QGIS API Documentation
3.16.0-Hannover (43b64b13f3)
This is the complete list of members for QgsVectorTileLayer, including all inherited members.
abstract() const | QgsMapLayer | inline |
accept(QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface *visitor) const | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
Actions enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
AllStyleCategories enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
appendError(const QgsErrorMessage &error) | QgsMapLayer | inlineprotected |
AttributeTable enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
attribution() const | QgsMapLayer | inline |
attributionUrl() const | QgsMapLayer | inline |
autoRefreshInterval | QgsMapLayer | |
autoRefreshInterval() const | QgsMapLayer | |
autoRefreshIntervalChanged(int interval) | QgsMapLayer | signal |
beforeResolveReferences(QgsProject *project) | QgsMapLayer | signal |
blendMode() const | QgsMapLayer | |
blendModeChanged(QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode) | QgsMapLayer | signal |
clone() const override | QgsVectorTileLayer | virtual |
QgsMapLayer::clone(QgsMapLayer *layer) const | QgsMapLayer | protected |
configChanged() | QgsMapLayer | signal |
createMapRenderer(QgsRenderContext &rendererContext) override | QgsVectorTileLayer | virtual |
crs | QgsMapLayer | |
crs() const | QgsMapLayer | |
crsChanged() | QgsMapLayer | signal |
CustomProperties enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
customProperties() const | QgsMapLayer | |
customProperty(const QString &value, const QVariant &defaultValue=QVariant()) const | QgsMapLayer | |
customPropertyKeys() const | QgsMapLayer | |
dataChanged() | QgsMapLayer | signal |
dataProvider() | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
dataProvider() const | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
dataSourceChanged() | QgsMapLayer | signal |
dataUrl() const | QgsMapLayer | inline |
dataUrlFormat() const | QgsMapLayer | inline |
decodedSource(const QString &source, const QString &provider, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const FINAL | QgsVectorTileLayer | virtual |
dependencies() const | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
dependenciesChanged() | QgsMapLayer | signal |
Diagrams enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
emitStyleChanged() | QgsMapLayer | slot |
encodedSource(const QString &source, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const FINAL | QgsVectorTileLayer | virtual |
error() const | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
exportNamedMetadata(QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMsg) const | QgsMapLayer | |
exportNamedStyle(QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMsg, const QgsReadWriteContext &context=QgsReadWriteContext(), QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories=QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories) const | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
exportSldStyle(QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMsg) const | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
extensionPropertyType(PropertyType type) | QgsMapLayer | static |
extent() const | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
Fields enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
FlagDontResolveLayers enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
flags() const | QgsMapLayer | |
flagsChanged() | QgsMapLayer | signal |
FlagTrustLayerMetadata enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
formatLayerName(const QString &name) | QgsMapLayer | static |
Forms enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
generateId(const QString &layerName) | QgsMapLayer | static |
GeometryOptions enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
getRawTile(QgsTileXYZ tileID) | QgsVectorTileLayer | |
hasAutoRefreshEnabled() const | QgsMapLayer | |
hasDependencyCycle(const QSet< QgsMapLayerDependency > &) const | QgsMapLayer | inlineprotected |
hasScaleBasedVisibility() const | QgsMapLayer | |
htmlMetadata() const override | QgsVectorTileLayer | virtual |
id() const | QgsMapLayer | |
Identifiable enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
importNamedMetadata(QDomDocument &document, QString &errorMessage) | QgsMapLayer | |
importNamedStyle(QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMsg, QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories=QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories) | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
isEditable() const | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
isInScaleRange(double scale) const | QgsMapLayer | |
isRefreshOnNotifyEnabled() const | QgsMapLayer | inline |
isSpatial() const | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
isTemporary() const | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
isTileBorderRenderingEnabled() const | QgsVectorTileLayer | inline |
isValid | QgsMapLayer | |
isValid() const | QgsMapLayer | |
isValidChanged() | QgsMapLayer | signal |
keywordList() const | QgsMapLayer | inline |
Labeling enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
labeling() const | QgsVectorTileLayer | |
LayerConfiguration enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
LayerFlag enum name | QgsMapLayer | |
legend() const | QgsMapLayer | |
Legend enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
legendChanged() | QgsMapLayer | signal |
legendUrl() const | QgsMapLayer | inline |
legendUrlFormat() const | QgsMapLayer | inline |
loadDefaultMetadata(bool &resultFlag) override | QgsVectorTileLayer | virtual |
