Here are the things we will cover in this course: * What is python? * Hello world * Program logic * Whitespace in python * Declaring variables * Expressions * Loops * if..then..else * Declaring Functions * Documenting functions * Python datatypes (dynamically typed, strongly typed) * String, int, float * Dictionaries * Lists * Tubles * String formatting * List comprehensions * Introspection * Optional and named arguments * type, str, dir * getattr * lambda functions * __doc__ * Objects * Module imports * Import search paths * Defining classes * Class initialisation (constructors) * self * Class instantiation * Garbage collection * Instance Variables (class members) * Method overloading (not supported) * Class attributes (static class variables) * Private functions (to module) * Private class methods (to class) * Private attributes (to class) * Exceptions * try...except * try...except...else * try...except...finally * File IO * reading text files * writing text files * file path manipulation (os module) * splitting paths * directory listings / globbing