QGIS API Documentation 3.43.0-Master (3ee7834ace6)
This is the complete list of members for QgsAuthCertUtils, including all inherited members.
AnyOrUnspecifiedUsage enum value | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
CaCertSource enum name | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
casFromFile(const QString &certspath) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
casMerge(const QList< QSslCertificate > &bundle1, const QList< QSslCertificate > &bundle2) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
casRemoveSelfSigned(const QList< QSslCertificate > &caList) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
CertAuthorityUsage enum value | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
certFromFile(const QString &certpath) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
certificateIsAuthority(const QSslCertificate &cert) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
certificateIsAuthorityOrIssuer(const QSslCertificate &cert) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
certificateIsIssuer(const QSslCertificate &cert) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
certificateIsSslClient(const QSslCertificate &cert) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
certificateIsSslServer(const QSslCertificate &cert) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
certificateUsageTypes(const QSslCertificate &cert) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
certificateUsageTypeString(QgsAuthCertUtils::CertUsageType usagetype) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
certIsCurrent(const QSslCertificate &cert) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
CertIssuerUsage enum value | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
certIsViable(const QSslCertificate &cert) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
certKeyBundleToPem(const QString &certpath, const QString &keypath, const QString &keypass=QString(), bool reencrypt=true) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
certsFromFile(const QString &certspath) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
certsFromString(const QString &pemtext) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
certsGroupedByOrg(const QList< QSslCertificate > &certs) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
certsToPemText(const QList< QSslCertificate > &certs) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
CertTrustPolicy enum name | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
CertUsageType enum name | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
certViabilityErrors(const QSslCertificate &cert) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
CodeSigningUsage enum value | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
Connection enum value | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
ConstraintGroup enum name | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
CRLSigningUsage enum value | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
DefaultTrust enum value | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
EmailProtectionUsage enum value | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
ExtendedKeyUsage enum value | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
fileData(const QString &path) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
FromFile enum value | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
getCaSourceName(QgsAuthCertUtils::CaCertSource source, bool single=false) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
getCertDistinguishedName(const QSslCertificate &qcert, const QCA::Certificate &acert=QCA::Certificate(), bool issuer=false) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
getCertTrustName(QgsAuthCertUtils::CertTrustPolicy trust) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
getColonDelimited(const QString &txt) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
getSslProtocolName(QSsl::SslProtocol protocol) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
InDatabase enum value | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
keyFromFile(const QString &keypath, const QString &keypass=QString(), QString *algtype=nullptr) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
KeyUsage enum value | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
mapDigestToCerts(const QList< QSslCertificate > &certs) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
mapDigestToSslConfigs(const QList< QgsAuthConfigSslServer > &configs) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
NoPolicy enum value | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
pemIsPkcs8(const QString &keyPemTxt) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
pemTextToTempFile(const QString &name, const QByteArray &pemtext) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
pkcs12BundleCas(const QString &bundlepath, const QString &bundlepass=QString()) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
pkcs12BundleToPem(const QString &bundlepath, const QString &bundlepass=QString(), bool reencrypt=true) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
qcaKeyBundle(const QString &path, const QString &pass) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
qcaKnownConstraint(QCA::ConstraintTypeKnown constraint) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
qcaSignatureAlgorithm(QCA::SignatureAlgorithm algorithm) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
qcaValidityMessage(QCA::Validity validity) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
qtCertsToQcaCollection(const QList< QSslCertificate > &certs) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
qtCertToQcaCert(const QSslCertificate &cert) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
resolvedCertName(const QSslCertificate &cert, bool issuer=false) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
shaHexForCert(const QSslCertificate &cert, bool formatted=false) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
sslConfigsGroupedByOrg(const QList< QgsAuthConfigSslServer > &configs) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
sslErrorEnumString(QSslError::SslError errenum) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
sslErrorEnumStrings() | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
SystemRoot enum value | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
TimeStampingUsage enum value | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
TlsClientUsage enum value | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
TlsServerEvUsage enum value | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
TlsServerUsage enum value | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
Trusted enum value | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
UndeterminedUsage enum value | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
Untrusted enum value | QgsAuthCertUtils | |
validateCertChain(const QList< QSslCertificate > &certificateChain, const QString &hostName=QString(), bool trustRootCa=false) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |
validatePKIBundle(QgsPkiBundle &bundle, bool useIntermediates=true, bool trustRootCa=false) | QgsAuthCertUtils | static |