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:multipleregressionanalysisgridgrids', dependent, grids, interpol, coord_x, coord_y, method, p_in, p_out, regression, residuals, info_coeff, info_model, info_steps) See also ........ Multiple regression analysis (points/grids) ------------------------------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grids`` [multipleinput: rasters] ``Shapes`` [vector: any] ``Attribute`` [tablefield: any] ``Grid Interpolation`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Nearest Neighbor * 1 --- [1] Bilinear Interpolation * 2 --- [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation * 3 --- [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation * 4 --- [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: *0* ``Include X Coordinate`` [boolean] Default: *True* ``Include Y Coordinate`` [boolean] Default: *True* ``Method`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] include all * 1 --- [1] forward * 2 --- [2] backward * 3 --- [3] stepwise Default: *0* ``P in`` [number] Default: *5* ``P out`` [number] Default: *5* Outputs ....... ``Details: Coefficients`` [table] ``Details: Model`` [table] ``Details: Steps`` [table] ``Residuals`` [vector] ``Regression`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:multipleregressionanalysispointsgrids', grids, shapes, attribute, interpol, coord_x, coord_y, method, p_in, p_out, info_coeff, info_model, info_steps, residuals, regression) See also ........ Polynomial regression --------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Points`` [vector: any] ``Attribute`` [tablefield: any] ``Polynom`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] simple planar surface * 1 --- [1] bi-linear saddle * 2 --- [2] quadratic surface * 3 --- [3] cubic surface * 4 --- [4] user defined Default: *0* ``Maximum X Order`` [number] Default: *4* ``Maximum Y Order`` [number] Default: *4* ``Maximum Total Order`` [number] Default: *4* ``Trend Surface`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] user defined Default: *0* ``Output extent`` [extent] Default: *0,1,0,1* ``Cellsize`` [number] Default: *100.0* Outputs ....... ``Residuals`` [vector] ``Grid`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:polynomialregression', points, attribute, polynom, xorder, yorder, torder, target, output_extent, user_size, residuals, user_grid) See also ........ Radius of variance (grid) ------------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grid`` [raster] ``Standard Deviation`` [number] Default: *1.0* ``Maximum Search Radius (cells)`` [number] Default: *20* ``Type of Output`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Cells * 1 --- [1] Map Units Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``Variance Radius`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:radiusofvariancegrid', input, variance, radius, output, result) See also ........ Regression analysis ------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grid`` [raster] ``Shapes`` [vector: any] ``Attribute`` [tablefield: any] ``Grid Interpolation`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Nearest Neighbor * 1 --- [1] Bilinear Interpolation * 2 --- [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation * 3 --- [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation * 4 --- [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: *0* ``Regression Function`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] Y = a + b * X (linear) * 1 --- [1] Y = a + b / X * 2 --- [2] Y = a / (b - X) * 3 --- [3] Y = a * X^b (power) * 4 --- [4] Y = a e^(b * X) (exponential) * 5 --- [5] Y = a + b * ln(X) (logarithmic) Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``Regression`` [raster] ``Residuals`` [vector] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:regressionanalysis', grid, shapes, attribute, interpol, method, regression, residual) See also ........ Representativeness ------------------ Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grid`` [raster] ``Radius (Cells)`` [number] Default: *10* ``Exponent`` [number] Default: *1* Outputs ....... ``Representativeness`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:representativeness', input, radius, exponent, result) See also ........ Residual analysis ----------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grid`` [raster] ``Radius (Cells)`` [number] Default: *7* ``Distance Weighting`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- [0] no distance weighting * 1 --- [1] inverse distance to a power * 2 --- [2] exponential * 3 --- [3] gaussian weighting Default: *0* ``Inverse Distance Weighting Power`` [number] Default: *1* ``Inverse Distance Offset`` [boolean] Default: *True* ``Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth`` [number] Default: *1.0* Outputs ....... ``Mean Value`` [raster] ``Difference from Mean Value`` [raster] ``Standard Deviation`` [raster] ``Value Range`` [raster] ``Minimum Value`` [raster] ``Maximum Value`` [raster] ``Deviation from Mean Value`` [raster] ``Percentile`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:residualanalysis', grid, radius, distance_weighting_weighting, distance_weighting_idw_power, distance_weighting_idw_offset, distance_weighting_bandwidth, mean, diff, stddev, range, min, max, devmean, percent) See also ........ Spatial point pattern analysis ------------------------------ Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Points`` [vector: point] ``Vertex Distance [Degree]`` [number] Default: *5* Outputs ....... ``Mean Centre`` [vector] ``Standard Distance`` [vector] ``Bounding Box`` [vector] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:spatialpointpatternanalysis', points, step, centre, stddist, bbox) See also ........ Statistics for grids -------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Grids`` [multipleinput: rasters] Outputs ....... ``Arithmetic Mean`` [raster] ``Minimum`` [raster] ``Maximum`` [raster] ``Variance`` [raster] ``Standard Deviation`` [raster] ``Mean less Standard Deviation`` [raster] ``Mean plus Standard Deviation`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:statisticsforgrids', grids, mean, min, max, var, stddev, stddevlo, stddevhi) See also ........ Variogram cloud --------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Points`` [vector: point] ``Attribute`` [tablefield: any] ``Maximum Distance`` [number] Default: *0.0* ``Skip Number`` [number] Default: *1* Outputs ....... ``Variogram Cloud`` [table] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:variogramcloud', points, field, distmax, nskip, result) See also ........ Variogram surface ----------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Points`` [vector: point] ``Attribute`` [tablefield: any] ``Number of Distance Classes`` [number] Default: *10* ``Skip Number`` [number] Default: *1* Outputs ....... ``Number of Pairs`` [raster] ``Variogram Surface`` [raster] ``Covariance Surface`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:variogramsurface', points, field, distcount, nskip, count, variance, covariance) See also ........ Zonal grid statistics --------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Zone Grid`` [raster] ``Categorial Grids`` [multipleinput: rasters] Optional. ``Grids to analyse`` [multipleinput: rasters] Optional. ``Aspect`` [raster] Optional. ``Short Field Names`` [boolean] Default: *True* Outputs ....... ``Zonal Statistics`` [table] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('saga:zonalgridstatistics', zones, catlist, statlist, aspect, shortnames, outtab) See also ........