QGIS API Documentation  3.2.0-Bonn (bc43194)
3D library

The 3D library is build on top of the CORE library and Qt 3D framework. More...


class  Qgs3DMapScene
 3 Entity that encapsulates our 3D scene - contains all other entities (such as terrain) as children. More...
class  Qgs3DMapSettings
 3 Definition of the world More...
class  Qgs3DUtils
 3 Miscellaneous utility functions used from 3D code. More...
class  QgsAABB
 3 Axis-aligned bounding box - in world coords. More...
class  QgsAbstract3DSymbol
 3 Abstract base class for 3D symbols that are used by VectorLayer3DRenderer objects. More...
class  QgsCameraController
 3 Object that controls camera movement based on user input More...
class  QgsDemTerrainGenerator
 3 Implementation of terrain generator that uses a raster layer with DEM to build terrain. More...
class  QgsFlatTerrainGenerator
 3 Terrain generator that creates a simple square flat area. More...
class  QgsLine3DSymbol
 3 3D symbol that draws linestring geometries as planar polygons (created from lines using a buffer with given thickness). More...
class  QgsPhongMaterialSettings
 3 Basic shading material used for rendering based on the Phong shading model with three color components: ambient, diffuse and specular. More...
class  QgsPoint3DSymbol
 3 3D symbol that draws point geometries as 3D objects using one of the predefined shapes. More...
class  QgsPolygon3DSymbol
 3 3D symbol that draws polygon geometries as planar polygons, optionally extruded (with added walls). More...
class  QgsTerrainGenerator
 3 Base class for generators of terrain. More...
class  QgsTessellatedPolygonGeometry
 3 Class derived from Qt3DRender::QGeometry that represents polygons tessellated into 3D geometry. More...
class  QgsTessellator
 3 Class that takes care of tessellation of polygons into triangles. More...
class  QgsTilingScheme
 3 The class encapsulates tiling scheme (just like with WMTS / TMS / XYZ layers). More...
class  QgsVector3D
 3 Class for storage of 3D vectors similar to QVector3D, with the difference that it uses double precision instead of single precision floating point numbers. More...
class  QuantizedMeshGeometry
 3 Stores vertex and index buffer for one tile of quantized mesh terrain. More...
class  QuantizedMeshTerrainGenerator
 3 Terrain generator using downloaded terrain tiles using quantized mesh specification More...

Detailed Description

The 3D library is build on top of the CORE library and Qt 3D framework.

It adds support for display of GIS data in 3D scenes.