|updatedisclaimer| Image manipulation ================== ColorMapping (continuous) ------------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Input Image`` [raster] ``Available RAM (Mb)`` [number] Default: *128* ``Operation`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- labeltocolor Default: *0* ``Color mapping method`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- continuous Default: *0* ``Look-up tables`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- red * 1 --- green * 2 --- blue * 3 --- grey * 4 --- hot * 5 --- cool * 6 --- spring * 7 --- summer * 8 --- autumn * 9 --- winter * 10 --- copper * 11 --- jet * 12 --- hsv * 13 --- overunder * 14 --- relief Default: *0* ``Mapping range lower value`` [number] Default: *0* ``Mapping range higher value`` [number] Default: *255* Outputs ....... ``Output Image`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('otb:colormappingcontinuous', -in, -ram, -op, -method, -method.continuous.lut, -method.continuous.min, -method.continuous.max, -out) See also ........ ColorMapping (custom) --------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Input Image`` [raster] ``Available RAM (Mb)`` [number] Default: *128* ``Operation`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- labeltocolor Default: *0* ``Color mapping method`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- custom Default: *0* ``Look-up table file`` [file] Outputs ....... ``Output Image`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('otb:colormappingcustom', -in, -ram, -op, -method, -method.custom.lut, -out) See also ........ ColorMapping (image) -------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Input Image`` [raster] ``Available RAM (Mb)`` [number] Default: *128* ``Operation`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- labeltocolor Default: *0* ``Color mapping method`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- image Default: *0* ``Support Image`` [raster] ``NoData value`` [number] Default: *0* ``lower quantile`` [number] Default: *2* ``upper quantile`` [number] Default: *2* Outputs ....... ``Output Image`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('otb:colormappingimage', -in, -ram, -op, -method, -method.image.in, -method.image.nodatavalue, -method.image.low, -method.image.up, -out) See also ........ ColorMapping (optimal) ---------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Input Image`` [raster] ``Available RAM (Mb)`` [number] Default: *128* ``Operation`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- labeltocolor Default: *0* ``Color mapping method`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- optimal Default: *0* ``Background label`` [number] Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``Output Image`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('otb:colormappingoptimal', -in, -ram, -op, -method, -method.optimal.background, -out) See also ........ ExtractROI (fit) ---------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Input Image`` [raster] ``Available RAM (Mb)`` [number] Default: *128* ``Extraction mode`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- fit Default: *0* ``Reference image`` [raster] ``Default elevation`` [number] Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``Output Image`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('otb:extractroifit', -in, -ram, -mode, -mode.fit.ref, -mode.fit.elev.default, -out) See also ........ ExtractROI (standard) --------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Input Image`` [raster] ``Available RAM (Mb)`` [number] Default: *128* ``Extraction mode`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- standard Default: *0* ``Start X`` [number] Default: *0* ``Start Y`` [number] Default: *0* ``Size X`` [number] Default: *0* ``Size Y`` [number] Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``Output Image`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('otb:extractroistandard', -in, -ram, -mode, -startx, -starty, -sizex, -sizey, -out) See also ........ Images Concatenation -------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Input images list`` [multipleinput: rasters] ``Available RAM (Mb)`` [number] Default: *128* Outputs ....... ``Output Image`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('otb:imagesconcatenation', -il, -ram, -out) See also ........ Image Tile Fusion ----------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Input Tile Images`` [multipleinput: rasters] ``Number of tile columns`` [number] Default: *0* ``Number of tile rows`` [number] Default: *0* Outputs ....... ``Output Image`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('otb:imagetilefusion', -il, -cols, -rows, -out) See also ........ Read image information ---------------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Input Image`` [raster] ``Display the OSSIM keywordlist`` [boolean] Default: *True* ``GCPs Id`` [string] Default: *None* ``GCPs Info`` [string] Default: *None* ``GCPs Image Coordinates`` [string] Default: *None* ``GCPs Geographic Coordinates`` [string] Default: *None* Outputs ....... Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('otb:readimageinformation', -in, -keywordlist, -gcp.ids, -gcp.info, -gcp.imcoord, -gcp.geocoord) See also ........ Rescale Image ------------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Input Image`` [raster] ``Available RAM (Mb)`` [number] Default: *128* ``Output min value`` [number] Default: *0* ``Output max value`` [number] Default: *255* Outputs ....... ``Output Image`` [raster] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('otb:rescaleimage', -in, -ram, -outmin, -outmax, -out) See also ........ Split Image ----------- Description ........... Parameters .......... ``Input Image`` [raster] ``Available RAM (Mb)`` [number] Default: *128* Outputs ....... ``Output Image`` [file] Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('otb:splitimage', -in, -ram, -out) See also ........