loadDefaultStyle(bool &resultFlag) override | QgsVectorTileLayer | virtual |
loadDefaultStyle(QString &error, QStringList &warnings) | QgsVectorTileLayer | |
loadNamedMetadata(const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag) | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
loadNamedMetadataFromDatabase(const QString &db, const QString &uri, QString &qmd) | QgsMapLayer | |
loadNamedStyle(const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag, QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories=QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories) | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
loadNamedStyleFromDatabase(const QString &db, const QString &uri, QString &qml) | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
loadSldStyle(const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag) | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
mAbstract | QgsMapLayer | protected |
MapTips enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
mAttribution | QgsMapLayer | protected |
mAttributionUrl | QgsMapLayer | protected |
maximumScale() const | QgsMapLayer | |
mDataSource | QgsMapLayer | protected |
mDataUrl | QgsMapLayer | protected |
mDataUrlFormat | QgsMapLayer | protected |
mDependencies | QgsMapLayer | protected |
mError | QgsMapLayer | protected |
metadata | QgsMapLayer | |
metadata() const | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
Metadata enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
metadataChanged() | QgsMapLayer | signal |
metadataUri() const | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
metadataUrl() const | QgsMapLayer | inline |
metadataUrlFormat() const | QgsMapLayer | inline |
metadataUrlType() const | QgsMapLayer | inline |
mExtent | QgsMapLayer | mutableprotected |
minimumScale() const | QgsMapLayer | |
mIsRefreshOnNofifyEnabled | QgsMapLayer | protected |
mKeywordList | QgsMapLayer | protected |
mLayerName | QgsMapLayer | protected |
mLegendUrl | QgsMapLayer | protected |
mLegendUrlFormat | QgsMapLayer | protected |
mMetadataUrl | QgsMapLayer | protected |
mMetadataUrlFormat | QgsMapLayer | protected |
mMetadataUrlType | QgsMapLayer | protected |
mProviderKey | QgsMapLayer | protected |
mReadFlags | QgsMapLayer | protected |
mRefreshOnNofifyMessage | QgsMapLayer | protected |
mShortName | QgsMapLayer | protected |
mShouldValidateCrs | QgsMapLayer | protected |
mTitle | QgsMapLayer | protected |
mValid | QgsMapLayer | protected |
name | QgsMapLayer | |
name() const | QgsMapLayer | |
nameChanged() | QgsMapLayer | signal |
operator=(QgsMapLayer const &)=delete | QgsMapLayer | |
originalXmlProperties() const | QgsMapLayer | |
PropertyType enum name | QgsMapLayer | |
providerType() const | QgsMapLayer | |
publicSource() const | QgsMapLayer | |
QgsMapLayer(QgsMapLayerType type=QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer, const QString &name=QString(), const QString &source=QString()) | QgsMapLayer | |
QgsMapLayer(QgsMapLayer const &)=delete | QgsMapLayer | |
QgsVectorTileLayer(const QString &path=QString(), const QString &baseName=QString()) | QgsVectorTileLayer | explicit |
readCommonStyle(const QDomElement &layerElement, const QgsReadWriteContext &context, StyleCategories categories=AllStyleCategories) | QgsMapLayer | protected |
readCustomProperties(const QDomNode &layerNode, const QString &keyStartsWith=QString()) | QgsMapLayer | protected |
ReadFlag enum name | QgsMapLayer | |
readLayerXml(const QDomElement &layerElement, QgsReadWriteContext &context, QgsMapLayer::ReadFlags flags=QgsMapLayer::ReadFlags()) | QgsMapLayer | |
readOnly() const | QgsMapLayer | inline |
readSld(const QDomNode &node, QString &errorMessage) | QgsMapLayer | inlinevirtual |
readStyle(const QDomNode &node, QString &errorMessage, QgsReadWriteContext &context, StyleCategories categories=AllStyleCategories) | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
readStyleManager(const QDomNode &layerNode) | QgsMapLayer | protected |
readSymbology(const QDomNode &node, QString &errorMessage, QgsReadWriteContext &context, StyleCategories categories=AllStyleCategories) override | QgsVectorTileLayer | virtual |
readXml(const QDomNode &layerNode, QgsReadWriteContext &context) override | QgsVectorTileLayer | virtual |
recalculateExtents() const | QgsMapLayer | signal |
refreshOnNotifyMessage() const | QgsMapLayer | inline |
Relations enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
reload() | QgsMapLayer | inlinevirtual |
Removable enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
removeCustomProperty(const QString &key) | QgsMapLayer | |
renderer() const | QgsVectorTileLayer | |
renderer3D() const | QgsMapLayer | |
renderer3DChanged() | QgsMapLayer | signal |
rendererChanged() | QgsMapLayer | signal |
Rendering enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
repaintRequested(bool deferredUpdate=false) | QgsMapLayer | signal |
resolveReferences(QgsProject *project) | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
saveDefaultMetadata(bool &resultFlag) | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
saveDefaultStyle(bool &resultFlag) | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
saveNamedMetadata(const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag) | QgsMapLayer | |
saveNamedStyle(const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag, StyleCategories categories=AllStyleCategories) | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
saveSldStyle(const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag) const | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
Searchable enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
setAbstract(const QString &abstract) | QgsMapLayer | inline |
