QGIS API Documentation
2.18.21-Las Palmas (9fba24a)
This is the complete list of members for QgsGeometryUtils, including all inherited members.
adjacentVertices(const QgsAbstractGeometryV2 &geom, QgsVertexId atVertex, QgsVertexId &beforeVertex, QgsVertexId &afterVertex) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
angleOnCircle(double angle, double angle1, double angle2, double angle3) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
averageAngle(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
averageAngle(double a1, double a2) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
ccwAngle(double dy, double dx) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
circleAngleBetween(double angle, double angle1, double angle2, bool clockwise) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
circleCenterRadius(const QgsPointV2 &pt1, const QgsPointV2 &pt2, const QgsPointV2 &pt3, double &radius, double ¢erX, double ¢erY) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
circleClockwise(double angle1, double angle2, double angle3) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
circleLength(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
circleTangentDirection(const QgsPointV2 &tangentPoint, const QgsPointV2 &cp1, const QgsPointV2 &cp2, const QgsPointV2 &cp3) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
closestSegmentFromComponents(T &container, componentType ctype, const QgsPointV2 &pt, QgsPointV2 &segmentPt, QgsVertexId &vertexAfter, bool *leftOf, double epsilon) | QgsGeometryUtils | inlinestatic |
closestVertex(const QgsAbstractGeometryV2 &geom, const QgsPointV2 &pt, QgsVertexId &id) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
componentType enum name | QgsGeometryUtils | |
distanceToVertex(const QgsAbstractGeometryV2 &geom, const QgsVertexId &id) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
extractLineStrings(const QgsAbstractGeometryV2 *geom) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
getSelfIntersections(const QgsAbstractGeometryV2 *geom, int part, int ring, double tolerance) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
leftOfLine(double x, double y, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
lineAngle(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
lineIntersection(const QgsPointV2 &p1, QgsVector v, const QgsPointV2 &q1, QgsVector w, QgsPointV2 &inter) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
linePerpendicularAngle(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
normalizedAngle(double angle) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
PART enum value | QgsGeometryUtils | |
pointOnLineWithDistance(const QgsPointV2 &startPoint, const QgsPointV2 &directionPoint, double distance) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
pointsFromWKT(const QString &wktCoordinateList, bool is3D, bool isMeasure) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
pointsToGML2(const QgsPointSequenceV2 &points, QDomDocument &doc, int precision, const QString &ns) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
pointsToGML3(const QgsPointSequenceV2 &points, QDomDocument &doc, int precision, const QString &ns, bool is3D) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
pointsToJSON(const QgsPointSequenceV2 &points, int precision) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
pointsToWKB(QgsWkbPtr &wkb, const QgsPointSequenceV2 &points, bool is3D, bool isMeasure) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
pointsToWKT(const QgsPointSequenceV2 &points, int precision, bool is3D, bool isMeasure) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
projPointOnSegment(const QgsPointV2 &p, const QgsPointV2 &s1, const QgsPointV2 &s2) | QgsGeometryUtils | inlinestatic |
RING enum value | QgsGeometryUtils | |
segmentIntersection(const QgsPointV2 &p1, const QgsPointV2 &p2, const QgsPointV2 &q1, const QgsPointV2 &q2, QgsPointV2 &inter, double tolerance) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
segmentMidPoint(const QgsPointV2 &p1, const QgsPointV2 &p2, QgsPointV2 &result, double radius, const QgsPointV2 &mousePos) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
sqrDistance2D(const QgsPointV2 &pt1, const QgsPointV2 &pt2) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
sqrDistToLine(double ptX, double ptY, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double &minDistX, double &minDistY, double epsilon) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
sweepAngle(double centerX, double centerY, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
VERTEX enum value | QgsGeometryUtils | |
verticesAtDistance(const QgsAbstractGeometryV2 &geometry, double distance, QgsVertexId &previousVertex, QgsVertexId &nextVertex) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
wktGetChildBlocks(const QString &wkt, const QString &defaultType="") | QgsGeometryUtils | static |
wktReadBlock(const QString &wkt) | QgsGeometryUtils | static |