|updatedisclaimer| .. comment out this Section (by putting '|updatedisclaimer|' on top) if file is not uptodate with release .. _coordcapt: Coordinate Capture Plugin ========================= The coordinate capture plugin is easy to use and provides the ability to display coordinates on the map canvas for two selected coordinate reference systems (CRS). .. _figure_coordinate_capture_1: .. only:: html **Figure Coordinate Capture 1:** .. figure:: /static/user_manual/plugins/coordinate_capture_dialog.png :align: center Coordinate Capture Plugin |nix| #. Start |qg|, select |mActionOptions| :guilabel:`Project Properties` from the :guilabel:`Settings` (KDE, Windows) or :guilabel:`File` (Gnome, OSX) menu and click on the :guilabel:`Projection` tab. As an alternative, you can also click on the |mIconProjectionEnabled| :sup:`CRS status` icon in the lower right-hand corner of the status bar. #. Click on the |checkbox| `Enable on the fly projection` checkbox and select a projected coordinate system of your choice (see also :ref:`label_projections`). #. Activate the coordinate capture plugin in the Plugin Manager (see :ref:`managing_plugins`) and ensure that the dialog is visible by going to :menuselection:`View --> Panels` and ensuring that |checkbox| :guilabel:`Coordinate Capture` is enabled. The coordinate capture dialog appears as shown in Figure figure_coordinate_capture_1_. Alternatively, you can also go to :menuselection:`Vector --> Coordinate Capture` and see if |checkbox| :guilabel:`Coordinate Capture` is enabled. #. Click on the |geographic| :sup:`Click to the select the CRS to use for coordinate display` icon and select a different CRS from the one you selected above. #. To start capturing coordinates, click on **[Start capture]**. You can now click anywhere on the map canvas and the plugin will show the coordinates for both of your selected CRS. #. To enable mouse coordinate tracking, click the |tracking| :sup:`mouse tracking` icon. #. You can also copy selected coordinates to the clipboard.