setAttribution(const QString &attrib) | QgsMapLayer | inline |
setAttributionUrl(const QString &attribUrl) | QgsMapLayer | inline |
setAutoRefreshEnabled(bool enabled) | QgsMapLayer | |
setAutoRefreshInterval(int interval) | QgsMapLayer | |
setBlendMode(QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode) | QgsMapLayer | |
setCrs(const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &srs, bool emitSignal=true) | QgsMapLayer | |
setCustomProperties(const QgsObjectCustomProperties &properties) | QgsMapLayer | |
setCustomProperty(const QString &key, const QVariant &value) | QgsMapLayer | |
setDataSource(const QString &dataSource, const QString &baseName, const QString &provider, const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions &options, bool loadDefaultStyleFlag=false) | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
setDataUrl(const QString &dataUrl) | QgsMapLayer | inline |
setDataUrlFormat(const QString &dataUrlFormat) | QgsMapLayer | inline |
setDependencies(const QSet< QgsMapLayerDependency > &layers) | QgsMapLayer | virtualslot |
setError(const QgsError &error) | QgsMapLayer | inlineprotected |
setExtent(const QgsRectangle &rect) | QgsMapLayer | protectedvirtual |
setFlags(QgsMapLayer::LayerFlags flags) | QgsMapLayer | |
setKeywordList(const QString &keywords) | QgsMapLayer | inline |
setLabeling(QgsVectorTileLabeling *labeling) | QgsVectorTileLayer | |
setLayerOrder(const QStringList &layers) | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
setLegend(QgsMapLayerLegend *legend) | QgsMapLayer | |
setLegendUrl(const QString &legendUrl) | QgsMapLayer | inline |
setLegendUrlFormat(const QString &legendUrlFormat) | QgsMapLayer | inline |
setMaximumScale(double scale) | QgsMapLayer | slot |
setMetadata(const QgsLayerMetadata &metadata) | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
setMetadataUrl(const QString &metaUrl) | QgsMapLayer | inline |
setMetadataUrlFormat(const QString &metaUrlFormat) | QgsMapLayer | inline |
setMetadataUrlType(const QString &metaUrlType) | QgsMapLayer | inline |
setMinimumScale(double scale) | QgsMapLayer | slot |
setName(const QString &name) | QgsMapLayer | |
setOriginalXmlProperties(const QString &originalXmlProperties) | QgsMapLayer | |
setProviderType(const QString &providerType) | QgsMapLayer | protected |
setRefreshOnNofifyMessage(const QString &message) | QgsMapLayer | inlineslot |
setRefreshOnNotifyEnabled(bool enabled) | QgsMapLayer | slot |
setRenderer(QgsVectorTileRenderer *r) | QgsVectorTileLayer | |
setRenderer3D(QgsAbstract3DRenderer *renderer) | QgsMapLayer | |
setScaleBasedVisibility(bool enabled) | QgsMapLayer | slot |
setShortName(const QString &shortName) | QgsMapLayer | inline |
setSubLayerVisibility(const QString &name, bool visible) | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
setTileBorderRenderingEnabled(bool enabled) | QgsVectorTileLayer | inline |
setTitle(const QString &title) | QgsMapLayer | inline |
setTransformContext(const QgsCoordinateTransformContext &transformContext) override | QgsVectorTileLayer | virtual |
setValid(bool valid) | QgsMapLayer | protected |
shortName() const | QgsMapLayer | |
source() const | QgsMapLayer | |
sourceMaxZoom() const | QgsVectorTileLayer | inline |
sourceMinZoom() const | QgsVectorTileLayer | inline |
sourcePath() const | QgsVectorTileLayer | inline |
sourceType() const | QgsVectorTileLayer | inline |
statusChanged(const QString &status) | QgsMapLayer | signal |
Style enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
StyleCategory enum name | QgsMapLayer | |
styleChanged() | QgsMapLayer | signal |
styleLoaded(QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories) | QgsMapLayer | signal |
styleManager() const | QgsMapLayer | |
styleURI() const | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
subLayers() const | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
Symbology enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
Symbology3D enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
Temporal enum value | QgsMapLayer | |
temporalProperties() | QgsMapLayer | inlinevirtual |
timestamp() const | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
title() const | QgsMapLayer | inline |
transformContext() const | QgsMapLayer | |
triggerRepaint(bool deferredUpdate=false) | QgsMapLayer | slot |
type | QgsMapLayer | |
type() const | QgsMapLayer | |
undoStack() | QgsMapLayer | |
undoStackStyles() | QgsMapLayer | |
willBeDeleted() | QgsMapLayer | signal |
writeCommonStyle(QDomElement &layerElement, QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context, StyleCategories categories=AllStyleCategories) const | QgsMapLayer | protected |
writeCustomProperties(QDomNode &layerNode, QDomDocument &doc) const | QgsMapLayer | protected |
writeLayerXml(QDomElement &layerElement, QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const | QgsMapLayer | |
writeStyle(QDomNode &node, QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMessage, const QgsReadWriteContext &context, StyleCategories categories=AllStyleCategories) const | QgsMapLayer | virtual |
writeStyleManager(QDomNode &layerNode, QDomDocument &doc) const | QgsMapLayer | protected |
writeSymbology(QDomNode &node, QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMessage, const QgsReadWriteContext &context, StyleCategories categories=AllStyleCategories) const override | QgsVectorTileLayer | virtual |
writeXml(QDomNode &layerNode, QDomDocument &doc, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const override | QgsVectorTileLayer | virtual |
~QgsMapLayer() override | QgsMapLayer | |
~QgsVectorTileLayer() override | QgsVectorTileLayer |