|updatedisclaimer| .. comment out this Section (by putting '|updatedisclaimer|' on top) if file is not uptodate with release .. _ftools: fTools Plugin ============= The goal of the fTools Python plugin is to provide a one-stop resource for many common vector-based GIS tasks, without the need for additional software, libraries, or complex work-arounds. It provides a growing suite of spatial data management and analysis functions that are both fast and functional. fTools is now automatically installed and enabled in new versions of |qg|, and as with all plugins, it can be disabled and enabled using the Plugin Manager (see :ref:`managing_plugins`). When enabled, the fTools plugin adds a :menuselection:`Vector` menu to |qg|, providing functions ranging from Analysis and Research Tools to Geometry and Geoprocessing Tools, as well as several useful Data Management Tools. .. _`ftools_function`: .. index:: single:Analysis tools .. _table_ftools_1: Analysis tools .............. +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | **Icon** | **Tool** | **Purpose** | +=====================+=================+======================================+ | |matrix| | Distance matrix | Measure distances between two point | | | | layers, and output results as a) | | | | Square distance matrix, b) Linear | | | | distance matrix, or c) Summary of | | | | distances. Can limit distances to | | | | the k nearest features. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |sum_lines| | Sum line length | Calculate the total sum of line | | | | lengths for each polygon of a polygon| | | | vector layer. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |sum_points| | Points in | Count the number of points that occur| | | polygon | in each polygon of an input polygon | | | | vector layer. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |unique| | List unique | List all unique values in an input | | | values | vector layer field. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |basic_statistics| | Basic statistics| Compute basic statistics (mean, std | | | | dev, N, sum, CV) on an input field. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |neighbor| | Nearest | Compute nearest neighbor statistics | | | neighbor | to assess the level of clustering in | | | analysis | a point vector layer. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |mean| | Mean | Compute either the normal or | | | coordinate(s) | weighted mean center of an entire | | | | vector layer, or multiple features | | | | based on a unique ID field. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |intersections| | Line | Locate intersections between lines, | | | intersections | and output results as a point | | | | shapefile. Useful for locating road | | | | or stream intersections, ignores | | | | line intersections with length > 0. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ Table Ftools 1: fTools Analysis tools .. index:: single:Research tools Research tools .............. +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | **Icon** | **Tool** | **Purpose** | +=====================+=================+======================================+ | |random_selection| | Random selection| Randomly select n number of features,| | | | or n percentage of features. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |sub_selection| | Random selection| Randomly select features within | | | within subsets | subsets based on a unique ID field. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |random_points| | Random points | Generate pseudo-random points over a | | | | given input layer. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |regular_points| | Regular points | Generate a regular grid of points | | | | over a specified region and export | | | | them as a point shapefile. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |vector_grid| | Vector grid | Generate a line or polygon grid | | | | based on user-specified grid spacing.| +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |select_location| | Select by | Select features based on their | | | location | location relative to another layer | | | | to form a new selection, or add or | | | | subtract from the current selection. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |layer_extent| | Polygon from | Create a single rectangular | | | layer extent | polygon layer from the extent of an | | | | input raster or vector layer. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ Table Ftools 2: fTools Research tools Geoprocessing tools ................... +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | **Icon** | **Tool** | **Purpose** | +=====================+=================+======================================+ | |convex_hull| | Convex hull(s) | Create minimum convex hull(s) for an | | | | input layer, or based on an ID field.| +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |buffer| | Buffer(s) | Create buffer(s) around features | | | | based on distance, or distance field.| +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |intersect| | Intersect | Overlay layers such that output | | | | contains areas where both layers | | | | intersect. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |union| | Union | Overlay layers such that output | | | | contains intersecting and | | | | non-intersecting areas. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |sym_difference| | Symmetrical | Overlay layers such that output | | | difference | contains those areas of the input | | | | and difference layers that do not | | | | intersect. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |clip| | Clip | Overlay layers such that output | | | | contains areas that intersect the | | | | clip layer. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |difference| | Difference | Overlay layers such that output | | | | contains areas not intersecting the | | | | clip layer. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |dissolve| | Dissolve | Merge features based on input field. | | | | All features with identical input | | | | values are combined to form one | | | | single feature. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |eliminate| | Eliminate sliver| Merges selected features with the | | | polygons | neighbouring polygon with the | | | | largest area or largest common | | | | boundary. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ Table Ftools 3: fTools Geoprocessing tools Geometry tools .............. +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | **Icon** | **Tool** | **Purpose** | +=====================+=================+======================================+ | |check_geometry| | Check geometry | Check polygons for intersections, | | | validity | closed holes, and fix node ordering. | | | | You can choose the engine used by the| | | | in the options dialog, digitizing tab| | | | Change the Validate geometries value.| | | | There is two engines: QGIS and GEOS | | | | which have pretty different | | | | behaviour. Another tools exists which| | | | shows different result as well: | | | | Topology Checker plugin and 'must not| | | | have invalid geometries' rule. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |export_geometry| | Export/Add | Add vector layer geometry info to | | | geometry columns| point (XCOORD, YCOORD), line | | | | (LENGTH), or polygon (AREA, | | | | PERIMETER) layer. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |centroids| | Polygon | Calculate the true centroids for | | | centroids | each polygon in an input polygon | | | | layer. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |delaunay| | Delaunay | Calculate and output (as polygons) | | | triangulation | the Delaunay triangulation of an | | | | input point vector layer. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | | Voronoi polygons| Calculate Voronoi polygons of an | | | | input point vector layer. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |simplify| | Simplify | Generalize lines or polygons with a | | | geometry | modified Douglas-Peucker algorithm. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | | Densify | Densify lines or polygons by adding | | | geometry | vertices. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |multi_to_single| | Multipart to | Convert multipart features to | | | singleparts | multiple singlepart features. | | | | Creates simple polygons and lines. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |single_to_multi| | Singleparts to | Merge multiple features to a single | | | multipart | multipart feature based on a unique | | | | ID field. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |to_lines| | Polygons to | Convert polygons to lines, multipart | | | lines | polygons to multiple singlepart | | | | lines. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |to_lines| | Lines to | Convert lines to polygons, multipart | | | polygons | lines to multiple singlepart | | | | polygons. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |extract_nodes| | Extract nodes | Extract nodes from line and polygon | | | | layers and output them as points. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ Table Ftools 4: fTools Geometry tools .. note:: The *Simplify geometry* tool can be used to remove duplicate nodes in line and polygon geometries. Just set the *Simplify tolerance* parameter to 0 and this will do the trick. .. _table_ftools_5: Data management tools ..................... +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | **Icon** | **Tool** | **Purpose** | +=====================+=================+======================================+ | |define_projection| | Define current | Specify the CRS for shapefiles whose | | | projection | CRS has not been defined. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |join_location| | Join attributes | Join additional attributes to vector | | | by location | layer based on spatial relationship. | | | | Attributes from one vector layer are | | | | appended to the attribute table of | | | | another layer and exported as a | | | | shapefile. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |split_layer| | Split vector | Split input layer into multiple | | | layer | separate layers based on input field.| +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | |merge_shapes| | Merge shapefiles| Merge several shapefiles within a | | | to one | folder into a new shapefile based on | | | | the layer type (point, line, area). | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | | Create spatial | Create a spatial index for OGR- | | | index | supported formats. | +---------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ Table Ftools 5: fTools Data management tools