|updatedisclaimer| OGR geoprocessing ================= Clip vectors by extent ---------------------- Description ........... Clips any OGR-supported vector file to a given extent. The algorithm is derived from the `ogr2ogr utility `_ . Parameters .......... ``Input layer`` [vector: any] Input vector layer. ``Clip extent`` [extent] Defines the bounding box that should be used for the output vector file. It has to be defined in target CRS units. Default: *0,1,0,1* ``Additional creation Options`` [string] Optional. Default: *(not set)* Outputs ....... ``Output layer`` [vector] Output vector layer. Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('gdalogr:clipvectorsbyextent', input_layer, clip_extent, options, output_layer) See also ........ Clip vectors by polygon ----------------------- Description ........... Clips any OGR-supported vector layer by a polygon. The algorithm is derived from the `ogr2ogr utility `_ . Parameters .......... ``Input layer`` [vector: any] Input vector layer. ``Clip layer`` [vector: polygon] Layer to be used as clipping extent for the input vector layer. ``Additional creation Options`` [string] Optional. Default: *(not set)* Outputs ....... ``Output layer`` [vector] Output vector layer. By default this is an ESRI Shapefile. Console usage ............. :: processing.runalg('gdalogr:clipvectorsbypolygon', input_layer, clip_layer, options, output_layer) See also ........