|updatedisclaimer| .. :index:: single:core plugins .. _core_plugins: ----------------------- Using |qg| Core Plugins ----------------------- \ \ \ ====================== ======================== ====================================================== =============================== Icon Plugin Description Manual Reference ====================== ======================== ====================================================== =============================== \ Accuracy Assessment Generate an error matrix `accuracy` \ CadTools Perform CAD-like functions in QGIS `cadtools` |coordinate_capture| Coordinate Capture Capture mouse coordinate in different CRS :ref:`coordcapt` |icon_dbmanager| DB Manager Manage your databases within |qg| :ref:`dbmanager` |dxf2shp_converter| DXF2Shape Converter Converts from DXF to SHP file format :ref:`dxf2shape` |event_id| eVis Event Visualization Tool :ref:`evis` |ftools| fTools A suite of vector tools :ref:`ftools` |gps_importer| GPS Tools Tools for loading and importing GPS data :ref:`plugin_gps` |grass| GRASS GRASS functionality :ref:`sec_grass` |raster-info| GDAL Tools GDAL raster functionality :ref:`label_plugingdaltools` |mGeorefRun| Georeferencer GDAL Georeference rasters with GDAL :ref:`georef` |heatmap| Heatmap Create heatmap rasters from input vector points :ref:`heatmap_plugin` |interpolation| Interpolation plugin Interpolation on base of vertices of a vector layer :ref:`interpol` |offline_editing_copy| Offline Editing Offline editing and synchronizing with database :ref:`offlinedit` |oracle_raster| Oracle Spatial Georaster Access Oracle Spatial GeoRasters :ref:`oracle_raster` |plugin_installer| Plugin Manager Manage core and external plugins :ref:`managing_plugins` |raster_terrain| Raster Terrain Analysis Compute geomorphological features from DEMs :ref:`rasterrain` |roadgraph| Road Graph plugin Shortest path analysis :ref:`roadgraph` |icon_sqlanywhere| SQL Anywhere plugin Access SQL anywhere DB :ref:`sqlanywhere` |spatialquery| Spatial Query Spatial queries on vectors :ref:`spatial_query` |spiticon| SPIT Shapefile to PostgreSQL/PostGIS Import Tool :ref:`label_spit` |raster-stats| Zonal Statistics Calculate raster statistics for vector polygons :ref:`zonal_statistics` |metasearch| MetaSearch Interact with metadata catalogue services (CSW) :ref:`metasearch` ====================== ======================== ====================================================== ===============================